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199 thoughts on “Jonathan Powell

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  • technicolour

    Good questions Jon 🙂

    I’d say, from my brief experience, that canvassing (face to face discussion) is a privileged way of finding out that the public are not really ‘apolitical’. They perfectly understand what’s going on; they just don’t have anyone listening to them. Which is what politics can be about, isn’t it? Not imposing top-down solutions or theories, but acting on behalf of the people?

    You don’t have to have the vocabulary to read Chomsky to agree, on a fundamental level with Chomsky the person, I think (also trying to get this blog into Pseud’s Corner, of course)

  • Anonymous

    So, Larry,

    what do you think Angrysoba knows about Capt May? You were vary active on this thread until a few minutes ago; are you feeling all right?

  • Clark


    yes, the idea of lying to start a war that is (supposedly) justifiable in some other way seems totally undemocratic…

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    I agree it is an interesting experiment; it is a ‘jolt’ of reality and I believe intended to promote deeper thought which as you infer, is all too often avoided by the constraints of busy lives. I was tempted to use an image myself, but a preview test revealed a bar for us mere commentators – Images and video clips are extremely powerful (note Eddy’s reaction) and were allowed in WebCameron for a brief period until the system was abused by inappropriate use.

    Good thinking Craig – I liked it!

  • eddie

    Jon “he ends up preferring a Labour party run by war criminals”

    Please don’t be a twat. Comparing Powell to Saddam Hussein is moral equivalence on a scale that give hyperbole a bad name. As for IBQ, the usual elisions and evasions. Is anyone seriously suggesting undercounting by a scale of ten? I think not.

  • Anonymous


    IBC was deliberately set up to provide a MINIMUM BASELINE. Haven’t you read their home page?

  • eddie

    As for Chomsky, with his implicit support of hideous regimes, he has probably been as responsible for as many deaths as any politician in the West, by blinding the left to the crimes of Mao, Pol Pot and others. And manufacturing consent is a pile of elitist garbage.

  • Clark

    Please quote from the link to show Capt May to be racist. The link shows him DISAGREEING with a racist. Did you read it?

  • Richard Robinson

    Someone should mention the Lancet, just to keep things lively. As I remember it, it tried to make a best guess at how many people were actually not there, that should have been, where the IBQ tried to answer the question of how many individual deaths could be reliably documented ?

  • Clark

    The BBC should certainly make occasional reference to the Lancet study, but all we get on that is resounding silence.

  • technicolour

    “I live in the Managerial Age, in a world of “Admin.” The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid “dens of crime” that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed, and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voice. ”

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    I have said in a previous post I believe (and so did Robin Cook) the BBC has changed since the Governors were booted out after Gilligan and Hutton. Silence on foreign policy controversy seems to be ‘de rigeur’ lately.

    “I may not have succeeded in halting the war, but I did secure the right of parliament to decide on war.”

    Robin Cook 1946 – 2005 RIP PBWH

  • technicolour

    Obviously, if you were in Iraq the picture would be different. CS Lewis is very euro-centric. CS Lewis, from the Screwtape Letters.

    I mean, I’m not a good person, I like being Loki occasionally (which is probably my affinity, such as it is, with Larry). But hell, yeah, CS Lewis.

  • technicolour

    Thanks, Mark. I think it is a good idea to check your sources, if you don’t mind me saying so. Rule of thumb in journalism is 6 checks per fact (preferably seven).

    But thank you for your bravery and engagement and commitment, and for your website.

  • Anonymous

    Mark Golding, have you checked the help email address at the Children of Iraq website lately? I wanted to contact you.

  • technicolour

    I don’t have anything resting on this, I think. There is nothing to take personally. Larry seems to. Maybe he has lost relatives, I wish he would say. But then why would he say it down a keyboard to a group of strangers?

  • Clark

    Well I gave Larry a chance for personal communication, but he didn’t take it. I suppose he may even have lost someone on 911. It could explain his obsession.

  • Clark

    Larry is welcome to request further communication with me, but not if he keeps misrepresenting people’s arguments and then insulting them for things they never claimed.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Here’s Mark’s hero “Captain Eric May” discussing John Nash:

    “Hmm…, I wonder why the Jewish film industry would make a mistake like that, rewriting the plot of reality to convince us — with a powerful movie — not to obsess about the prospect of embedded code in the mainstream Jewish news media? You don’t think there’s a conspiracy do you? If you do, then you’ve got a problem: a beautiful mind!”

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