Tel Aviv Pins Hopes on Clinton 180

There has never been such a fascinating US Presidential race, both I a good way and in a bad way. I would never have believed somebody as genuine and bright as Bernie Sanders could get this close to becoming President. I would never have believed something as florid and off the wall as Donald Trump could become this close to becoming President.

One of the things that makes both Trump and Sanders so entirely different from the mainstream US political class is that neither of them genuflects to Tel Aviv and both of them take the idea that Palestinians have rights too. In fact the only chance of Israeli dominance of US foreign policy appears to rest with Hillary Clinton. She may be Goldman Sachs’ dog in this fight, but she is also Tel Aviv’s.

Unfortunately, despite continuing wins and trouncing Clinton in debate, it seems most unlikely Sanders will get the nomination. Clinton control of party machinery and firm position with those who have made an extremely fat living for themselves personally out of identity politics (sorry heroes of the civil rights movement), should ensure that. Can I commend you to read The Catholic Orangemen of Togo to see how just one ride in a car with Jesse Jackson put me right off him.

It is extraordinary that, with Trump riding a wave of anti-Establishment populism that is undoubtedly a global political phenomenon, the establishment should choose to put up against him the most corrupt, compromised and untrustworthy figure available (except for Henry Kissinger. But don’t worry, he is in there advising her). Hillary is the unacceptable face of unacceptable faces. Her insincerity shines through every word, every gesture, every breath.

With Trump we are left with the hope that he does not actually mean what he says; that his right wing populism and blustering persona is just a brilliant act to get elected. With Hillary we have the stone cold certainty that she does not mean a word she says, that she is triangulating to the left to counter Bernie, and that she has no interest at all except furthering the interests of banks and big corporations.

If I were absolutely forced, under pain of death, to have dinner with either Trump or Clinton, I would choose Trump. Wouldn’t you? Presuming suicide is not an option?

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180 thoughts on “Tel Aviv Pins Hopes on Clinton

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  • glenn_uk

    @Je: Nothing wrong with being Jewish. Sanders is not a Zionist, however. Zionist ravings only appeal to the religious nutjobs that make up the Republican party’s “base” because they think it will bring around the end-times, after the baby Jesus is happy with all the death and destruction, comes slithering down the pile of corpses, and raptures all the faithful to Heaven. That’s why Israel-first is such a winner.


    Anon1: Warmongers it is, of course.

  • Paul Barbara

    @Tony_0pmoc 8 Mar, 2016 – 10:39 pm
    ‘…I was snorkeling quite a long way out, alone and got stung by a Portuguese man o’ war across my neck and chest…’
    So Portugal has resorted to ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’; maybe Greece owes them money..

  • Rehmat

    On March 8, ‘The Jewish Daily Forward’ reported on that Israelis prefer Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders 2-1 margin. Israeli prefer a Christian Israel-Firster over a Jew Israel-Firster in the White House.

    However, the so-called ‘self-hating’ Jewish international lawyer, Barry Grossman, in a recent interview with Iran’s Press TV, claimed: Voting for Hillary is voting for Israel.

    Last week, America’s only Hindu lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard, 34, resigned as vice-chairperson of ‘Democratic National Committee (DNC)’ in order to throw her Hindutva (Hindu Zionism) weight behind Bernie Sanders. Her family background (Zionist Christian father and a devoted Hindu mother)has made her an extremist Hindu, who admires India’s racist prime minister Narendra Modi, supports the Zionist entity and hates Muslims and Islam.

  • bevin

    ” I don’t see why any sane person would want him near the White House until he can get his numbers to add up.”

    Pay attention. His numbers do add up. The Clintonite Economists’ attack was quickly rebutted.
    And that was at least a week ago.

  • bevin

    US Presidential attitudes to Israel no longer matter much. Israel has had 120% support since at least 1992. No candidate could possibly do more than is currently being done.
    And it profits Israel no more than handing a man, bent on hanging himself, all the rope in the world.

    Israel was much more likely to survive when its leaders had to engage in diplomacy, negotiate and make friends. Now that it considers itself immortal-thanks to unlimited guarantees from American politicians trolling for votes and money- its days are numbered. Openly fascist, unapologetically racist, disgustingly violent it discredits itself more every day. It cannot last, its alliances with dictators and kleptocrats tie it to sinking ships throughout the region.

  • joe

    I keep hearing Trump cannot beat Clinton…LOL He has many qualities to make a good president ;Clinton has none…

  • Rawool

    This sentence struck me: “She may be Goldman Sachs’ dog in this fight, but she is also Tel Aviv’s.” According to financial guru Marc Faber GS IS Israel. Some people think the Fed is too. Trump is the only one who wouldn’t let that gang have 100% of what it wants, with nothing left for real US economy and nothing but more debt and misery for the American people.

  • L Garou

    Naaaaw. That’s not an endorsement for Trump.
    It really is getting hard to find some news or someone, who isn’t..

  • Edward

    According to people who have worked in the U.S. government, such as Peter Van Buren here

    Clinton is in big trouble over the email scandal although the press isn’t covering it much. If an ordinary citizen had made this transgression he would be facing a long jail sentence but for an establishment presidential candidate, who knows?

    What Trump would be like as president is a mystery. I don’t think even Trump knows. I am pessimistic. He lacks experience in government which I think means he will be easily influenced by the bureaucracy and lobbyists rather then the reverse.

    He is not even spending his own money on his campaign. He has loaned money to the campaign which should be paid back with contributions. This makes me wonder how serious he is about this campaign. I think it started as a publicity stunt.

  • YouKnowMyName

    Does it matter if it is Mr. T or Ms. C, will that change anything?

    The is a few comments about the feeling of freedom endemic in the US, from a 69 year old buhddist and US Army combat veteran. . .

    ‘Snowden’by Open Road Films, opens in the U.S. on September 16.

    “We moved to Germany, because we did not feel comfortable in the U.S.,” the director says about his upcoming movie about government whistle-blower Edward Snowden, played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

    Fears of interference by the National Security Agency led Oliver Stone to shoot Snowden, his upcoming movie about government whistle-blower Edward Snowden, outside the United States.

    “We moved to Germany, because we did not feel comfortable in the U.S.,” Stone said on March 6, speaking before an audience at the Sun Valley Film Festival in Idaho, in a Q&A moderated by The Hollywood Reporter’s Stephen Galloway. “We felt like we were at risk here. We didn’t know what the NSA might do, so we ended up in Munich, which was a beautiful experience.”

    Even there, problems arose with companies that had connections to the U.S., he said: “The American subsidiary says, ‘You can’t get involved with this; we don’t want our name on it.’ So BMW couldn’t even help us in any way in Germany.”

    While in Sun Valley, the three-time Oscar winner held a private screening of Snowden for an invited audience of around two dozen. Those who attended the screening, at the former home of Ernest Hemingway, included actress Melissa Leo, who plays documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras.

    Guests were required to sign non-disclosure agreements, but that did not prevent three of them from speaking to this reporter. All praised the work-in-progress. “What he did that’s so brilliant is, he gave this kid’s whole back story, so you really like him,” said one audience member.

    When Stone (whose films include Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July and Wall Street) was first approached to make the movie, he hesitated. He had been working on another controversial subject, about the last few years in the life of Martin Luther King Jr., and did not immediately wish to tackle something that incendiary again.

    “Glenn Greenwald [the journalist who worked with Poitras to break the Snowden story] asked me some advice and I just wanted to stay away from controversy,” he said. “I didn’t want this. Be that as it may, a couple of months later, the Russian lawyer for Snowden contacts me via my producer. The Russian lawyer told me to come to Russia and wanted me to meet him. One thing led to another, and basically I got hooked.”

    In Moscow, Stone met multiple times with Snowden, who has been living in exile in Russia since evading the U.S. government’s attempts to arrest him for espionage. “He’s articulate, smart, very much the same,” he said. “I’ve been seeing him off and on for a year — actually, more than that. I saw him last week or two weeks ago to show him the final film.”

    He added: “He is consistent: he believes so thoroughly in reform of the Internet that he has devoted himself to this cause… Because of the Russian hours, he stays up all night. He’s a night owl, and he’s always in touch [with the outside world], and he’s working on some kind of constitution for the Internet with other people. So he’s very busy. And he stays in that 70-percent-computer world. He’s on another planet that way. His sense of humor has gotten bigger, his tolerance. He’s not really in Russia in his mind — he’s in some planetary position up there. And Lindsay Mills, the woman he’s loved for 10 years — really, it’s a serious affair — has moved there to be with him.”

    Spending time with Snowden, and researching what happened to him, Stone said, “It’s an amazing story. Here’s a young man, 30 years old at that time, and he does something that’s so powerful. Who at 30 years old would do that, sacrificing his life in that way? We met with him many times in Moscow, and we did a lot more research, and we went ahead.” He added, “I think he’s a historical figure of great consequence.”

    Despite the director’s involvement in the movie, which stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Snowden and Shailene Woodley as Mills, “No studio would support it,” he said. “It was extremely difficult to finance, extremely difficult to cast. We were doing another one of these numbers I had done before, where pre-production is paid for by essentially the producer and myself, where you’re living on a credit card.”

    Eventually, financing came through from France and Germany. “The contracts were signed, like eight days before we started,” he noted. “It’s a very strange thing to do [a story about] an American man, and not be able to finance this movie in America. And that’s very disturbing, if you think about its implications on any subject that is not overtly pro-American. They say we have freedom of expression; but thought is financed, and thought is controlled, and the media is controlled. This country is very tight on that, and there’s no criticism allowed at a certain level. You can make movies about civil rights leaders who are dead, but it’s not easy to make one about a current man.”

    Slightly more on-topic, the only direct quote that I could find from Mr. S about the current bun-fight, was actually from 2011 – about the previous bun-fight, but it still makes sense.

    “Who cares who the Republican candidate is because ultimately the differences between them are minor, the differences between the Republican and the Democrat are a little bit more but they’re not major. Both parties have tremendous flaws. We have a very weak democracy,” Stone said. “I don’t follow the details. It is endlessly boring and trivial. It’s like reading People magazine.”

  • Brian Fleming

    Craig, a good read and cogent comment, as usual. But at the end I think you got a bit lost in your rhetoric. Why would you need suicide as an option if you were “under pain of death”?

  • craig Post author


    yes I noticed that too, but decided to leave it. I was very anxious to reinforce that idea that Trump being preferable to Hillary was in any way an endorsement of Trump.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Until yesterday a Google Search of Craig Murray revealed about 20 or so words of his most recent article.

    This changed yesterday

    It now highlights “Craig Murray Craig Murray – Vauntie Cybernat, Former …”

    Does this mean Craig has been recategorised by Google as a Nutter?

  • Chris Rogers

    I Note CM’s post on CIF has been allowed to stand in relation to the Sanders win in Michigan – regrettably I can’t add a post myself, but your comment made me laugh nonetheless: “Clinton is unbeatable in states where they sleep with their sisters.”

  • Chris Rogers

    Whilst in any normal US election cycle I’d be all over Jill Stein, the Sanders run changes the equation somewhat given how poorly third parties usually perform in the USA, hence whilst I’m glad sanders is running and would dream he could win the Democratic nomination, something tells me we are going to get a Clinton stitch-up regardless, in which case, and even though I’m very much left of centre, i’d recommend all disgruntled US voters to vote for the ‘disruption’ candidate if Sanders is not on any ticket, and that means voting for the Donald – when it comes to facts at least the Donald has not got blood on his hands, which is something one cannot claim for the Hellory.

  • writerman

    Trump is a complex, contradictory and weird. It’s been proven that the establishment in both politics and the media, across the political spectrum, has severly underestimated his abilities, intelligence and most of all his huge electoral appeal among ordinary voters.

    Essentially he’s running as an independent, but cannily from within the Republican Party. This strategy is mirrored by Sanders, though less successfully as the Democratic establishment and the party machine has contained the Sanders challenge… up to now.

    Both parties are, in reality, split, and splitting. The twin party system is in deep trouble. Today we’ve got a system which resembles a four party system, but it’s just so hard to break the old electoral stranglehold if one doesn’t run as a Democrat or Republican. Sanders and Trump are both running as ‘revolutionaries.’ It’s bizarre. Voters in theory could face the choice of voting for a ‘fascist’ or a ‘socialist.’

    Trump is a kind of nationalist populist, a bit like George Wallace, remember him? Who was a Democrat, though this is often forgotten. The American system hates ‘populists’ who might give voice to the ‘working class’ and challenge the twin party monopoly on political power which has lasted for a couple of centuries, which is, in itself, an extraordinary feat, virtually without parallel in modern democratic history.

    Sanders should have adopted Trump’s sceptical stance on grand imperial strategy. That’s cost him a lot of votes which might have tipped the balance in his favour, but, unlike Trump he’s way too loyal and sentimental about the Democratic Party. Trump, in contrast, doesn’t give a fig about the Republican Party. It’s a means to an end for him. He’s so rich he could always ‘buy’ another one, a party, if that became necessary.

  • Fredi

    This Is How Corruption Works: A Hillary Clinton Example

    Hillary Clinton approved the construction in South Africa of the world’s two largest coal-fired power-plants, and helped them get Export-Import Bank financing (U.S. taxpayer backing); then, some of her friends received construction contracts to build them.

    The plants – named Medupi and Kusile – were set to each emit a staggering 25 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere a year. To help finance the Medupi plant, the South African government turned to The World Bank, requesting a $3.5 billion loan.

    South Africa lobbied World Bank officials and sought to gain the support of the US government. A series of diplomatic cables from then-US ambassador to South Africa to Washington reveal a number of quiet efforts to persuade the US government to support the loan. The cables, released by Wikileaks, were written in the latter part of 2009 and early 2010, leading up to the decisive vote on the loan in April 2010. …

    In late March 2010, … according to newly released Clinton emails, the South African foreign minister contacted the State Department requesting to speak with the Secretary on the phone. The emails state that the minister was specifically seeking the US government’s ‘support’ for the loan. …

    Clinton said: … ‘this project is essential to deliver electricity – which I think our experts agree is right.’ …

    Seven days later, The World Bank approved the huge loan. The United States, along with the UK and Holland, abstained during the vote. …

  • Dude

    Regarding Israel, this interesting item recently cropped up.

    Regardless of what one thinks of Brexit, some papers today carry the story of how Daniel Korski, Cameron’s aide rang up the BCC head to lacerate him shortly before he resigned.

    The picture accompanying that, showing Mr Korski outside Number 10, is taken from a cosy meeting between Matthew Gould, our Israeli ambassador and Israel’s delegation to Downing Street, including their Chief Scientist of the Economic Ministry.

    Third picture:

  • Fredi

    Hillary the Butcher

    “We came, we saw, he died,” exclaimed an ebullient Hillary Clinton, as she exulted over the horrific death of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, who was sodomized with a bayonet before being brutally murdered by rampaging militiamen. Visiting Tripoli, the Libyan capital, the American Secretary of State was eager to take credit for the “liberation” of yet another Muslim country by Western powers acting in concert. An extensive and quite revealing New York Times investigation (Pt. 1 here, Pt. 2 here) reports on “a ‘ticktock’ that described her starring role in the events that had led to this moment. The timeline, her top policy aide, Jake Sullivan, wrote, demonstrated Mrs. Clinton’s ‘leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy from start to finish.’ The memo’s language put her at the center of everything: ‘HRC announces … HRC directs … HRC travels … HRC engages,’ it read.”

    These days, however, out on the campaign trail, Mrs. Clinton is not quite so eager to take ownership of what can only be characterized as an unmitigated disaster, a case history dramatizing the perils of “liberal” interventionism from inception to bloody denouement.

    Mrs. Clinton was easily won over by the Libyan rebels who presented a utopian view of what the post-revolutionary era would look like: there would be free elections, a free media, women would be able to “do it all,” and everyone would get a pony. They “’said all the right things about supporting democracy and inclusivity and building Libyan institutions, providing some hope that we might be able to pull this off,’ said Philip H. Gordon, one of her assistant secretaries. ‘They gave us what we wanted to hear. And you do want to believe.’”

    Confirmation bias in a writer or reporter is fatal, but only to his/her own career: in a Secretary of State it is a death sentence for thousands. And that’s exactly how it turned out in Hillary’s case.

  • Martinned

    9 Mar, 2016 – 2:51 am

    Pay attention. His numbers do add up. The Clintonite Economists’ attack was quickly rebutted.
    And that was at least a week ago.

    Apologies, I’ve been on vacation. Still curious though how Sanders proposes to magically halve healthcare spending. (Well, almost halve.) Insisting that the candidate say more than “single payer” isn’t pro-Clinton bias. (Nor is insistence that the candidate point to at least two dozen of the Senators who are not up for re-election as people who would potentially vote for his plan.)

  • Martinned

    9 Mar, 2016 – 10:50 am

    the horrific death of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi

    Really? That’s your first objection to the Libya intervention? That you feel sorry for Ghaddafi?

  • Martinned

    8 Mar, 2016 – 10:02 pm

    So many women have been forced into poverty and prostitution that the hourly price of a prostitute has been driven down to $4.12.”

    OK, that one gave me a chuckle. Anyway, on an unrelated topic, any chance you’re interested in this great bridge I have for sale?

  • Je

    glenn_uk – “Nothing wrong with being Jewish. ”

    I didn’t say there was. Neturei Karta are about the strongest and most informative voice against Zionism that there is.

    It was just a salient fact unmentioned in the thread so far that popped out when I googled Sanders and Israel.

  • Old Mark

    For once really good news from the US primaries, with Sanders whipping Hillary in Michigan, despite her allegedly ‘unassailable’ lead and the support of the car workers union.

    This demonstrates that Hillary’s support base is slipping, and is now concentrated on the East Coast elite, the MIC, the Democratic party establishment (look at how she has stitched up so many ‘superdelegates’) and (courtesy of Bill’s popularity in this constituency) the black vote.

    Fredi- interesting links; the stuff about Hillary’s advocacy of coal-fired power-plants in RSA should be shouted from the rooftops by Sanders’ team, as it should lose Hillary votes in California, Oregon, and any other states where the ‘green’ vote is more than negligible.

  • Je

    There’s a huge advantage for anyone not cow-towing to Israel being Jewish – they can’t be accused of being an “anti-semite” (though they often are). The Zionists have to resort to “self-hating” and other nonsense. I was hoping to see Miliband’s Israel policy.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    The following is extremely relevant to Clinton.

    I am fairly sure I was reading stuff about the war in Yugoslavia here about 30 minutes ago. At the time I believed the official story, but even then remember being horrified at Easter of 1999 flying home and reading Newspapers for the first time in 2 weeks, that NATO was bombing the hell out of the Country. It simply didn’t make any sense to me.

    Over the next 10 years or so, I gradually found out the truth, and had a personal reason for knowing the truth.

    The truth is absolutely horrendous and bears many similarities to NATO’s wars particularly against both Libya and Syria, and NATO’s use of Islamic jihadist mercenaries. When I first read some of the details, I didn’t believe them, but they were actually confirmed by an official EU report. Young Serbian Teenagers, not involved in the war – were captured by the Kosovo Liberation Army – and operated on whilst alive to have their vital organs removed, that were shipped out to The West for transplants. They were then murdered.

    I don’t think this particular aspect is documented here, and I really am not in the mood to find the full grisly details, nor name the Western Countries who were complicit, but Professor Michel Chossudovsky documents many aspects of the war extremely well, much of it from personal experience.

    “NATO’s War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia”


  • Ba'al Zevul

    What is Trump’s stance on Israel ?

    Depends entirely on who he’s talking to. He’ll have to make a ringing endorsement at the AIPAC Presidential Vetting Assembly*, but he needn’t necessarily mean it. But Hillary is solidly behind bantustans and bombing.

    * Yes, I invented that, but the concept isn’t fiction.

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