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8,099 thoughts on “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis continued

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  • michael norton

    To those acquainted with the dark arts of international espionage, the strange death of Gareth Williams appeared to bear all the hallmarks of a ‘wet job’ — the grisly name for an assassination carried out by people trained to kill.

    ” A former major in the Russian KGB, now exiled in London, claims to have the answers to this disturbing riddle that could come out of a Bond movie — a story which, if true, will heighten tensions between Moscow and London over the activities of Russian agents on British soil.

    Now living in constant fear of his life, this man claims to have information crucial to Britain’s security: namely, that there is a traitor inside GCHQ working for the Russians whose identity was discovered by Williams, meaning he had to be liquidated before he revealed the name.”
    quote The Daily Mail

  • michael norton

    Gypsy Riot in Moirans – railway damaged

    “SNCF had already filed a complaint Thursday after the riots that took place in Moirans. The station has indeed been degraded. The railway and overhead lines have been particularly damaged by burning cars.

    Yesterday was the turn of Moirans mayor to file a complaint with the gendarmerie of the commune. “The city also suffered damage, assures Gerard Simonet. The square outside the station was damaged, and it belongs to the town. In addition, it was necessary to deploy a large logistics to deal with the situation and all this also has a cost. ”

    For now, the mayor does not give a specific amount of damage. “It will still take time to evaluate it,” he explains.”

  • michael norton

    The Local Piste

    There do seem to be many nearby persons/connections/localities that impinge on
    The Slaughter of the Horses ( much nearer than South East England)

    Grignon Pharmacie Schutz-Morange

    the fact of gun-totting politician Pierre Morange being
    the maternal uncle of Claire Schutz,
    the fact that there are many roof windows in the building of the pharmacie,
    indicating that there is at least one apartment above the shop
    but we have never been allowed to know if Claire Schutz & Sylvain Mollier
    used an apartment in this building.
    We have also not been told if anyone else lived in this building.
    There is the first floor
    and there is the many windowed attic.
    The fact that in the “back garden” are the buildings and vehicles of
    the Sapeurs-Pompiers CPI Grand Arc.

    Ugine the home territory of Sylvain Mollier the common-law husband of Claire Schutz
    Ugine the home “suicide” of Patrice Menegaldo, one time friend/neighbour,
    paramour of the sister of Sylvain Mollier and friend of the family Schutz.
    Ugine the nuclear fuel factory where Sylvain was apparently employed.
    The cycle track linking many of the places of interest.

    Faverges, where the major fire station is adjacent to the cycle track, the fact that
    Jean-Claude Deronzier, who was the president of the intercommunity based in Faverges
    and was publicly orating against the gens du voyage,
    just before he fell to his doom off a local cliff.
    The altercation, leading to incarceration of a local Kurdish glazier,
    because of his attack and feud with a local couple.
    The site of the wood yard, adjacent to the cycle track.
    The site of the night club, Le Flashback, run/owned by the same proprietor of
    Camping Le Verger Fleuri, Lathuile.

    the site of the Slaughter of the Horses was in the domain of Doussard.
    The parapente landing site is in Doussard.
    The mayor of Dossard was the above mentioned Jean-Claude Deronzier,
    his two sons have married the two daughters of Jean-Paul Communal-Tournier.

    Chevaline, the home of the in-laws of Eric Devouassoux
    and the place-name given to the slaughter of Le Martinet.

    Lathuile, home to many of the actors in these crimes.
    The holiday chalet of William Brett Martin the hero of the hour.
    The site of the killing of Nicole.

    These and other cross-overs would seem to suggest local involvement in
    The Slaughter of the Horses

  • michael norton

    The Local Piste of Nicole Communal-Tournier

    of the five local currently on remand

    one is said to come from Doussard,

    two brothers are said to come from Ugine,

    two more are said to come from Albertville.

  • Pink

    Suhayl mentioned something about Gareth Williams and poison in the ear the other day and I wondered where that idea had come from as I have never heard it mentioned before so I was rather taken aback to see the DM story is this a story that’s been circulating or did Suhayl have an inside track ?

    Suhayl Saadi
    16 Oct, 2015 – 9:55 pm

    If one thinks of how it is claimed the GCHQ employee, Gareth Williams in London might have been murdered – allegedly through poison introduced through the ear – and Mossad’s ‘tennis players’ murder of the highly-placed Hamas official in Bahrain one might posit that shooting-up (and shooting and pistol-whipping one of the children) a family group-plus is somewhat crude by comparison.

  • michael norton

    My post of 24 October was not correct.

    A local from Doussard, a carpenter, thought to be the ring-leader,
    two gypsy brothers from Albertville,
    two other young men from Ugine, both armed.
    A 23 year year old from Ugine pulled the trigger on Nicole.

  • Peter

    Apparently, an article was published on Wednesday with the tenor – which I am inferring from the title – that no multiple murder ever took place at the Martinet:

    That article has gone 404 since, and I cannot find any cached copies of it.

    The title of said article suggests that it was a gargantuan crock of shite likely to cause offence to the families of the victims, but I wonder whose lawyers pulled the plug on it.

  • M.

    Peter, it is nothing more than slightly moving the place of the murders.

    A very long time past, the inhabitants, including Claude Antoine, said the actual place of the incident wasn’t inside the boundary of Chevaline, it was Doussard.

    That’s it – Doussard, not Chevaline, which is correct, easy to confirm.

    I also get the 404, I doubt there was anything like some ‘holocaust denier’ implication !

  • Peter

    @ M., 25 Oct, 2015 – 5:02 pm

    Welcome back!

    Whilst I understand your point about the Doussard / Chevaline boundary, it is quite remarkable how quickly and comprehensively this article has been obliterated from the Internet: Google cache,, Facebook, all those parasitical “news digest” sites, the lot … all gone.

    Even if it had been the mayor of Chevaline who, in a fit of pique over the media getting the Doussard / Chevaline boundary wrong yet again, caused that cleansing to happen, the sheer speed and scope of it would still have me rubbing my eyes. For that same reason, I think that village mayors and similar luminaries are outside the frame on this one. Whoever did this must have had a specialist media lawyer locked and loaded already: mandate form signed, retainer paid, advance for court fees and so forth deposited, ongoing media-monitoring service subscribed to. Like some of the more prickly U.S. pop stars, in other words. Personally, I believe that the Schutzes are most likely to fit that profile, but I would *love* to have confirmation on that.

  • michael norton

    Maitre Caroline Blanvillian,

    ONE wonders who is behind the family Schutz, could it be the maternal gun-totting uncle of Claire?

  • M.

    Peter, not really back, was just hoping there was something new to discuss.

    Didn’t we note that the Company Areva, or Cezus, is monitoring the media ?

  • Peter

    @ M., 26 Oct, 2015 – 8:30 am

    I don’t get it. It seems that you were right, that the article’s punchline was that the murders took part in Doussard rather than Chevaline.

    If that is all that there was to it, I don’t see why anybody would have felt compelled to have the article purged. The most likely culprit probably is Eric Clouseau, as that breathtaking insight was directly attributed to him. Perhaps they never spoke to him at all and simply made up the interview.

    Anyway, there is nothing new to discuss at this stage, I suppose.

  • M.

    Pink, more worrying is that people in Chevaline have not told the Police what they saw that day, for fear of reprisals.

    On the basis that the perpetrator hasn’t been found that still leaves the field wide open.

    The journalist has given the game away, I wonder if he’ll get the thumb screws to reveal the anonymous Chevalinois who said this and subsequently the persons who haven’t told their story to the judiciary.

    Are they guilty of perverting the course of justice ?

  • Good In Parts


    Glad you popped in for a visit.

    It’s a tough call. Going after the journo to reveal his source(s) is just going to create a martyr.*

    And for what? To find a village gossip who is likely just embellishing scuttlebutt.

    Still, we already know that people in Chevaline have not told the Police what they saw that day. Some of them left precipitously, to avoid zee questions.

    Were they guilty of perverting the course of justice ?

    (*) not to mention being protected under french law according to the interweb.

  • michael norton

    I wonder if Eric Maillaud, after THREE YEARS
    still clings to his belief that the only Piste is the ENGLISH one
    or could he beginning to allow himself to imagine that there are naughty people in FRANCE who were involved.
    MISTERLYON perhaps,
    is he still 5% in the frame?

  • M.

    GIP, it would be interesting to know what the anonymous Chevalinois was referring to when using the terms ‘vu des choses’ …….

    Still don’t understand the 404 Error, hey ho.

    MN, I have posted a link more than once about Maillaud and his current stance, here it is again, from September this year:

    Lui semble penser que la piste du tireur isolé, un déséquilibré sans doute, demeure la plus crédible. L’arme est un pistolet automatique Luger P06, plus une arme de collectionneur que celle d’un tueur à gages. Elle était utilisée jadis par l’armée suisse. Et la Suisse n’est pas loin. Un hasard de plus.


    D’autant que pour Chevaline, honnêtement, je n’ai plus aucune conviction.


  • Good In Parts


    One interpretation (mine) could be based on a slight difference in elevation between the road through Chevaline and other parts of the valley ‘fan’.

    This could clearly be seen on one of the televised reports (don’t remember which) near the mairie. There appeared to be no houses on the east side of the road where the ground appeared to fall away.

    Any house sitting on the west side would have an unimpeded view across the ‘fan’. I think the sightline is much better in some parts of the village than others (i.e. better than the south end where Antoine would appear to me to have quite a restricted sightline).

    Personally, my view of things is the reverse. My perspective is that Sylvain Mollier, riding his highly distinctive, bright white, velo up the valley on the ‘elevated’ Chevaline road would have been clearly visible for quite some way.

  • Peter

    @ M., 27 Oct, 2015 – 9:50 am

    GIP, it would be interesting to know what the anonymous Chevalinois was referring to when using the terms ‘vu des choses’ …….

    Could be a lot of things: the military helicopter that was hovering over the Martinet half an hour before the murders, the vicious, cutlery-flinging fight that CS and SM had had that morning, those Middle-Eastern men in shiny suits and pilot sunglasses who went from house to house the day after the murders, stuffing € 500 bills into the pockets of the bewildered villagers whilst repeating, mantra-like, “Least said soonest mended” 😉

  • michael norton


    I do not think much of the current stance of Eric Maillaud.
    It is underwhelming in the extreme.
    He does not have the mental capacity to continue.

  • michael norton

    A spokeswoman for EDF said:
    “All EDF Energy employees and contractors undergo a rigorous Government standard,
    National Security Vetting check in order to be able to work on any nuclear site.

    Didn’t Sylvain Mollier work for EDF

  • michael norton

    Quite amazing that this story of a worker in a SCOTTISH Nuclear power station caught studying bomb making at work

    has not been reported by any of the major newspapers/media?

  • michael norton

    Has anybody got any idea why this part of FRANCE
    has such a terrific number of fires each year?

    “In the heart of the largest condominium Méribel (buildings 5 and 8 chalets, 180 owners), the carcass of the Chanrossa building in the area of Morel, testified yesterday, by the light of day, the violence of the fire that burned in the night of Monday to Tuesday (see our edition yesterday). Fortunately, the building was empty of any occupant.

    The warning given to 18 hours, the fire was declared officially extinct at 7: 30 pm, Tuesday morning. 22 to 30 hours, most of the fire was under control, which allowed a reduction of the device, with reports coming from La Léchère, Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Moutiers and Albertville, followed by another succession to 4 hours Savoy morning by firefighters in training at Moutiers. But a monitoring device was kept in the day.”

  • michael norton

    A building caught fire in the night. There are two dead and several wounded.

    A fire in an apartment building in Peymeinade, near Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, has caused the death of a man and a woman and destroyed a dozen apartments. A dozen people were also poisoned by the fumes.
    The fire broke out shortly after 3 am on the third floor of a four storey building.

    Ten apartments were affected, including seven totally ravaged by the flames. The fire was contained by 90 firefighters.

  • michael norton

    EDF Nuclear power plant worker escorted off premises by security
    “after being caught studying BOMB-MAKING websites”

    The employee was marched off the premises at Hunterson B in SCOTLAND after a shocked colleague raised the alarm. A worker at an EDF Energy power station was allegedly caught studying bomb-making websites.

    The staff member was marched off the premises at the Hunterston nuclear power plant in West Kilbride, Scotland, after a colleague raised the alarm.
    Police are now investigating the worker accessing “inappropriate material” while working at the nuclear facility.

    The man, believed to have moved recently from England, has only worked at the North Ayrshire facility for around four weeks.

    He was spotted by a fellow colleague on Monday, who reported his concerns to management, reports the Daily Record .

    The contractor works as a ‘special entry assistant’ at the power station, and his role involves him going into the heart of the plant to assist tradesmen.

    He was allegedly seen viewing inappropriate websites on homemade explosives on a laptop computer, which he reportedly slammed shut after being spotted by a colleague.

    When he arrived for work on Tuesday, he was escorted from the premises by security guards and police were called.

    A source at the plant said: “The guy has only worked here for a short time.

    “He is a low-level employee, but has access to the reactor, where he basically helps out tradesmen working on it.
    “One of his colleagues spotted him engrossed in a laptop on Monday.

    “As he passed by, it was slammed shut, but not before the fellow worker got an eyeful of what he had been looking at.

    “To him it looked like some sort of website on how to make bombs .

    “He reported his concerns to bosses, and the guy was escorted of the site today.

    “You can’t have people with access to a nuclear core having any sort of interest in explosives.

    “No one knows what was going through his head, but it’s not what you want to see in a nuclear power plant.”

    Hunterston B is one of two nuclear reactors still in operation in Scotland, and is capable of supplying the electricity needs of over 1 million homes.

    A spokeswoman for EDF said: “All EDF Energy employees and contractors undergo a rigorous Government standard, National Security Vetting check in order to be able to work on any nuclear site.

    “We have been made aware of allegations concerning a contractor accessing inappropriate web material and immediately notified the relevant authorities.

    “We are working with Police Scotland, with the support of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, to determine the facts and take appropriate action.

    “The Civil Nuclear Constabulary are deployed at all EDF Energy’s nuclear sites to further enhance the already robust security arrangements at all civil nuclear power stations.

    “Provision was made for this by the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act, 2001.

    “These officers work alongside existing security teams at each station.”

    A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said the incident was being dealt with by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC).

    No one from the CNC was available for comment.

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