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360 thoughts on “Back in Ghana

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  • Clark

    Alfred, the “rat poison” report that you link to could well be used as evidence of how +few+ WMDs were found in Iraq: 10 abandoned rounds in total disrepair, one report of gas that may have come from Iran, two reports of possible chemical weapons technicians. These reports were made by US military personnel who were probably glad to have found anything at all.

  • Anonymous


    “Wikileaks would be funny if it weren’t getting people killed, something almost everyone agrees on. Those with a powerful desire to “buy in,” the disaffected, the overt and “closet” America haters and, most of all, the bored. Wikileaks is perfect for people with nothing to do, nothing to talk about and absolutely no knowledge about foreign policy or defense. There is something for everyone in Wikileaks, rape, gay sex, car chases, everything but truth. ….”

  • Alfred


    “Alfred, the “rat poison” report that you link to could well be used as evidence of how +few+ WMDs were found in Iraq”

    You think:

    All this and more is attributed to Wikileaks:

    “Meanwhile, the second battle of Fallujah was raging in Anbar province. In the southeastern corner of the city, American forces came across a “house with a chemical lab … substances found are similar to ones (in lesser quantities located a previous chemical lab.” The following day, there’s a call in another part of the city for explosive experts to dispose of a “chemical cache.”

    “Nearly three years later, American troops were still finding WMD in the region. An armored Buffalo vehicle unearthed a cache of artillery shells “that was covered by sacks and leaves under an Iraqi Community Watch checkpoint. “The 155mm rounds are filled with an unknown liquid, and several of which are leaking a black tar-like substance.” Initial tests were inconclusive. But later, “the rounds tested positive for mustard.”

    Here are the WMD’s that Tony Blair warned could be deployed by drones over London within minutes!

  • dreoilin

    A few rusty old leaking rounds and a “chemical cache” of two test tubes that could have been at the back of a demestic fridge for donkey’s years, in which case the chemicals were likely degraded beyond use.

    “Here are the WMD’s that Tony Blair warned could be deployed by drones over London within minutes!”

    You’re taking the piss, Alfred, surely.

    In other news, a woman who dialled 999 to report the theft of her snowman yesterday has been blasted by police.

  • dreoilin

    That should have read “and a ‘chemical cache’ of maybe two test tubes”

    but it wouldn’t let me preview and edit.

  • dreoilin

    That should have read “and a ‘chemical cache’ of maybe two test tubes”

    but it wouldn’t let me edit.

  • Clark

    I like the “house with a chemical lab” – sounds like a big, military-scale operation, that one. Did they catch the little boy responsible for developing the bottle-rocket delivery system?

  • dreoilin

    Thanks somebody, thanks Clark. Going to try to post these snippets and then , …

    “Despite pressure from U.S. and France, Swiss host for WikiLeaks refuses to take them offline. The Guardian reports: “The site’s new Swiss host, Switch, today said there was “no reason” why it should be forced offline, despite demands from France and the US. Switch is a non-profit registrar set up by the Swiss government for all 1.5 million Swiss .ch domain names.”


    “NYT gets Columbia Univ to confirm it did send that email to some students warning them not to go to Wiki sites or they will jeopardize their careers.”


    “Wash Times published column calling for Assange assassination yesterday … after paper asked HIM for WIki files earlier in week.”


    “now there is a Boycott Pay Pal For Dumping WIkiLeaks page at Facebook”

    All from The Nation:

  • Alfred


    “”Here are the WMD’s that Tony Blair warned could be deployed by drones over London within minutes!”

    ‘You’re taking the piss, Alfred, surely.’

    If anyone is taking the piss, its the mainstream media. The following is a direct quote from Wired Magazine:

    “But WikiLeaks’ newly-released Iraq war documents reveal that for years afterward, U.S. troops continued to find chemical weapons labs, encounter insurgent specialists in toxins and uncover weapons of mass destruction.”

    Read that a couple of times. Then think about whose side Wikileaks is on.

    Most Americans believe that WMDs were found in Iraq. Here, according to the MSM is the proof, provided by Wikileaks.

    So what effect will this have on public opinion do you think?

    Obviously it reinforces the lies that were deployed to justify the Iraq invasion.

    No wonder the MSM love Wikileaks. It is a classic operation in cognitive infiltration, that bolsters the disintegrating MSM business model.

    Of course it is difficult for folks here to believe that because Craig Murray is so heavily invested in Assange’s cred. And if Assange is a stooge or a dupe then ….

  • Eric Margolis on Wikileaks

    Here’s Eric Margolis on Wikileaks”

    “But there’s also something about WikiLeaks that smells nasty to me. I sense the leaks have been heavily censored, or cherry-picked before the public saw them. Much seems to be missing.

    For example, the New York Times, one of the recipients of the entire leak package of thousands of cables, appeared to use them selectively to push its pro-war position in Afghanistan and press for war against Iran. The ‘revelations’ brought cheers from the Israel lobby which has been beating the war drums against Iran.

    The massed neoconservative-dominated US media and Congress have jumped on the bandwagon… gleefully using parts of the leaks to promote war against Iran. …”

    The uproar over the leaks comes as the combined 16 US intelligence agencies are reportedly preparing to release a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) unanimously concluding Iran is not building nuclear weapons. Interesting coincidence, to say the least. …

  • Ruth

    Also interesting was how the bits about Russia being a Mafia state emerged just before the FIFA vote

  • Ruth

    Also interesting was how the bits about Russia being a Mafia state emerged just before the FIFA vote

  • Ruth


    People here don’t all have the same views. It’d be quite boring if they did. Some believe WikiLeaks is genuine, some are not sure, some including myself believe it’s run by intelligence services.

  • tony_opmoc

    You See – Its a Matter of EDUCATION

    But so many people don’t understand, and so I try and explain it and I can see some of it gets through…

    I try and put it down to engagement

    I had never met her before – and all I could get out of her – some tnuc was having a go at her…

    because she was smoking a cigarette

    All She Said Was


    and so I could only agree with her – I said well if you do give a shit – and realise all the shit that is going on – then you are likely to get really depressed…

    And Then She Said


    And I knew I had got Her Attention

    She Later Said – This Is The BEST

    (bass player’s wife)

    Message To Our American Friends

    I haven’t a clue who Dr. Laura is but My Wife Was Fucking Fantastic Tonight

    The Bass Player In The Band Asked Her To Do It….

    So She went Round The Pub With The Jug

    Asking People If They Had Any Change For The Band…

    So Cos She is Such an Angel and We Really Like This Venue

    We are Going To See HAWKWIND For Our Christmas Party


    A few years ago we went to The Forum In Kentish Town – Its an Old Cinema – and Has Got an Upstairs

    The Band Was Called THE MUSIC – They Come From Leeds

    And The Girlfriends of The Band

    From Above Threw Halos – You Know Silver Glittery Things That You Decorate Your Christmas Tree With…

    Down Into The Audience

    And We Wore Our Halos All The Way Home – From One Side of London to The Other and Beyond

    People in England are Really Nice

    Even Our Cops are Nice Most of The Time

    And We Look at You Poor Souls in America Under NAZI Rule and All Your Heads are All Fucked Up With Hatred.

    Why do You Hate Humans So Much?

    We are Actually REALLY NICE

    Can’t You Change Your Government Or Something?

    How come You Have Got The Most EVIL CRETINS In The World In Control Of You?

    Get Yourself a Bit Of Hawkwind


  • Anonymous

    dreoilin – hi, and, thanks. I felt the same when you went off for a bit. But, I don’t think I can do this regularly, it’s just too frustrating. I say things, and then courtesy and stuff kicks in, I need to look for replies & follow up, and wade through all the soapboxes, wrongnesses, distractions (oi ! Alfred – it’s spelled “Bagehot”. With an ‘e’), and it’s just too depressing, I’ll turn into another Larrysobacampbell. So I don’t think I can look in more than intermittently; or disguise myself as the occasional irresponsible (not wanting to answer) textile product once in a while.

    And CheebaCow, likewise. Yes. I’ve felt that, too, and hoped to. But there’s an infinite number of monkeys out there, and nothing to stop them having scripts they want to discuss. In the absence of a killfile, moderation would do. Something to kick it into focus. As a wannabe-anarchist, it pains me, but. Only my feeling at the moment, don’t let me put you off. It might work, it all helps, as much as we can.

    And, thanks for the Chloe Matharu recommendation, Suhayl. Frustrating website, the way it fades out after a couple of lines, but, yes, good clear voice. English ? I dunno. I used to hear “Come by the Hills” round Sutherland. (hey, weather or what ? -27C at Altnaharra the other night, according to the bbc. That’ll shiver your Krakens. It must be beautiful, if only you’ve got enough warm clothes). The website’s still as it is, but I’m hoping to have the new! improved! one at least on a proper server for testing by the end of the year.

    “Monster Energy Hats” is good. I’d want to know which monster before I paid for one, though.

  • Alfred

    “It’s Bagehot …”

    Bagehot, Bagehot, yeah write, I’ll rite that out a million times.

    “Some believe WikiLeaks is genuine…”

    I wouldn’t mind that if they had even a half-baked reason for believing it!

    “some are not sure,”

    Well I can tolerate ignorance

    “some including myself believe it’s run by intelligence services.”

    Now about that, I’m not sure?

    All seems a bit unintelligent to me, like lying about having broken the Climategate emails story and then trying to prove that there was nothing to bother about in the emails.

  • technicolour

    well, hey, all you real people out there. Richard, do you own the Faber Book of Parodies, by any chance?

    dreoilin, great about your friend. thank you.

    here nice evening with old friend punctuated by TERROR and DESPAIR and WAR and stuff. Seriously, one of the reasons i stood against the whole thing in the first place was that it was fucking BORING.

  • technicolour

    Alfred, good points: fwiw my own view of the wikileaks saga is, like yours and Suhayl’s, that the questions it raises are more interesting than the answers it seems to give.

  • Alfred

    Hey Tech,

    Yeah, it could be complicated. Concerning the role of intelligence services, do they control Assange, or are they just feeding him selected or spiked info?

    That the NY Times, a prime US war enabler works hand in glove with both Assange and the White House on releasing the leaked docs, suggests the operation has highest level approval.


    Re: Steve Harper

    He strongly condemned the suggestion that Assange be assassinated — even if the suggestion was made in jest, which is not the reaction you might expect if Canada feared some hugely embarrassing leak via Assange.

  • Alfred

    And beside the question of whether Assange is the stooge or the dupe of an intelligence service, there is the question of which intelligence service. Zbibniev Bzrezinski (bet I spelled that wrong too) strongly hints at a role of a foreign intelligence agency:

    JUDY WOODRUFF: And what is it — what are you worried about with regard to the knowledge that…

    ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: It’s not a question of worry. It’s, rather, a question of whether WikiLeaks are being manipulated by interested parties that want to either complicate our relationship with other governments or want to undermine some governments, because some of these items that are being emphasized and have surfaced are very pointed.

    And I wonder whether, in fact, there aren’t some operations internationally, intelligence services, that are feeding stuff to WikiLeaks, because it is a unique opportunity to embarrass us, to embarrass our position, but also to undermine our relations with particular governments.

    For example, leaving aside the personal gossip about Sarkozy or Berlusconi or Putin, the business about the Turks is clearly calculated in terms of its potential impact on disrupting the American-Turkish relationship. …

    JUDY WOODRUFF: How easy would it be to seed this to make sure that it was slanted a certain way?

    ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: Seeding — seeding it is very easy.

    I have no doubt that WikiLeaks is getting a lot of the stuff from sort of relatively unimportant sources, like the one that perhaps is identified on the air. But it may be getting stuff at the same time from interested intelligence parties who want to manipulate the process and achieve certain very specific objectives. …

    And much more:

    Brzezinski, for those who weren’t around at the time of the Carter Presidency, was national security advisor and was considered to have been the architecht of the Afghan war — the one that the Soviets lost.

  • Vronsky

    “..somebody may be looking”

    Isn’t the official – that is, biological – explanation just that conscience has survival value? Social animals evolve to be good at weighing the cost/benefit of selfish/altruistic acts, and select action accordingly. The behaviour is observed in chmipanzees. Except it’s hard to make a pithy observation out of that. Pretty boring, actually.

    Suhayl: thanks for link to Metanoia.

    Clark: Who’s there? Oh, my reaction to widespread official disapproval of WL? I think I’m staying on the fence for a bit yet. There was widespread official disapproval of the release of al Megrahi, by the same widespread official disapprovers who arranged it.

  • somebody

    Thought this would interest you especially Dreoilin. I haven’t made the link into a tiny url as they are distrusted here so sorry it’s so long! Good for Jim Corr abd Ian Crane.

    Eire is a template for the banksters/gangsters, and the UK is a trial ground for dismantling all the ‘public goods’.

    One of the very powerful banksters/manipulators/propagandists is here

    where there is an amazingly long list of high powered connections.

    You no doubt know all about him. Trilateral, BP, head of WTO, Bilderberg etc etc He was interviewed on the Today programme yesterday by Naughtie, the latter a member of the British-American Foundation. No irony then.

    Note the KCMG (HON)!!

  • Vronsky

    “tiny url as they are distrusted here”

    Compromise is possible. You can use the preview facility in tinyurl, which displays the url that will be linked. For example, here is your link in that form:

    In fact given any tinyurl all you have to do is prefix it with ‘preview.’ and you will see the full text of the link without being taken to it.

  • Vronsky

    From the Metanoia site, this video is relevant to a recent discussion on ‘anarchist’ violence at the student demos. Three masked ‘anarchists’ armed with rocks to throw, unmasked as police officers.

  • MJ

    Vronsky: I’ve just seen your comment on the J7 blog (I assume it was you) about identifying documents. Very good point.

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