Total Bollocks From MI5 353

In the last decade, now 7/7 has dropped out of this statistic, only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. Let me repeat that. In the last decade, one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. That unfortunate death was Lee Rigby.

Rigby’s tragic murder illustrated how easy it is for terrorists to commit an outrage. Two very disorganised Nigerian nutters murdered him with knives. Unfortunately, if a couple of nutters decide to go at someone on the street, they have a high chance of success.

Which is why you would have to be a lunatic actually to believe MI5’s repeated claims during the last decade that there are thousands of dedicated terrorists out there, fanatical determined and organised, but in a decade of constant effort they have succeeded in killing nobody else. There were, MI5 claim, six actual terrorist plots this year but fortunately MI5 saved all of us.

If you believe MI5’s stories, there are two possibilities. The first is that we have security services of a quite incredible efficiency, able to foil random terrorism, generally regarded as near impossible. The second is that we have thousands of dedicated terrorists of such incredible ineptitude that they can’t manage to kill anybody, even when they could choose any random undefended target in the entire UK and any method from knives to poison to hit and run to shooting to bombs, and don’t mind losing their own lives in the attempt. We have rubbish terrorists.

There is of course a third possibility – that these thousands of dedicated terrorists and these scores of foiled plots in the last decade were inventions, or at least the grossest exaggerations, by the security services. A number of fantasists have indeed been convicted and jailed. But the only, single, potential attacker in recent years who actually possessed a viable bomb was a British army soldier with a hatred of Muslims. And naturally he was not counted as nor convicted as a terrorist. Terrorists are Muslims.

The famous “liquid bomb plot”, in which it eventually transpired, unreported by mainstream media, that there were in fact no bombs and no plane tickets and the suspicious chemical found in baby bottles was Milton sterilising solution for baby bottles, is perhaps the best example.

But of course, lots of people are convicted of terrorism. Indeed law after law has stretched the definition of terrorism so far that I am almost certainly guilty of it just by publishing this blogpost. Meanwhile the Government is concentrating on bullying universities and students to ban speakers who say exactly the kind of thing I am writing here, speakers who protest against the detention and harassment of Muslims, and the continued policy of bombing Muslim countries and killing civilians.

Because there is almost no Islamic terrorism in the UK. It is virtually non-existent. It is not the true reason the corporate state wants ever more surveillance power, ever more restriction on freedom of speech and even, in universities, freedom of thought. Do not be fooled. Fight back.

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353 thoughts on “Total Bollocks From MI5

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  • Clark

    Peter Beswick, I think it’s a mistake to assume that such attacks come only from MI5 (or rather GCHQ). Craig pisses off the powerful and the corrupt in many parts of the world. Moreover, there are more than just nation states in the web-attack business; commercial and criminal parties do it too, and it’s the same with shills and trolls.

  • Clark

    Peter Beswick, ever read Spycatcher? The secret services are internally compartmentalised on a ‘need to know’ basis; agents are individually ‘indoctrinated’ case-by-case. I’m sure there are agents genuinely protecting the security of the UK population – just as there are agents attempting to derail Scottish independence and performing similar anti-democratic tax-wasting nonsense. The treasure is thoroughly mixed with the sewage, as ever.

    The problem is the secrecy and the consequent lack of accountability.

  • Peter Beswick


    No not just Mi5 but they think they are good at it so sell their “skills” to overseas controllers , all taxpayer funded coms depts of all UK Ministries have their duties.
    No Sorry don’t read books but am familiar with compartmentalism or is that compartment mentalism, you would think the trainers really don’t know gossip goes on despite the rules, I could tell you funny stories about that.
    The agents can make a lot more money than the officers especialy if they spread themselves about and learn what it is the big payers want to hear.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Thank you for confirming that you are of the Chris Spivey persuasion.”

    Ah Tarquinious Tosserous has spoken.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Do you know the well known huckster Alex Jones? Sprivey is a wanna-be AJ type. He wants to be talked about, he loves the fact that people are gullible enough to believe every word he says.

    Personally, I’m pretty sure Alex Jones is a CIA asset. He’s there to discredit any genuine undertaking by the secret services, because nobody would take his ravings seriously. Everything is a “false flag”. No amount of proof is sufficient. His followers become misinformed, deluded, and discredit themselves as genuine critics of the State, which is exactly what the CIA wants.”

    Glenn I’ve heard of Alex Jones but that’s about it,

    Alex Jones is a CIA asset careful Glenn, or your buddies on the estsblishment side will think you’ve crossed over into the fourth dimension.

    Interesting to know that you’re “pretty sure” Alex whathisname is a CIA asset.

    Just as you’re pretty sure Jones is an asset, I’m pretty sure Spivey hits more than he misses.

  • Republicofscotland

    Clarke, oh there’s no chance of your brain falling out, it’s stuck fast with “well documented corruption.”

  • Republicofscotland

    “It’s true however that there has been heavy traffic from a couple of (seeming) newbies – eg, “Peter Beswick”, “Clown Posse” and a couple of others”

    Tarquinous Tosserous, has spoken, and if TT declares the traffic is heavy then it is so.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Today I stumbled across this young man. No it is not Russell Brand. He is from a mining village near Durham. I found his video very interesting, even at the spiritual level, though I do not necessarily agree with him. He doesn’t actually say much about himself, but I was sufficiently interested to find out a little bit more about him. He does much the same as my Grandmother did 100 years ago. He is an aid worker in Africa – trying to improve life and education for some of the very poorest children in the world. I like people like that. He mentions nothing about this in this video.

    “Russell Brand EXPOSED 10 Jeremy Corbyn, Who are the Fabians?, Why the Fabians dislike Fox News…”


  • lysias

    The US journalist with whom Dr. Kelly was last in contact was Judith Miller of the New York Times. Yes, the reporter who wrote all those erroneous articles about WMDs in Iraq!

  • fedup

    The US journalist with whom Dr. Kelly was last in contact was Judith Miller of the New York Times. Yes, the reporter who wrote all those erroneous articles about WMDs in Iraq!

    Lysias how did you come by this data?

    Miller used to sleep with the whitehouse staffers and then proceed to print their “disinformation” verbatim. Why Kelly choose her? and what was his motivation?


    MI5 are probably not the spies most people have to worry about most. That would be the local council.

    That would be plus 763 other agencies! We have the best police state money can buy!

  • Clark

    Republicofscotland, 5:52 pm; there’s really no point in insulting me, unless you’d like me to think you’re a troll. Link to (or preferably summarise, since Spivey’s so long-winded and coarse) the argument that you find most convincing and (eventually) I’ll tell you what I think of it.

  • glenn

    Clark, it appears that in failing to be in awe of the Great Spivey with his word-of-god truth-telling, we’ve fallen out of favour with RoS. After all, if we’re stupid enough to believe a run-away dustcart is simply a tragic accident, and not a diabolical false-flag operation, then we’re closed-minded fools.

  • Bill Jones

    “only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack.”

    Terrorism is violence against civilians not the military who have declared war on you.

  • fedup

    “only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack.”

    Terrorism is violence against civilians not the military who have declared war on you.

    Do you contend that the “one” should be excluded from the statistics, resulting in: has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack ?

  • lysias

    David Kelly:

    On the morning of 17 July 2003, Kelly was working as usual at home in Oxfordshire. Media coverage of his public appearance two days before had led many of his friends to send him supportive emails, to which he was responding. One of the emails he sent that day was to New York Times journalist Judith Miller,[20] who had used Kelly as a source in a book on bioterrorism and to whom Kelly had mentioned “many dark actors playing games.”[21][22]

  • Paul Finnegan

    There is an organized crime family in Sheffield who frequently do assassinations, sabotage, and blackmail on contract for the upper levels of the U.K. Establishment.

    One member of this family who was frequently coerced into helping with some of thse actions, told me her uncle, a sometime agent for the U.K. and also sometimes a free-lance mercenary, decided that she was “expendable” and attached a bomb to her that she could not remove and sent her with orders to blow herself up in a crowded public place in Israel. She was able to attract the attention of the Israeli police, who got a bomb disposal expert who was able to remove the bomb without blowing her up. When she returned home to the U.K. she was punished for not obeying orders to kill herself.

    She has no idea who her psychopathic uncle was hired by to create a fake bombing incident in Israel.

    For details on this family of British terrorists, see

  • fedup

    Lysias Thanks for the link, but here it is talking about the emails Kelly sent.

    However Kelly at around 14:00 had been in contact from a public phone booth with the US. This is the phone call purportedly to an unknown US journalist.

  • Resident Dissident

    Just to dismiss all the nonsense about Lee Rigby (born Lee James McClure – July 1987) not having a birth certificate – 1 minutes research on came up with the following from the GRO birth indexes

    Lee James McClure

    Mother’s Maiden Surname:

    Date of Registration:
    Jul 1987

    Registration district:

    Inferred County:

    Volume Number:

    Page Number:

    Now if anyone wants the certificate they just give the details along with £9.25 to the GRO. On the other hand they could just carry on perpetuating their lies and fantasies.

  • Resident Dissident

    Given we are on those who lie and deceive I suppose we need to deal with this post from one of the regulars.
    First of all you might ask yourself why in the photo the man who is purported to be Yatsenyuk in Chechenya fighting the Russians in 1994/5 has the same face and glasses as Yatsenyuk today 20 years later. You might then ask a few questions about how the evidence was found – and you will find (from one of Mr Goss’s propaganda sources) that the allegations are based on ‘testimony’ obtained from two Ukrainians held incommunicado in Russian detention for over a year and now accused of involvement in the same fighting.

    You might then wish to look into the history of Alexander Bastrykin, the head of the Russian Investigation Committee, who as well as being part of the St Petersburg group close to Mr Putin does have something of a record when it comes to bending the truth in order to enforce the presidential will.

  • Peter Cramshell

    It is good to know that someone of your background is prepared to come out and tell it the way it is…the powers that be are in desperation mode now pushing the agenda forward for one world government as time works against them…how do you know a politician is lying ? His lips are moving. False flag events designed to make us believe we are surrounded by terrorists is to enable excuse for more security, increased fear and eroded freedoms. Charlie Hebdo, Boston bombing, 7/7, 9/11 all designed to perpetuate this myth…thank you for speaking out…there needs to be more like you

  • info

    Thank you for your order as detailed below.

    Birth Certificate: LEE JAMES MCCLURE

    We have been unable to process your application, please refer to the paragraph below.

    We have searched the indexes for events registered in England and Wales during the years specified (1986-1988). We have been unable to find any entry with the details you provided.

    A full refund of £9.25 has been credited to your account via Worldpay.

    If you have any questions concerning this order contact us using our online complaints form or phone +44 0300 123 1837. Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm andSaturday 9am to 4pm.

    Yours sincerely

    (sent by ‘GRO Coladmin’ [email address], that’s the General Registrar’s Office, on November 9th)

  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)

    Resident Dissident

    Thank you for your post regarding Lee Rigby’s birth certificate.

    It does rather seem as if whoever wrote on here that “attempts” to find his birth details were unsuccessful ( I forget which of the clowns it was. they all seem to blend into one), thereby implying that Lee Rigby was the “man who never was”. was talking absolute cock.

  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)


    “We have searched the indexes for events registered in England and Wales during the years specified (1986-1988). We have been unable to find any entry with the details you provided.”

    Which were the details provided by the applicant for the birth certificate?

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