Reply To: Rally in Krasnodar on January 23

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Rally in Krasnodar on January 23 Reply To: Rally in Krasnodar on January 23


As this forum thread turned to be about Navalny…
Today Mr. Murray posted in Twitter

“Extraordinary. Dissident Navalny gets two years in jail 2,000 miles away (which I also condemn) and the entire UK media go ballistic.
I face two years in jail in a political prosecution here in the UK. The UK media are perfectly fine with that because I am a dissident.”

Mr. Murray, seems like you don’t follow the news and don’t care of what people you align yourself with. The fact that Navalny calls himself ‘dissident’ doesn’t mean he’s sued for his political activities.

I’ve commented in your Twitter

“Don’t forget that his brother got a jail term for this crime. Navalny violated 2 times last January, then February, March, July, August. 3 times the courts considered and refused, only extending the probation period. He’s a lawyer and knew well what he was doing, I think.”

More detail is in this article in russian:–1595724685.html

Also, I see today is another court hearing, Navalny vs WW2 veteran on defamation case

One more time, Mr. Murray, I’d like to drive your attention to the fact, that you and Navalny have very little in common. The biggest difference is the basic respect for humans around.
I doubt you could sometime say to a WW2 veteran that he is a corrupt lackey, he raised his grandson as a prostitute and that his relatives would strangle him at night.