Zionist Benn’s Grab For Power 191

Hilary Benn is very serious about his power grab and has been laying the ground for it very carefully. On 18 November BICOM – the British Israeli Communications and Research Centre – published this:

Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn told a Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) lunch yesterday that relations with Israel must be based on cooperation and rejected attempts to isolate the country.

Addressing senior party figures in Westminster, Benn praised Israel for its “progressive spirit, vibrant democracy, strong welfare state, thriving free press and independent judiciary.” He also called Israel “an economic giant, a high-tech centre, second only to the United States. A land of innovation and entrepreneurship, venture capital and graduates, private and public enterprise.”

Consequently, said Benn, “Our future relations must be built on cooperation and engagement, not isolation of Israel. We must take on those who seek to delegitimise the state of Israel or question its right to exist.”

It is worth reading the next article BICOM published. Brigadier General Michael Herzog, head of strategy for the Israeli defence Force, sets out a strategy for Israeli interests in Syria which dovetails precisely with what Benn and Cameron were pushing in the Commons. Note that Herzog says an overall diplomatic solution is not realistic and rather de facto partitioning of Syria suits Israel’s interests. Therefore there should be no waiting for diplomatic progress before western military action.

With his abandonment of any pretended concern for the slow and agonising genocide of the Palestinians, and his strident support for Trident, Benn is embracing the Israeli establishment and the British military and political establishment. In return, the Tories roared his speech to the rafters, while the media, and especially the Genie Energy linked media, are boosting him to the Labour leadership.

The United Kingdom has, temporarily, an opposition leadership which is not controlled, Zionist, neo-con and in the pocket of the arms industry. Benn has positioned himself very carefully to offer himself as the vehicle for the entire establishment to move to correct this aberration.

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191 thoughts on “Zionist Benn’s Grab For Power

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  • CanSpeccy

    Interesting, well informed post, but also discouraging. What hope, really, is there for a country where people vote for politicians the majority of whom are the avowed “friends” of a foreign power?

  • lysias

    Hammond heavily endorsed Benn? I wonder if that means he had an advance copy of what Benn was going to say.

  • fedup

    an excellent strategy for him: if he takes over from Corbyn, he’d easily be elected PM because Labour & Tory (& possibly UKIP) voters would vote for him.

    Yeah indeed an excellent strategy for Benn but a tragic strategy for the working classes in the UK, Benn is not the son of his father! I bet Tony would be spitting feathers and disowning him, if he were to be alive today!!!

    Anyone notice the ‘Nat use? while sucking up to the “pride” of the Brits (this is part of the filling the native), the Nat (as in nats’piss) is shoved in to balance things out in the minds of the supremacists master race, whose destiny evidently is tied to every other country on the planet other than the crazed lunatics who are running amok in that shitty strip of land.

    unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for some here to link Benn with Israel and therefore make his speech both a coup against Corbyn and part of a Zionist plot.

    In haste for an earner, that is as much as a tenner a day! And keeping up the ferociousness of attacks to suppress the natives, the title of the post is going unnoticed! Further keeping up the pretenses that those pernicious malignant forces in our politics do not exist and our deshamocracy is our own handy work all alone!!!

    That is then followed by the harrumph of yet another entity brought to you by the profile management software!

    Benn indeed is proof that decency, integrity, and compassion are not genetic!

  • Republicofscotland

    “Who wrote Benn’s speech?

    Campbell and Blair???

    Any takers?”


    Obama, Netanyahu, Hollande, or John McTernan.

  • Republicofscotland

    O/T but interesting the ex-footballer Stan Collymore has cancelled his Labour membership and joined the SNP, he urges other people to do the same, over the bombing of Syria.

    Y’know, I always thought he was a good footie player. Ulrika Jonsson, might have different ideas though.

  • Mick

    Or he listened to the speech Lysias? He would have just sat through it for 15 minutes, most people have the ability to hear something and react.

    As for Benn and Hammond being allowed 15 minutes for their speeches, that is normal for those winding up during HoC debates.

  • Chris Jones

    Glad to see Craig seems to be breaking through the media’s pseudo liberal brainwashing and looking at who’s really behind most of this war mongering nightgmare – Zionism. Now take a further look to see who and what is behind Zionism and the psychopathic Israeli regime and who have been funding and instigating most sides of most wars since the 1800’s – the House of Rothchilds. Please read up on their horrible history here:


  • Mary

    Significance in Cameron’s latest uttering. From Sofia where the heir to Blair flew to today.

    Regime change for sure.

    ‘“And there will be very strong support from Muslim countries, Gulf countries, that have asked us to take part in this action, as part of a process that will actually help to deliver the political and diplomatic change that we need in Syria as well.”’

    David Cameron warns of lengthy Syria campaign
    Prime minister says airstrikes are complex as defence secretary Michael Fallon says four British Tornados dealt a real blow to Isis with hits on oilfields

  • Mary

    Mick ‘Although, unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for some here to link Benn with Israel and therefore make his speech both a coup against Corbyn and part of a Zionist plot.’

    Known for some time by those on the blog who are astute.

    Try reading Craig’s BICOM link and my JC link and hopefully you will see what is staring you in the face.

    Keep up Mick.

  • lysias

    Those Arab and Gulf countries of which Cameron speaks are conspicuously absent in the air campaign. Off to their own war bombing Yemen.

  • Mick


    I don’t share your obsession with Israel. I think we have different definitions of astute! So no need for me to keep up with you on that score.

    Did you notice Dennis Skinner applauding his colleague Hilary Benn?

  • MerkinScot

    Listening to Radio 4, as I write, I have no doubt that Mr Benn could shoot Corbyn (while fucking a pig with Mr Cameron) and still be given Mr Saville’s keys to a disabled ward.

  • nevermind

    Did you notice Dennis Skinner applauding his colleague Hilary Benn?

    Yes Mick, since you have mentioned it twice, I did see it. Not very surprising, he gets exited very easily. When I stood up in the gallery and shouted down the House in protest at their belligerence to cutting down indigenous forests for their wood, he even stood up and shouted up ‘good on you lad, you tell em’
    Sometimes I think you give far too much credence, one would not like to call it an obsession, to the troughers who demand that you re-elect them when their shillections come round.

  • Mary

    I do not have an ‘obsession’ with Israel. I have great concern for the Palestinians whose land was stolen, their homes and villages razed to the ground and their freedom denied. Strange isn’t that the situation is still the same 67 years on?

  • nevermind

    Craigs article and Nafeez Ahmeds timely piece on the carve up of Syria’s oil and gas concessions, already given out by ISRAEL, are the two best media entries today.

    thanks to both of you

  • Mick


    When I first saw it this morning I was very surprised. Not like Skinner to support someone who is on the other side of the argument from him. Therefore, his support was a sign – to me at any rate – of what a good speech Benn had delivered. It was not a simple ‘lets bomb the bad guys’ but weaved a strong narrative between socialism, internationalism and the need to do something. Impressive.

    I am not sure how you can say I give credence to, or have the remotest obsession with, the so called ‘troughers’ (a meaningless word bandied around this blog by some achingly sanctimonious commentators).

  • Mick


    I have read this blog for four years and the amount of posts you have made defaming Israel and connecting people in power to Israel are innumerable.

    As for finding it strange that the Palestinians haven’t reversed the situation in 67 years, no I don’t find it remotely strange.

  • YouKnowMyName

    What hope, really, is there for a country where people vote for politicians the majority of whom are the avowed “friends” of a foreign power?

    Well that’s traditionally been one of the protective roles performed by/of the Interior Ministry and of the domestic intelligence agency, Home Office & MI5 in the case of the U.K. Office for the protection of the constitution in other northern nations. (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, Säkerhetspolisen SÄPO etc. )

  • glenn_uk

    Mick: Mary doesn’t “defame” Israel. That would imply that it had a good name or reputation to start with.

  • glenn_uk

    That’s an excellent post, Mick.

    The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards. /cough/ /retch/

  • nevermind

    Mick, yes he rather conflated fascism with salafist fundamentalism, maybe he knew what the impact of these words would have.

    That you are more worthy of the troughers in Parliament than myself, a mere immigrant, is obvious, because your unfair disproportional vote shillected them.
    The applause for Hillary’s fear mongering speech last night is synonymous of the extend BICOM has already infiltrated the House, how much influence it already has on our foreign policy actions.

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