BBC Bias 763

I am involved quite extensively in the making of what I believe to be a valuable independent documentary. It is based on George Ponsonby’s excellent book London Calling, and has the working title How the BBC Stole the Referendum. We have already done a few hours filming of my contribution.

The film is being directed by Alan Knight. It still requires some finance, having raised over £12,000 so far from crowd sourcing. If any readers of this blog can make a contribution, it would be gratefully received. I vouch for the good faith and commitment of the production team, though I am not in any sense connected with the management or finances.

I should like to ask for a couple of other bits of help as well. Can anybody find the BBC footage of the appalling Gavin Esler puff piece for the “Vote No Borders” PR campaign. The BBC broadcast it repeatedly on every TV news programme on 2 May 2014, but seem to have managed to erase all trace of it from the internet. It might also be useful if somebody could take a little video footage of the company nameplate of Acanchi Ltd at 24 Chiswell Street, London, EC2Y 4YX. Footage of the nameplate, the street sign and a little of the surroundings, just to visually establish it is in London. The technical quality of that little bit of video is not terrifically important.


See Gill R’s comment below. The company may be at Unit 311 Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London N1 0QH. If anyone can easily get to either address and see what they can film it would still be helpful.

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763 thoughts on “BBC Bias

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  • Ba'al Zevul

    I’ll see your Phil Boswell and raise you a ‘Lord’ Ashcroft, Fred…

    It should be remembered that Ashcroft, who has donated £8m to the Conservative Party, was ennobled in 2000, an appointment which sparked a public outcry when it emerged that the newly minted Baron was in fact a “non-dom” who also had Belizean citizenship. Through the Cabinet Office, he issued a statement that he would take up permanent residency in the UK and pay the full whack of UK income tax. Ten years later, it was revealed that he still hadn’t made good on this.

    Unionists, eh?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Malcolm Offord is a neo-con Tory agent … is all I wanted to emphasise. The rest is up to you, Giyane. Going right off-topic, I mentioned the discredited Kid’s Company head, Camila Batmangeldjh. Oliver Letwin is, like her, a functionary at the Centre for Social Justice – could it be that the astonishing and unaccounted-for sums of taxpayer’s money she collared were facilitated by this connection? Though (returning to the topic) Alan Yentob, until his recent departure, might have prevented the BBC from letting us know…

  • giyane

    Fred Bassett: Philip Boswell is working on it.

    Another cartoon one-liner. A small line drawn either side of the tail indicates a wag.

    Once you are a company as opposed to being an individual, you can do almost anything you like. You’d have to be an extremely rich private individual over and above the corporate concealment of profits to be paying tax on individual ownership of land.

    Why else do you think the BBC hides ownership of its propaganda machine to companies registered to postal addresses where nobody lives?

  • fred

    “Another cartoon one-liner.”

    Just letting the Holier than Thou Nationalists know their shit smells same as everybody else’s.

  • giyane


    Yes I see a link between Tory and Ashcroft non-legitimacy and land. But when I put up a different link between Tories and Al Qaida / Saudi no-legitimacy and land, viz theft of oil and dispossession of the Syrian people, which is today’s problem, as opposed to be a situation that has existed in Scotland for 350 years, nobody takes any notice.

    The issue of whether any of the English people objected to the slave Trade at the time, objected to the British Raj, or objected to the Opium wars in China, to take 3 random examples of UK colonial war and pillage, seems to be answered.

    The British people were dimly aware of rampant exploitation, murder, treachery and sexual exploitation being committed in their name in the colonial era, but were either too afraid or too involved in it to object. Now in the neo-colonial age, which is accompanied by a domestic neo-Victorianisation of society, the Muslim population of the UK is too involved in supporting the neo-con theft murder rape etc, and the non-Muslim population including Craig, are looking at 400 year old issues from a previous Elizabethan age rather than engaging with the present crisis.

    Muslims are entitled to believe, according to what is seen on this comment forum, that the UK population supported their government in the current Elizabethan neo-colonial age, by looking the other way.

    The UK people either create historical diversions or are actively involved in the colonial game. In 400 years time, we will be using the injustices of the USUKIS colonisation of the Middle East in 2015 to divert attention from the colonisation of an inhabited planet in another galaxy.

    As a Muslim I have my answer to the burning question about whether the UK was complicit in its government’s crimes. Yes.

    M’Lud, I have no further questions.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)

    “Excuse me boys, I am asking you a question. Mary is not here with her educated and informative comments for you to hide behind.”

    Correction: Mary did not “comment”, whether educationally and informatively or otherwise.

    95% of her “contributions” were copy-and-paste.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)

    re election fraud:

    as I have already said, the introduction of compulsory identity cards and the obligation for people’s addresses to be registered with the local authority where they reside would be helpful in the fight against electoral fraud.

    In the fight of other kinds of fraud as well for that matter.

    It should be done and I look forward to the day it will be.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)


    “As a Muslim I have my answer to the burning question about whether the UK was complicit in its government’s crimes. Yes.”

    Th above should read:

    “As a CITIZEN I have my answer to the burning question about whether the UK was complicit in its government’s crimes. Yes.”

    FFS cease trumpeting your faith in every single post of yours It is irrelevant to 95% of what you write, you are not a spokesman for the Muslim religion (whatever you consider the Muslim religion to be) and it would be good if this blog were to remain a secular vehicle. I’m sure a lot of readers share my irritation and feeling of tedium when they read you.

    So shut up, there’s a good chap (not Muslim)!

  • fwl

    I agree with Habbs suggestion above. Religion is not at its best when worn as a badge broach bracelet or brand. Its not on the sleeve and should be elusive in our hearts not on our tongue..the tao that can be told is not the tao.

    Jeremy, that book was an interesting departure for John Le Carre. He has become more outspoken in recent years. Some find him less nuanced and more preachy, but they work for me.

  • Andy

    Mary must really eat away at you Habba. In your line of work, you should keep your emotions in check, it’s a clear sign of weakness to be continually rattled by a retired woman who does nothing more than defend children and other innocents from a brutal regime that is hell bent on killing them. If they can’t kill or maim them, they attempt to drive them out by demolishing their homes then refusing to allow building materials in to repair them.
    Each of Mary’s posts, whether provided by links, cut and paste or her own views were enough to whip you into a rabid frenzy, scrambling to protect the criminal Israeli cowards that you spend so much time hero worshipping.

    The irony.

  • KingOfWelshNoir

    Bevin 1234am – Great post. Not sure I get the Tolkien reference, though, care to expand? Unless you mean the British ruling classes are the Nazgûl, which is probably a bit unfair on the Nazgûl 🙂

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Page 2? And we’re discussing each other? Must be ok to slip this in, then. From the FAC’s ongoing polite conversation with Blair re. Gaddafi:

    Throwing Colonel Gaddafi “under a bus” in Libya signalled to dictators such as Bashir Assad not to give up their chemical weapons, Tony Blair said today.

    The former Prime Minister argued it was “not great for diplomacy” that having convinced the Libyan dictator to give up his weapons of mass destruction, the UK then assisted in his removal from office…..However, he was not trying to “save Gaddafi”, but instead hoping for “evolution, not revolution” in Libya.

    Describing why he favoured that approach, Mr Blair said: “Let’s try and work for a transition because if you don’t then there’s someone who’s been your ally for a long period of time and you’re now going to throw them under a bus and that’s not in my view great for diplomacy and politics because of the message it sends elsewhere.

    Which would have been a rather good reason for not invading Iraq, come to think of it. After all, Blair had much more evidence (if he hadn’t ignored it)that Saddam had no WMD’s. Still, maybe he learned something from Iraq? Had Gaddafi been ‘our’ ally for a long period of time? Or just since Blair and BP decided he was too important to antagonise, despite his previous acts of outright hostility? Did ousting Saddam convince anyone, anyone at all, to retain chemical weapons? As I recall, Assad entered an international agreement to dismantle his capability, and it was shipped out – despite Saddam’s earlier fate and its mendaciously alleged justification.

    Oh, and Gaddafi wasn’t thrown under a bus. He was anally raped with a bayonet, by the civilised allies of Blair’s flipped policy.

  • bevin

    Macky: thank you for your link. Cohen talks sense in a world dominated by people who are irresponsible, in the sense that they are never called to account. And, in the sense that they project their juvenile sense of immortality to the planet as a whole. Those who rule us reach their positions of authority because they are untroubled by conscience or even understanding. The literal truth of Cohen’s argument is underlined by the news that the recent cutting of power lines into Crimea- an act of vandalism applauded by the US government and underwritten by Turkey- came very close to causing another Chernobyl, to go with the one that the world whistles as it passes in Fukushima.

    Andy: I am sure that the only policy towards Habbakkuk, who is clearly a troll of the lowest sort, is to ignore it. I am conscious that this is a rule that I have occasionally breached, but acting as if it did not exist is a sure way of driving it away. Or at least adopting a different persona.

    The treatment that Mary has received from this fascist, who I suspect is a freelance hasbara operative, is scandalous and has been since the troll’s first appearance.
    Anyone who respects other human beings will refuse to have anything to do with the Habba troll to whom the killing of large numbers of civilians, particularly if they be Arabs, is not just all in a days work but positively to be desired.
    We know this from the troll’s bloodthirsty apologies for the appalling massacres carried out in Gaza.
    It does Mary enviable credit that she is foremost among the targets the creatures of levantine fascism have in their sights.

  • Ruth

    One of the most important issues to be addressed in elections/referendums is for the postal votes to be counted separately from the polling station votes and the results to be published. Until then elections/referendums are at the mercy of the Establishment who can instruct the intelligence services to swap the bags each containing hundreds of postal vote slips. It might appear to many unbelievable that they would do such a thing but the our intelligence services are capable of anything.
    Until this is rectified there is basically no point in voting.

  • fedup

    Here is to Mary, and in keeping up her work;

    The bias in beebeecee is so institutionalised that any mention of zionistan is only permissible if it is to show it in a neutral light, while heaping blame on to their victims those benighted Palestinians living under the tyranny of occupation of crazed lunatics masquerading as the master race as per their zionist supremacist dogma. that is despite;

    The public opinion worldwide , including in many Western countries, is waking up to Israeli atrocities against the oppressed Palestinians, says the journalist, adding that numerous freedom-seekers throughout the world are reacting to the regime’s crimes via the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS), which is aimed at putting economic and political pressure on Tel Aviv to end the occupation of Palestinian lands.

    Nonetheless the atrocities of the zionist vigilant thugs dressed up as soldiers and armed with free weapons from the US et al, and paid for from the billions of dollars of “aid” (taxations funds for the rest of the world) money that is funneled to zionistan. Enabling these thugs carry on their killing spree

  • Ruth

    I find the response from Phil at 3.37 on 10 December very interesting. My comment a couple of minutes before his mentioned the very strong possibility of the intelligence services at the behest of the Establishment swapping the bags containing hundreds of postal vote slips.

    Phil put forward the argument that ‘its a surprise that not one person saw anything like you’ve described though isn’t it.’ What a bizarre comment. Then he went totally off tangent adding ‘Take the Oldham By-Election. UKIP (apparently) saw fraudulent postal votes and wiped up a storm.’

    In my view I’d say his comments are intended to divert from the very strong possibility of massive fraud by the Establishment to minor fraud that can frequently occur.

    Surely this is the kind of manipulation you’d expect from a GCHQ troll.

    ‘You only think somebody is being a jerk to you online. It turns out, the most sophisticated, thorough, and highly trained Internet trolls yet uncovered actually work for the British government.

    That’s according to the latest revelation provided by docs leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. According to documents published at the news site First Look, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the U.K.’s counterpart to the NSA, has an extensive disinformation program to undermine anyone on the Internet.’

  • Ruth

    At 3.37pm on October 10 Phil responded to my comment made a couple of minutes before in which I mentioned the very strong possibility of the bags containing hundreds of postal voting slips being swapped by the intelligence services at the behest of the Establishment.

    He wrote, ‘Ruth, its a surprise that not one person saw anything like you’ve described though isn’t it.’ Quite bizarre. So the intelligence services hang around till there’s somebody to see them rather than sneaking into council offices at the dead of night.

    Then he used diversionery tactics going off tangent, ‘Take the Oldham By-Election. UKIP (apparently) saw fraudulent postal votes and wiped up a storm.’

    Surely this is the kind of comment a GCHQ troll might make.

    ‘You only think somebody is being a jerk to you online. It turns out, the most sophisticated, thorough, and highly trained Internet trolls yet uncovered actually work for the British government.

    That’s according to the latest revelation provided by docs leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. According to documents published at the news site First Look, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the U.K.’s counterpart to the NSA, has an extensive disinformation program to undermine anyone on the Internet.’

  • giyane


    “the tao that can be told is not the tao”

    That’s excellent news because I wouldn’t want the tao anyway, thanks for the offer.

  • Herbie


    I noticed Phil using the old faux naive approach, presenting as alternatives the most improbable of conclusions.

    More importantly, even Craig noticed it.

    I’m sure Craig won’t mind me saying that he’s probably one of the most open and least suspicious amongst us.

  • lysias

    I was also, like Mary, the object of what I consider unreasonable moderator conduct in the Carmichael thread. Several comments of mine on page two (not page one) of that thread were deleted or put on moderation.

    For an example of one posting of mine that was put on moderation, look at my posting on 9 Dec. at 11:41 PM. It was later taken out of moderation, and so can now be read by everyone. It only concerns reasonably well documented historical facts.

    I would cut and paste it here, so that people do not have to go back to the Carmichael thread to see it, but, when I tried to do that just now at the end of the Carmichael thread, that new posting of mine that consisted only of the cut and paste was also put on moderation. That was on page three of the thread.

    Meantime, vicious attacks on the Irish by perhaps the worst offender on this forum were let stand.

    Other comments of mine were deleted, some after having been put on moderation, and some not.

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