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463 thoughts on “And in next week’s Guardian, Joseph Goebells reviews Mein Kampf.

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  • Larry from St. Louis

    dreoilin: “FWIW, my point was that Oliver Stone’s film was made in 1991 and seemed almost prescient with regard to another event.”

    Right, the 911 inside jobby job conspiracy.

    How do you respond to the fact that Craig Murray called you a conspiraloon for having such nutjob beliefs?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Btw, on another note – but still to do with ‘evidence-based journalism’ (as opposed to melodramatic/soap-operatic/ apocalyptic/strawman/frontman/mouthpiece/pressrelease/voodoo journalism) – may I recommend a book entitled, ‘Bad Science’, by Ben Goldacre. It ought to be required reading for all medical/paramedical/nursing students and all journalists. In fact, for all of us.

    Good website, too.

    It reminds me a little of Simon Singh of the BBC and the lawsuit raised against him by some or other (alleged) charlatan, a lawsuit which, thankfully for sanity and freedom of speech, Singh won.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    This is exactly the sort of bullshit which passes for journalism.

    Yes, it is winter, there are bugs around. It is normal. It happens every winter. The HPA have stuff on their website all the time about prevalent infections – that’s their job. Suddenly, when reported in the mass media, it becomes transiently apocalyptic, ‘Mediaeval’ in the worst sense. You’d think we were in Ingmar Bergman’s ‘The Seventh Seal’: “Signs and wonders”, to quote Professor Marina Warner, albeit in a different context.

    The ‘sexing-up of dossiers comes naturally to the likes of Alistair Campbell – s’jus’ another great story, mate, innit?

    This has consequences.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    While not wanting to get involved in your pouncing on transcription errors and my own [] insertions let me give you the benefit of what I know against your naive but predictable Communist argument(a ruse). I will end with my own revelation, highly secret, but I ask readers to consider the facts(some still nuclear secret) and make up their own minds on the demise of my hero John F Kennedy.

    Some information I have used here can be found in the JFK library and memos between representatives of the American Jewish community and William Harriman together with Kennedy’s letter to Ben Gurion. This is not an exhaustive study but I hope to give readers a flavour of a dangerous time in the 60’s when Israel became a nuclear state.

    Israel was not pleased with Kennedy’s statement on American friendship with Israel while allowing German scientists to develop offensive missiles in the UAE. Under secretary of State Harriman (a friend of CIA agent Irving Brown) had suggested the UAE arms build-up in the 60’s was equated to the Israeli Dimona Project, a concealed nuclear weapons programme intended to counter a substantial fear the UAE would develop a nuclear bomb and Nasser would attempt to overrun Jordan.

    Robert Kromer of the NSA was also concerned with nuclear proliferation, especially from Israel after statements by Moshe Dayan ( and other Zionists regarding the need to combat the UAE missile programme which meant a campaign to justify Israel’s nuclear development projects as an alternative to the lack of British and American support (trust had historically waned after the US abandoned Isarel during the crisis that brought on the Sinai war).

    Kennedy was under pressure from the CIA/NSA who knew Israel could put together a nuclear bomb – this forced Kennedy to take a stance on nuclear proliferation.

    I believe the meeting btween JFK nad Ben Gurion on May 30th 1961 sealed the fate of JFK when he pressed for information on Israel’s nuclear development (Dean Rusk/JFK Mmeo)

    Gurion reminded Kennedy of the US inspection team sent to Dimona (although JFK knew of the abortive attempts to hide Israel’s WMD development.

    Kennedy wanted scientists to investigate Israel’s Atomic Energy Project and pushed for ‘more satisfactory inspections.’ Mc George Bundy said that Kennedy had concluded, ‘as a matter of urgency we undertake every feasible measure to improve our intelligence on the Israeli nuclear programme.

    HaMossad leModi’in uleTafkidim Meyuchadim (al-Mussad li’l-Istikhbarat wa’l-Mahamm al-Kha??a) MURDERED Kennedy.

  • dreoilin

    “JFK and 9/11 ?” Insights Gained From Studying Both”

    Thanks Vronsky. That sounds interesting.

    There’s a strong *rumour* going around that Brian Cowen may go to the

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Yep, there it is, someone brings up Kennedy on this blog and eventually someone blames his assassination on the Jews.

    Who didn’t see that coming?

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Mark Golding,

    Can’t you see that you’re a hate-filled person, just like the worst racist bigot in Mississippi in the 1950s?

  • MJ

    Also, JFK’s proposed clampdown on organised crime seriously threatened mobster Meyer Lanski, a self-proclaimed Zionist and generous supporter of Begin’s Stern Gang in the 40s.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    OK, so Mark Golding and MJ want to blame the Jews for JFK’s death. Anyone else?

  • MJ

    Not to mention his plan to disband the CIA and start again, or his intention to spike the Fed by authorising the Treasury to print bank notes interest-free.

    The point being that JFK managed to alienate and frighten some of the most powerful institutions on the planet.

  • technicolour

    Chomsky’s got good facts on the power of ‘Zionism’. He points out that on every issue where Israel’s interests have collided with the interests of the US military industrial complex, the decision has gone against Israel.

    MJ: Know nothing about JFK apart from Bill Hicks. Were there any ‘non-Zionist’ mobsters who might have objected to the clampdown on organised crime?

  • technicolour

    and not to mention dissing the Chiefs of Staff re Northwoods. If there’s not a sketch about teams of potential assassins jostling for space on the grassy knoll, there obviously could be.

  • MJ

    “Were there any ‘non-Zionist’ mobsters who might have objected to the clampdown on organised crime?”

    Sure. Indeed, the HoR report came tantalizingly close to fingering the Mafia for the JFK assassination. The issue is, was it a genuine Mafia hit or were they hired hands?

    Kennedy’s death served the interests of the CIA, Israel, the stockholders of the Federal Reserve and organised crime.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Jesus Christ, you people are fact-free aren’t you.

    “and not to mention dissing the Chiefs of Staff re Northwoods.”

    Once crazy general, you moron. The military vetoed that silly idea.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “Not to mention his plan to disband the CIA and start again,”


    “or his intention to spike the Fed by authorising the Treasury to print bank notes interest-free.”

    Nope again.

    Why didn’t you just write “his desire to expose the Roswell crash for being a CIA cover-up of alien visitation”?

  • technicolour

    The main proposal was presented in a document entitled “Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba (TS),” a top secret collection of draft memoranda written by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). (wiki: source The Northwoods Document)

  • Vronsky

    “seek the dissolution of the Dail.”

    Any political hope over there? Always looks as if your electoral choices are pretty much the same as ours – a clutch of conservative parties.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    How odd, and sad, that a supposedly-banned commentator feels free to rampage around the blog with complete impunity.

    The ‘JFK’ subject will go on for a century and it is a perfect diversion – just like ‘9/11’ which helps to render the appearance of the blog akin to a ‘conspiracy’ website and so generally to help discredit it. It is a typical troll tactic. I tried to warn people earlier.

    Mark, to be honest, that is the first time I have ever heard that specific theory – not that I am in any way knowledgeable on the matter. Forgive me, but I don’t think it’s possible to be so certain about such things.

    As I said, there have been tomes written – and still there is no agreement. So, it’s an entirely circular subject.

    Courtenay, now you know how Pandora must’ve felt. [Joke]

    Where is Prometheus?

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    and this from the same source a while back:

    “So at the top of America’s pyramid of power and wealth, those who created this global financial disaster, have successfully avoided almost any real curbing of their power or privilege. Those at the bottom of the same pyramid, however, who are the dirt poor and powerless, are going to be allowed to get poorer.”

    Now Ireland – while in England our social services, education and NHS is screwed – no compassion there – the banks need to rebuild the ‘super fund’ needed for any future ‘bail-out’ – robbing bastards!

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Suhayl – thanks for the heads-up – appreciated – most of what I know here – as others who follow me will confirm, most, came from a dear and wise, now very senior Jewish boss in Victoria who pioneered Post-Coding in the UK. I was privileged to listen-in at some informal discussions with executives flown-in from Israel and I paid particular attention to anything domestic, constututional or legislative.

  • alan campbell

    “That fine journalist John Ware has performed yet another important public service with his expose on BBC One’s Panorama tonight of the hatred and sedition with which children are being indoctrinated in some British Muslim schools.

    In some of these schools, even very young children are being taught to regard the country of which they are citizens as an enemy to be fought and defeated; how to murder homosexuals and where to cut off hands or feet of others who have transgressed sharia law; and to hate all unbelievers but especially the Jews about whom these children are taught monstrous lies and libels.

    Of course the school inspection authority, Ofsted, is totally useless in even detecting let alone doing anything about all this. The Education Secretary Michael Gove ?” who in another life wrote a book about the global threat of radical Islam ?” declared on camera that, regardless of respect for freedom of speech, these materials ‘should not be used in English schools’ and that ‘We cannot have antisemitic material of any kind in English schools’. (To which one could say, well that means banning half the Eng. Lit. canon; the point that Gove undoubtedly meant, however, was that such bigotry must not be taught uncritically as if it is true and thus teaching racial libels and inciting hatred, which is what these Muslim schools are doing).

    The Policy Exchange think-tank has produced a report to coincide with tonight’s Panorama which makes a number of suggestions about how to police all faith schools. Does anyone think for one milisecond that this list of worthy ideas will make a ha’porth of difference — to a problem which in any event involves only Islamic schools? Of course not.

    What John Ware’s fine report has revealed is merely the tip of an enormous iceberg on which the UK Titanic has holed itself below the waterline. The most extreme material he discovered was in part-time weekend and evening Islamic schools, which are teaching from textbooks provided by Saudi Arabia and which teach the school curriculum of Saudi Arabia.

    Saudi Arabia is the wellspring of the Sunni Islam jihad against the free world. It is a foaming geyser of fanatical Islamic bigotry against unbelievers and especially Jews. It was Saudi Wahabbism that radicalised the Muslims of Pakistan who, when they immigrated in large number into Britain in the 1980s, accordingly imported with them jihadi educational institutions — which then radicalised Muslim children born and bred in the UK and turned them into fanatics, often to the utter dismay of their parents.

    Saudi Arabia isn’t just behind some part-time Muslim schools in Britain. It is funding Islamic studies at British universities, subverting the very basis of objective western scholarship by turning such courses into fanatical religious propaganda. Saudi Arabia is also funding extremist mosques in Britain. Saudi Arabia is also promoting sharia banking in Britain. Saudi Arabia is also helpfully establishing partnerships with more and more cash-strapped British and multinational companies.

    In short, Saudi Arabia is buying up Britain and establishing within it an ever-expanding bridgehead for sedition in the furtherance of jihad and the ultimate goal of Islamisation. The most important measure to be taken to rid British schools of the scourge identified by John Ware is not to beef up Ofsted or improve ‘due diligence’ in enforcing English law against extremism. It is to ban all Saudi funding of such schools ?” indeed, to ban all Saudi funding of British educational and religious institutions.

    What are the chances of Britain taking such action against this arch-enemy of the west? Nil. For the British regard Saudi Arabia as its friend and strategic ally. Why? Well, because it has oodles of boodle and all that oil for starters (the reason the US, too, is in Saudi’s pocket). And also because, having spawned al Qaeda, it is now having to defend itself against the jihadi monster that regards Saudi too as its enemy ?” thus causing British diplomats to murmur admiringly about the clever and pioneering Saudi strategy of reprogramming jihadis into quiescent citizens. Well pardon me if I don’t send up a cheer.

    Do the British know that the Saudis speak out of every side of their mouths simultaneously? Yes of course they do. But because they are British, they think they can outwit them. That’s because the British think they are wholly superior to backward Arab johnnies whom they’ve been dividing and ruling for centuries.They think this is the cleverest game in town.

    But it’s the Saudis (along with the Iranians) who are playing the longest and the shrewdest game in history. While the British stupidly and suicidally appease the Islamists, trying to play one bit of the Muslim Brotherhood against another and blaming everything but Islamic fanaticism for global terror — thus refusing to acknowledge the religious war that is being waged against the west on many different fronts and thus ensuring that the British will be defeated by an enemy they cannot even bring themselves to name — the Saudis are reeling in the United Kingdom like a fish on a line.

    That is the terrible truth behind tonight’s Panorama.”

  • Chezzy

    The FBI were the only agency that could have facilitated the cover-up required after the assassination of JFK. If J Edgar Hoover was not the only conspirator, he was certainly up to his kneck in it.

  • Chezzy

    @alan campbell

    Since the BBC Panorama’s totally biased and dishonest programme “Death on the Med” I have not watched anything they have produced.

    Look for some corroborating evidence of what they are claiming before getting yourself all in a lather.

    Remember that most Muslims are beautiful people and that “Global Terrorism” is generally the preserve of the USA, UK and Israel.

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