Feminism a Neo-Con Tool 2656


Minutes after I posted this article, the ludicrous Jess Phillips published an article in the Guardian which could not have been better designed to prove my thesis. A number of people have posted comments on the Guardian article pointing this out, and they have all been immediately deleted by the Guardian. I just tried it myself and was also deleted. I should be grateful if readers could now also try posting comments there, in order to make a point about censorship on the Guardian.

Catching up on a fortnight’s news, I have spent five hours searching in vain for criticism of Simon Danczuk from prominent or even just declared feminists. The Guardian was the obvious place to start, but while they had two articles by feminist writers condemning Chris Gayle’s clumsy attempt to chat up a presenter, their legion of feminist columnists were entirely silent on Danczuk. The only opinion piece was strongly defending him.

This is very peculiar. The allegation against Danczuk which is under police investigation – of initiating sex with a sleeping woman – is identical to the worst interpretation of the worst accusation against Julian Assange. The Assange allegation brought literally hundreds, probably thousands of condemnatory articles from feminist writers across the entire range of the mainstream media. I have dug up 57 in the Guardian alone with a simple and far from exhaustive search. In the case of Danczuk I can find nothing, zilch, nada. Not a single feminist peep.

The Assange case is not isolated. Tommy Sheridan has been pursuing a lone legal battle against the Murdoch empire for a decade, some of it in prison when the judicial system decided his “perjury” was imprisonable but Andy Coulson’s admitted perjury on the Murdoch side in the same case was not. I personally witnessed in court in Edinburgh last month Tommy Sheridan, with no lawyer (he has no money) arguing against a seven man Murdoch legal team including three QCs, that a letter from the husband of Jackie Bird of BBC Scotland should be admitted in evidence. Bird was working for Murdoch and suggested in his letter that a witness should be “got out of the country” to avoid giving evidence. The bias exhibited by the leading judge I found astonishing beyond belief. I was the only media in the court.

Yet even though the Murdoch allegations against Sheridan were of consensual sexual conduct, Sheridan’s fight against Murdoch has been undermined from the start by the massive and concerted attack he has faced from the forces of feminism. Just as the vital messages WikiLeaks and Assange have put out about war crimes, corruption and the relentless state attack on civil liberties have been undermined by the concerted feminist campaign promoting the self-evidently ludicrous claims of sexual offence against Assange.

As soon as the radical left pose the slightest threat to the neo-con establishment, an army of feminists can be relied upon to run a concerted campaign to undermine any progress the left wing might make. The attack on Jeremy Corbyn over the makeup of his shadow cabinet was a classic example. It is the first ever gender equal shadow cabinet, but the entire media for a 96 hour period last September ran headline news that the lack of women in the “top” posts was anti-feminist. Every feminist commentator in the UK piled in.

Among the obvious dishonesties of this campaign was the fact that Defence, Chancellor, Foreign Affairs and Home Secretary have always been considered the “great offices of State” and the argument only could be made by simply ignoring Defence. The other great irony was the “feminist” attack was led by Blairites like Harman and Cooper, and failed to address the fact that Blair had NO women in any of these posts for a full ten years as Prime Minister.

But facts did not matter in deploying the organised feminist lobby against Corbyn.

Which is why it is an important test to see what the feminists, both inside and outside the Labour Party, would do when the leading anti-Corbyn rent-a-gob, Simon Danczuk, was alleged to have some attitudes to women that seem very dubious indeed, including forcing an ex-wife into non-consensual s&m and that rape allegation.

And the answer is …nothing. Feminists who criticised Assange, Sheridan and Corbyn in droves were utterly silent on the subject of Danczuk. Because the purpose of established and paid feminism is to undermine the left in the service of the neo-cons, not to attack neo-cons like Danczuk.

Identity politics has been used to shatter any attempt to campaign for broader social justice for everybody. Instead it becomes about the rights of particular groups, and that is soon morphed into the neo-con language of opportunity. What is needed, modern feminism argues, is not a reduction of the vast gap between rich and poor, but a chance for some women to become Michelle Mone or Ann Gloag. It is not about good conditions for all, but the removal of glass ceilings for high paid feminist journalists or political hacks.

Feminism has become the main attack tool in the neo-con ideological arsenal. I am sceptical the concept can be redeemed from this.

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2,656 thoughts on “Feminism a Neo-Con Tool

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  • fedup

    The dirty dozen cover ups;

    Lord Janner ‘abused 12 at children’s homes’

    After a lot of false moves and pretences after the culprit has been buried (apparently) we find;

    But senior figures at the Crown Prosecution Service are now understood to regard the case against Lord Janner as “overwhelming” – and the level of abuse alleged as “horrific”.

  • MerkinScot

    “I saw the video already, Eck got demolished.”
    So you said but it wasn’t true which is why I posted it here.

  • fedup

    Starvation in Syria ‘a war crime,’ UN chief says

    Translation the legitimate Syrian government forces are kicking the seven bells out of the phony baloney rebel army composed of murderous prisoners and mercenaries armed by the US.

    The same Mr. Wanky Moon however has not found the same war crimes in the shitty strip of land that has laid a medieval land, sea, air siege to Gaza for a decade now, resulting in the highest levels of malnutrition and childhood chronic malnutrition diseases. But as we know that is zionistan for you, they are an exception and can do what the fuck they like!

  • Jeremy Stocks

    Fred, yes our Army is well trained but as I said what on earth are they defending? And by the way the quality of life for the soldier is poor – just look at the homeless figures – they estimate 1 in 4 is an army vet.

    Britain is a poor cold wet country which needs tomorrow to figure out how to feed itself and where its energy comes from. It no longer owns a quarter of the world – it was the last great Empire and it handed that job over to America when the latter took over stewardship of ibn Saud’s oil. It has since 1986 “Big Bang” been running off finance having destroyed its own industry – coal and manufacturing – thanks to the business interests behind Thatcher. It is wholly dependent upon America for its own security now. Supranational interests in America have destroyed even America now.

    The future is no longer left-right but the individual versus the collective. That means in practice the EU has to split down into its individual countries, then even further into principalities such as Basque Country, Valencia, Bavaria, and maybe even down again.

    Each region has to find out what it is good at, this known in economics as comparative advantage.

    This is why imho the future ideally is an independent Scotland, but further down into say Highlands and lowlands. I think oil is too expensive in Scotland in the long term to be economical, when the black stuff trickles out of the ground as it does in Saudi.

  • John Goss

    This is what I meant by real rapists (many walking free). In particular Roman Polanski is living freely in France and has not been extradited. But these are all celebrities largely of Holywood screen and film talent can get away with serious rape and abuse without facing the consequences rather than a whistleblower who is falsely accused of rape to denigrate his character. I share the sentiment of the author but before checking who had written it I knew it was a woman, and suspect she is an out-and-out feminist, because there is a sense of ‘look at these male shitheads, aren’t all men the same?’ about her triumphant prose-style, which I don’t share. So I will check out Julia Sonenshein after posting this link, which I urge you to read (2 pages).


  • Injustice Delayed

    Whilst savile may have groomed the nation and availed himself of its mortuaries, janner surely went one better with his two boy trick at the Commons. No doubt Anon1 will now tell us their indiscretions are nowhere near those of the eight muzzy mini-cab drivers who somehow got through “tens of thousands” of our Lancashire lassies !! After all they were convicted, whilst an un-convicted janner rests in peace in Israel now.

    Its just unfathomable how we just re-elected this kuennsbergs government?!!

  • Injustice Delayed

    @Fedup – Ban ki Goon seems to have forgotten “his side” have NO PRISONERS AT ALL IN FOUR YEARS OF WAR, and they cannot therefore be accused of starving pro-government Syrians/soldiers !! Falsehood is the new truth, goon must be very thick.

  • Clark

    Jeremy Stocks, 1:23 pm

    “…the EU has to split down into its individual countries, then even further into principalities…”

    The granulation of power has to proceed in both directions, devolving as much power downwards to as local a level as possible, but also delegating cross-border issues upwards to less local authorities, right up to global international law and global democracy.

    The current situation is that too much power resides at the nation-state level. Thus the more powerful nation states, the clearest example being the USA, hold undue power over the less powerful nation states.

    The concept of Equality Under The Law has to extend right up to the responsibilities of nation states under international law.

  • Macky

    Further to my Post this morning about the banning of a cartoon by Facebook, the artist has now have the honour of having his Site blocked by Turkey; check it out for some spot-on artwork to see why Israel & Turkey both want to ban his work;


  • Jeremy Stocks

    If women want equality then tell them no problem, let them stand in the front line in Afghanistan.

    When the number of girl-power females coming back in body bags in Wootton Basset is equal to the men then they can have it.

  • Clark

    In parallel with the reallocation of power needs to go the reorganisation of news media. The current situation is an outdated legacy of national newspapers and nationally grouped TV and radio broadcast channels. This imparts undue importance to the opinions and actions of national governments, overwhelming and diminishing, even belittling, both more local issues and international concerns about the decisions of national governments.

  • Clark

    Macky, good, hard-hitting cartoons there, and Latuff seems even-handed.

    The trouble… One of the troubles with Arsebook is its quest for bland but widespread popularity. They want to be popular and avoid offending any users or potential users, so they ban material on the basis of complaints made to them – so if any group wants material taken down, all they have to do is make enough fuss, and we know how well organised Hasbara is…

    In contrast, Google is a company of programmers; they take a peculiar pride in setting their algorithm running and not interfering with the results it produces. They take it as a kind of professional failure if they have to add results in or weed them out.

  • Republicofscotland

    I had to laugh at the Tory branch in Scotland promo-video for the Scottish elections in May at 58 seconds you see and hear a woman big up the Tories in Scotland. Meanwhile just behind her to the left a poor soul sits begging propped up against a bin.

    Vote for Ruth Davidson and they’ll be someone begging next to every bin, the nasty party knows no shame.


  • Clark

    Jeremy Stocks – 2:31 pm, this looks a bit sad:

    “If women want equality then tell them no problem, let them stand in the front line in Afghanistan”

    How about equality through more men being domestic cleaners or doing other low-paid skivvying jobs?

    Let’s hope things can improve for everyone, rather than achieving equality by dragging some down.

  • Macky

    @Clark, funny you call it Arsebook, some Frenchies I know often refer to it as “FesseBook”, ie ButtocksBook ! 😀

  • Republicofscotland

    I mean’t to mention the other day especially to the well known carper in here who’s forever reminding of the price of oil and its demise. The carper adds constantly that due to the drop in oil prices Scotland would make it as an independent country.

    Yet the well respected credit and finance company Standard and Poors thought differently.

    “Scotland could manage independently even without the contribution of North Sea oil output, added S&P, which only considers an economy to be over-reliant on a particular industry if it accounts for more than a fifth of GDP. Scotland’s oil industry makes up around 16pc of the economy.”

    That statement surprisnly can be found in the Whitehall Gazette aka the Telegraph newspaper.


    Now add current oil revenue lower I might add to an independent Scotland economy and things start to look pretty good.

    Oil is an asset even at $20 or $30 dollars a barrel. Unless of course it belongs to a independent Scotland, then it’s a terrible drawback.

  • exexpat

    Might be useful if posters who continually and persistently post pro-establishment and Neo-con views and continually and persistently argue against other views might actually STATE WHAT THEY AGREE WITH either by Craig or posters BTL…

    Christ I don’t go to guitar forums and continually argue about how shit guitars are and how everyone should play the flute and aren’t these guitar players awful?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    The granulation of power has to proceed in both directions, devolving as much power downwards to as local a level as possible, but also delegating cross-border issues upwards to less local authorities, right up to global international law and global democracy.

    Purely for the sake of provocation, Clark,

    (a) How?

    (b) Assuming the ‘how’ can even be answered without tipping the balance of human misery in favour of arms manufacturers, doesn’t this approach lead to the individual taking responsibility for the entirety of his own governance and existence? Which is, to twist the knife a little, a very Thatcherite position to take?

    Sorry to sound like Habba, but too much idealism (from others) does that to a guy.

  • Alcyone

    ^ You mean, an excellent example of a massively long c&p from the BBC we, thankfully, don’t have to suffer here anymore.

  • Republicofscotland

    The absurd, irrelevant and completely undemocratic House of Lords is attempting to draw up an Act of Union bill to try and influence the democratic debate at Holyrood, and in the process stymie a further Scottish referendum.

    The House of Lords is an, anachronistic legislature. It is full of more thanover 800 unelected cronies and donors who are not accountable to the electorate, and who are given a peerage for life.

    The Scottish government must resist any attempt or interference from the House of Lords.

  • Republicofscotland

    Janner’s trial of facts cancelled by judges.

    Alleged victims of the late Lord Janner have been left “devastated” after his criminal case was dropped, decades after they first accused him of child sex abuse.

    Greville Janner had been charged with 22 sexual offences dating back to the 1960s against nine alleged victims, who were mostly under 16 at the time.


    The yes men I mean’t judges, must’ve felt all the victims were liars.

  • Republicofscotland

    British military advisers are in control rooms assisting the Saudi-led coalition staging bombing raids across Yemen that have killed thousands of civilians, the Saudi foreign minister and the Ministry of Defence have confirmed.

    It not enough to sell them the arms, Britain has to show the Saudi’s how to kill civilians with them.


  • fred

    “That statement surprisnly can be found in the Whitehall Gazette aka the Telegraph newspaper.”

    Your two year old article speculated that Scotland might just have been economically viable without oil as things were then.

    But at what cost?

    It’s simple enough, oil revenues are £8 billion less than forecast. An independent Scotland would have been running a deficit even with the £8billion so that money would have to be found from somewhere, the tax payers of Scotland would have to make up that £8 billion between them.

  • Clark

    Ba’al Zevul, 4:03 pm; as much as I’d like to I’m too pressed for time to properly rise to your provocation right now. But briefly, (a) somehow us humans have managed to improve such systems to the point they’re now at, so presumably we can improve them still further, and (b) yes, each of us learning to increase the responsibility we can personally take is an important part of it, ie, you don’t even need to be informed or bother to vote in a dictatorship, whereas in the ideal anarchy everyone has to help police their own society.

  • Clark

    Fred, what will you be saying if there’s a revolution in Saudi Arabia and the oil price goes through the roof again?

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