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1,681 thoughts on “One of the Following is True

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  • reel guid

    The new Scottish Labour branch manager wants to bring “hope and confidence” to Scotland.

    What he brings is hardness. He’s hard left, hard brexit and hard britnat.

    He stands for Scotland being out the EU single market. He stands for the downgrading of the Scottish Parliament to a talking shop. He stands for the union. Which means he stands for facilitating a right wing government over Scotland for more years than otherwise (the Tories and Toryish New Labour having run Scotland for 55 of the years since the war).

    • Robert Crawford

      Labour and Tory are two cheeks of the same arse.

      I do enjoy a “reel guid” laugh.

      Thanks a million.

    • Republicofscotland

      reel guid.

      Leonard was introduced at a Labour meeting as the next FM of Scotland. However Leonard will need to buck up his ideas, whilst slating the SNP, he called for Scottish Water to be put back into public hands, embarrassingly yet again for a Labour leader (a common trait) Scottish Water is already in public hands.

      Richard Leonard appears to have picked the Labour baton up from exactly where Dugdale dropped it, (in the sh*t) and continued running with it.

  • Xavi

    Indeed, impossible to imagine Theresa ever twatting about with an unnecessary election in the midst of a national crisis.

  • nevermind

    Ireland will not leave the EU, and NI is kept in limbo as nobody can see that this is the moment were they should decide that a united Ireland is the best option for past border issues. Both parties in such possible unification could even agree to revisit their bonding in ten years time and ask its people whether the unification has bettered their lives.

    Cut that festering umbilical cord of doom and become a de facto EU member by joining Ireland, by becoming one Ireland.
    Being divided by a minority of unionists who have not got the gumption to govern in Westminster, Stormont or to go it alone, is such a backward and stagnant position to hold.
    The DUP should be sitting in a United Irish Parliament, not at Westmonster, however many nasty secrets there are between the two.

  • Habbabkuk

    Surely Liam Fox is not wring when he says that the border arrangements in Ireland can and will be determined only in the light of the outcome of negotiations on future trade arrangements? For instance : were the UK to remain in the Customs Union and the Single Market then there would not be any need for a change of the status quo. If that will not be the outcome, then some sort of commercial border would have to be put in place (as much for the purposes of the EU27 as for the UK). The free movement of people between Ireland and the UK is unlikely to be affected in either case as neither the UK nor Ireland are in the Schengen Area and have their own, long-standing arrangements.

  • Republicofscotland

    Whilst Westminster has finally decided to stop charging Scottish emergency services VAT, unfairly I might add.

    It would appear that Rajoy’s fascist regime has taken a leaf from Westminster’s book.

    “The Spanish treasury is demanding that the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation (CCMA in Catalan) pay 167.4 million euros in VAT on subsidies for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 after a change of criterion in the application of the law. The new law states that VAT will not have to be paid on future subsidies.”

    • JOML

      RoS, I think this is covered in chapter 1 of ‘Oppression for Dummies’. Boosts the numbers of those wanting to break away from Spain.

    • reel guid

      Usually when people are invisible during a crisis it means that they’re hard at work sorting it out. Instead of being very visible and talking a good game about sorting it out.

  • mike

    The US deep state will soon be lawfully wed to the UK.

    Those post-Brexit trade deals will have us all a-chowin’ on growth-hormone beef soon enough!

    The special relationship just got specialer.

    • nevermind

      yes lovely big fat genetically modified Turkeys, Mike, for thanksgiving and the UK xmas markets, washed in chlorine for that extra taste. I’m surprised they are not available at ASDA’s, with all that cheap food German supermarkets sell to all and sundry, waking up from their MS/Tesco addiction to manipulated prices.

      Waiting for Godot has taken on another meaning.

  • BrianFujisan

    From Two posts over at Zen Politics ( John Hilley ) Has been a Tireless Warrior fighting bbc crimes..Great Analysis on bbc Propaganda –

    Demonising Russia and RT – the dark effects of liberal authoritarianism

    ” Neil’s touching urging to ‘leave our democracy alone’ was met with a look of bemused incredulity from Rattansi.

    Joining the anti-RT chorus at BBC Radio Scotland’s Shereen show, ex-MP and enduring Blairite Tom Harris also castigated Salmond for ending his career in such an “undignified” way, by “selling your soul for Kremlin gold”. He also rubbished anyone who would dare equate RT and the BBC, calling it an “appalling comparison.”

    One might recall that, unlike an unrepentant Harris, Salmond didn’t vote to bomb Iraq, resulting in the deaths of a million souls and untold, ongoing carnage. As with similar appearances by other media-hopping warmongers like Alastair Campbell, none of this studio ensemble seemed able to contemplate the significance of Harris’s political crimes, or mention the dark irony of his own shameless resort to late career-washing. The idea of the BBC acting as a major medium of state propaganda was, of course, ignored by all as no less risible…..

    ” And, as Chomsky so neatly reminds us on all those claims of ‘Russian interference’:

    “Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.”
    We can, indeed, but laugh at the indignant liberal charge that Russia is ‘meddling with our democracy’.

    Yet, the darker implications of such repeated tropes are now becoming apparent. The liberal baying against Russia has raised the stakes for a more punishing turn to online control and censorship.”

    Questioning BBC militarist-speak: an exchange with the Executive Complaints Unit –

    ” On point 4, please show me where the BBC’s coverage of HMS QE, and other similar events, have been specifically contextualised and explored in relation to Britain’s aggressive militarism, arms supplies to tyrant regimes, and particular part in the bombing of Yemen. Also, given its highly approving coverage of HMS QE, please explain why the BBC offer no similar level of coverage to describe and question the scale, cost and devastating human impact of such weaponry? …..

    ” Or, as Noam Chomsky once reminded Andrew Marr, if you held any radically different views, you wouldn’t be sitting where you are (1).

    You call the responses to my questions on such matters “reasonable and appropriate in the circumstances.” How very BBC. Is it unreasonable or inappropriate to ask why the BBC are such ready exponents of expanding British militarism, yet such feeble voices on its appalling human impact?

    In routinely lauding Britain’s power-projecting warships, killer planes (2) and state-of-the-art laser missiles (3), the BBC are acting as an effective public relations arm of the MoD and its corporate partners.

    As with its dutiful silence on the state-corporate villains (4) trading this past week at the DSEI arms fair (5) – and that dark organisation’s hosting of Michael Fallon’s monstrous sales pitch (6) – the BBC’s failure to cover, question and expose Britain’s relentless warmongering, wicked weapons economy and supporting culture of militarism renders it a complicit party to mass UK crimes around the world.

    I trust that readers of this and my preceding correspondence with the BBC over its HMS QE coverage will, at least, have gained some further insight into the power-serving nature of British state media, the editorial framing of its militarist narratives, the lamentable absence of alternative views, and the Orwellian layers of mitigation and denial helping to keep public objections to all such propaganda safely marginalised.

    Perhaps, one day, some of those same ‘journalists’, editors and gatekeepers may come to reflect more internally on the BBC’s key part in helping to sell aggressive militarism and whitewash UK/Western war policy, all serving to increase and perpetuate vast human suffering.”

      • Macky

        True, but likewise true for those that level the antisemitic charge at both those are skeptical of official narratives, and those that oppose Israeli crimes & Zionist propaganda.

        • BrianFujisan


          Caity is, of course correct…That should not need saying

          THIS SHOULDN’T Need Saying Either –

          …. ” In other words, the West is openly organizing former provinces of Moscow against Russia, declared by Prime Minister May to be a “hostile state.” Russia knows that there is no basis for the allegations against Russia and regards them as identical to the false allegations against Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and Assad in order to justify military attacks on Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Having convinced Russia that she is being set up for attack, Russia is preparing for war.

          Think about this for a moment. The world is being driven to Armageddon simply because a greedy and corrupt US military/security complex needs an enemy to justify its huge budget, because Hillary and the DNC cannot accept a political defeat, and because the neoconservatives have an ideology of American Supremacy. What’s the difference between the detested White Supremacy and the American Supremacy that President Obama himself endorsed? Why is white supremacy terrible and American supremacy God’s gift to the “exceptional” and “indispensable” country?…..

          We have to ask ourselves why it is not the top item of public and political discussion that Washington has convinced Russia, a premier nuclear and military power, that Russia is going to be attacked. Instead, we hear of football players who kneel for the national anthem, fake news about Russiagate, a Las Vegas shooting, and so on.

          We also must ask ourselves how much longer Washington is going to permit any of us via the Internet to report the real news instead of the fake news that Washington uses to control explanations. The effort by the Federal Communications Commission chairman to destroy net neutrality and other efforts underway to discredit factual news as Russian propaganda indicate that Washington has concluded that in order to war on Russia Washington must also war on truth.

          Washington will not survive its war, and neither will the American and European people.

          • Macky

            “Brain, thanks for that good but worrying piece, as it lays it on the line exactly as it is; sleeping walking with our eyes wide-opened, mesmerised by the propaganda, straight towards probably nuclear annihilation.

            American Exceptionalism, like the British Empire’s self-serving “White Man’s Burden”, and of course Israeli “Choseness”, are just variations to the Nazis’ “Superiority of the Aryan Race”; self-serving delusions to justify Crimes Against Humanity.

          • nevermind

            Thanks for your two excellent posts Brian, with not much but a single line rebuttal from the usual interlopers here.

            We are already back to the good old cold war days, except today the hotline, not a phone anymore, is called twatter, inhabited by by millions of eager commenter’s who can’t comprehend more than 140 characters.

            For kempe to call principled journalists like John Hilley and Cathlin Johnson conspiracy theorists, when the world has had its fill with corporate fake news galore, greedy self serving profit merchants who are destroying anything thats not worse their attention, is astonishing.
            Maybe its time to ban fake news providers, to actually put them into the stocks with their fake news, for all to read and react to, I’m willingly providing a bucket with rotten apples.

            Prof.Dr. Nafeez Mohamed Ahmed is one of the few people who is jumping through hoops to provide us with analysis and facts of events around us, and I challenge anyone to pick holes in his articles.
            For those who would like to have a more real view of events, who like to hear about the facts, background, to follow the money in events, his site and ideas are without peer, imho.


          • Kempe

            ” For kempe to call principled journalists like John Hilley and Cathlin Johnson conspiracy theorists ….. is astonishing. ”

            Where did I do that?

  • nevermind

    Fake news,RoS? The special forces of the UK and US were training Al Quaeda fighters before the troubles started in the south of Syria, long before the Russians entered the fray.
    The west’s mind to take Syria and finally Iran was planned and made up in 2003/4, and the same aims and objectives are still on the agenda, despite the bloody nose, but rest assured the Hasbarra meister below will jeer you on.

    As for the mosque massacre by IS, were they conveniently prepared/equipped and trained in the Golan heights camp, under the protection of the pirate state without borders?

  • James Charles

    Radio 4: The Long View.
    The accepted ‘history’.
    “Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances. “

    Released when the Trump campaign was faltering.

    • Christopher Dale Rogers


      Given we have wall-to-wall MSM coverage on this matter in the UK, could we perhaps ensure this space remains a ‘Royal Engagement Safe Zone’, namely, the less said the better lest we all begin projectile vomiting.

    • Macky

      I would prefer his thoughts on the Priti Patel affair, but maybe after his recent Court experience, it’s rather a forlorn hope.

    • nevermind

      thanks for the laugh, JSD, would it be not more appropriate to ignore it?

      The engagement is news, yes, so will be the week of their marriage, but to smother us in royal lard on a daily basis, a BBC speciality/news management, when there are other massive issues to be reported, it would be more appropriate to concentrate on the issue that fall off the table, would you not think?

  • Republicofscotland

    Well the Kurds feel a bit let down by America, which as yet hasn’t sided with them over Turkey’s president Erdogan, who continually aims threats in their direction, and persecutes them.

    However the Kurds have decided that rather than sit back and wait, to become pro-active on the matter by opening a dialogue with Assad. Now if Assad is astute enough he will offer the Kurds what they want.

    In doing so he’ll negate both the Turks and the American’s, and ally himself with a loyal and experienced fighting force in the region.

  • Republicofscotland

    Meanwhile as Prince Harry and his beau, are wheeled out to turn our heads from the oncoming tsunami that is Brexit, which will devastate the British economy.

    Australia’s Trade Minister Steve Ciobo slams the UK trade plans to share out quotas for cheap food imports after Brexit, have been condemned by Australia for imposing unacceptable restrictions on other nations.

  • Rhisiart Gwilym

    [Mod: The post referred to was a reply to a post by another poster, which was itself deleted on the grounds that it imputed motivation, contrary to posting rules. Due to that deletion, the reply to the deleted post became inaccessible to readers. Sharp Ears is welcome to repost the post complained of, if the text is exactly as before. Note: Please do not mention the poster’s former posting name on here. This has been corrected. Thank you.]

    Really scandalous the way the censors on Craig’s ‘free speech’ blog delete anything that tells the truth about Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. A post that was made here by Sharp Ears – promptly deleted, as usual – can be seen still on The Lifeboat News, on how the Israelis torture and deliberately injure Palestinian children. See it here:

    This comment is also copied there too. Not so easy for Craig’s tolerated censors to wipe it all out of sight, after all. (Wonder how long this post of mine will stay up. We’ll be checking…)

  • Republicofscotland

    As Jeremy Corbyn attends a London Labour branch office meeting in Glasgow, offering false hope, whilst his Scottish branch manager Richard Leonard gaffs galore, about Scottish Water etc.

    One of Corbyn’s MP’s in London goes all Trump like by claiming that the Irish government would need to pay for a border wall between Ireland and Northern Ireland, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

    Kate Hoey, then went on to suggest that, one solution would be for the Republic of Ireland if it were to leave the EU. Of course Hoey, not for one moment thought that the whole debacle was created by Westminster in the first place, no the hurdles on Brexit in her small inward looking world, are all the fault of nasty foreign forces.

    The EU bigwigs have intimated that no progress towards a trade deal with the UK can be initiated until the Irish border position is resolved.

  • K Crosby

    What’s so bad about this?

    ‘November 27, 2017 at 18:36
    I was familiar with some of the horrible methods such as the ‘banana position’.

    Try the cached version to avoid the paywall. Click on the black triangle within the result.
    Google ‘haaretz torture israel’

    and this appears containing the black triangle.

    Torture, Israeli-style – as described by the interrogators … – Haaretz › Israel News
    24 Jan 2017 – For years, the Israeli establishment has tried to conceal what happens in interrogation rooms. When interrogators use torture – or “special …’

    I say ‘NO child shall be harmed’. From their watchtowers, the IDF shoot at the legs of children in Gaza working on the land near the border and sometimes collecting gravel needed for reconstruction of bombed buildings, causing severe injury. Such terrible cruelty.

    Children shot and injured near Gaza’s border fence with Israel

    There are hundreds and thousands of similar reports.’

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Don’t you love MI5 most belatedly disclosing claims that John Profumo might well have still been a Nazi spy during his crisis over Christine Keeler and the Soviets, and Sir Kingsley Amis, who was recruited by its Peter Wright aka spy SCOTT during their early days at Oxford, was still a Marxist despite his claims to the contrary years later!

  • Republicofscotland

    As the number of homeless people rises in England for the sixth yrar in row, a Tory MP suggests giving Prince Harry and his fiancee, a yacht so they can sail around the globe.

    Hell, why not give them a aircraft carrier, or nuclear sub, well we’re at why don’t we fork out for a tropical island as well, I’m sure the taxpayer would consent to such luxuries.

    • Peter Beswick

      One estimate is nine and a half million. From Afghanistan to the Middle East into Africa including the predicted Refugee Crises.

      “Collateral Damage” (innocents, babies, children, women, the old and infirm, aid workers, doctors and nurses etc etc)
      Illness, disease, starvation, drought, mines, toxins, birth defects, hypothermia, drowning, refugees murdered for their belongings.
      False Flag and Mental Health fuelled provocations.
      Terrorist Responses

      But whilst the “civilised world” doesn’t care about the numbers, more are dying today and more tomorrow and the next day and the next.

      Since the Twin Towers fell (if the numbers are correct in the estimate) one person has died every minute since 9/11, due entirely to the US response to the imagined the Axis of Evil.

      We might not know how many or their names or the precise circumstances of their death but we can remember the reason why they died;

      The US Attack On The Non-Existent Axis of Evil!
      A threat fabricated by the US and supported by the UK and their friends in the Middle East

  • Sharp Ears

    Israel’s Iron Dome of the Seas is now ‘operational’ aboard a warship. ‘Warship’ well named. It will not be ‘operational’ in the Strait of Hormuz or near there but in the Mediterranean to ‘protect’ Israel’s shipping lanes and oil and gas fields. Whose oil and gas is it though?

    Iron Dome of Seas’: Israel’s navy version of missile defense system declared operational at

    • Habbabkuk

      “The Bitcoin bubble might go pop and set off a chain reaction.”

      Highly unlikely in my opinion.

      I very much doubt that any institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds and serious private investors have very much – if anything – in Bitcoin. Hence even if the Bitcoin bubble bursts, a “chain reaction” will not ensue.

      • glenn_nl

        I’m wondering whether to sell some of my own when they reach 10K pounds. Not a bad return, I must confess, considering they were only in the double figures back in 2013 when I got them.

    • JOML

      RoS, I believe Kezia needs the cash for a court case she has to defend. It’s unlikely she’d raise much through an appeal, so this show could be a godsend for her! ?

      • Republicofscotland


        Yeah she’s getting a six figure sum for the appearance, she’ll need it to pay out on her gaffs.

  • nevermind

    “Of 195 states only 87 are still free, 59 are partially free and 49 are not free at all according to the NGO Freedom House. Turkey and Russia have turned their backs on the group of democracies while Poland and Hungary look to be not far behind. Meanwhile, the United States is foundering. One would hope that should be enough to focus minds in Berlin. There is, after all, a lot at stake.”

    Humans have become more and more expendable, during the last three weeks there is constant air training of attack loops above, as I write this and the demise of the western world, as it hunts its resources with bombs and grenades, gets more pronounced by the day.

    The quiet December was always used by one or other nation.
    Will we get another chance to march against a war? or will it just happen?

    Just a little philosophising about the future of participate democracy is all we have left to get on with.

  • Sharp Ears

    A great pity that the Pope omitted any mention of the word ‘Rohingya’ today when speaking in Naypiydaw today.

    Also a pity that Israel continues to sell weapons to the Myanmar government despite worldwide criticism including from within.

    ‘Israel has been selling arms to Myanmar’s military, despite the fact that the European Union and the United States have both banned arms sales to the country. In September, the matter went to Israel’s High Court, which ruled on the weapons sales in secret due to a gag order issued on the case issued at the request of the state.

    Over 300 American rabbis signed a petition calling on the Israeli government to stop weapons sales. Last week, Israel’s deputy consul general in New York told a number of rabbis concerned about the sales that Israel is justified in selling arms to Myanmar because “both sides are perpetrating war crimes.”’

    Well said the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide and the human rights organization Fortify Rights who co-wrote the report.

    • nevermind

      yes, Sharp ears, thanks for the links. The pope is talking to rulers only, there is significance in him not meeting any Muslim Rohingya, he would attract the wrath of the western world on to him.

      Israel needs to sell its weapons, it needs to steal gas and oil and land, otherwise the world would regard it as peaceful, it has to keep up the resemblance of a poor punished nation to get at the pockets of other nations.

      It uses guilt and shame as bargaining chips when it deals with past oppressors and despite having suffered during the 1930 and despite having had much reparations and good will payments from many states, the Yad Vashem movement will always use Israels past as levers to get their way, regardless what the world thinks or does.
      Israel has become a Goliath waiting for David to dare and pick up a stone.

      • Habbabkuk

        The above two posts appear to come dangerously close to placing the plight of the Rohingya at the door of Israel (for selling arms to the Burmese military).

        That take on matters of course attempts to divert attention from the fact that the recent exodus of that unfortunate ethnic group is no more than the culmination of the decades-long discrimination against and oppression of that people, the responsibility for which must be laid entirely at the door of the semi-fascist Burmese government.

        The Rohingya are neither a subversive ethnic minority nor a fifth column diected by the first world nor any threat to the integrity of the Burmese state. In the same way as the Jews in 1930s Germany were none of those things either, by the way.

        So shame on those who attempt to exculpate the Burmese government (past and present) by pretending that Israel is somehow responsible for this horrible persecution.

        • Macky

          “The above two posts appear to come dangerously close to placing the plight of the Rohingya at the door of Israel (for selling arms to the Burmese military).”

          Only if you want to characterise it as so, by attaching meanings that are not there; just like we can criticise our Government for selling weapons to the Saudis, who are currently inflicting genocidal harm to the people of Yemen, we can also criticise Israel for selling arms to Burma, who are currently inflicting genocidal harm to the Rohingya.

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