Twitter and Facebook Censorship and Mainstream Media Denial 318

I had never heard of ghost banning until I was ghost banned by twitter. That of course is the idea – they censor you without realising you are censored. People no longer get notifications when I post, and the tweet only turns up in the twitter line of followers who happen to be logged in at the time my tweet goes out. Those logging in later will no longer see tweets I issued while they were away. Most of my tweets no longer show up on twitter searches, and further restrictions are applied when people retweet my tweets.

Since ghost banning, traffic to this website from twitter has fallen 90%.

As twitter do not inform you that you have been ghost banned, it is hard to know exactly what prompted it, but I believe it immediately followed this tweet.

For anyone who gets their news through the mainstream media, the spirit cooking scandal referred to performance art by Marina Abramovic, to an intimate domestic display of which Clinton campaign chairman and paid Saudi lobbyist John Podesta was invited. The performance draws upon occult references and imagery – as an “artist” her inspiration appears to be early Hammer horror films. It involves painting with blood, milk and semen, presumably from animals. To add a frisson, Ms Abramovic has claimed it is art when performed in a gallery, but real when performed in a private home.

Personally, I view it as rubbish as art, and the sort of thing idiots with too much money pay for. I think the occult references give a frisson to the idle rich, like students playing with a Ouija board. Personally I believe that kind of thing is better avoided, but each to his own. What the Podesta emails undoubtedly show is that the rich are not like us. Just as David Cameron sticking his todger in the mouth of a dead pig was an upper class bonding ritual and not actual bestiality, I don’t actually think the Podestas are Satanists. Just weird.

But what is beyond doubt is that the #spiritcooking sensation on social media had a real effect on the US election, and in an election where the margins were so very close potentially an extremely important one. Tens of millions of people saw the images on social media. It galvanised evangelical Christians to vote for Trump and, perhaps much more crucially, it contributed materially to a massive depression of the African American vote for Hillary as millions of African American Christians, disgusted by seeing apparent endorsement of Abramovic’s voodoo and satanic references by the Clinton camp, sat at home and did not turn out to vote. That 2 million black Americans who voted for Obama did not vote for Hillary was not because they are racist – it was because they disliked Hillary for a number of reasons, and spirit cooking was a factor, especially as the famed Democratic machine is heavily reliant upon African American churches for the ground war. I should love to see the influence of the spirit cooking scandal measured, but given that the mainstream media who commission the polls are desperate to deny the effect of WikiLeaks on the election, they are not likely to measure it.

Instead what we have is the “post-truth” narrative. This holds that something is only true if the mainstream media says that it is. It is an easy trick to conflate a dozen ludicrous untrue stories released on social media, and then leap from there to saying everything on social media not endorsed by mainstream media is untrue. It is but a further step to argue that therefore social media must be censored. This is where we came in, with Twitter already doing this to me. Mark Zuckerberg has indicated that Facebook will take further action to prevent dissemination of “untrue” political information. Of course, they already do this, and again I am afraid to say in particular they do this to me. All my blog posts are posted to Facebook as well as twitter. Did you know when you share my post on Facebook, Facebook limits the number of your friends who can see it? In my case the limit is set to ensure that the percentage of incoming traffic to my site that comes through Facebook, is always precisely 5%. To do that, of course, they have to know precisely how much traffic is coming in to this site. Worrying, isn’t it? Before Facebook set the limitation -around the same time as twitter – the amount of incoming traffic from Facebook was around 30% of my traffic.

As with any grossly illiberal cause it is the Guardian which has led the charge for internet censorship in the UK. One hilarious recent Guardian article listed media bias towards Clinton as an example of a post-truth claim. The article did not mention the fact that senior CNN commentator Donna Brazile had been sacked by CNN after WikiLeaks revealed she had been feeding debate questions to Hillary Clinton in advance, nor Wikileaks’ numerous releases of emails detailing partisan collusion with the media to promote Hillary. It did not mention the deliberate and planned timing of primary elections and debates to disadvantage Sanders. In fact, it did nt mention any of the inconvenient facts WikiLeaks had revealed. In that, it was absolutely typical mainstream media.

Mainstream media is not post-truth. It never had any connection to the truth.

To complete the chain of dishonesty, the trope of Russian interference in the election is getting a new airing. In a painfully obvious charade, Obama is being “pushed” by his own party to reveal security service information on “Russian interference” in the US election. The focus is particularly on the allegation that the Russian state hacked the Podesta and DNC emails and gave them to WikiLeaks.

The problem is there is no such evidence. There can’t be because both the DNC and Podesta emails were leaked by Washington insiders, to my certain knowledge. I repeat that, to my certain knowledge. Hillary’s pathetic election claim that the security services had information it was the Russians, depended on a statement that the leak was “consistent with Russian methods and objectives”. Look at that statement very carefully. It says “we have no evidence whatsoever, but the President has asked us to blame the Russians”. As I say, I know it wasn’t the Russians. The only “evidence” ever shown to me by those blaming the Russians is that an alleged hacker calling himself “Guccifer” sometimes uses Cyrillic. Which may or may not be true, but as “Guccifer” was neither the source of, nor a conduit for, the leaks it is utterly irrelevant.

Fear not. The truth is out there. People are trying to make it more difficult for you to find, but they will not succeed. In my own humble case, while visits from Facebook and Twitter are radically down, overall numbers are up. The internet somehow always finds a way to work around.

Update: You couldn’t make it up!

You couldn’t make it up!


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318 thoughts on “Twitter and Facebook Censorship and Mainstream Media Denial

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  • bevin

    “CM just can’t attribute the lack of African-American turnout for HRC to the far more credible thesis that they only voted for Obama because they are ray-cist.” Sid F.

    And yet the voting patterns show that where black voters who had enthusiastically supported Obama, stayed at home so did white voters.
    It wasn’t his ‘race’, actually skin colour, that they were voting for but Hope and Change, neither of which Hillary offered and both of which Obama had discredited.
    So CM was right, about this.

    • Republicofscotland

      Unionists McTernan and Hassan, are a couple of welchers, no honour.

      Mind you politically McTernan is the anti – King Midas, just about every political forecast he’s made, has turned to lead.

      If McTernan were a sailor, he’d have been thrown over the side as a Jonah, on his first voyage.

    • Habbabkuk

      You speaking about bets, Anon, reminds me that I tried to interest Professor Herbie in a couple of £100 bets with me**. One of them was about Mme Le Pen becoming the next President of the French Republic (the Professor is sure that she will but I say not) and I can’t remember what the second one was about.

      Anyway, unlike Guido and Nigel, the Professor was unwilling to put his money where his opinions were; after some convoluted and diversionary guff about the odds, the Professor went all quiet. Like Brer Rabbit, he laid low and said nuffin’.

      All (loud) mouth and no trousers – unlike Guido and Nigel.


      ** my suggestion was that we should each deposit £100 with Craig, who would then pay out to the winner.

      • Anon1

        Yes they always say the odds are unfavourable, but the whole point about making such a bet, as opposed to going to a bookmaker, is to prove you are right and your opponent is wrong. For that reason an amount is staked and you either win it or you lose it.

        Not one of the Corbynistas here will bet with me on the walking disaster losing the next GE (if he makes it that far), “because the odds are unfavourable”. No faith you see.

        • Habbabkuk

          No faith – exactly right.

          Hence : all mouth and no trousers 🙂


          If the Professor’s listening, I’m still game for £100 against Mme Le Pen.

          • Herbie

            Yourself and your chum, Anon1, are simply math illiterates.

            You see, I can get around £400 for my £100 in a bet in the the bookies for Le Pen.

            About 4/1

            Why should I go for your miserly evens bet.

            And anyway.

            You could take my £100 and back Le Pen for £25, thereby both covering the £100 you’d owe to me should she win, and pocketing for yourself £75 no matter what the outcome.

            As Writerman was saying, you are exceedingly dim.

          • Habbabkuk

            Well, Herbie, perhaps you could.

            But, you see, I’m not a bookie and you were supposed to be dialoguing with me on this blog.

            The fact is that you are unwilling to stake £100 with me to support your assertion that Mme Le Pen will be the next President of the French Republic – whereas I am willing to stake £100 which says she will not.

            As I said.

            All mouth.

            And no trousers.

          • Herbie

            Because, I’d be staking £100 and you’d only be staking £25.

            Not my fault if you can’t understand basic math.

          • Habbabkuk

            No, Herbie, I’m willing to stake a whole £100, so confident am I that your bit about Mme Le Pen becoming the next President of France is horseshit.

            You see, Herbie, it’s like this.

            In the first round, the Socialists come third.

            That means they don’t go into the second round.

            In the second round, most Socialist voters will support Monsieur Fillon.

            So it’ll be M. Chirac and M. Le Pen all over again.

            Not surprising.

            But you have to know history.

            It’s the bigger picture you lack.

            Never mind.

          • Herbie

            I’m well aware that Fillon is the “conservative” candidate put forward by the neoliberals to steal Le Pen’s thunder.

            Everyone knows the game.

            But you still don’t appreciate the math.

            You’re asking me to stake £100 to your £25.

            It really is as simple as that.

          • Habbabkuk

            Easy to say “I’m well aware”.

            But how aware is anyone, really?

            Politics isn’t really for peeps.

            But you know that already, don’t you.

            ‘Cos you see the wider picture the rest of us miss.

            But anyway.

            What’s with the new maths, I wonder?

            I’m willing to match your £100

            So you stand to win £100 if Mme Le Pen becomes President next year.

            Sounds like a good deal for you, Professor.

            But I’m generous ‘cos I’m not a bookie, you see.

            That’s what you can’t understand.


            And tolerance.

          • Herbie

            Le Pen is now around 3/1

            You’re only offering 1/1

            That in effect means that you’re wagering only about £33 against my £100.

            It should be me wagering £33 against your £100, to be fair.


            Enough math lessons for you for the moment.

            You’re still falling behind in your politics course.

            Best to concentrate on that for the moment, eh.

            Math is probably not for you.

    • eldudeabides

      for my sins, I was the one who gave Guido the idea, many moons ago, for the “Guy News” section of his site. He set up a url within days.

      I even sent him photoshopped Guy News graphics.

      But hey, trying to extract even a ‘thank you’ out of him in public, was like trying to get blood from a stone. After some pressure from one or two others, he eventually said thank you in public.

      • Habbabkuk

        Don’t worry about it, my friend.

        I spend much of my tome on here correcting errors of fact and misleading statements and setting the more egregious malcontents and ConspiraLoons straight and I never get a public word of thanks either.

        They’re an ungrateful lot on here! 🙂

  • Anon1

    Regards this Twatter stuff, hundreds of right-wing and libertarian tweeters have been banned outright from the platform. The latest being Milo Yiannopoulous, a gay Jew with a black boyfriend who ought to have ticked all the right boxes. It’s just that his political views weren’t quite as right-on as his lifestyle.

    Craig ought to be proud that he is perhaps the only member of the left-liberal establishment to have received any form of censorship on Twitter.

    • Herbie

      He was banned for saying something not nice about some actress or other.

      She was in that recent all female Ghostbusters film.

      Turns out she’s no shrinking violet herself when it comes to dissing people online.

      So, yeah.

      It’s very political.

  • Anon1

    Regards this Twatter stuff, hundreds of right-wing and libertarian tweeters have been banned outright from the platform. The latest being Milo Yiannopoulous, a gay chew with a black boyfriend who ought to have ticked all the right boxes. It’s just that his political views weren’t quite as right-on as his lifestyle.

    Craig ought to be proud that he is perhaps the only member of the left-liberal establishment to have received any form of censorship on Twitter.

    • Anon1

      If indeed he has received any form of censorship. Craig is famous for not having a clue about how Twitter works.

    • lysias

      Plenty of left sites on PropOrNot’s list of spreaders of Russian propaganda and fake news. E.g., truthout, counterpunch.

  • michael norton

    European Empire set for ANOTHER earthquake: Extreme Far-right Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls
    The party, led by the controversial Geert Wilders, would beat prime minister Mark Rutte’s ruling conservative “liberals”
    if elections were held today.

    The Freedom Party (PVV) can count on 29 seats out of the 150-seat chamber, according to the latest IPSOS poll, making it the largest party in the Netherlands.

    A new era sweeping across the European continent.
    No more subjugation from the E.U.Elites.

    • nevermind

      So sad to see Norbert Hofer not being able to join the club of fascists,. aren’t you MN, when everywhere the nationalists coming out of the woodwork.
      Time for your favourite Horst Wessel song
      The lyrics expressed in this song wholly abhor me and have nothing to do with my personal views, but we must help these poor wretched things and keep their spirits up.

      “Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen dicht geschlossen!
      SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
      Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
      marschieren im Geist in unseren Reihen mit.
      Die Strasse frei den braunen Bataillonen!
      Die Strasse frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!
      Es schaun aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.
      Der Tag fr Freiheit und fr Brot bricht an!
      Zum letztenmal wird nun Appell geblasen.
      Zum Kampfe stehn wir alle schon bereit.
      Bald flattern Hitlerfahnen ber allen Strassen.
      Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit!
      Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen dicht geschlossen!
      SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt.
      Kameraden, die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen,
      Marschieren im Geist in unsern Reihen mit.”

        • Habbabkuk

          Interesting to see how well acquainted Bevermind and “Lysias” are with the words of Nazi Germany’s unofficial national anthem.

          Note “Lysias”‘s correction within the hour……

          • nevermind

            No its not Germany’s national anthem, its the UKIpers and the Gert Wilders and the likes of Norbert Hofers of this world who are espousing to this rubbish.

            That it is still on the internet and provided by Google, when they are soooo against terrorism, same goes for google. Its not surprising, every time the western world hits the buffers and can’t make their rich corporations pay taxes, they start getting all fascist and pathetic.

            Its the right wing drive in this country that is responsible for the racial hatred, the murders and the antagonism that is now so prevalent in society.

          • Habbabkuk


            Can you not read English?

            The Horst Wessel Lied was the unofficial German anthem during the Nazi period (“Deutschland ueber alles” remaining the official anthem).

      • Tom Welsh

        What is your specific objection to the line

        “Der Tag fr Freiheit und fr Brot bricht an!”?

        Do you disapprove of freedom and bread?

    • bevin

      You might want to take Habbacook up on his recent predictions that:
      1/ Wilders would lose the election in Holland

      2/ Merkel will win in Germany.

      3/That the French right wing candidate (Gaullist minus Gaullism) will win the Presidency.

      4/ That the EU will last in its current form.

      I believe that he also offered to bet on Renzi winning the Italian Referendum, Clinton being President of the US and the greatly admired Tony Blair making a comeback in the Labour party.

      There is a Yankee bet in there worth millions. Strike while the Habba iron is hot.

      • michael norton

        The Eurozone is Zombieland.
        Hoardes of companies are flooding into the United Kingdom,
        it is a friendly, goodly place to do business.
        How many are flocking to FRANCE?

  • michael norton

    The broom of honesty sweeps the basket of the old Elite/Deplorables away into the gutter/jail

    Former FRENCH budget minister Cahuzac found guilty of tax fraud, money laundering

    A former minister who led a French government crackdown on tax evasion was sentenced to three years in jail on Thursday for hiding an offshore bank account of his own, in a scandal that deeply embarrassed President François Hollande.

    A Paris court found Jerome Cahuzac, a cosmetic surgeon by trade who was made budget minister when Hollande won power in 2012, guilty of tax fraud and money laundering.

    The verdict marks the end of a saga that shocked France and shook Hollande, who promised as he took power that his government would be beyond reproach after years of corruption accusations that dogged his predecessors.

    • michael norton

      Difficult idea to get rid of, completely

      Soon Hapless Hollande and his bunch of idiots will be in the gutter, where they belong.

  • RobG

    YouTube are also censoring or burying a lot of ‘fake news’.

    I wonder how long the Establishment and the presstitutes can keep up the farce that we live in free and open societies?

    It’s notable of late that many pieces about ‘fake news’ from the likes of WAPO, NYT, Guardian, Independent, etc, where reader’s comments are allowed, the majority of readers are no longer buying into the propaganda. Take the army of trolls out of the equation (most of which are from the ‘security services’, which are funded by the tax payers) and the vast majority no longer believe the blatant lies and propaganda.

    The presstitutes are a busted flush, and may well soon find a lynch mob coming after them.

    And whatever your views on the pizzagate stuff, I have to say yet again that most rational people will see it all as very strong circumstantial evidence which points towards the rape and murder of children.

    A society in which this is not at the very least properly investigated, but instead is swept under the carpet, is a society that is not only totally criminal, but also one that is totally insane.

    • eldudeabides

      “Rob G said: “I wonder how long the Establishment and the presstitutes can keep up the farce that we live in free and open societies?

      It’s notable of late that many pieces about ‘fake news’ from the likes of WAPO, NYT, Guardian, Independent, etc, where reader’s comments are allowed, the majority of readers are no longer buying into the propaganda. Take the army of trolls out of the equation (most of which are from the ‘security services’, which are funded by the tax payers) and the vast majority no longer believe the blatant lies and propaganda.””

      Absolutely. The game is up. The genie is out of the bottle.

      The MSM now can no longer keep the plates spinning….their false narrative has been exposed.

      We have a fake free press. We have a sham democracy.

      To keep their yarns going, they now have to start to blatantly censor and outlaw websites and individuals, that are posting real news and data.

      In newsagents, I see less and less people buying newspapers. The reality has finally dawned on many people.

      • lysias

        I have mislaid my copy of Presse and Funk im Dritten Reich [Press and Radio in the Third Reich], so I cannot verify the exact figure. But my recollection is that the circulation of newspapers in Germany dropped by about 50% in the first year of Nazi rule.

        • eldudeabides

          That’s interesting. So, as in 30’s Germany, people do begin to realise when they are being lied to.

          In my current location, without a car these months, I take lots of taxi rides. And the drivers tell me of their tales of now having to work 70 and 80 hour weeks, just to get by. One or two will also start talking about the Clinton Foundation, and the wikileaks stuff.

          It is heartwarming to see, that many many ordinary people have figured it out. They are getting real news – from non-MSM sources.

        • Habbabkuk

          “But my recollection is that the circulation of newspapers in Germany dropped by about 50% in the first year of Nazi rule.”

          Unsurprising if the Nazis closed down a lot of newspapers, surely?

  • lysias

    The U.S. Senate just passed the National Defense Authorization Act. It now goes to President Obama for his signature.

    That’s the bill that establishes a center for collecting and counteracting foreign propaganda.

    Obama’s spokesman was asked whether Obama would veto the bill. He didn’t give a definite answer, but, even if Obama did veto, the bill was passed with overwhelming majorities in both Houses of Congress that would easily override a veto.

  • lysias

    A bill has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Protecting Our Democracy Act that would establish a commission, the National Commission on Foreign Interference in the 2016 Election, with subpoena powers to investigate the alleged Russian hacking in the U.S. election.

  • lysias

    Meanwhile Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, declared Wednesday that “there must be consequences” for Russia’s election meddling, and pledged to reintroduce legislation to create a commission to reduce digital safe havens for terrorists and criminals using encryption.

  • Anon1

    Looking forward to that prick Will Self being demolished by Farage later. However you can almost guarantee that Self will virtue-signal to the hand-picked audience of left-wing activists and SJWs so that he receives all the applause.

    A month ago the BBC managed to obtain an audience that couldn’t muster one single solitary hand clap for Brexit, UKIP or Donald Trump. You could almost believe that no one had voted to leave the European Union.

    • Trowbridge H. Ford

      I certainly wouldn’t applaud those full-blown fascists if I ever ran into them. Probably throw rocks.

      If they provide notice around here, look into getting something stronger.

    • michael norton

      There may be a quite subtle change in tack on Syria by the BBC,
      although not by Frau May

      reality that 1/4 million citozens of Alleppo are not currently being slaughtered by the evil Russians.
      It is going almost to plan,
      the plan of Mr.Putin, not the plan of Obomba

  • Lenin.V.I,

    No need to mourn the loss of any reader stupid enough to sit in Zuckerberg’s terrarium as a human science project.

    Remember Myspace shriveled as Facebook grew. Myspace was confirmed as the medium of the lumpen when the US military used it to gag enlisted troops, We now see the same thing happening to Facebook victims. Most Facebook users are helpless tools with nothing to offer to a movement.

    Facebook can easily collapse as Myspace did. There’s no barrier to entry except network effects, and these can change quickly as less downtrodden groups dump Facebook for one of the proliferating alternatives (libraries and tools let communities of interest set up social networks of their own, e.g, )

    Facebook’s mass manipulation is one of the best reasons to downplay a referendum as a step to independence. The minority of unbrainwashed human beings should make this decision.

  • michael norton

    The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead ( constituency of Frau May)
    has joined a “coalition” serving legal papers to the government for “unlawfully supporting the Heathrow expansion”.

    The Prime Minister’s local council has formally requested a judicial review of the government’s decision.

    If the request is successful, it hopes the case will be heard in the High Court early next year.

    The decision to proceed with the runway could be overturned if they win.

    Previously the council pledged £50,000 to challenge Heathrow expansion plans.

    It was a strange choice of Heathrow by Frau May, styrange that she agreed Hinkley Point C
    and strange that she does not understand that her mates Saudi Arabia are slaughtering people in The Yemen, without shedding any tearts, yet she is tearful over Russian intervention in Syria.

    If she does not smarten up, she will be history, like the Hapless Hollande and Renzi and Cameron and Blair and Brown and Kinnock.
    Is there a large trough where all the ex-famous go?

  • Greg Bacon

    Good grief, if a thought provoking, intelligent gentleman like Mr. Murray can get ‘ghosted,’ no one is safe. RIP Free Speech.

  • Sharp Ears

    Agent Cameron is doing a Blair by creating a company and lining up lucrative speaking tours although who would pay to hear the spiv speak beats me,

    Cameron launches new career with US tour
    December 8 2016

    David Cameron stepped down as MP for Witney in September. He is now building a speaking and writing career, and is on a lecture tour in America
    Stefan Rousseau/Press Association Archive

    David Cameron has followed in the footsteps of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown by setting up a company to handle his activities after leaving Downing Street.

    The former prime minister’s staff have formally registered The Office of David Cameron Ltd as he builds a speaking and writing career away from Westminster.

    Allies said that setting up a company was a normal arrangement used by former prime ministers and reflected the fact that he now had a small staff helping him. The company has been registered by Laurence Mann, Mr Cameron’s former political private secretary, who is still working for him.

    Mr Cameron is increasing his activities after stepping down as MP for Witney in September. He is on a speaking tour in America and will… paywall

    His runner Laurence Mann worked for Simon Burns and the shadow health team until 2005. Probably on planning NHS privatisation by way of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 which set it in train. Burns was a Health minister under Lansley who got the Act through. Mann got a CBE in the Dissolution ‘Honours’ List.

    Wifey SamCam is setting up her own fashion label using the initials of her children, including Ivan, in its name.

    They were both at the Murdoch weepie, the Millies, last night. Cameron shed tears for one fatherless child who was given an award. Photos on the link. The hypocrite has rendered fatherless very many children, especially in the UK’s wars on Libya and Afghanistan, but there are no tears for them.

  • Alan

    “It galvanised evangelical Christians to vote for Trump and, perhaps much more crucially, it contributed materially to a massive depression of the African American vote for Hillary as millions of African American Christians, disgusted by seeing apparent endorsement of Abramovic’s voodoo and satanic references by the Clinton camp, sat at home and did not turn out to vote.”

    So basically, what you are saying is that we should all be saying “Thank you Jesus! Thank You Lord!”

    Kinda like, it must be “God’s will” that America gets Trump for President. Hallelujah!

    • Alan

      Oops! I only just kinda noticed that Craig no longer tells us about how he was Dean of Dundee University.

      Come on Craig, donchawana talk about the cannibal/vampire religion where you are supposed to eat your saviour’s body and drink his blood???

      Ref: John 6:53: “So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you”.

      Ref: John 6:54 “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life …”

      What kind of sick religion is this any way?

      • Alan

        Bet you aren’t going to answer this question Craig, are you Craig. Doesn’t Craig mean “Rock”, kinda like “Peter”?

        • Alan

          “He is the rector, which on a non religious title on a university”

          Why on earth did I put “Dean”? Duh!

          So rectors aren’t god-botherers then? Sorry Craig!

          On the other hand it is not the fault of the voters if they are given a candidate they can’t vote for; i.e. If the Democratic Party wanted to win maybe they should have backed the more acceptable candidate?

    • Alan

      For example Craig, how about?

      “A sociologist credited with predicting the fall of the Soviet Union has warned that US global power is in a phase of accelerated decline under the leadership of Donald Trump — and will collapse while the property mogul is the White House.

      Norwegian professor Johan Galtung is known as the “founding father” of peace studies as a scientific subject and is recognised for correctly predicting numerous historical events, among them the Tiananmen Square uprising in China and the September 11 attacks.

      He attracted controversy in 2000 when he predicted US global power would collapse by 2025.”

      Any comments, Craig?

      • Alan

        “Any comments, Craig?”

        Not Ghost Banning in action?

        “Ghost banning is a process through which a user is invisibly banned from a social network, website or online community. Ghost banning enables an administrator to ban a user while still providing that user with the ability to browse through and use the available features, while still preventing the user from interfering with other users.”


  • mike

    Denial indeed.

    Boris Johnson’s views “are not the UK’s”, the BBC tells us today. Nothing to do whether or not they are accurate, of course – which everyone with a functioning neocortex knows is absolutely the case in Syria. It’s that those views are not those of HM Gov. This is a shameful position for the BBC to adopt. This isn’t holding power to account – it’s propaganda. Saudi Arabia is up to its neck in Syria because it is up to its neck in ISIS. That goes for a number of other foreign power too !

    Even a blind man playing darts will hit the bulls-eye ever now and again, and Boris has nailed this one.

    I also notice how Theresa May has said it was Saudi’s “right to secure its borders” when referring to the (good?) slaughter in Yemen. I assume she means bombing funerals and market places with our cluster-bombs, dropped under the advisory gaze of the Royal Air Force. We do indeed owe so much to so few.

    I wonder what Trump and his people will do. Will they really shut down the covert regime-change programmes and their state/PMC budgets, or will they beat their chests like Big Brave Men and get their clubs out?

    • Sharp Ears

      He is getting hauled over the coals very publically.

      Only because Yemen is ‘in the news’ we are suddenly given a long report by the BiBiCee on the war in Yemen and the ongoing horror there. They even dragged Frank ‘I was there’ Gardner on to pad it out.

      Wonder if Treeza got wind of what was going on in Bahrain when she was there? This atrocity for instance?

      Phone-Cracking Cellebrite Software Used to Prosecute Tortured Dissident
      Sam Biddle, Fahad Desmukh
      December 8 2016

      The .. firm Cellebrite, which specializes in software that breaches cellphones, enjoys a reputation as a silver bullet in 21st-century policing whose products are used only to beat terrorists and find abducted kids. Like any good, vaguely sinister corporate spy outfitter, the company has never publicly confirmed which governments are among its customers, and deflects questions about whether it would sell its infamously powerful software to a repressive, rights-violating regime.

      Political activist Mohammed al-Singace (commonly referred to as Abdali) was arrested at his home on the morning of May 15, 2013, in the tiny island petro-monarchy of Bahrain. For years, Singace — brother of the well-known dissident Dr. Abduljalil al-Singace, currently serving a life sentence for his role in Bahrain’s February 2011 protests — had worked to bring attention to the Bahraini government’s mishandling of poverty and inflation and to advocate for the poor. The Bahraini government is among the worst human rights offenders in the world, routinely disappearing and torturing dissidents and citizen organizers for purely ideological reasons. According to Amnesty International, over the past year, hundreds have been convicted in unfair trials, and “many defendants in terrorism cases were convicted largely on the basis of ‘confessions’ that they said interrogators had forced them to make under torture; some received death sentences.” In particular, “torture and other ill-treatment of detainees, mainly suspects in security or terrorism-related cases, remained rife … within the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID).”


      Cellebrite do business in this country needless to say. They have a London office.

      • Salford Lad

        Kerry and Lavrov meeting in Hamburg. Kerry pleading for a safe corridor for the remains of the US/ GSC proxy Army ofJihadists.. There are many US mercenaries embedded in East Aleppo and would be an embarrassment if captured and paraded in front of World TV.
        Same situation occurred in Ukraine, during the encirclement of the Ukrainian forces at Debaltsevo by the Donbass forces of Donetsk and Luhansk. A safe passage was allowed.
        Maybe this time not so much charity to be shown,especially after recent mortar bombing of Russian portable hospital and death of 2 nurses and injury to women and children.
        Co-ordinates of attack and mortar battery possibly manned by Western mercenaries. Not reported in Western MSM obviously, neither was the attack and death of 100 Syrian military at Deir Ezzor. Maybe Russia has taken the gloves off and had enough of Western treachery. for NATO mercenaries.

    • eldudeabides

      “Mike said: “I wonder what Trump and his people will do. Will they really shut down the covert regime-change programmes and their state/PMC budgets, or will they beat their chests like Big Brave Men and get their clubs out?”

      we can but hope, but….

      the war industry is far too profitable, for them to let one man stand in it’s way.

      these people, would stop at nothing.

      • lysias

        Trump, being the rich man that he is, has his own security. which he used during his campaign, as Paul Craig Roberts has told us. Trump is not dependent on the Secret Service that fell down on the job (if there is not a more sinister explanation) for John Kennedy, and which has had its own more recent scandals.

        And Trump, unlike John Kennedy, has had John Kennedy’s example to learn from.

        • eldudeabides

          if they want you badly enough, they get to you.

          100% security, 24/7, is impossible…..especially if a person hopes to live any half normal life.

          Reminds me, this is the 36th anniversary of the death of the great John Lennon. Where does the time go to. Still badly missed.

          • lysias

            Not always. They didn’t get Fidel Castro. Presumably because of the quality of his security.

          • Trowbridge H. Ford

            Yes, poor John Lennon who was so hounded by the covert American government that it had its Manchurian Candidate Mark David Chapman assassinate him, though Chapman, according to the DM, is being treated as a most special prisoner at Attica to help keep him and especially his wife Gloria quiet.

            Just another example of the shit-hole world we reside in.

          • lysias

            I wonder if the dark forces in the U.S. government responsible for assassinations felt empowered to go ahead with Lennon’s assassination in December 1980 because of Reagan’s recent election and impending inauguration, even though Carter was still president in name.

            Remember that the break-in in the Niger embassy in Rome that provided the stationery used for the fake documents used to justify the invasion of Iraq happened in early January 2001, a couple of weeks before George W. Bush’s inauguration.

          • eldudeabides

            great video, Johnstone. Thanks for the link.

            A genius at work.

            Superb album (Imagine). Every track.

  • Madeleine Love

    Shadow-banning on twitter… I’d suspected something like that when the #gmo hashtags were running hot. I’m quite good on non-#gmo, and when my retweets went from frequent down to near-zero, and when I couldn’t see myself on the hashtag searches.
    Then, not long before the US election, I noticed that a follower (replies and favourites) had vanished from my notifications list. I thought he must have stopped liking my comments – changed his mind, deleted and unfavourited. I went into his own feed and found his replies to me still in his list. And by chance (not often on my “home” list) I saw a tweet run through from him, saying that he thought he might have been shadow-banned. I was able to immediately confirm. I’d suspected but hadn’t “known” that it was a thing.

  • eldudeabides

    the shadow-banning, in twitter, is a new term to me.

    but it would not surprise me at all.

    in the Guardiana, in recent months, comments of mine that would have had 20 or 30 LIKES, now often get ero likes, or 1 or 2.

    and a bot that attacks my post, will have half a dozen likes in as many minutes.

    something smells very bad.

    Reminds me, years back, of the climate denier John Delinquentpole in the Smellygraph. The big oil bots would flood his latest column with hundreds of posts within two hours of it being published. It was as if they knew when it was going to be posted. And they were all out in strength.

    • ANDY

      Last few days Guardian articles attacking Momentum have lots of right wing trolls posting in comments. They are almost identical to comments btl when Guardian was attacking Corbyn in the summer.

      • eldudeabides

        yes, the bots are now so easy to spot…..and they duplicate up.

        the thing is, it just takes for one of these bots, to become unhappy, and to squeal and tell all.

        there must be a helluva lot that they could tell. The nature of their direct or indirect interest in the topic – who employs them – and who warns them ahead of time of the article/column.

        One has to imagine that the *newspaper* is fully aware of what is going on, in the comments sections….

  • mike

    Twitter is coming into line with the Omnipotent Archon Programme. It’s profits are nose-diving. Maybe a deal was reached.

    In any case, another means of freely sharing information and viewpoints will arise shortly. I think (I hope) the virtual world is now too big to control or kill-switch (yup it’s now a verb).

    Did John Yates of the Yard have any connection to Cellebrite before moving to Oz?

  • RobG

    Can anyone actually give me a real rebuttal of Pizzagate? What I mean by that is to take the facts as we actually have them, and to go through it and prove that there is no reason for suspicion.

    Nope, I’ve yet to see this from the presstitutes (and also from many in the so-called ‘alternate media’).

    The BBC probably came up with the most laughable rebuttal, which through some bizarre/twisted logic took the arguement to the country of Turkey (hold on to your hats)…

    This is all so ridiculous that people like me can barely be bothered to comment on it anymore.

    If it’s all ‘fake news’ and ‘conspiracy theory’, why are the entire mainstream presstitutes blitzing in defence of a pizza joint in Washington DC?

    It seems a reasonable question to ask, if you live in even a half-way sane world.

    Why are the presstitutes all desperately trying to debunk Pizzagate, despite the fact that it points towards the rape and murder of children (this is totally normal behavior from the presstitutes, child abuse scandal after child abuse scandal, for decades and decades).

    I’m not quite sure how to describe people who will take a buck to lie like this. ‘Total vermin’ and ‘total scum’ don’t go far enough.

    • eldudeabides

      the PizzaGate would be an easy thing to put to bed, by real journalists. It would be straightforward to investigate and debunk it. Publish the wikileaks emails on the issue.

      I’d have normally laughed it all off, as crazy nonsense.

      But the fact that the MSM immediately calls it fake news, without any investigation whatsoever, or publication of the relevant emails, suggests that there is something in it.

      • Ba'al Zevul

        But the fact that the MSM immediately calls it fake news, without any investigation whatsoever, or publication of the relevant emails, suggests that there is something in it.

        To me it suggests only that MSM journalists have long ceased to include the word ‘investigative’ in their CV’s when they leave journo college to become unpaid interns in the hope of one day being deemed safe enough to be paid. For which other evidence can be found every day. Anyway, why should they publish the emails? They’re all over the internet already. Pffft.

        For those interested in spirit cooking…

    • Kempe

      ” What I mean by that is to take the facts as we actually have them, and to go through it and prove that there is no reason for suspicion. ”

      Problem there is that there are no facts. Apart from the fact that the whole fantasy was the invention of one white supremacist.

      You’re taking the usual Truther stance of “This cannot be debunked therefore it must be true.”. Russell’s Teapot again! Sorry but it’s up to the believers in Pizzagate to provide supporting evidence.

      • RobG

        Kempe said: “Problem there is that there are no facts. Apart from the fact that the whole fantasy was the invention of one white supremacist.”

        You make no mention of Wikileaks, which is where these e-mails originated…

        Anyone can search on the above link for terms like ‘hotdog’, ‘pizza’, ‘torture chamber’, etc, and make up their own mind.

        I’m not sure where your ‘white supremacist’ stuff comes into all this.

        But mostly I’m still gobsmacked how people like Kempe completely dismiss, without any thought, allegations of child rape and murder.

        Do you have children, Kempe? or do you have a portrait of Adolf Hitler on the wall of your parent’s basement, where you live and access the internet?

        • Ba'al Zevul

          Anyone can search on the above link for terms like ‘hotdog’, ‘pizza’, ‘torture chamber’, etc, and make up their own mind story.


      • RobG

        Shatnersrug, you link to 100% disinfo.

        Once again, I’ll ask anyone who’s rational to look into Pizzagate themselves and make up their own minds.

        And also once again. you have to ask yourself why the presstitutes and the trolls are going so ridiculously full blast against this (it’s just a pizza joint, right?). If it’s all ‘fake news’ why give it so much attention? If it’s all fake news it’s easy to dispel, right? Wrong: none of these vermin have been able to come anywhere close to debunking the mountain of circumstantial evidence that’s come out of the Podesta e-mails.

        • eldudeabides


          the MSM’s sudden focus on shitting all over the pizzagate thing, is very odd.

          it is irrational.

        • Shatnersrug

          Rob, believe what you want. I respect you opinion most of the time but I can’t agree with you here. Out of respect for each other I will not confront you on it anymore. And I respect your right to believe what you choose and that it comes from a place of true concern and caring 🙂

  • Decoud

    The reason for your ghost banning is likely to be much more prosaic: most of your tweets contain links, which is a marker for spam, as twitter sees it.

  • mike

    Absolutely, Rob G. It may be a crock of shit, but the BBC did not offer any actual evidence or even argument that the Pizzagate thing had to be wrong. They called it fake i.e. wrong but did not tell us why the Wikileaks emails (which I haven’t read) are nonsense.

    The corporate media are going down the toilet, and they know it. They’ve just as much to lose as the Empire, so they’re desperately trying to censor the alternative media. But it’s too late for that.

      • Herbie

        That the emails are true.

        Is it your position that the emails are themselves false, or just the interpretation of them?

      • RobG

        Please note that the Pizzagate scandal was first put forth by Trump supporters, after reading the Wikileaks Podesta e-mail releases. Since then it’s been taken up by all sides of politics (by people guilty of the crime of just wanting to protect children from rape and murder – think about it).

        There’s a dichotomy here, in that the right wing trolls on this board are all trying to downplay/dismiss Pizzagate, yet Pizzagate started with what they are now calling the ‘alt right’.

        Oh, if only I could be a fly on the wall of Crime Inc. UK, aka GCHQ.

        But let’s not talk about walls, because that conjures up firing squads.

        But I will just mention the a-hole head of MI6, who’s telling us that we’ve all got to quake in our boots because the evil Russians and the twerrorists are coming to get us; the same a-hole head of MI6 who doesn’t seem to know anything about what’s going on in Washington with Pizzagate, and of course is the same head of MI6 who’s part of the decades long cover-up of VIP paedophilia in the UK.

        These are people that you most definitely wouldn’t want to be stuck in a lift with.

        These are people who should be serving life terms, at the very least.

        • Herbie

          Pizzagate is mindnumbingly weird.

          There. But not quite there.




          What do they mean.



          Ping pong


          They mean what they mean.

          You see.

          Down the rabbit hole.

  • giyane

    .” Just as David Cameron sticking his todger in the mouth of a dead pig was an upper class bonding ritual and not actual bestiality, I don’t actually think the Podestas are Satanists. Just weird.”

    The ultimate, and difficult, teaching of Islam is that God is in control of everything. Our human tranquillity as we race at speed with pinpoint accuracy around a sun which keeps us permanently within the temperature tolerances of our bodies depends on an inner trust on the divine ordinance of things.

    Satanism attempts to divert that trust in the Creator to a belief that mere objects, like faeces and semen hold an atom’s worth of power in their own right. A dead pig’s teeth perform exactly the same function for power-crazed toffs. The purpose of the weirdness is to shake our faith and turn our dependence towards human, political, intervention.

    A member of my own family had a liaison with a Satanist many years ago and they continued to struggle with the fear which his Satanism created for a very long time. The Qur’an says that satan calls you but to indecency and denial of God. Satan overwhelms your thoughts with fears of bankruptcy and gloom.
    No wonder corrupting the young is a human satanist’s choice of control over our minds.

    Pizza consists of carbohydrate and yellow fat ( offered as cheese ).The perfect comfort food for those whose souls are troubled by the satanic deceit of modern politics. people say that the world is getting more obese, as the level of political deceit increases, and the level of practise of faith decreases. I have had a heart attack to prove it.

    I apologise to those who think that faith is a prop to the spiritually weak, humankind was created weak, according to the Qur’an. Right now we are being inundated by a shameless dump of utter bollocks, poured over our heads like pooh, from our politicians and our mainstream media.

    Small voices can be heard, like WikiLeaks, from under the steaming cowpat of state criminality, but even with WikiLeaks we know that the crimes of the elites over 9/11 are redacted, and Craig told us nearly 4 years ago after a long silence that in spite of his best efforts this blog is subject to the limitations our elites put on free speech.

    I find the voice of truth of the Qur’an, the voice of God, the voice of truth, a better consolation that the worms that thrive under politicians shite-dumps. I would have thought it obvious that any system of communication that man has created, man can also manipulate.

    Any talk of magic or political deceit is always an attempt to undermine faith.

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