Detente Bad, Cold War Good 1634

The entire “liberal” media and political establishment of the Western world reveals its militarist, authoritarian soul today with the screaming and hysterical attacks on the very prospect of detente with Russia. Peace apparently is a terrible thing; a renewed arms race, with quite literally trillions of dollars pumped into the military industrial complex and hundreds of thousands dying in proxy wars, is apparently the “liberal” stance.

Political memories are short, but just 15 years after Iraq was destroyed and the chain reaction sent most of the Arab world back to the dark ages, it is now “treason” to question the word of the Western intelligence agencies, which deliberately and knowingly produced a fabric of lies on Iraqi WMD to justify that destruction.

It would be more rational for it to be treason for leaders to blindly accept the word of the intelligence services.

This is especially true on “Russia hacking the election” when, after three years of crazed accusations and millions of man hours by lawyers and CIA and FBI investigators, they are yet to produce any substantive evidence of accusations which are plainly nuts in the first place. This ridiculous circus has found a few facebook ads and indicted one Russian for every 100,000 man hours worked, for unspecified or minor actions which had no possible bearing on the election result.

There are in fact genuine acts of election rigging to investigate. In particular, the multiple actions of the DNC and Democratic Party establishment to rig the Primary against Bernie Sanders do have some very real documentary evidence to substantiate them, and that evidence is even public. Yet those real acts of election rigging are ignored and instead the huge investigation is focused on catching those who revealed Hillary’s election rigging. This gets even more absurd – the investigation then quite deliberately does not focus on catching whoever leaked Hillary’s election rigging, but instead seeks to prove that the Russians hacked Hillary’s election-rigging, which I can assure you they did not. Meanwhile, those of us who might help them with the truth if they were actually interested, are not questioned at all.

The Russophobic witch hunt has its first real life victim in 29 year old Maria Butina, whose life is to be destroyed for chatting up members of the NRA in order to increase Russian influence. With over 20 years of diplomatic experience, I can tell you that every country, including the UK and US, has bit part players of its own nationals who self-start in a country to make their way, and if they gain any traction are tapped by their national security service as potential “agents of influence”. I could name quite literally scores of such people, but have no desire to get anyone in trouble. The elevation of Butina into a huge threat and part of a gigantic plot, is to ignore the way the United States and the United Kingdom and indeed all major governments’ Embassies behave around the globe.

The war-hawks who were devastated by the loss of champion killer Hillary now see the prospect of their very worst fear coming true. Their very worst fear is the outbreak of peace and international treaties of arms control. Hence the media and political establishment today has reached peaks of hysteria never before seen. Pursuing peace is “treason” and the faux left now stand starkly exposed.

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1,634 thoughts on “Detente Bad, Cold War Good

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  • quasi_verbatim

    We welcome Charlie’s discharge and spiriting away from Salisbury Gen., whether by roof-top helicopter extraction, unmarked ambulance or laundry basket is unclear and open to conjecture (perhaps his egression was by one of those ‘private ambulances’ used to transport cadavers).

    We wish him well in his MI6 finishing school, deep in the sylvan countryside. Who can forget the reappearance of Yulia, iridescescent, shimmering, evanescent? The re-emergence of Charles Rowley Esq. should be similarly breathtaking — scrubbed, shaved, coiffed, manicured and pedicured, attired with sartorial elegance (by a Saville Row tailor hastlly sent down from London) in double-breasted blazer, white slacks, two-tone brogues, cravat and snappy Panama, with buttonhole sporting a fine PutinLily, the new species recently discovered on the Eastern Tundra.

    No doubt the authorities have made similar makeover enhancement attempts with Sergei but, well, there are limits to what can be done.

  • Hatuey

    Well, it’s great to see so many of you returning to engage in matters of reality. In the few months you have been away, pointlessly and fruitlessly discussing novichok nonsense, reality has taken a turn or two for the worse.

    We are now heading squarely towards a “no deal” Brexit. No, it’s not a prank designed to beef up the UK’s hand in negotioations. They’re really going to do it. I’ve predicted a “no deal” outcome on here for months if not years. That’s been the plan all along.

    Anyone who thinks Ireland is a concern to the English State is point blank insane. Ireland was England’s first real colony and the English devoted hundreds of years to destroying the place — are we to believe the job prospects of a few “taigs” will get in the way of their plan to turn the UK into the money laundering capital of the world?

    All you need to know is this; nobody, not the EU, not the English, not anyone (not even God it seems), gives a fuck about Ireland and the impact any border would have. And nobody ever did.

    The EU just stood back and watched the Spanish state beat Catalonia to a pulp… trust me, if push comes to bludgeon, they’ll do the same in Ireland — and Scotland for that matter.

    Moving on, and I never thought I’d ever feel this way, I actually feel sorry for a Trump these days. It looks like they really are going to assassinate him, if necessary. Here’s what Trump is up against:

    Ring any bells? Moralising to extremes… accordingly, Putin is Hitler, anyone who doesn’t agree is supporting Nazis and death camps, we need to get behind the doves and walk into a nuclear war, insisting on our right to attack Syria as we do so, and, well, don’t worry about your childrens’ futures — up in smoke with everything else.

    I’m now officially a Trump supporter. That’s right. A Nazi-loving scumbag of the lowest order. Because let’s be honest, the mainstream centre and left in the US and the UK is a bunch of twisted maniacs..

    • Doghouse

      *…we need to get behind the doves and walk into a nuclear war, insisting on our right to attack Syria as we do so…*

      That’s about the sum of it Hatuey. Very well stated. I’m no supporter of any party either side of the political valley, but it’s no coincidence that these finger pointers and purveyors of total false hoods for the most part, are in total alignment with those who control the world media, which is exactly why they get away with lie after unchallenged lie Tucker is a rarity these days and does well to remain calm in the face of such patent falsehoods. The hatred on the face of some of his guests is evident. They point the finger and repeat lie as fact in pretty much the same way the British govt does. Shameless self serving criminals with narry an ounce of compassion or empathy for anyone or any thing save themselves.

    • Anon1

      He’s going to take control of the Fed – that’s as good as signing his own death warrant. The only thing preventing him being JFK’d right now is that there would be war on the streets. God bless the 2nd Amendment. ☺

      Welcome aboard the Trump train and realise that for all his faults there will never be another chance like Trump. He’s an anomaly – a man who had the necessary wealth and conviction at the right moment in time with the right set of opponents to get past the system. He is literally a Messiah-like figure right now as he battles with nearly the entire mainstream media and political establishment against all odds to make his country America again. Undoubtedly he is the greatest president since presidents became shitbags working against the interests of their people.

    • Sharp Ears

      After the referendum, I said to friends that there would never be a Brexit. BLiar and co are doing their best to corrupt the process.

    • Mochyn69

      Well said, Hat.

      Except for one thing, Cymru/Wales is England’s oldest colony. But the Dragon is awakening and Plaid Cymru is taking votes from Labour and winning local government elections.

      Watch this space.


      • Hatuey

        Actually, sorry to be prickly, but Wales was straightforwardly annexed rather than colonised. There’s a subtle difference.

        • Barrie Jones

          To be fair, both annexed and colonised.
          The Normans settled their people in the south and west and colonisation continued in uneven waves all the way through the industrial revolution and on into the opening up of the coalfields.
          There were over 600 castles in Wales, very few of them were Welsh.
          According to the last census the use of the Welsh language continues its downward trend; in 1901 my grandparents and great grandparents spoke no English, today, none of their descendants speak Welsh.

          • Hatuey

            Sorry, but I don’t think Ireland was ever formally annexed. Colonised isn’t the same.

    • Loony

      It is a refreshing change to read someone writing sense about the world.

      Trump is the last best hope we all have, and there are reasons to suppose that this view is gaining traction. More and more people are becoming repulsed by being subjected to the most vitriolic abuse for holding views that only a few years ago would have been considered slightly to the left of center.

      • Hatuey

        You know, Loony, the thing that swung it for me — and swings it every time — is the assumption of moral superiority. It’s the same with The Labour Party, constantly talking down to us all from this imagined moral high ground.

        How any of these bastards, Hillary, Labour, the democrats, the BBC, any of them, can claim moral superiority is beyond a joke.

        I ask in all seriousness, can anyone give even a rough estimate of the amount of lives these morally superior animals have destroyed in the last 20 years? Round it up to the millions, if it helps.

        And somehow, somehow in their twisted delusional minds, amidst all the havoc, blood, and destruction that they have caused, they talk lovingly about the welfare of poor immigrants.

        Trump couldnt possibly be any worse than these condescending weirdos.

    • SA

      The problem is that Trump is unpredictable and often not in control. When he said that US was prepared to withdraw from Syria, the false flag gas attack occurred in East Ghouta and he instead bombed Syria. He then said he trusts Putin and then when he went home denied that he meant what he said. In any case his persona is not one of someone with convictions enough to seriously carry out what he keeps promising and then breaking the promise. It is also early days yet, he is more likely to get us all in trouble because of his inconsistency.
      When the two choices presented are bad we should not take sides.

    • Charles Bostock

      Has the recent change of the Spanish government led to the dropping of the charges against Carlos Puigdemont and others and to the dropping of the Spanish extradition request iro Puigdemont ?

        • Charles Bostock

          Thank you, Loony – that is splendid news and shows that it was not only Mr Rajoy’s party (characterised wrongly on here as “Francoist”) which wished to see the law of Spain upheld and political criminals brought to book in accordance with the rulings of the highest courts of the realm.

  • Ishmael

    Do you want to hear something truly mind-blowing? Some truth?

    What we perceive as the “material world” that we live ln, is a sphere spinning in a silent void. Animated, full or plants and creatures infused with some kind of animating force. Spinning around fireball at 30 kilometers per second, or 67,000 miles per hour, that in turn moves through our galaxy at 220 kilometers per second, or 490,000 miles per hour.

    “The galaxies in our neighborhood are also rushing at a speed of nearly 1,000 kilometers per second towards a structure called the Great Attractor, a region of space roughly 150 million light-years (one light year is about six trillion miles) away from us. This Great Attractor, having a mass 100 quadrillion times greater than our sun and span of 500 million light-years, is made of both the visible matter that we can see along with the so-called dark matter that we cannot see” – scientific american*.

    And all people like Borris johnson care about is people wanting to take his polluting ego wagon away. This is how twisted and decrepit they are. This is what our leading institutions have to offer, the cream of the crop.

    • Ishmael

      All they care about, …All… Is hoarding money away for themselves.

      That’s it. Money, vanity goods, & stroking their own ego. Working for their material class interest, those who need for nothing.

      These are sick puppies.

    • truthwillout

      The more scientists find out about inner and outer space, the more the egotistical rants of our politicians look ridiculous. Science is the greatest source of wonder… so what does that make present-day politics…

      • StephenR

        When science meets money, science is corrupted in the service of those with the money.

        And, thanks to the ‘peer review’ system and grant committees it is only necessary for the leaders in a field of scientific endeavour to be ‘turned’ by chairs, money, prestige, and (here) honours and peerages.

        As a consequence science advances one funeral at a time (as Max Planck said).

        Until then those of us who would benefit from the advances that are being reined back must wait for the grim reaper to do us a favour.

    • Mathias Alexander

      We dont have to suppose the existance of an animating force to explain life.

  • Stu

    It will be interesting to find out how the police identified the suspects.

    Surely they aren’t going to suggest they entered the country on Russian passports?

    • Republicofscotland

      Word is they picked them out from the Where’s Wally poster, so it must be true. ?

  • Anon1

    What we need now is for the Murrayite clan to swing behind their leader and go all in for Trump. He’s doing EVERYTHING YOU WANTED for Christ’s sake. Except perhaps two things:

    1) He’s not a communist.

    If this is your objection to Trump then I’m sorry but I can’t help you with this.

    2) He appears to be very pro-Israel.

    To which I would say wait and see what he actually does. While Bibi jerks himself off at the thought of the most rabidly pro-Israel president in a history of rabidly pro-Israel presidents, there are some very wise old hands within the Israeli administration who believe Trump is the biggest disaster for Israel since its creation. And if that turns out to be not true then comfort yourself with the thought that there’s more to life than Israel.

    • Republicofscotland

      “He’s doing EVERYTHING YOU WANTED for Christ’s sake. ”

      Such as striking down Obamacare, reneging on the JOPCA deal, building a wall to keep Mexicans out. Banning Muslims from entering the US. Grabbing women by their private parts, launching missiles on Syrian sovereign territory.

      However the sight of him holding hands with Theresa May as they skipped up the stairs, like Fred and Ginger, surely must be the most stomach churning of all.

    • Geoffrey

      To the extent that everything that Trump does and says is despised by a vocal elite and almost every columnist and pundit, his support of Israel may not be good for Israel, usually these types are not too keen on racism and racist policies.

    • J

      Total environmental rape. Committed to decades more at the oil and gas teat. More oil wars, more pipelines, more unprecedented increases in expenditure to the worlds single largest polluter, the US military. Continued climate denial. Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Increased the rate of US bombing to one bomb every 12 minutes. Internment camps for immigrant children. Continued support for Israeli ethnic cleansing and Saudi head choppers. Business as usual for the States.

      • Salford Lad

        Some may wonder why only Fox News and its reporter Tucker Carlson supports Trump.
        The answer is ‘follow the money’. Fox news is owned by Rupert Murdoch who is a confirmed Zionist. Murdochs pay-off is a seat on the Board at Genie Energy, along with Dick Cheney, Larry Summers , Jacob Rothschild and EX-CIA Direct James Woolsey.
        Genie Energy has the oil and gas drilling concession on the illegally occupied Golan Heights, which is thought to contain billions of reserves.
        Trump is a street wise Brooklyn boy, He built his property Empire on the rough streets of New York, dealing with all types of shady characters in the criminal Mafia controlled construction unions and the corrupt bureaucracy at City Hall. He knows the system works by bribery ,blackmail and extortion.
        The campaign to remove him as President started on inauguration day. The cabal to overthrow him is a motley crew of Security services, military industrial complex ,Wall St ,Democrats and the Permanent Govt Bureaucracy.
        The MSM is their propaganda dept and has gone full apeshit in their denunciations. Trumps Twiiter account ,direct to the people is driving them crazy.
        His search for allies has forced him into the Israeli Lobby camp, which is very powerful in the USA. This has forced him into making concessions to Israel , such as the Jerusalem capitol issue and the wars in Syria and the JPOC decision on Iran.
        Some of these decisions are political expediency without conviction, and he will drag his feet on Iran, as this is a war too far.
        THE Russiagate affair is a big bag of nothing, which has exposed the FBI, CIA and Justice Dept as untrustworthy and corrupt. They have become enmeshed in their lies and will drag it on until the next POTUS election,. where they hope that Trump is defeated and the Russiagate saga can creep gently into the good night ,to be forgotten by the distracted population.

        • Colin Smith

          Rupert Murdoch is an Ozzie billionaire with a media empire. He has power and influence to see whoever he wants to see and do whatever he wants to do. He is also nearly dead.

          Why at this point in his life would he possibly want to get involved in a highly speculative oil field investment scheme in a batshit crazy corner of the world at a time when oil has been extremely volatile and an area like the Golan heights would be extremely hard to work in.

          The media all fell behind Hillary because they thought she would win and they built there positions accordingly. Having built up Trump as the reincarnation of Hilter they have decided that they cannot now turn around and say there are complete imbeciles who got it 180 degrees wrong.

        • Tony_0pmoc

          Salford Lad, Another Great analysis. You cut straight through the shit, and go a few steps beyond.

        • Tony

          Trump is a corrupt, vulgar, fickle egotist. But he just may be OUR corrupt, vulgar, fickle egotist. One thing’s absolutely 100% for sure: the people he’s up against are exponentially worse than him. They’re plain evil.

        • Herbie

          “His search for allies has forced him into the Israeli Lobby camp, which is very powerful in the USA. This has forced him into making concessions to Israel , such as the Jerusalem capitol issue and the wars in Syria and the JPOC decision on Iran.”

          There’s two Israeli lobbies now.

          There’s the Netanyahu economic nationalist one, and there’s the Globalist one.

          Trump is with the Netanyahu one, and both he and Bibi are opposed by the Globalist one, as is Putin.

          In short, it’s the goods traders versus the financial traders.

          That’s the dialectic, anyway.

          You’d think they’d all be looking for a Bretton Woods II, but no.

          They’re just letting things deteriorate.

      • Loony

        Environmental politics is somewhat complicated.

        However most people seem to be of the view that reducing CO2 emissions is likely to be beneficial. CO2 emissions in most countries are rising. There is one significant exception to this trend, that exception is the USA. Under President Trump CO2 emissions have plunged to a 67 year low on a per capita basis.

        Still, who really cares about the environment when facts about the environment can be so studiously ignored should those facts ever paint the President in a good light. Trump is so dangerous that total destruction of the entire planet is a small price to pay to rid us of the evil of Trump.

    • Hatuey

      Anon, the pro-Israel thing is a concern but I’ve looked at it and I think he is doing just enough to keep them off his back whilst he deals with other stuff. We all know how difficult the Israeli lobby can make life in the US. Trump knows too. At some point he will put Israel in its place too. I’m sure of it.

    • StephenR

      JFK like Lincoln tried to take control of the business of creating money out of the hands of the banks.

  • Doghouse

    One thing I cannot accept is that anyone who wasn’t on board with the ‘deep state’ and their agenda could even get into the play offs let alone actually become US president and de facto head of the world army. It defies belief, mine at any rate. Yet so many seem willing to invest in the notion that he is a maverick that will make a difference if only we just wait and see. As a poster above suggested we do in relation to his interactions with Israel. Well, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and officially endorsing it as the new capital of that state was a nice little entrée was it not? The ultimate destination is the same regardless of whether the plonker in the WH is D or R. His record of bombs dropped is an improvement on his predecessors if recent stats are to be believed I’ll grant you….

    Bombs dropped under presidency of Bush Jr – 70,000. In fairness, he was at war.

    Bombs dropped under presidency of Barrack Obomber – 100,000. In fairness, there wasn’t a day during his reign when he wasn’t at war, and he did after all have the Nobel Peace prize.

    Bombs dropped in first year of the Donalds presidency – 44,000. In fairness, he isn’t officially at war with anyone, and has only just started.

    Dem/Rep/Tory/Lab same old same old, globalist agenda continues full steam ahead. Yawn, swamp drainer my arse.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Doghouse July 21, 2018 at 12:09
      I make you right. It didn’t take Trump long to reverse everything he had said in Helsinki. He is a jerk, but as you say, so too are the other lot.
      Heads ‘They’ win; tails you lose – Demoprats v Repugnants. There are people in the States who know what needs to be done:
      ‘As Trump Readies Concentration Camps, Where is the Green Party?’:

      I have found the Black Agenda Report to be one of the very few true left-wing newsletters in the States, or indeed anywhere.

  • Isa

    In today’s Guardian , an article by Jonathan Freedland about Brexit , opens with a self reflection of the author’s past condemnation of the weapons of Mass destruction, Tony Blair Sexed up dossier and the tragic Death of Dr David Kelly .

    A few paragraphs down , it makes a mention of Robert Mueller as an impartial man of character . The same Robert Mueller who testified that there were WMD to justify the Iraq war .

    I’m now convinced I’m living in a parallel world .

    • Trowbridge H. Ford

      Don’t forget that Mueller as FBI Director stepped aside when the !9 alleged hijackers did their suicide bombing on 9/11 because the Bureau was not to be trusted by the CIA with the counter terrorism because of Robert Hanssen’s spying for the debunked USSR.

      Mueller always covers for troubled Republicans.

      • Isa

        Thanks for those references Trowbridge and Paul . Any document link I can read in those particular events . I’ve been doing some reading this afternoon and the more I read the more I am appalled at myself for not digging into these areas before . I suppose I lived in partial blissfull ignorance .

      • Tony_0pmoc

        Trowbridge H. Ford,

        You could elucidate a little bit more (not here obviously), but you have always given the impression of believing most of the official story.

        I have no idea what these guys believe, but I thought it a totally brilliant response 13 years later. The full video of this is even more interesting, if you have ever done anything like this…I have worn a parachute many times, but unlike my wife never had to use it.

        “Night base jump in NYC: Skydivers plunge from One World Trade Center”–dKMGc


    • Paul Barbara

      @ Isa July 21, 2018 at 12:14
      Linked in a way, many people are unaware that as well as holding up a phial before the UN of a ‘deadly chemical agent’ to demonise Saddam, he was also involved in the ‘massed tanks along the Saudi border’ lie, and was also the officer in Vietnam who tried to cover up the My Lai massacre.

  • Paul Barbara

    ‘This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like’:

    ‘Whenever you see the sudden emergence of an attractive media campaign that is sympathetic to the plight of civilians in a resource-rich nation unaligned with the western empire, you are seeing propaganda. When that nation is surrounded by other nations with similar human rights transgressions and yet those transgressions are ignored by that same media campaign, you are most certainly seeing propaganda. When that nation just so happens to already be the target of starvation sanctions and escalated covert CIA ops, you can bet the farm that you are seeing propaganda.

    Back in December a memo was leaked from inside the Trump administration showing how then-Secretary of State, DC neophyte Rex Tillerson, was coached on how the US empire uses human rights as a pretense on which to attack and undermine noncompliant governments. Politico reports:

    The May 17 memo reads like a crash course for a businessman-turned-diplomat, and its conclusion offers a starkly realist vision: that the U.S. should use human rights as a club against its adversaries, like Iran, China and North Korea, while giving a pass to repressive allies like the Philippines, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
    “Allies should be treated differently — and better — than adversaries. Otherwise, we end up with more adversaries, and fewer allies,” argued the memo, written by Tillerson’s influential policy aide, Brian Hook…….’

    Not that the hypocrisy wasn’t obvious, but it’s nice to have it in writing from an insider.

    • Kerch'ee Kerch'ee Coup

      If by repressive allies like Philippines, the meaning is Marcos, Acquino/Tarlac establishment crowd , I would agree. But DU30 enjoys strong popular support in Philippines, having charted out a course toward accommodation with China and Russia and the phasing out of US forces ‘combatting’ Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao and Sulu. He has also reminded Filipinos of the US invasion and crushing of independence ( where waterboarding was a common technique and whence the term ‘Gook’ came way before ‘Nam.
      An attack on him last year was mounted . CIA’s cloddish attack on Duterte
      His attacks on the CIA/Triad/ fake jihadi drug trade can be termed repressive , but no more than those of Thaksin in Thailand , who is a very different pro US hegemony character.

  • Vivian O'Blivion

    Matters not a jot that the Russian Trump Collusion / Foreign interference in election probe is a series of toxic dead ends. Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein didn’t add the “and matters arising…” by accident.

    St. Petersburg troll farm has run its course. Mueller is not being allowed to by-pass the legal precedent that in such cases there is a duty for the prosecutor to prove that the foreign parties knew they were breaking US law. This thread has served its purpose in stirring up Russophobia, it can be parked up indefinitely.

    Way too many technical inconsistencies with the GRU hacked the DNC server story to go to trial with cross examination and public disclosure. Story has served its purpose and can be parked next to the troll farm.

    The Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. and Kushner might be worth while pursuing if only to enrage Don Snr.. Wonder why Mueller hasn’t already served indictments?

    The Popadopoulos Mifsud connection looks toxic for Mueller. Any open court trial would run the risk of exposing who Mifsud was really working for. From Mueller’s perspective least said the better.

    “matters arising….” is the means to bring Trump down. The best single piece of work I have read is from WhoWhatWhy.

    The stuff about mobster Vyacheslav “Yaponchick” Ivankov is jaw dropping and it puts Trump one step removed from Semion Mogilevich.

    • Herbie

      “Matters not a jot that the Russian Trump Collusion / Foreign interference in election probe is a series of toxic dead ends.”

      When they say Russian, they really mean those mentioned in the article.

  • Paul Barbara

    ‘Be Prepared To Shake The Earth If Julian Assange Is Arrested’:

    ‘Today British foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt repeated the tired old canard that WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange “is free to walk out of the doors of the Ecuadorean embassy any time he wishes,” despite the fact that the US government has been increasingly open about its desire to arrest Assange, and that the UK government has for six years refused to say whether it has received a US extradition request from the government which tortured Chelsea Manning. He’s as free to leave as a man with a gun pointed at his head after being told “Don’t move or I’ll shoot.”
    “Serious charges have been laid against him and we want him to face justice for those charges but we are a country of due process,” Hunt said of Assange. “At any time he wants to he is free to walk out onto the street of Knightsbride and the British police will have a warm welcome for him.”…..’

    More indications Assange will soon be handed to the wolves…

    • Mistress Pliddy

      What the heck is Medium? Looks too intricately tied up with the evil giants to risk going there, thanks

      • Paul Barbara

        @ Mistress Pliddy July 21, 2018 at 13:45
        It’s Caitlin Johnstone’s blog or something like that. Perfectly safe, I beleive. She’s got a great angle on stuff.

        ‘Medium is a blogging platform, like WordPress or Blogger. Medium is the new project from the guys who brought you Twitter. Medium is chaotically, arrhythmically produced by a combination of top-notch editors, paid writers, PR flacks, startup bros, and hacks.23 Aug 2013’:

        • Mistress Pliddy

          Sorry, my reply was intended for here…
          Thank you for your reply, Paul Barbara.

          I have nothing but admiration for Bartlett and Beeley and others bearing witness.
          It is just that the platform raises a few concerns for me. (By way of illustration, Couterpunch raises big concerns for me, but that does not mean I do not appreeciate some of their (syndicated) pieces, for example by Shamir.)
          Even this “Medium is the new project from the guys who brought you Twitter” is for me the very opposite of a ringing endorsement.

      • Robyn

        I don’t understand your comment, Mistress Pliddy. Caitlin Johnstone is one journalist well worth reading.

          • Charles Bostock

            Not everyone shares the opinion that Bartlett and Beeley are journalistic heroes. There are many who think that, at best, they are useful idiots.

            As were all those people who visited the Soviet Union and Germany in the 1930s and either saw nothing or acted as conscious or unconscious propagandists for those horrible regimes.

          • laguerre

            Only fellow travellers of the fascists don’t think Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are journalistic heroes. How anybody can deny it seems to me very very deeply involved in a pre-thought out programme.

          • Charles Bostock

            “Only fellow travellers of the fascists don’t think Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett are journalistic heroes”

            To follow your example of polite engagement, might I in turn suggest that only Assad and hero-worshippers and apologists would think that Misses Beeley and Bartlett are journalistic heroes.

          • bj

            Polite engagement.

            Your kind of Isra3l-ueber-Alles defending apartheid fascist is utterly incapable of politeness.

          • Herbie

            “As were all those people who visited the Soviet Union and Germany in the 1930s and either saw nothing or acted as conscious or unconscious propagandists for those horrible regimes.”

            They were doing what their masters wanted.

            Unlike Bartlett and Beeley, who’ve been exposing the masters games in Syria.

          • Shiatzu

            “They were doing what their masters wanted.”

            Not at all, Herbie.

            Some, of course were Communists or fellow-travellors and consciously told lies because their love of the USSR (and hatred of their own countries) got the upper hand over any remnants of decency and honesty they may have possessed

            Others were just gullible fools who were easily fooled by those masters of disinformation and trickery known as the NKVD, the Soviet foreign ministry and the Intourist of the time.

            That said, not everyone was fooled. Eg Malcolm Muggeridge, Andre Gide, etc…….

            Interesting to see that both categories still have their successors when it comes to the USSR in the 1930s and Nazi Germany, Herbie………

          • Herbie


            When you work out why Muggeridge and Gide weren’t “fooled”, let me know.

            Plenty of strange Communists running around the US and UK in the 1930s.

          • Herbie


            C4 and The Guardian have exposed nothing but their support for Western proxy terrorists.

    • Vivian O'Blivion

      It only appears insane from a rational perspective. If you consider events as a Malaysian shadow puppet show with the public being the captive audience it makes sense.
      If the comments section of the Mail online are overwhelmingly sceptical (wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of darkening their web portal myself) then the captive audience is in danger of calling out the Emperor’s new clothes.

  • Sharp Ears

    Javid’s attempt to smear Jeremy Corbyn fails miserably as he forced to backtrack. A malicious and pathetic twerp. He should get back to Deutsche Bank.

    Sajid Javid backtracks on Jeremy Corbyn ‘Holocaust denier’ tweet following backlash
    Labour MPs had accused home secretary of ‘peddling a lie’ – calling on Theresa May to step in
    28 minutes ago

    • FranzB

      Tony Greenstein has had a look at the recrudescence of the antisemitism lie aimed against Corbyn

      “Just when Labour pulls ahead of the Tories, Margaret Hodge makes false allegations of antisemitism against Corbyn”

      btw, heard a discussion on radio 5 with Anna Foster, Stephen Pollard and Naomi Wimborne Idrissi on antisemitism. Pollard got about 15 minutes of uninterrupted blather time to traduce Corbyn. Wimborne Idrissi (Jewish Voice for Labour) got about 5 minutes of being continually interrupted by Foster to counter Pollard’s rubbish.

      • Herbie

        She’s a very very wealthy woman, she is.

        God only knows what she was doing in the Labour party.

        Anyway, it’d not be unreasonable to assume that she feared his economic policies more than she feared the risible claims of antisemitism made against him.

    • Jo 1

      Javid’s attempts don’t need to succeed. As always the PLP will do its own smearing as was illustrated by the despicable Margaret Hodge last week. All staged if you ask me and followed up by that other Corbyn hater Woodcock resigning from the Party and then the other piece of work, Mann, doing the rounds next day to the Daily Politics and various newsrooms to denounce Corbyn. Truly, this mob could not sink any lower that they persist with these lies and stunts when there is so much going on.

  • Loony

    Hey look! A new twist to the ongoing refugee/migrant issue.

    While western liberals piss themselves with laughter at the slaughter of the Boers none other than Russia is stepping forward to offer assistance.

    Everything in South Africa is going according to the Communist playbook – so get ready for the rate of killings to kick into a much higher gear. Maybe in the longer term the Russians might be tempted to intervene there as well.

    • Vivian O'Blivion

      Tel Aviv is pissed off that South Africa is staunch in its solidarity with Palestine. Posting an article that cites Brietbart and Ann fucking Coulter as “evidence” is deranged even by your lofty standards.

    • bj

      Like I said, that hangup of yours needs treatment.

      You’ll go through life happier.

    • Herbie


      You just keep getting all the relationships wrong.

      Even if I wanted to agree with you on something, I couldn’t, because your worldview is incoherent.

      One minute you seem to be a paleo Conservative and the next minute you’re a neoliberal.

      I get the critique of Communism, but where are you coming from, really.

      What are you?

  • Republicofscotland

    Britain, France and the US continue to not ratify the the new ICC Statute.

    Britain in my opinion won’t ratify it in case it leads to the prosecution of Tony Blair. The US wont ratify it because of what it entails. France I believe, has a similar stance to the US. Ratifying it would not allow actions such as.

    “Acts of aggression are defined under the statute as: invading another state; bombing another state; blockading the ports or coastlines of another state; attacking the land, sea, or air forces, or marine or sea fleets of another state; violating a status of forces agreement; using armed bands, groups, irregulars or mercenaries against another state; allowing territory to be used by another state to perpetrate an act of aggression against a third state.”

    Bear in mind all three nations are permanent members of the UN Security Council.

  • ishmael

    Is it me or are Trump supporters as batty as each other, with the mental age & political education level of a stupid adolescent. The most freighting bit is that they consider their own ineptitude & stupidity (when they see it in others) sensible and wise?

    It may be in this case he is not doing some horrific thing, but the guy is a loony on most things. Appealing to a base on half witted brainwashed folk with barely hidden Nazi memes foundational to their politics.

    Decrypting the Alt-Right: How to Recognize a F@scist | ContraPoints

    How “Cultural Marxism” became the Far-Right’s Scapegoat

    And I understand it Craig views himself on the left, so why don’t you frog march yourself off this blog. It’s not your thing you reactionary bunch of dangerous idiots.

    • Republicofscotland

      “Is it me or are Trump supporters as batty as each other, with the mental age & political education level of a stupid adolescent. ”


      Summarising a Trump supporter, is a bit like recalling what happened to James W.Marshall. in 1848 Marshall was hired to dig out the foundations of a sawmill in California.

      Marshall struck gold and set of a chain of events that led to the California Gold Rush. Trumps followers, believe he’ll make them rich. However as in the gold rush more folk were sorely disappointed or died than became wealthy, including Marshall himself.

      • Ishmael

        I wonder if a lot of people support him just because of the fear, and not just their own pathetic racist fear of being “replaced” etc, but because he goes to some extreme crazy end in rhetoric, then back peddles a few feet and they all sigh relief, & support his more mild (but still generally good for nothing) corporate wealth constituency.

        Sure he’s thrown some a few crumbs that will last a few days. But yes, he’s just another a con man in a party in lock step with global corporations.

        What a bunch of tools.

        • Ishmael

          It reminds me of my late step father, never that physically violent, but the threat was always there, and you end up kind of grateful that he didn’t go as far as he promised, or obviously could.

          Hence it maintains control & obedience, even love. Without actually seeming like a total authoritarian control freak. But it is.

          • Ishmael

            I hope when Americans get rid of him they feel as liberated as I do now.

            I shudder to think they might actually have him serve anther term. We need america to get it’s shit together.

        • Paul Barbara

          @ Ishmael July 21, 2018 at 15:30
          ‘..Sure he’s thrown some a few crumbs that will last a few days…’
          But then he swept them all up again, saying he ‘misspoke’. ‘Missbegotten’ might be a better term for the Orange J_anus.

          • Ishmael

            O, I was on about the temporary economic crumbs.

            But yes, part of the same picture. Playing the field. As someone here remarked, pick your own “True” Trump,

      • Rocky

        I love your generalisations and stereotype caricatures of people with whom you disagree with. I’m sure there must be an ‘ism for this mind-set somewhere.

    • Tony_0pmoc


      Trump got *redacted* on day 1, and broadcast what he thought when interviewed the same day. Whilst I was incredibly suspicious, it took me 18 months to prove conclusively to myself, that the official story was impossible, because it did not comply with the fundamental laws of physics and maths.

      I really like a lot of stuff you write, and its good to see you posting again.

      Whilst I am not exactly a Trump supporter (the last time I voted which happens extremely rarely it was for Labour cos I really like Jeremy Corbyn), I have to acknowledge that he is in an extremely difficult position, surrounded by people in the USA on almost all sides who completely hate him

      I honestly thought your intelligence was such that you would recognise that.

      I recently bought a book with the title “Brainwashing” by an Oxford academic. Whilst my core subjects were physics and maths, followed by computing, I always had some interests in philosophy (which is largely a mental waste of time), but also psychology (which is one of the most powerful forces on the planet) at changing people’s point of view, particularly when using the tool of the mass media (tv especially)

      I suggest you have a nide day, and review your thoughts of President Trump.

      Unlike Hillary Clinton, he seems to want peace, especially with Russia, so that the Americans and the Russians don’t blow the planet up in a World Wide nuclear war.

      Sure, he’s uncouth, but he does come from New York, and has mixed with these mafia gangster types all his life.

      I personally have found Manchester and London far more civilised, though admittedly have never been to New York, but know several friends who have. They were completely shocked.


      • Ishmael

        Sry i missed this RE.

        No I won’t be revising my opinion on Trump, though iv already said what I think about his specific actions regarding Russia etc. And yes I know the position he is in.

        In short, my opinion is already nuanced. I watch what goes on & I’m not going to all of a sudden start liking the guy, And as with JC “like” is really not a good idea in assessing peoples actions critically.

        & He’s toxic in so many respects I don’t imagine i’ll change much.

  • Juvenilis

    Jeremy Corbyn is living proof of the thesis that – in the modern world of today – no person should remain an MP for more than three or perhaps four full parliamentary terms (or 15/20 years, whichever is the longer). They get stale, rooted in an unrecoverable past, inflexible, unrealistic……

    • Walt King

      Jeremy is one of the few untainted MPs in the House of Arseholes.
      Please don’t lose sight of that fact.

      • Vivian O'Blivion

        Agreed, but he is also a true believer and while this is endearing for a backbench MP it is downright dangerous for a potential Prime Minister.
        His support for Brexit as I understand it is that the UK would be free to provide State aid to industry. That whole preface supposes that the UK elects a socialist government and never again does a Tory a government trouble the ministerial motorpool. Touchingly naive but that’s what you get with a true believer. If Jeremy hadn’t found socialism, he would be knocking your door and asking if you had heard of our Lord and saviour …

        • Herbie

          “His support for Brexit as I understand it is that the UK would be free to provide State aid to industry. That whole preface supposes that the UK elects a socialist government and never again does a Tory a government trouble the ministerial motorpool”

          They managed reasonably well during the post-war consensus.

          I mean, we’re only talking a mixed-economy here.

          And reigning-in the financial class a tad, in terms of their impact on the domestic economy.

    • Garth Carthy

      I strongly disagree. What’s best is a good mix of ages and sexes. Many MP’s in the Tory Party are quite young and yet are, in your words, “stale, rooted in an unrecoverable past, inflexible, unrealistic”.
      I don’t find Corbyn to be particularly prone to any of your criticisms. He seems to be up-to-date and in tune with the educated young. He’s against all the Victorian Tory abominations like austerity cuts, only looking after the fat cats, the need for food kitchens, etc.
      In this day and age, what is “realistic”? We create our own “reality”: The Neo-cons created their own version of “reality” and look where that has got us.
      If those fighting for worker’s rights in the last centuries had sat down and said: “Oh, let’s just allow the ruling elite to exploit us – we have to just accept the reality”, do you seriously think workers would have improved their pay and conditions?

      • Garth Carthy

        Of course my first reply was intended for Juvenilis and I thoroughly concur with Walt King.

      • Ishmael

        Agree, It just goes to show you can be older and still be ok. Though I’m still very critical he puts most in the shade as far as being up to date goes.

        I mean the 1970s is better than the 1870s. And he even has some truly cutting edge or new thinking in some areas.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Juvenilis July 21, 2018 at 15:00
      Yeh, sure, let’s bring back Bliar….

    • Xavi

      Pragmatic, “realist” “modernizers” ran things for a generation. The richest have got unimaginably richer at everybody else’s expense, genuine democracy has shrivelled and we’ve arrived in an age of endless war, bankers crashing the global economy and going unpunished, resurgence of the fascist right, mindless phenomena like Trump, Brexit and unhinged bating of the world’s 2nd largest nuclear power.

      But no, it’s Corbyn’s gentle social-democratic vision, which prevailed through the post-war golden age, that is the nightmare …

      • Loony

        There is nothing gentle about Corbyn’s vision. He is a communist – and if he gains power the economy will collapse and enemies of the regime will be identified and promptly dispatched – same as Communists do everywhere.

        You can already see the irrational hatred that manifests against anyone that dares to hold a different view – agree with me or you are a Nazi. You cannot negotiate with Nazi’s therefore they must be confronted (read killed).

        Somehow I do not think you will have a long life expectancy under such a regime.

        • Xavi

          Please cite any policy in his manifesto that would not have been considered mainstream in western Europe before the advent of neoliberalism. And please cite any occasion where he has called someone who disagreed with him a Nazi.

          The reality is the very opposite. He dares to call time on the rule of the 1% and gets smeared as a communist or anti-semites.

          • Loony

            Yeah OK, whatever happened to Leon Trotsky? He got an ice pick in the head, did he not.

            Corbyn himself is quite polite and he does not call people Nazi’s, not that I ever said he did, or intended to imply that he did. One man does not a revolution make – you can see that a number of his fellow travelers are all too keen to scream Nazi and racist at anyone with the temerity to disagree with them.

            Corbyn is unable to get a lot his policies into any manifesto as he is constrained by Labour Neo-cons, so that would not be a good place to look for evidence. Instead of relying on my analysis, why not rely on the analysis of the actual Communist Party of Britain.


            If Corbyn is able to achieve power then it will firstly be necessary for him to rid himself of the Labour Party Neo con contingent. Once that is achieved it is a racing certainty that certain new policies will be unveiled. One of them is to re-nationalize the railways – but Corbyn seems to have overlooked the fact the critical part of British Railways has long since been demolished. Notice how he never provides any explanation as to how that is going to work. You can go through every policy and find similar material problems.

            Why not compare Corbyn with Robespierre – see how that all ended. Always remember that today’s revolutionary is tomorrow’s reactionary. That is Jeremy Corbyn. Come the glorious day he wont last long and neither will you.

            Here is Jeremy Corbyn speaking to el Presidente Maduro – a man who now presides over an inflation rate of 13,000% But hey maybe the poor benefit from 13,000% inflation


            Corbyn uses a lot of words, but El Rey Juan Carlos used rather less when addressing Chavez.

            Corbyn: A man who hangs around with Sinn Fein because he is an honest peace broker – but who never goes anywhere near the UVF. Such balance, such honesty.

            One final thing to remember about Corbyn is that he absolutely loathes the EU – he detests the EU so much that he makes Rees Mogg look like a moderate. Strange how in recent years he has become so reluctant to express this view.

        • J

          Hysterical (in the sense of detached from reality to the point of euphoric anxiety) nonsense (in the sense that, over time, you have contradicted yourself above and beyond the call of sanity until anything you say has no real context in which it can be related to anything else.)

          What do you care anyway? According to you, you’re not from these Islands and you don’t live here. So, what precisely, is your interest?

          It’s worth asking again, what exactly is your interest?

          You have a habit of not noticing pertinent questions, so I’ll ask you once more, what is your interest?

          While you have no real inkling of the causes of the problems discussed, you also have no real sense of your own criticisms either, which are largely reserved for anyone or anything which pledges to deal with the problems discussed here, such as Jeremy Corbyn.

          Your conceptualisation of the problems never seems to find a conclusion which does not require things to remain exactly as they are, especially if there’s any danger of something changing. Any necessary change (according to you) must take the form of things appearing to remain exactly as they are. Anyone who doubts this should read your postings in the run up to the last UK general election. For someone who does not live in the UK and who is not from the UK, you certainly have a remarkably consistent interest that the Tories remain in power.

          In case you want to ignore the only relevant question left to ask you, what is your real interest?

          You often sympathise with issues discussed, only to present surprisingly right wing solutions somewhere down the line. You’re the closest thing this comment section has to a full time propagandist. Wherever you feign sympathy with an argument, ultimately it is merely in order to mislead or confuse. You’ve done this many times now.

          As far as it is possible to infer anything at all from your various creative approaches to sowing confusion, the only things you consistently support are:

          1. British people abstaining or voting Conservative. Certainly never voting for a progressive left candidate (because nothing can be changed through politics, according to you) but failing that, progressives are evil communists (hell bent on contaminating your precious bodily fluids.)

          2. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson.)

          3. Donald Trump.

          Those are your progressive credentials.

          One has to ask, who do you imagine you are working for? And, what are your interests in this discussion board?

          • Loony

            What does it matter where I come from? The messenger is not important. Only the message is important.

            The cause of the problems is that the era of cheap energy is over. This necessitates that everyone is going to get a lot poorer. Because politicians are too cowardly to tell people that which they do not want to hear they lie instead. To give their lies credence they have embarked on a coordinated policy of debt creation the like of which has never been seen in history.

            This all ends badly. The only choice is whether it ends sooner or later. Most people are going to prefer later. If you prefer sooner, then who am I to argue. But please do not wrap up your death cult fantasies in some kind of twisted and deranged humanitarianism.

            Tommy Robinson is in prison. He is in prison because he has committed a crime. However his views are remarkably similar to the views of Douglas Murray – who is not in prison and who has not committed a crime. What this shows is the vacuous inanity of the British chattering classes. Everyone wants to scream and shout that Tommy Robinson is a racist, but no-one wants to say the same things about Douglas Murray – and that is because at some level the screeching harridans are afraid of being sued. This means that at some level they also know that they are telling lies when they abuse Robinson. Cowardice is not a virtue, and it is important that people understand this.

            Donald Trump represents the single best chance we all have of avoiding a nuclear catastrophe and the single best chance of rebuilding a functional economy based on materially lower energy consumption. It is a long shot, but then it was a long shot for the people that jumped out of the windows in the World Trade Center.

            I do not imagine that I am working for anyone. Along time ago I decided that I would not work on Maggie’s farm no more.

            I have no particular interest in this discussion board. I think I have something to say – if you don’t share that view then don’t read what I write. What could be simpler.

          • Herbie


            “The cause of the problems is that the era of cheap energy is over.”

            This is your premise?

            Complete and utter bollocks!!

            We’ve an absolute cornucopia of energy these days, so much so indeed that interested elites combine to make it more scarce and expensive than a free market should indicate. Like diamonds.

            Wars, sanctions, pipeline-bans, whatever, don’t matter.

            Anything to stave off what would otherwise naturally occur.

            Free trade.

          • J

            Eitan Bemamou :

            When I spend any of my time on Israeli message boards haranguing Israeli’s you’ll have a valid point. Until then, work on your comprehension skills.

        • Dave Lawton

          July 21, 2018 at 18:32

          “There is nothing gentle about Corbyn’s vision. He is a communist”
          HaHa You know Corbyn do you? Tell me.

  • Sharp Ears

    BDS is working. That is why it is disliked.

    ‘Student unions, churches and academic institutions worldwide are voting to dissociate themselves from Israeli companies involved in the occupation. Parliamentarians are proposing stronger regulations to exclude the settlements from Europe’s trade with Israel. There is a simple reason for the Israeli government’s vast investment in undermining the right to boycott: BDS is working. But it’s vital that the right is protected. The three tenets of the BDS movement – to end an occupation, to achieve equal rights and to repatriate refugees – shouldn’t be controversial. To believe that they threaten the existence of the ‘J.wish state’ is to admit that the state is inherently antithetical to those values. Palestinians can’t be denounced on the one hand when they resort to violence, and on the other when they pursue the only non-violent means still available to them.’

    Amjad Iraqi – Short Cuts. London Review of Books [Online] vol. 40 no. 14 pp. 34-35. [Accessed 21 July 2018].

    Amjad Iraqi is a writer and human rights advocate based in Israel-Palestine.

      • Eitan Bemamou

        Actually I don’t. The fact that the pro-BDS beigade continually feels the need to tell everyone how successful it is indicates to me that it is not very significant at all. Remember “speak softly and carry a big stick”? BDS is a very small stick – perhaps even a mere twiglet – and no amount of shouting will change that fact. Sorry !

    • J

      I hope all influential friends of Wikileaks and Julian will pool their resources to pull off something spectacular in the coming days. Something which cannot be ignored by the media and which cannot go unnoticed by the majority of people or fail to resonnate with their basic sense of fairness. It could be the very last chance for him.

      He has made the single greatest contribution to informed consent to governance in my lifetime, the single highest contribution to the cause of democracy and to the enlightenment. To quietly watch him go to whatever fate the Americans have in mind would is the highest moral and intellectual dereliction. Second only to the irrecovarable cowardice of those condemning him based on lies and smears.

    • Paul Barbara

      @ Ishmael July 21, 2018 at 17:33
      By the same token, China could argue that Australia is ‘largely uninhabited’. To say nothing about Alaska….

      • Bill Marsh

        If we are talking of uninhabited how about the Canadian Territory of Nunavut. It has the land mass of the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy combined and has under 40,000 inhabitants.

    • Tony_0pmoc


      I know a few people who were born in South Africa, and who occasionally fly back to visit their relatives. I don’t have a massive problem with them, whilst some people I know automatically do. They hear their South African accent, and immediately assume purely on the basis of that, that they are a Right Wing Fascist. Strangely enough, I do find some exhibitions of their behaviour (some of the people born in South Africa) that correlate with that view, yet most South Africans I know are really lovely as are the people I know and am related to via marriage from Zimbabwe who are pure black, and so talented I am in awe, when they play my musical instruments in my house. Some generalisations are correct, but we shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush. I have it on extremely good
      authority that Lambeth Country Show, is completely brilliant..if you don’t like beer..

      My wife went, but I gave it a miss…She is said it is very much like WOMAD, which we both love.


    • Loony

      Let me help you out here.

      Professor Joseph Tainter held the view that the greatest weakness of humanity was its inability to understand the exponential function. If we assume that the exponential function is not a Nazi function then we are left with the following:

      White settlers first arrived in South Africa in 1652. In 1652 global population was somewhere around 600 million. The population of sub Saharan Africa was something less than 100 million (perhaps a lot less). Then as now most Africans lived in either East Africa or West Africa.

      Today global population is around 7.6 billion with the population of Sub Saharan Africa weighing in at something over 1.2 billion. This gives an average population density of 43/square km. (By way of comparison the UK has a population density of 395/square km).

      Even though the African population has increased more than 10 fold in the last 350 years it is still possible today to travel by foot or bicycle for days in places like Namibia (formerly South West Africa) without seeing a single person. In 1652 there were no roads, no cars, no trains and no planes. All you had was your own feet or a horse.

      Surely any sane person can appreciate that given all of this the average person in 1652 would have legitimately concluded that South Africa was “largely uninhabited” They would have concluded this because it would have accorded with their own observations.

      • Herbie

        “In 1652 there were no roads, no cars, no trains and no planes. All you had was your own feet or a horse.”

        Right. So they didn’t get that far, did they, from base.

        Their observations were quite limited.

        And there were big dangerous animals out there, in the Bush, and even tiny little insects can kill ya.

        But, by the time of Rhodes, they knew. Based on the research of those early pioneers.

        Interesting chap, Rhodes.

        I mean. He just lays it all out there, how it works.

        “Surely any sane person can appreciate that given all of this the average person in 1652 would have legitimately concluded that South Africa was “largely uninhabited” They would have concluded this because it would have accorded with their own observations.”

        Yeah right, observations from base camp.

        Reminds me of those BBC hacks reporting from Tel Aviv, on events in Sunni ME. They moved to Amman after that, then Beirut .

        More cred.

        It’s all cobblers.

        The Zionists used to say that Palestine was not peopled before they made it their home.

        “A land without a people,
        For a people, without a land”

        Elite Anglo/Unionists like Brookeborough said that about Ulster. This Gaelic kingdom’s lords had vacated their lands and left them to whomsoever

        That’s true.

        But there were peeps hiding in the hills, those who could get away.

        And they came back generations later and took back the land again. Elites then supported this return.

        The NI Unionist elite and the Afrikaner and Rhodesians were working together, and with the Israelis. An earlier form of the multi-polar world thing, I suppose.

        For Globalists these would be problematic competition, and so, the first three of the four have had State’s powers removed from them.

        The big gang was taking out the smaller gangs bit by bit, but now the littler gangs have noticed and are getting together to fight the big gang.

        It’s Trump, Putin, Netahyahu, and affiliates, against The Borg.

        And then again, you just don’t know.

        Maybe, Trump, Putin, Netahyahu, and affiliates, are, The Borg.

      • certa certi

        ‘Surely any sane person can appreciate that given all of this the average person in 1652 would have legitimately concluded that South Africa was “largely uninhabited’

        Oh dear. The Terra Nullius trope lives on a leftwing blog.

  • Paul Barbara

    At least Trump is going to stop splitting kids from parents – oh yeh?
    ‘The Trump Administration Is Making Immigrant Parents Pay $800 for DNA Tests to Get Their Kids Back’:

    ‘..America isn’t just failing to reunite families—it is making it as hard as possible.

    The July 10 deadline for the Trump administration to reunite detained families with their children under 5 years old has passed. Predictably, and infuriatingly, they failed to meet that deadline. It’s predictable because the administration repeatedly tried to get the deadline extended, mostly on grounds that they knew they couldn’t meet it. And it’s infuriating because while Trump eagerly rushed into his “zero tolerance” and family-separation policies, it’s been clear since the beginning that his administration had no plans or methods for reuniting families once they were forced apart.

    It’s not hard to conclude that family reunification isn’t a priority. The Department of Homeland Security has claimed it has a database of separated children and parents but has never proved it exists. Trump himself has said that the procedure for reuniting families is “don’t come to our country illegally” in the first place. And now, as the Daily Beast reports, government officials have told at least four immigrant women that to get their children back, they’ll have to pay for their own DNA tests to prove that they’re related:

    The tests are the latest ad hoc effort by the Trump administration to reunite families it had separated—in some cases because authorities took documents from adults proving they are related to their children. The tests are being administered by a private contractor on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, which oversees the care and housing of children. HHS has refused to name the contractor, which may be a violation of federal law.

    HHS replied by claiming that they provide DNA tests free of charge, but reports from both the director for the immigrant shelter where the women are staying and an immigration lawyer who works with the shelter contradict that. The women are reportedly being told to pay between $700 and $800…..’

    So much for the Orange J_anus’ promises….

    • Loony

      Is it not the case that all people who commit criminal acts run the risk of being separated from their children?

      Take a look at the case of Rose West. She murdered some, but not all of her children. She is now in prison and has been separated from her surviving children. Should she be released from prison on the grounds that she needs to be reunited with her children that she has so far neglected to murder?

      These are people who have forced or encouraged their children to illegally enter the US – often by forcing them to travel across a desert and then forcing them into the Rio Grande. Why don’t you try forcing your children into a large body of water and see how long it takes for you to be separated from your children.

      • glenn_nl

        Applying for asylum is not a criminal act. Everything that flows from your false premise is thus null and void.

        Good job at regurgitating a false right-wing talking point, though. Your MAGA hat is made in China, did you know that?

        • Tony

          But intentionally putting your family in mortal danger whilst trying to get them into a position of applying for asylum is very much a criminal act..

        • Loony

          Speaking of fake, the only fake thing is your implied assertion that I somehow claimed applying for asylum was a criminal act.

          Seeking the enter the US illegally by evading US border controls is the illegal act. If you try to enter the US illegally (or anywhere else for that matter) then you too will be arrested.

  • Xavi

    Ecuador Will Imminently Withdraw Asylum for Julian Assange and Hand Him Over to the UK
    by Glenn Greenwald

    “If, as seems likely, the Trump administration announces that it intends to prosecute Assange for publishing classified U.S. Government documents, we will be faced with the bizarre spectacle of U.S. journalists – who have spent the last two years melodramatically expressing grave concern over press freedom due to insulting tweets from Donald Trump – possibly cheering for a precedent that would be the gravest press freedom threat in decades.”

    • Ishmael

      …But the Trump administration has made clear that they have no such concerns. Quite the contrary: last April, Trump’s then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo, now his Secretary of State, delivered a deranged, rambling, highly threatening broadside against WikiLeaks. Without citing any evidence, Pompeo decreed that WikiLeaks is “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia,” and thus declared: “we have to recognize that we can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us.”

      …”The long-time right-wing Congressman, now one of Trump’s most loyal and favored cabinet officials, also explicitly rejected any First Amendment concerns about prosecuting Assange, arguing that while WikiLeaks “pretended that America’s First Amendment freedoms shield them from justice . . . they may have believed that, but they are wrong.”.

      Hero Trump.

      MAGA OR Quite Facist. MAQF

      • Xavi

        Careful Ishmael, there’s a pack of trumpanzees loose on this site who think he’s fighting the neocons with his buddies Bolton and Pompeo.

        • Ishmael


          Well as i said, shouldn’t come here. It’s like flat earth folk invading. Can’t help it if they don’t like evidence based stuff.

          Still dreaming the American dream. ..It’s kind of quaint I guess.

    • Ishmael

      So the UK is going to hand him over to the Trump administration, in a country conducting an open attack on press freedom, ….And their own constitution.


  • quasi_verbatim

    Twenty Items to Disappear First.

    Are you ready for B-Day?

    Water filters
    Can openers
    Sugar and syrups
    Vegetable oil
    Lighter fluid
    Water containers
    Vitamins, medicines
    Aluminium foil
    Rubbish bags
    Toilet paper, paper towels
    Milk, powdered and condensed
    Batteries, matches, torches
    Rainwear, socks, gloves, boots
    Female hygiene
    Flour, yeast, salt
    Personal hygiene – toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash
    Tea, coffee
    Canned Fruit
    Laundry detergent, bleach

    …and don’t forget to stock up on Novitsjok Nr.5 parfum du toilette spray.

      • Kempe

        I like dirty girls but more to the point how are most of the posters here going to manage without their aluminium foil?

        • King of Welsh Noir

          ‘…how are most of the posters here going to manage without their aluminium foil?’

          Ha ha that is actually really quite a good joke, I don’t believe I’ve seen you make one before. But you needn’t worry, the aluminium used in our millinery is metaphorical and thus limitless.

    • Tony

      Quasi Verbatim, calm down. Nothing much will change after brexit. The general public won’t notice any difference. Business runs Europe, and business will continue as usual. The tail will never wag the dog

  • Paul Barbara

    Once again, the US shows it’s true colours – the reason it doesn’t want the likes of Julian Assange and Wickileaks is they expose US crimes, cyber, spying or War Crimes.
    ‘NSA World Spying – Target Tokyo’:
    ‘..The list indicates that NSA spying on Japanese conglomerates, government officials, ministries and senior advisers extends back at least as far as the first administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which lasted from September 2006 until September 2007. The telephone interception target list includes the switchboard for the Japanese Cabinet Office; the executive secretary to the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga; a line described as “Government VIP Line”; numerous officials within the Japanese Central Bank, including Governor Haruhiko Kuroda; the home phone number of at least one Central Bank official; numerous numbers within the Japanese Finance Ministry; the Japanese Minister for Economy, Trade and Industry Yoichi Miyazawa; the Natural Gas Division of Mitsubishi; and the Petroleum Division of Mitsui.

    Today’s publication also contains NSA reports from intercepts of senior Japanese government officials. Four of the reports are classified TOP SECRET. One of the reports is marked “REL TO USA, AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL”, meaning it has been formally authorised to be released to the United States’ “Five Eyes” intelligence partners: Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand.

    The reports demonstrate the depth of US surveillance of the Japanese government, indicating that intelligence was gathered and processed from numerous Japanese government ministries and offices. The documents demonstrate intimate knowledge of internal Japanese deliberations on such issues as: agricultural imports and trade disputes; negotiating positions in the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization; Japanese technical development plans, climate change policy, nuclear and energy policy and carbon emissions schemes; correspondence with international bodies such as the International Energy Agency (IEA); strategy planning and draft talking points memoranda concerning the management of diplomatic relations with the United States and the European Union; and the content of a confidential Prime Ministerial briefing that took place at Shinzo Abe’s official residence….

    But will the MSM pick it up? Will the f*ck. Kill the messenger, the MSM roar (in earlier times it would have been ‘crucify him’).

  • Republicofscotland

    Ardent Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg, refusing to answer if he’d resign “if” Brexit is detrimental to Britain’s economy.

    Mogg, is quite willing to play fast and loose with everyone elses future, but not his own.

    Mogg knows fine well Brexit will leave Britain in a far worse state, economically, than if we remained in the EU. What a w#nker.

    • MJ

      Perhaps it depends on the timescale. It might be detrimental to give up heroin in the short term because of the trauma of cold turkey but the long term picture might be quite different.

      • Ishmael

        These simplified abstractions really don’t help. Presenting the EU as some purely harmful negative addiction says nothing about reality. The 1000s of unique connections between us and the EU or Europe, (that are obviously intertwined with international connections also).

        You may as well have said, monkey plant doorknob sitting …fast car. Relates to the reality of the situation just as much as what you just said.

        • Ishmael

          Brexit means Brexit, …Yea, ug ug ug.

          Perfect for the mob .

          Who cares ug ug, grunt slober, fall of your ass, piss your pants, & crawl along in the gutter.

          Nobody had a clue did they? Purely idealogical.

        • Paul Barbara

          @ Ishmael July 21, 2018 at 21:32
          ‘..monkey plant doorknob sitting …fast car….’
          Oddly enough, that is exactly the kind of junk one gets exposed to on TV in many pubs, except of course they add sex and violence, all rapidly intermixed. It is deliberately tailored to train the brains of the fools who watch to accept everything – nothing links together. But the basic thrust is unlimited sex, violence and ‘the good life’ (in a pig’s eye).
          It really drives me to distraction that so many people just can’t see what they are doing. They really are brainwashed.
          And that’s without any subliminal stuff they may put in (though ostensibly banned):

          • Ishmael

            Yea, & I’m really not a great fan of reason myself, in it’s place it has a function, ok, but yea, lots of people are scarily without much awareness, logic etc. Maybe it’s because these facilities are enhanced with working on the whole.

            Eg practicing not thinking & just focusing on awareness meditation/”spiritual” stuff seems to be necessary for good logic and thinking. Though It seems to me even (and most particularly perhaps) the very well educated in our western institutions did not have a clue.

            This was led by them remember. Borris has been throwing bombs in europe for years, like it all just fun and games. Gave him attention. Some clever abstract put downs. who cares about reality? like idiot school boys.

            Any gap between eton & your average piss head? …Though I don’t know if id call it brainwashing as much as just a base culture that reflectively affirms itself across society. Same as the gutter press. Gang of yobs. The same effect maybe.

        • Tony

          But we never needed those 1000s of unique connections, and many of them have been detrimental. Why on earth do people believe in the necessity of Europe creating an extra tier of government? Where else in the modern world has this absurd concept of forcing a loose grouping of often squabbling neighbours worked? There are examples of in modern history of it being tried and ending in catastrophe. Come back to us in three hundred years with your ideas. Europe might be ready then.

          • Ishmael


            Your really that racist/stuck up about how you see “us’?

            & forced?

            Many have arguably not been detrimental. And maybe it’s that we are so backward, easy led, stupid & still blindly nationalistically arrogant.

            If footballs anything to go on.

            But all this talk is worth nothing to the situation at hand.

    • Baron

      You what, RepublicofScotland, God or have at least a proven record forecasting the future. The old Chinese had it about right – man can forecast anything but the future.

      There’s no guarantee we do well in or out of the Brussels undemocratic construct, it’s up to us. Even on the most basic level, the EU set-up introduces into any major and even a minor decision making process another layer of apparatchiks for whom we not only have to pay, but who interfere with anything they can think of if only to justify their existence.

      Britain is not a Plc, a nationwide M&S or whatever, more to the point, what should one be coupled with, a close, protectionist market of 400mn people run by a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, or a market of over 6.5bn, heh?

      • Tony

        Somebody will probably come back to you with the wooden top gravity economics theory which never seems to work very well in real world economics.

      • Paul Barbara

        @ Baron July 21, 2018 at 22:08
        ‘..The old Chinese had it about right – man can forecast anything but the future…’
        Many people have forecasted the future in the past, some proved to be uncannily true.
        I believe there have always been witches, witch doctors, shamans, mystics etc who had strange powers (almost all I believe from the Devil, though many of them would not have been aware of the source).
        Here is one of them, the head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the 1880’s, who claimed to have received his ‘Three World Wars’ info in a vision:
        ‘Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For The Three World Wars’: 

        ‘Mystery 200-year-old letter revealed World War 3 plans – and final battle against Islam’: -Albert-Pike-conspiracy-Islam-ISIS-America 

        (If links don’t work, put headings in search engine)

        It is interesting that the letter was claimed to be on public display in the British Museum till the 1970’s, when it mysteriously disappeared, but the British Museum and the British Librarymclaim no records exist of their ever having had it.
        It is a fact that Masons, extremely secretive and jealous of their ‘secrets’, were extremely angry when books were written exposing some of their secrets, and would go round Public Libraries stealing the books. I suspect that is what happened in this case.

        I have Albert Pike’s book ‘Morals and Dogma of the Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’.
        Originally printed in 1871, my copy was reprinted in 1954
        On the title page in large bold type is the admonition, in capitals: ESOTERIC BOO, FOR SCOTTISH RITE USE ONLY; TO BE RETURNED UPON WITHDRAWAL OR DEATH OF RECIPIENT.
        I’m still alive, but in the times it was printed originally, someone getting hold of it might well have come to a sticky end.
        Both Pike in Morals and Dogma and JSM Ward in ‘Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods’ claim that from the 30* Masons are taught that Lucifer is their God. And the 30* + Masons sure act like it, from Astronauts to Presidents.

        • Hatuey

          “Masons are taught that Lucifer is their God…”

          Why not? There’s a case to be made for saying everything is upside down and back to front in the enlightened world. Language is key but this predates Orwell by several hundred years.

          Take the dark ages. We actually know very little about this period but what we do know is that it was relatively peaceful. There were skirmishes here and there with adventurous Vikings but nothing you’d call genocidal. Given the lack of totalitarian governmental control that existed over communities and villages, we can assume these were also fairly free and liberal times for most. I ask, then, who were these dark ages dark for?

          Juxtaposition those dark ages with the enlightenment. Well, it’s hard to imagine more grotesque violations of humanity than those that took place during the post 1700 enlightenment. Slavery? Colonialism? Kids up chimneys until their lungs caved in? Industrial warfare? The holocaust? Hiroshima? Enlightened?

          Everything seems paradoxical on a certain level but looking at the dark chapters in history, who benefitted from them and what they entailed, it’d be very easy to make a case for rejecting out of hand everything that mainstream culture and orthodoxy tells you is good and vice versa.

          I struggle with the idea that packing Africans into ships like sardines and forcing them to work on plantations until they died is enlightened or somethings God might support, but that’s what they did and said at the time. Lucifer could definitely have done more towards helping those poor souls. That much is clear.

        • Kempe

          ” It is interesting that the letter was claimed to be on public display in the British Museum till the 1970’s, when it mysteriously disappeared, but the British Museum and the British Library claim no records exist of their ever having had it. ”

          Probably because it was a fake, a hoax. Fascism and Nazism didn’t exist in 1871 so the words wouldn’t have meant anything to anybody.

        • Baron

          Very kind of you to respond, Paul Barbara, furnish the charming story of Pike’s powers of forecasting, but please …..

          Anyone with common sense is more likely to side with J @ 08:51 (and not only for the book alone), no?

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