Gould-Werritty – the Dodgy Diaries and Deleted Documents 110

Diary entry 27 Sep 2010
Diary entry 8 Sep 2009
Diary entry 6 Feb 2011

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has finally, this evening, released the Gould/Werritty diary entries under the Freedom of Information Act. The three links above are the diary entries for their meetings on 8 September 2009, 27 September 2010 and 6 February 2011. You may have to click a few times to get the full size image. The lines across the page usually run right across the main right centre column. The entire column, with all the details on the Adam Werritty meeting, has been redacted – literally cut out.

The same is true of all eight of the diary pages I have been sent for Gould’s meetings with Adam Werritty – all information has simply been censored. We can only speculate what is there, who else was present and the subject of the meetings.

If anyone doubts there is a cover-up of massive proportions on what Werritty was actually doing, doubt no more.

But there is one item the very existence of which is entirely damning of the FCO. An email exchange between Gould and Werritty. The emails themselves are bland and avoid mentioning the subject under discussion. But the email exchange was with Matthew Gould’s official email address on the FCO system. My initial Freedom of Information request received the reply that there was no material relating to Adam Werritty on the FCO system. These emails had therefore been deleted off it.

Fortunately, whoever deleted them had forgotten something – the FCO system allows you to attach relevant documents to your electronic diary entries. That created a copy which survived after the correspondence was deleted everywhere else on the system.

That opens up a massive question – who deleted the correspondence, and why, and how much other Gould-Werritty correspondence has been deleted from the FCO system which did not survive by chance attachment to a diary entry?

There is a further question – did the deletions happen after my Freedom of Information inquiry – which would have been a criminal offence?

I have always held it to be impossible, for example, that not one of the eight Gould-Werritty meetings was minuted. If an FCO official has a substantive meeting with somebody outside government, it is standard procedure to record it. One of those meetings even included Mossad officials. The email correspondence which survived on the diary entry but had been deleted everywhere else, shows at least some Werritty material was deleted from the FCO system. Is this what happened to the minutes and records of meetings?

The surviving email exchange is bland, but it still tells us quite a lot. It shows that Gould and Werritty were on first name terms in June 2010, when Gould was Hague’s Private Secretary, that Werritty had Gould’s mobile phone number and that Werritty was sufficiently established to be able to phone up the Secretary of State’s Principal Private Secretary – an extremely busy man – and book him for coffee and a chat on his own recognisances, without feeling the need to reference any organisation or subject of discussion:

From: Matthew Gould (Restricted)
sent: 11 June 2010 14:51
To: Adam Werritty
Subject: RE: Hi
Adam -yes, I did get the message, and asked [my PA -name redacted] to set something up for us. She will eb in touch this afternoon.
Looking forward to seeing you,

Matthew Gould
Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH
I2J email: [email protected] til telephone: +44 20 7008 2059 ()) ft.n: 8008 2059
Q uri: MailFilterGateway has detected a possible fraud attempt from “blocked::http:” claiming to be www.fco.gOY.uk

From: Adam Werritty [mailto:[email protected]
sent: 11 June 2010 14:48
To: Matthew Gould (Restricted)
Subject: Hi
Hi Matthew
I trust that you’re keeping well. I texted you yesterday on a mobile number I had for you but I’m guessing that you’re no longer on that number. I wanted to check if we could arrange for a chat next week over coffee as I’m keen to pick your mind on something. Could you let me know if you’re going to be around and when would suit?
As ever
Adam Werrity
M: +447921577884

Diary entry 16 Jun 2010 – email exchange

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110 thoughts on “Gould-Werritty – the Dodgy Diaries and Deleted Documents

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  • Open Guv

    As the Fox/Werrity/Gould scandal demonstrates in its festering way, industrialised total war is only possible as a consequence of absence of open government exploited by those who profit from death. Bradley Manning, a brave ordinary soldier, by exposing the inner workings of the warfare state, has done more to counter that process than anyone in history. Who more deserving, then, of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012?
    I’ve just sent my own message to the Nobel committee. Send yours:

  • Clark

    Lloyd, you’re forgetting that Craig was a diplomat and still has many connections within the FCO.
    Craig wrote: “My sources within the civil service remain adamant that the purpose of all this activity was diplomatic preparation for an attack on Iran.”
    You’re forgetting that MPs have been fobbed off and silenced in the House of Commons when they have inquired about this matter. You can’t call that democratic. It is obviously an attempt to bypass democracy.
    You’re forgetting that the UK went to war upon Iraq based upon a web of lies, and deception of the House of Commons.
    And you seem to believe that Iran has nuclear weapons, a belief that the CIA do not share. And you forget that Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads. If they’re not an effective deterrent, what use are they? They’re self-defeating against suicide bombers.

  • Fedup

    Open Guv,
    Holy Baksheesh they are all at it;
    But rather than housing a charitable organisation with interests in development in Sri Lanka, that address is the base of a major intelligence firm, specialising in strategic consultancy.
    G3 Ltd describes itself as an “independent strategic advisory firm”.
    According to account information obtained by Sky News, G3 employs 32 analysts and is chaired by President Ronald Reagan’s former assistant secretary of state for Africa, Chester Crocker.
    It is also closely connected with a security investment fund called C5 Capital which counts Lt General Sir Graeme Lamb, the former director of UK Special Forces, among its employees.
    The C5 Capital website claims its relationship with G3 allows it “unparalleled access to in-depth sector knowledge and to an extensive network of specialist advisers”.
    G3 also funds what it describes as a “charitable organisation” – Universal Exports Charity Foundation, which is registered both as a charity and a company, and has Lord Ashdown as one of its advisers.
    Universal Exports Charity Foundation is administered and run by Laura Tantum, who is believed to be the daughter of Geoffrey Tantum, a former MI6 Middle East director.
    Despite this network of intelligence consultants and defence investment organisations working from 40 George Street, G3 have categorically denied any involvement with the Sri Lanka Development Trust or Liam Fox.
    This story ought to be headline news on every bloody tabloid; rampant corruption at epidemic levels.

  • Clark

    Anon 1&O, having argued with you before, I’d expected better from you than the above praise for Lloyd’s ill thought-out comment. And I’ve never known Mary to “support” the regimes you mention, nor for her to oppose democracy in any way. Mary is highly critical of the UK, US, and Israeli regimes. That is her specialism. Specialising is the way expertise is created. There are plenty of other specialists to cover the matters you mention.

  • Mary

    Thanks Fedup. I see our friend has been at it on the Know Your Limits:Syria thread and that you dealt with him successfully. He speaks there – ‘Please try and get it into your head that human rights are meant to be universal (and that is what International Law says)’ – but does not mention US extra judicial killings and killings by drone (10 yesterday on the Pakistan border) nor of Libya nor of Gaza nor of Mossad assassinations nor of all the other places where the USUKISNATO axis has
    visited its evil.

  • Clark

    Lloyd, I’m sorry to say this, but the more I read your comments the more naive you seem. Look at your 7:20 comment. This is about the relationship between the FCO and the electorate. The personal opinions of any one individual voter (in this case Mary) matter hardly at all in that relationship. Can you really imagine a government spokesperson announcing on television “We should tell you, the electorate, about our policy within the FCO, but Mary at Craig Murray’s blog wants to knock our building down, so we won’t, so Ya Boo Sucks to you all”?

  • Mary

    I appreciate your comments Clark but please don’t waste your time with these latest diversions.
    Ref this strange charity that Tantum’s daughter set up in July 2010, no accounts have been provided and the only information given are the names of the four trustees. Lord Ashdown but weirdly named as Mr Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Mr Robyn Scott, Lady Deborah Peat wife of the previous secretary to Prince Charles and a Mr Andrew Wright. One of their areas of operation is Ghana so watch out Craig. The whole thing is so crazy you think there must be something behind it.

    Many names were given in this Telegraph piece on G3 and Tantum including our old friend the Duke of Westminster.


  • Clark

    Mary, I’m all for intelligent debate, and for the debate to broaden, as Anon 1&O and Lloyd apparently wish, we need sensible comments we can engage with, not spurious criticism, whether it be of you or anyone else. I hope that Lloyd etc. raise their game, because that may further the debate on these vital issues.

  • Fedup

    “that may further the debate on these vital issues.”
    You are an eternal optimist. These specimens are not here to debate, they are here to teach the goyim and reinforce the bilge that is passed as “commons sense” at these times, whence idiots/lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
    Out of curiosity have you ever known of a single instance of a zionist ever gravitating towards sense and logic, through dialogue and debate?

  • Fedup

    Good investigation there, this paragraph tell it all; “In a lucrative industry reliant on insider information and expertise, Mr Pienaar has made it his business to be well-connected. A number of Establishment figures are on the company’s payroll”

  • Anon the one and only


    Could you point me to where Mary has ever criticised the regimes I mentioned? I can point to cases where she has defended them, if you wish. Clark you may wish Lloyd etc to raise their game – does the etc. include the likes of Fedup who is prepared to make far stronger allegations and much less supported allegations about others views than I ever would, but clearly hasn’t the intelligence to realise that he is wasting his time and putting up his own blood pressure.

    MAry says that I’m not prepared to condemn abuses of human rights by the US, Israel or Libya (since Ghadaffi) – that is just not true. I am more than happy to do so where these have occurred. As I said human rights are meant to be universal and I try to avoid moral relativism.

    On a more serious level – I do think that there is a genuine point that one sided defences of human rights, which are meant to be universal, are not particularly effective in changing attitudes and opinions. Amnesty makes a point of ensuring that those who get involved in the letter writing campaigns, write to support those who are being victimised in a wide range of political regimes.

  • kashmiri

    @Clark, thanks for the link, interesting reading.
    As a matter of fact, I find the following explanation in mind:
    In spite of all, I still believe US drones are not connected to the public internet. Sure, their video streams use standard satellite broadcasting technology. However, drone control is an entirely different piece of cake. Even in the mentioned article, the Iranian scientist does not claim they broke into drone control system – only that they simply used engineered GPS signalling.

  • Fedup

    Why do You want supportive evidence? Is your intention not other than serving the cause by adding the source to your infernal database of hasbra and acue for GIYUS operatives to swamp the site with the usual crap?
    Your kinds’ tactics are so threadbare and so obvious, I reiterate how dare you to think you can fool all the goyim, all the time.

  • Clark

    Fedup, that depends what you mean by “Zionist”. About two weeks back I followed a link from this blog to a video of a self-proclaimed Zionist who argued that Israel’s aggression, expansionist policy, and hostility towards Iran were highly detrimental to Israel’s own interests. I’d also cite Noam Chomsky. Though I don’t know whether he self-identifies as a Zionist, he always responds to Israeli criticism by pointing out that he wishes to change Israel’s policies for Israel’s future peace and security, as much as everyone else’s.
    Fedup, people’s motivation for posting nonsense is none of my business, but if people post nonsense here I shall knock it down, such that it is seen to be knocked down. This is why I don’t resort to abuse and name-calling; it attacks the wrong target. It attacks the person but not their argument.

  • Fedup

    Do you expect CSM to carry the blue prints for the drones too? The technology involved is classified top secret, yet Iranian have broken into it, and to expect that the US will sit back and take it on the chin is a bit naive won’t you agree? (shades of German enigma machine)
    Would the damage limitation exercise include all manner of simplification and downplaying of the whole affair?

  • Fedup

    “Israel’s aggression, expansionist policy, and hostility towards Iran were highly detrimental to Israel’s own interests”
    Those zionists who oppose any aggression towards Iran, are fully aware that any attack on Iran will result in the end of the zionist state.
    The fishwife diplomacy of the Western operatives and their counter parts in Isreal, which determines Iran as a weak and ineffective state, that can be subject to military attacks and fail to retaliate in a fashion that would endanger the belligerents attacking her, is a fantasy. Furthermore, the fantasy of Iron Dome keeping Isreal safe is just that; a fantasy. Therefore the anticipated reactions that you refer to.
    Hence, my question still remains unanswered.

  • crab

    Open Guv – well posted! good news of Private Eye’s very nearby FOI investigation. It is good to see Craig not completely isolated. Yet they did not mention Craigs requests.

    Drones hacked – not possible to know, just waffle about…

    Bradley Manning’s nomination for Nobel – brilliant!


  • Clark

    Anon 1&O, a good coincidence; our posts crossed, and I saw your comment above after my reply to Fedup (who I hope will heed my reply). I find Mary’s contributions particularly valuable, because she puts in the time to go digging in the publicly available information to discover the links between powerful people and groups that would otherwise remain out of sight.
    I think you need to distinguish between support for a regime, and defending against propaganda. For instance, Mary commented upon the strangely rising “death toll” in Homs, and its even stranger sudden fall immediately after the UN Security Council vote. She concluded her comment with “of course, there should be no deaths at all” or something similar.
    The problem is that propaganda overlaps with reality, it’s impossible to hit the target without some “collateral damage”, generally to one’s own credibility.
    As you know I oppose intervention in other countries. The corollary to that is that people must exert pressure within their own countries. This Mary does, and I respect this. You accuse her of supporting, say, Assad, but she has never criticised peaceful protest against him.
    The situation in Syria looks sickeningly similar to the start of the trouble in Libya. It is not a coincidence that some people’s “Propaganda Radar” is on maximum sensitivity at present, and therefore maybe picking up some false positives.

  • Fedup

    “Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals,” said a US-UK leaked intelligence document.

    In her new article, political analyst Felicity Arbuthnot disclosed the document, which said “incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus” and that a “necessary degree of fear,” “frontier incidents” and “border clashes” would “provide a pretext for intervention… the CIA and SIS [MI6 should use… capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.”
    In an op-ed article written for The New York Times, Efraim Halevy, who headed Mossad from 1998 to 2002, claimed that Iran’s foothold in Syria has enabled Tehran to pursue its “reckless” regional policies, and to stop those policies, Iran’s presence in Syria must be ended.

    “The public debate in America and Israel these days is focused obsessively on whether to attack Iran…to halt its nuclear…ambitions [and] hardly any attention is being paid to how events in Syria could result in a strategic debacle for the Iranian government,”
    Meanwhile back at the ranch US has seen a judicial offensive on Lebanese Hezoallah and its “association” with “drug cartels” hence the need for forfeitures etc.
    However Russia is warning against any unilateral intervention in Syria.
    BTW what do you mean by “taking heed” Clark?

  • Clark

    Kashmiri, thanks for the link.
    Crab, I know that my comments about drone takeover are mere speculation, but I thought the idea should be circulated nonetheless, and I hadn’t seen my suggestion anywhere else.
    Fedup, beware lest your definition of “Zionist” end up circular i.e. based upon itself. Why shouldn’t an Israeli wish to save Israel from the results of its own policies? I wish to save the UK from UK policy. That doesn’t make me a UK Imperialist.

  • Clark

    Fedup, re: your 12:02 am comment, I saw that quote yesterday. It refers to a coup in 1952 or thereabouts, doesn’t it?
    I hope you heed my suggestion to direct attacks at arguments and not people. I regard your 11:14 pm comment as counter-productive. Anon 1&O’s motivations are not the issue, and presumably you cannot know them.

  • Fedup

    “Why shouldn’t an Israeli wish to save Israel from the results of its own policies? I wish to save the UK from UK policy. That doesn’t make me a UK Imperialist.”
    UK is as imperialist as my next door neighbour, a flatulent old fart drunk on cheap cider and ever full of piss and wind. Let us face it UK is well past the imperial days and these days we are more akin to satraps/charge hands of the US empire. (FFS the old Castro is taking the piss out of us, and having few a laughs at our expense these days)
    A zionist by definition cannot deviate from the letter of the Isreali policies. The apparently feral commenter springing here and there, is in on way engaged in any debate. These are engaged in didactic attempts to reinforce and keep relevant the tsunami of disinformation available on demand masquerading as the controlled media. Hence let us not to kid ourselves.

  • Open Guv

    A former Assistant Secretary to the US Treasury on the background to the most pressing priority currently exercising Matthew Gould, Her Majesty’s ambassador to Israel, Fox-Werrity co-conspirator & self-declared Zionist:

  • Mary

    Sarkozy and Cameron’s attack and intervention in Libya was so successful in achieving a peaceful conclusion that apparently it is now necessary to have contingency plans to evacuate the Brits.
    From today’s PMQs
    Andrew Stephenson (Pendle) (Con): The Prime Minister will have seen this morning’s Defence Committee report on Libya. What steps is he taking to ensure that the UK will be fully able to evacuate all UK nationals from conflict zones, and reduce our reliance on civil charter aircraft?
    The Prime Minister: My hon. Friend raises an important point. I think that the Libya evacuation, and other potential evacuations in a dangerous and unstable world, have brought home to us the importance of having transport aircraft in the Ministry of Defence and the RAF. I can announce today that because the MOD’s finances are now better run and better managed, and because we have found savings, we will be able to purchase an additional C-17 for the RAF. This aircraft is becoming an absolutely brilliant workhorse for the RAF, bringing men and material into a war zone such as Afghanistan, and evacuating civilians in times of need. It is an important investment for the country, and I am glad to announce that we can make it today.
    and later in answer to a question about Syria from Menzies Campbell, we know Cameron’s real aims, if we did not know before –
    Sir Menzies Campbell (North East Fife) (LD): What confidence can we have that unilateral intervention by Russia will put an end to the terrible violence in Syria?
    The Prime Minister: I think we can have very little confidence in that. Frankly, Russia and China set themselves against Arab opinion and world opinion when they set themselves against passing what would have been a strong and good UN resolution. My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary was absolutely right to push for that resolution.
    What we now need—Britain will play a big part in this—**is real engagement with the opposition groups both inside and outside Syria,** bringing together the strongest possible international alliance through a contact group, so that **we can co-ordinate our efforts with respect to getting rid of that dreadful regime**. We should make sure, through the EU and other bodies, that we continue the sanctions and pressure.
    The bloodshed in Syria is absolutely appalling. The Russians have to look at their consciences and realise what they have done, but the rest of the world will keep fighting as hard as we can to give the Syrian people a chance to choose their own future.

    PS Many £thousands drop into Campbell’s lap including £5,000 from the Saudis for his visit there in 2009. What a hypocrite.

  • Fedup

    Clark, (our posts crossing)
    Have we not been witnessing the Sykes Picot redux the latter day version?
    You may have the patience of arguing the toss with the zionists, but from my bitter experience these zionists have no intentions of any exchange of ideas. In fact they are akin to South African apartheid defenders, and in no way ready for any kind of compromise or fruitful debate. Therefore You can debate with these if you wish; let them have your email address, but frankly I have no fucking time for any of the wankers.

  • Fedup

    How fortuitous can the question prove to be?
    UK to buy its 8th Boeing C-17 military plane
    The disabled no longer can claim disability allowance, the mentally ill will be roaming the streets and winding up sleeping in the door steps, heck we will have our bit of military hardware all the while helping the Boeing corporation at the same time.

  • Clark

    Fedup, you wrote: “The apparently feral commenter springing here and there, is in on way engaged in any debate. These are engaged in didactic attempts to reinforce and keep relevant the tsunami of disinformation available on demand masquerading as the controlled media.”
    That is your opinion, one that others may not share. Remember that opinions vary widely. Consider an unseen (i.e. non-commenting) reader of this thread who hold opinions between yours and Anon 1&O’s. The argument pulls them back and forth, when suddenly they encounter an outburst of unfounded assertions by one about the motivations of the other. The outburst is likely to sway that undecided reader to the opposite side, i.e. unfounded assertions about motivation are likely to be counter-productive.
    When you see disinformation, counter it with links and evidence. Calling it “disinformation” carries no evidence of its own, and is likely to lose you readers.

  • Fedup

    I wish I had your patience and optimism. Do you honestly think those uncommunicative readers do not know about the venal apartheid theocracy in Isreal bent on preserving itself whilst the big bully US is still relevant?
    Assertions you say, I have asked you a simple question;
    Out of curiosity have you ever known of a single instance of a zionist ever gravitating towards sense and logic, through dialogue and debate?
    This question, so far remains unanswered.

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