Impunity 1959

After such an extended break from blogging, you will be deeply disappointed that I restart with something as mundane and trivial as Jeremy Clarkson. I have defended the man in the past, because I much enjoy Top Gear and consider that much of what he has been criticised for in the past had been an amusing winding-up of the po-faced of the kind I employ myself. But nasty, indeed vicious bullying of a subordinate should always be a sacking offence.

That did not ought to be the question, though. He hit someone and they had to go to hospital. Where are the police? They are incredibly fond of sweeping up scores of teenagers for thought crime, but here we have an actual violent assault that spills blood, and it seems completely out of the question the perpetrator is brought to account. Why is that? I had a personal experience a couple of years ago when I was very mildly hurt – less than young Oisin – in an assault, and the police insisted on arresting the perpetrator despite my repeated requests to them not to do so. They told me rather firmly that the idea that it is the victim who has a say in pressing charges, is a myth. Why was Clarkson not arrested?

I cannot in my mind dissociate this from the non-arrest of Jimmy Savile for his crimes, despite their being well-known and reported at the time. That seems to link in to the wider paedophilia scandal, and the question of why no action was taken even in the most blatant of cases when there was compelling evidence, such as that of the extremely nasty Greville Janner MP.

But then I think still more widely as to why, for example, Jack Straw has not been charged with the crime of misfeasance in public office after boasting of using his position to obtain “under the radar” changes in regulations to benefit commercial clients, in exchange for cash. I wonder why a large number of people did not go to jail for the HSBC tax avoidance schemes or the LIBOR rigging scandal, which involved long term dishonest manipulation by hundreds of very highly paid bankers.

At the top of the tree is of course the question of why Blair has not been charged for the crime of waging illegal war. The Chilcot Inquiry heard evidence that every single one of the FCO’s elite team of Legal Advisers believed that the invasion of Iraq was an illegal war of aggression. Yet now the media disparage as nutters those who say Blair should be charged.

Then I think of all the poor and desperate people who get jailed for stealing comparatively miniscule amounts in benefit fraud, or the boy who was jailed for stealing a bottle of water in the London riots.

The conclusion is that we do not have a system of justice in this country at all. We have a system where the wealthy and governing classes and those associated with them enjoy almost absolute impunity, broken in only the rarest of cases. At the same time those at the bottom of the pile are kicked hard to keep them there. There is no more chance of justice against those in power in the UK than there is of the killers of Nemtsov being brought to book in Russia.

But what has really scared me is this thought. This situation has been like this my entire life: and I have reached the age of 56 before I realised it. A very great many people have still not realised it at all.

What does not scare me is this. I realise that if the system of justice is completely corrupted, then there is no obligation on me to follow the laws of the state. In fact it would be wrong of me to do so. I must seek my ethical compass elsewhere than in the corrupt power structure which weighs so hard upon the people.

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1,959 thoughts on “Impunity

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  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    re “Pegida”

    “The far right wing group which has affiliations with the SNP,…”


    I wasn’t aware of that, Republicofscotland. What’s your source?

  • fred

    “There’s no way I’d spend so much of my own time scrutinising a political party so thanks for doing the hard work for me, Fred. You’ve won me over. I’m voting SNP.”

    Oh dear, not happy if someone presents an alternative view on this blog are we? Just want SNP lies and propaganda churned out here in vast amounts every afternoon.

    Interesting letter in the Peeblesshire News.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Tomorrow in Glasgow’s George Square,at least 1500 people are expected to turn out as well in defiance of Pegdia.”

    Not quite sure why you’re saying “in defiance of”, Republicofscotland.

    Using that expression gives the expression that either Pegida is the public authority or the forces of law and order and has banned the counter-demonstration (which is of course not the case)or that the Pegida demonstration is one which is reckoned will be violent and threatening (which is not likely to be the case either).

    You should put some effort into tightening up your thought processes and language, RoS. By so doing you will enhance the influence of your posts.

    In this instance, you have have said something like “at least 1500 people are expected to turn out as well to demonstrate against Pegdia.”

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Fred : “Oh dear, not happy if someone presents an alternative view on this blog are we?”

    Read my comment again, Fred. I’m more than happy, I’m delighted. Seriously, you’re doing the SNP a big favour.

  • fred

    “Read my comment again, Fred. I’m more than happy, I’m delighted. Seriously, you’re doing the SNP a big favour.”

    Well if you’re happy and I’m happy what’s your problem?

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Fred : “Interesting letter in the Peeblesshire News.”

    You’re right, Fred – very interesting.

    In the letter you linked to, the writer, Keith Howell, is keen to point out that his views are those of just an ordinary chap with no axe to grind. It turns out he’s such an ordinary chap that he published an anti-independence leaflet during the referendum which he signed “ordinary man.” He has also had an anti-SNP letter published in Scotland on Sunday and has a “British Together” Facebook page and was very prominent in the Better Together campaign, just like other ordinary people.

    Even his 76 directorships are ordinary. Here’s some of them ……..

    Former Appointments
    Company Role Appointed Status
    ALEXANDER MORRISON LIMITED Director 18 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    ARRAYJET LIMITED Director 15 Feb 2001 Resigned (8 Apr 2004) Details
    AWG LAND INVESTMENTS LIMITED Director 31 May 1996 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    AWG PROPERTY LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    AWG RESIDENTIAL LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    AWG SHELF 11 LIMITED Director 7 Mar 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    CHESTER (1995) LIMITED Director 28 Aug 1997 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    CXR BIOSCIENCES LIMITED Director 24 Dec 2001 Resigned (16 Sep 2004) Details
    HWT LIMITED Director 28 Sep 1998 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    INTERNATIONAL WATER U.U. (HIGHLAND) LIMITED Director 20 Nov 1996 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORCO 2 LIMITED Director 3 Aug 1999 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON (OLDCO) LIMITED Director 21 Feb 1997 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON BIGGS WALL LIMITED Director 20 Jun 1992 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON CASPIAN LIMITED Director 22 May 1997 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Director 17 Sep 1997 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON FACILITIES SERVICES LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON HOLDINGS LIMITED Director 25 Jun 1992 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Director 20 Mar 1997 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON LEMA HOMES LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON RAIL LIMITED Director 12 Aug 1999 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON SHAND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Director 27 Nov 1992 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    MORRISON VENTURES LIMITED Director 3 Jun 1991 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    SHAND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Director 21 Jun 1992 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details
    TURNING POINT SCOTLAND Director 21 Jun 2000 Resigned (16 Sep 2006)
    VALUETYPE LIMITED Director 16 Nov 1992 Resigned (3 Feb 2000) Details

    Thanks again, Fred, for reminding us of the duplicitous tactics of the unionist campaign.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Fred : “Well if you’re happy and I’m happy what’s your problem?”

    No problem, Fred. Pay attention. I keep telling you how happy I am with your endorsement of the SNP.

  • Dreoilin

    “Surprised to see you let the word “intelligence” get within a hundred yards of the name “Macky”, Dreoilin.”

    I was being sarcastic, Habbabkuk.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    It appears Mr Tsipras didn’t do too well at the “mini-summit” in the margins of the European Council yesterday and today.

    Show-down time next week both within SYRIZA and between SYRIZA and its expectant electors!

    Watch this space.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Fred : “Alex Salmond’s book is getting some good reviews I see.”

    The day the Daily Telegraph doesn’t slag off Salmond, I’ll know he’s sold out. Thanks once again for the comforting reassurance.

  • Republicofscotland

    Spring is definitely in the air,and to add to it, its the beginning of Nowruz,all across the Middle East.

    For those who are uninniated Nowruz,is the onset of Spring,an ancient celebration of mother nature,linked to Zoroastrianism,one of the oldest,if not the oldest,monothestic religion in the world.

    Though certain Islamic governments around the world try to,stifle and smother the ancient celebration,of the onset of spring,the tradition remains alive,and well.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Apparently Heather E. Cole (US Captain) has been sacked for refusing to fire nuclear missiles at Russia. If true this shows just how much on the brink we are. Heather E. Cole (US Captain) has been sacked for refusing to fire nuclear missiles at Russia. If true this shows just how much on the brink we are.

    Mr Goss is cunning.

    His link claims that the US was going to start WW3 by attacking Russia with nuclear weapons but the attack was aborted because an Army officer refused to transmit the attack codes (and was arrested for so refusing).

    Never mind that, if the story were true (which of course it isn’t), another officer would simply have replaced the arrested officer, transmitted the required codes and WW3 would have started.

    But even Mr Goss seems to have has a doubt – hence his cunning “If true..”.

    So Mr Goss spreads a story which if true would not redound to the credit of the US and immediately covers himself by saying the story may not be true.

    WTF is Mr Goss hoping to achieve with posts like that?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    WW3 will as little break out over Ukraine as it broke out over Syria a couple of years ago.

    It will be recalled that various commenters on this blog were announcing the imminent outbreak of WW3 over Syria.

    To spare their blushes I shall be magnanimous and not name them.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Spring may be in the air, my friend, but judging from the gloomy nature of your posts you personally are still in the depths of winter.

    Why not do us and the blog a favour and hibernate over till next Spring?


  • Republicofscotland

    Yes Node, hundreds,of people queued for hours to meet Mr Salmond,at the St Enochs centre,in Glasgow.

    The book,called “The Dream Shall Never Die” appears to be selling well,and why not.

    I suppose a musical could be written,and composed about Mr Salmonds life and political career,somewhat along the lines of Les Miserables.

    So long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine with human fatality; so long as the three problems of the age—the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of women by starvation.

    And the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night—are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless.

    Victor Hugo.

    No doubt Hugo witnessed social injustice,in the mid 1800’s,and it probably influenced him to changed from being a royalist, to passionately supporting republicanism.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    …. and anyway, Fred, Paddy Ashdown calling someone else “smug” …..

  • lysias

    The Navy Times story does say this much:

    “”The relief was due to deficiencies in her performance that were identified in the findings of the investigation,” Groeneveld said. The deficiencies had nothing to do with TF-124’s Strategic Nuclear Forces mission, she said, but instead were “cultural issues” within the wing itself.”

    Whatever that may mean.

  • lysias

    If the story about her being fired because of a refusal to obey orders to launch a nuclear attack were true, they obviously would not admit it.

    The U.S. military has certainly been known to lie.

  • lysias

    China to lend Venezuela $10 bln in coming months -source:

    (Reuters) – China will lend Venezuela around $10 billion in coming months, half as part of a bilateral financing deal and the other half for the development of oil fields, a senior official at state oil company PDVSA said on Thursday.

    Fresh funds are a boon for financially squeezed Venezuela and will likely increase market confidence over the OPEC country’s ability to meet major debt payments and arbitration awards. Venezuelan bonds rose on Thursday following the news.

    Latin American Leaders Offer Support to Venezuela Over Issues with US.

  • Johnstone

    Clarkson’s a man of our age the epitome of neoliberalism
    Neoliberalism’s approach to social justice is to pick and choose those bits of the classical liberal axiom where the ethical end is the nonstop flow of wealth where wealth is given moral status since it’s the vehicle by which the ethical ends of utilitarianism are achieved. What the neoliberals have joined up utilitarianism and Smithean economics to end up with the marketised state of natural freedom that morally problematic about corruption. Those people out there signing the petition in support of him are just practicing common or garden neoliberal principles, because they can not figure out what he did wrong. Yes, Aristole described the idea Human and the model of moderation and its relationship to virtue ethics or the good feeling we get about ourselves when caring for others… humanity, like you said Jay.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    So there is at least one gentleman on here who buys into the story that the US was about to start WW3.

    Decidedly, certain fields of study do not inculcate an ability to think coolly and separate fact from wild imaginings.

    I do not of course refer to Modern Greats.

  • lysias

    If the story about her being fired because of a refusal to obey orders to launch a nuclear attack were true, they obviously would not admit it.

    The U.S. military has certainly been known to lie.

    If someone thinks that that posting implies a belief in the story that the U.S. was about to launch a nuclear attack, that person does not know how to read.

  • RobG

    Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)
    20 Mar, 2015 – 11:15 am:


    a “John Goss moment” – the condition in which an egregiously silly statement is delivered; a statement without any connection to reality made while the author is not entirely compos mentis

    a “Macky” – a sentence in which commeon sense and accuracy is in inverse proportion to its length

    a “RobG” – a promise or threat to withdraw from a blog, usually unfulfilled.”

    The only reason I’m sticking around here is to show up vile propagandists like you.

    Britain has been taken over by complete and utter scum, on all sides of the political divide.

    Let’s hear Habba yet again make excuses for child sexual abuse and murder.

    You people are total vermin; the lowest of the low. I don’t want you in my country. Feck off to another planet, please.

    You are vermin.

    You are not wanted.

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