Russiagate + Twitter censorship complex (2024)

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  • #95207 Reply

    Starting this thread after on several occasions since 2022 I wanted to share important links without a thread dedicated to the topic. So I tossed ´em somewhere. Which wasn´t helpful.

    * * *

    An important new overview, albeit hampered by insider lingo, of the work Substack´s extraordinary “FOIA” has done unearthing Russiagate material per asking for unpublished records – FOIA.

    84 min. audio only
    “Russiagate: A Conspiracy”
    March 2nd 2024
    Overview of where we stand on Russiagate
    FOIA Around And Find Out

    – for instance reminding listeners that Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier

    His site also highly recommended:

    * * *

    Matt Taibbi
    2017 article for Rolling Stone
    “How Did Russiagate Start?
    Amid the chaos of James Comey’s firing, new questions about the timeline of his fateful investigation”
    March 15th 2017

    Matt Taibbi
    10 min. conversation on THE HILL
    “Interview With “Rising,” About Trump-Russia Probe”
    Febr. 29th 2024

    – by 2017 it was known to media that the CIA had acknowledged that RU would feel more comfortable with H. Clinton as POTUS than D. Trump, latter considered a wild card at that time.
    Completely forgotten today.

    #95218 Reply

    p.s. in above first link “FOIA” states that he thinks that Seth Rich had nothing to do with the DNC Leak. I.e. that he was indeed victim of a tragic incident.
    However that would not exclude the possibility that security services did tamper with Rich´s laptop in order to create additional diversion to obfuscate the truth.

    #95272 Reply

    AG, thanks for the excellent undeadfoia.substack link; I haven’t checked out the others yet. I’m currently listening to the Russiagate: A Conspiracy overview on YouTube.

    UndeadFOIA’s case that the DNC ‘hack’ was a false flag operation appears so far to be strong. But Craig has long insisted that it was a deliberate leak from an insider who was incensed that the DNC covertly sabotaged Bernie Saunders to promote warmonger Clinton. Could both be true simultaneously? Maybe some of the documents were leaked by an insider, and the false flag operation, which I think UndeadFOIA’s investigation indicate was already running by then, then additionally served to distract from and discredit the leak.

    I will probably never find time to truly understand ‘Russiagate’, and I think it would be unwise for me to attempt to – it would distract and delay me from other activism. It suffices for me to understand that spooky stories can waste a lot of time and brainpower, cf. the (probably related) Skripal poisonings.

    It is like thousands of accident investigators, painstakingly investigating thousands of vehicle collisions, attempting to determine which road users were responsible for each, when what we really need are means of transport and a way of life that don’t cause such carnage in the first place.

    #95283 Reply


    what you say is exactly the reason why I have always been wary with studying the history of secret intelligence services. It´s sometimes part of my job to research this stuff. But the question is always how deep do you go?

    The problem is, that anecdotal research in contrast to the big structural analysis can be sold much better to the common “audience”. So if you control that narrative it can be easier to do the other “meaningful” stuff too, in the shadows so to speak, not in the mass media but in committees and parties and unknown NGOs.

    To sell a tragic car accident is easier than explaining how you want to get rid of 50. mio. cars in Germany e.g. (to use your traffic comparison.)

    As to DNC being an inside job, I would assume that “FOIA” despite his initial All-American naivité in 2016, would agree with Craig – or did I miss something in the youtube show?

    #95315 Reply

    FOIA reporting that the “Weaponization Committee” has sent a letter to the CIA, on 11/3/24, to provide info about Russiagate concerning the surveillance of the Trump campaign via 5-Eyes, the Steele Dossier, the Crossfire Hurricane communication and “a binder” on “Russian election interference” which Trump had apparently declassified in the last days of his presidency.

    However it may be noted that FOIA justifiably criticizes that almost all of this, except may be the “binder”, is more or less outdated. So the investigation is way behind the current state of knowledge.

    The Committee expects an answer from CIA until 25/3/24.


    #95498 Reply

    Matt Taibbi picked up on a serious censorship case by Google against the blog “naked capitalism”, threatening the economic basis of nc.

    Google has articulated these threats based on (almost) no grounds – apart from the fact that the case itself is a brute violation of 1st Amendment rights. Regardless of who did or did NOT comment in ways undesired by Google. (Who the fuck is Google anyway?)

    Since this touches the existence of the site nc itself it should be noted and circulated.
    nc mentioning it:

    The text by MATT TAIBBI:

    #95499 Reply

    Andrew P. Napolitano wrote a piece concerning the US congress attempt to ban TikTok on the ronpaulinstitute Can Congress Ban TikTok?.

    In it he points out that the freedom of speech is not a right granted by government and the 1st amendement specifically forbids government from doing anything abridging the freedom of speech.

    “When James Madison set about to draft the Bill of Rights — the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution — he was articulating what lawyers and philosophers and judges call “negative rights.” A positive right grants a privilege, like a driver’s license. A negative right restrains the government from interfering with a preexisting right. In order to emphasize his view that the freedom of speech preexisted the government, Madison insisted that the word “the” precede “freedom of speech” in the First Amendment.”

    Whilst I don’t agree with nor support Google’s use of algorithmic censoring and Matt Taibbi rightfully points out how egregious and demonstrably dumb that algorithm is, under US law Google can do as it pleases as it’s a private entity not a government body. Laws such as the recent badly crafted EU Digital Services Act don’t help the situation. I don’t know what the answer is.

    #95535 Reply

    AI. Isn’t that Artificial Idiocy or something?

    When we used log tables at school my maths teacher said that electronic calculators were the fastest way of making mistakes. But that was before we had computers to automate the process for us.

    #95543 Reply

    … in school we were first allowed calculators in 6th or 7th grade. I was not that fond of math but I deeply distrusted the device (I had no PC either unlike most of my classmates). So for about 1 year I declined using the calculator at all or checked it manually every single time…

    #95745 Reply

    Glenn Greenwald with Michael Shellenberger on Shellenberger´s reporting about Brazil cracking down on Free Speech via his TWITTER Files (it´s a bit self-adulation but on the other hand I am not a follower of Shellenberger and this is probably the case with most such professionals.)
    April 7, 2024

    #96465 Reply

    Julian Assange – Crossfire Hurricane – DNC leak – Seth Rich – RussiaGate

    Who knows?

    • Dana Rohrabacher
    • Ellen Ratner
    • Kim Dot Com
    • Craig Murray

    Wikileaks and their lawyers?

    When will Craig (and the others) finally end this broken record?

    RussiaGate is so easily disassembled. Tell the Truth! Seth Rich/DNC hack/RussiaGate

    Where did the DNC emails and info hack come from?

    Tell the truth!


    Stop flapping your gums and tell the world!

    Save Assange and the world before it is too late!

    Where did the DNC emails and info hack come from?

    #96503 Reply

    True story.

    These 4 people know Seth Rich internally downloaded the DNC files and sent them to Wikileaks.

    Why can’t ONE person on this miserably planet tell the TRUTH !!

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