A question I can't get anyone to ask

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum A question I can't get anyone to ask

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  • #37898 Reply
    Leigh Fisher

      Did Hillary Clinton approach classified materials while on the SASC the same way she did while at State?
      I don’t understand why this question hasn’t been asked. Surely other countries, particularly China, asked that question and sought an answer. Why would they not target the servers HC backed her BB up to while in the Senate? We know at least 1 of the 2 BES seized by FBI from Equnix she used for that, because she said as much when she described it as “an old server.”
      I understand TPTB on all sides wouldn’t want people to know if and to what extent a foreign govt accessed any material at that level, but they’ve failed to manage what feels now a street level schism in this country due to their internal tribal strife and secrecy. There is a dangerous amount of rage and divisiveness not directed at any particular wrong-doing because we don’t have the information to guide it.
      The strangeness of ruthless calls to confront Russia contrasted with Trumps “treasonous” deference to them should signal that we don’t know what we need to know to be anything but angry onlookers confronting each other in check-out lanes. This is unacceptable.

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