Impunity 1959

After such an extended break from blogging, you will be deeply disappointed that I restart with something as mundane and trivial as Jeremy Clarkson. I have defended the man in the past, because I much enjoy Top Gear and consider that much of what he has been criticised for in the past had been an amusing winding-up of the po-faced of the kind I employ myself. But nasty, indeed vicious bullying of a subordinate should always be a sacking offence.

That did not ought to be the question, though. He hit someone and they had to go to hospital. Where are the police? They are incredibly fond of sweeping up scores of teenagers for thought crime, but here we have an actual violent assault that spills blood, and it seems completely out of the question the perpetrator is brought to account. Why is that? I had a personal experience a couple of years ago when I was very mildly hurt – less than young Oisin – in an assault, and the police insisted on arresting the perpetrator despite my repeated requests to them not to do so. They told me rather firmly that the idea that it is the victim who has a say in pressing charges, is a myth. Why was Clarkson not arrested?

I cannot in my mind dissociate this from the non-arrest of Jimmy Savile for his crimes, despite their being well-known and reported at the time. That seems to link in to the wider paedophilia scandal, and the question of why no action was taken even in the most blatant of cases when there was compelling evidence, such as that of the extremely nasty Greville Janner MP.

But then I think still more widely as to why, for example, Jack Straw has not been charged with the crime of misfeasance in public office after boasting of using his position to obtain “under the radar” changes in regulations to benefit commercial clients, in exchange for cash. I wonder why a large number of people did not go to jail for the HSBC tax avoidance schemes or the LIBOR rigging scandal, which involved long term dishonest manipulation by hundreds of very highly paid bankers.

At the top of the tree is of course the question of why Blair has not been charged for the crime of waging illegal war. The Chilcot Inquiry heard evidence that every single one of the FCO’s elite team of Legal Advisers believed that the invasion of Iraq was an illegal war of aggression. Yet now the media disparage as nutters those who say Blair should be charged.

Then I think of all the poor and desperate people who get jailed for stealing comparatively miniscule amounts in benefit fraud, or the boy who was jailed for stealing a bottle of water in the London riots.

The conclusion is that we do not have a system of justice in this country at all. We have a system where the wealthy and governing classes and those associated with them enjoy almost absolute impunity, broken in only the rarest of cases. At the same time those at the bottom of the pile are kicked hard to keep them there. There is no more chance of justice against those in power in the UK than there is of the killers of Nemtsov being brought to book in Russia.

But what has really scared me is this thought. This situation has been like this my entire life: and I have reached the age of 56 before I realised it. A very great many people have still not realised it at all.

What does not scare me is this. I realise that if the system of justice is completely corrupted, then there is no obligation on me to follow the laws of the state. In fact it would be wrong of me to do so. I must seek my ethical compass elsewhere than in the corrupt power structure which weighs so hard upon the people.

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1,959 thoughts on “Impunity

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  • Michael Stephenson

    When you have no faith in your own legal system why do you feel the need to cast allusions about Russia’s with the Nemtsov case? Perhaps in a few decades you might rethink that also?

  • Rehmat

    Mr. Murray …. One doesn’t need a PhD to answer your question. Tony Blair, Jeremy Clarkson and Sir Jimmy Savile are all darling of the UK’s Israel Lobby and well-known Islamophobes. If you don’t get that – just see what happened to Bishop Stephen Sizer for checking the “freedom of speech” in Britain by challenging the official story of 9/11.


    It does seem ridiculous that someone – anyone – can assault another and not have to answer some serious questions. There may have been gross provocation, it may have been a case of self defense. I tend to think not but Clarkson should have been arrested and questioned.

    I hope this is the end of his broadcasting and writing career – but I doubt it.

    On the Russia thing – well it is true the Russian justice system is rotten and has often failed to work. Convicting the innocent and not finding the guilty with alarming frequency. But Russia is far from being alone in having a corrupt and ineffective judiciary – so has the USA for example. I suspect Craig picked the Nemtsov example because it is in the news and even if it is ‘picking on’ Russia the cap does fit.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Craig, I’m still with you 100%, although this will probably be my last post in the comment section of your blog.”

    From which I assume that, job done, you have outlived your usefulness.

  • Porkfright

    One like myself notes an agenda behind most of these MSM stories and their perpetrators. Glad you chose to open this can of worms, Craig-as you fearlessly do so often. RobG-I and no doubt other “Relatively silents” enjoy your comments-keep them up on here.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Take Greece. A democratically elected governemnt with a clear strong mandate. The bankers said no.”

    Just to nuance that a little : democratically elected yes, but on a platform which SYRIZA knew in advance would be unrealisable – and, in the unlikely event that it did not know that, SYZRIZA was astonishingly naive.

    The essence of this vicious circle is: SYRIZA (most probably) knew it was selling its wares on a false prospectus but without that false prospectus it would not have won the election.

  • John Goss

    Habbabkuk, Craig, if you go to RobG’s Burgundy site you will see why he may not be posting and it is to do with him having difficulties getting connections in that part of France and losing work while he was writing his latest book.

  • Macky

    AAMVN; “I suspect Craig picked the Nemtsov example because it is in the news and even if it is ‘picking on’ Russia the cap does fit.”

    a) Perhaps you’ve not been paying close attention to Craig’s focused critical attention on all things Russian.

    b) To choose to make negative comments about a Country that is PRESENTLY being targeted by Neo-Cons, is deliberately, or inadvertently, indulging in pro-war propaganda. (Especially ironic given Craig’s recent strong anti-NATO comments, but perhaps that was just meant for the Scottish Nationalists ears.)

    c) As a whistleblower himself, it would have been more appropriate for him to highlight the injustices that whistleblowers repeatedly now face in the US;

  • nevermind

    Good to hear you survived Munich, and without a person who suggested some choice beers and who speaks the lingo fluently, hope it was fruitful.

    I shall only pop in for a few comments as the election, yes there is a hopeful Green Party, are going to get into gear now. Expect a lot of personal mudslinging and little policy.

    The current scandal of cover ups by the police and the SECURITY SERVICES, who use people’s sexual proclivities to their advantage, will be decided upon by Keith Simpson MP, as a newly appointed Privy councillor amongst others.

    It will be down to the privy council to decide on the amount of information it supplies to both inquiries, into the Met top brass and into the politicians and celeb’s who abused boys during the seventies and before. Both inquiries should get the full support of these public servants, they are not above the law when it comes to aiding and abetting crimes against the British public.

  • craig Post author


    There are people who correctly believe that state power is a terrible thing and politicians are self seeking egotists in the west, but then deludedly believe that state power is a good thing in Russia and there politicians are entirely altruistic and fluffy. My reference to Nemtsov was to make plain I am not intellectually inept in that way.

  • Phil

    “To choose to make negative comments about a Country that is PRESENTLY being targeted by Neo-Cons, is deliberately, or inadvertently, indulging in pro-war propaganda.”

    That you keep repeating this line over and over does not make it less tosh. Even with your use of capital letters.

    By insisting on defending one murderous elite just because they are being attacked by another murderous elite you simply perpetuate the rule of murderous elites.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Here (29th Dec – scroll down) is the correspondence between Craig and the FCO which is the raison d’etre of this blog, it seems to me.

    Nothing has changed, it seems safe to say. And the argument that it is preferable to navigate on the basis of one’s own moral compass than to look for justice when the interests of the elite override those of the masses, is IMO sound. As long as your moral compass points N-S….

    Nevermind, sorry, not yet. You may have to join an owners’ club to get your hands on one (and you’ll get advice on fixing it whether you want it or not!)

  • fred

    “With even more venom than Fred, Clarkson said: “How dare you attack my fucking wife. . . cunt” and thumped him one. He later tried to head-butt Morgan but was too drunk and missed.”

    Probably because Piers Morgan is as bigger cunt as you are retard.

  • Macky

    Craig; “There are people who correctly believe that state power is a terrible thing and politicians are self seeking egotists in the west”

    Spoken with the zeal of an ex-insider, but then again by your own admission, you are a very slow learner.

    Craig; “, but then deludedly believe that state power is a good thing in Russia and there politicians are entirely altruistic and fluffy. My reference to Nemtsov was to make plain I am not intellectually inept in that way.”

    That is your usual strawman defence, and is also a nasty smear; just because I don’t think sensible people should choose to criticize a Country that is presently being targeted by the US/NATO, does NOT mean I support all it faults & deficiencies; such an obvious illogical linkage, that only the mentally impaired or those clutching at strawmen arguments could advance such an irrationality.

  • Phil

    “Just to nuance that a little : democratically elected yes, but on a platform which SYRIZA knew in advance would be unrealisable – and, in the unlikely event that it did not know that, SYZRIZA was astonishingly naive.”

    Nuance? That’s not nuance. That’s outright capitualation before you’ve started.

    All challenges to power are called naive or unworkable. Your thinking would lead to no ruling class ever being challenged.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    ….I don’t think sensible people should choose to criticize a Country that is presently being targeted by the US/NATO

    You presumably have your reasons for thinking that. (Though, arguably the country being targeted by both the west and Russia at the moment is Ukraine)

    But I’ll criticise who I damn well please, actually. And extend that freedom to others.

  • John Goss

    The wise fish, after having taken a few hooks in the lip, looks to see if there is a hook on the juicy bait.

    I eschewed Craig’s Nemtsov bait. Fred took mine yet again. Thanks mate. I had a bet with myself and won. I’ve just put another bet on.

    Look for the hook Fred. The hook!

  • fred

    “I eschewed Craig’s Nemtsov bait. Fred took mine yet again. Thanks mate. I had a bet with myself and won. I’ve just put another bet on.

    Look for the hook Fred. The hook!”

    Fuck off and die nasty retard cunt.

  • Macky

    Phil; “By insisting on defending one murderous elite”

    Are you hallucinating again ? I’m trying to stop support being given to the agenda of the pro-war murderous elite, that may enable them to start a catastrophic war, and to potentially turn Russia into another Iraq/Libya type failed state, so I’m trying to save innumerable people dying in an unnecessary war, on both sides, and to save the entire Russian population suffering & becoming refuges in their own countries, which is what has happened to millions of Iraqis & Libyans; how on earth this translates into “defending one murderous elite” is too barmy for words, and reveals that your priority is for unreal juvenile & absurd abstract petty point scoring, rather than grown-up sensible debate & about the real life importance of countless human lives !

  • Clark

    Less than sixty comments down the thread and we’re well into personal abuse territory already.

    I think various people here should try some contemplative / meditative practice.

  • John Goss

    “Less than sixty comments down the thread and we’re well into personal abuse territory already.”

    Clark, you’re missing the humour. In the space of a few minutes I’ve just won a couple of bets with myself. I’m on an accumulator. Don’t spoil it for me. 🙂

  • Macky

    Ba’al; “But I’ll criticise who I damn well please, actually. And extend that freedom to others.”

    Well with that irresponsible attitude, all you are really extending to others in the freedom to potentially die in a totally unnecessary war.

    Funny how, a little while ago, despite repeated direct requests for your views on the British Empire, during a discussion on the atrocities it carried out, you were too coy to even comment, nevermind criticise !

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Well with that irresponsible attitude, all you are really extending to others in the freedom to potentially die in a totally unnecessary war.

    No, I am advocating freedom of speech. Your statement is logically disconnected.

    Funny how, a little while ago, despite repeated direct requests for your views on the British Empire, during a discussion on the atrocities it carried out, you were too coy to even comment, nevermind criticise !

    Probably didn’t see it. Was that your chum Habbabcuk? Still switched off, I’m happy to say. You? I generally ignore your obsessively and repetitively pro-Kremlin output, as it contributes nothing new. Re. the British Empire, like all empires (including the Soviet one) it did some good stuff and it did some bad stuff. Extremes of both occurred. I don’t believe in visiting the sins of the fathers on the sons, so feel no guilt about the bad stuff. And Kipling was a fine writer.

    That’s you for now.

  • Phil

    “how on earth this translates into “defending one murderous elite” is too barmy for words”

    Your constant and unrelenting attacks on anyone who dare offer the slightest criticism of Putin’s regime is what translates into “defending one murderous elite”.

  • Clark

    A collection of personal abuse from this page so far. One instance of self-denigration and two instances of retaliation are included for completeness.

    (RobG disses himself), even more venom than Fred, you have outlived your usefulness, he is acknowledging his jealousy, Nobody will miss you, secretive interloper who dares nothing and derides all on here, tosh (very mild criticism of argument, not sure this should be included), you are retard (retaliation), (accusation of) zeal, you are a very slow learner, nasty smear, illogical, mentally impaired, clutching at strawmen, irrationality, Craig’s […] bait (imputing motives), I had a bet with myself and won (admission of deliberate provocation), Look for the hook (denigration), Fuck off and die nasty retard cunt (retaliation), are you hallucinating again? Too barmy for words, your priority is for unreal juvenile & absurd abstract petty point scoring, (your) irresponsible attitude.

    Quotes of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn that seem relevant:

    “If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”

    “Thus it is that no cruelty whatsoever passes by without impact. Thus it is that we always pay dearly for chasing after what is cheap.”

    ― Both from The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956

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