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1,570 thoughts on “Nuclear Nightmare

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  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    Regards Anon – H7N9 is in China. Studies on Spanish flu (common;) cold) have been conducted at Porton Down for decades and advances have lead to ‘gene manipulation’ of course.

    Many dead scientists including David Kelly expertly manipulated virus strains.

    Indeed a pandemic in China might well be an enabling factor for America to create the promised anti-ballistic missile(ABM) defense shield across Asia, thus creating a ring around China, more efficiently under the radar; the system was announced by Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea.

    A pandemic would certainly slow the manufacture of “defensive nuclear-powered submarines” to “balance out the systems impact” which China has also promised.

    Britain (Chatham) has a dual action plan (sorry!) where economic warfare against China supplements the ‘Asian shield’. The British/Israeli/Obama push for war on Iran is actually aimed at Russia and China proven by the policy declaration by Obama that sanctions will be imposed on any country which buys gas or oil from Iran. We remember Obama has just announced that Japan and European countries are exempted from these sanctions-but not China (nor India and others).

    This diabolical plan is of course ‘special access’ information yet highly predictable as will be the failure of the P5+1 nuclear talks in Kazakhstan amid false optimism:

    Clearly the veracious lead scientists in virology – including a Nobel Prize winner – were courting humanity when they proclaimed that it is “ethically and morally” wrong to alter the deadly H5N1 virus to make it more contagious for research purposes, and have asked President Obama to ban it.

    “The accidental release of an artificial, laboratory-generated, human-transmissible H5N1 virus into the community has the potential to cause a global pandemic of epic proportions that would dwarf the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic that killed over 50 million people,” read a letter to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

    The petition was drafted by the Foundation for Vaccine Research (FVR), a scientific advocacy group, and numbered world-leading biologists among the 17 signatories, including Lord May, the former chief science advisor to the UK government, and Sir Richard Roberts, the recipient of the 1993 Nobel Prize for Medicine, for genetics research.

    Late in 2011, two groups of scientists divulged studies showing a modified version of the avian flu virus that could be passed through the air between mammals. In its current form, the virus is not easily caught by people from birds, and is even more difficult to transmit from one human to another.

    Shortly to follow was a statement by those scientists behind the purposeful mutations, known as gain-of-function studies, said, “the virus will itself change without lab research, and foreseeing its progression might enable a vaccine or cure to be developed sooner.” Ha!

    The H5N1 studies was the first of many studies involving other potential pandemic pathogens.

    A team in The Netherlands is expanding their H5N1 studies to include studies with the H7N7(9) virus, and has announced plans to conduct similar gain-of-function studies with the SARS coronavirus.

  • Jemand - The Easter Bunny Hears Your Prayers

    Dave Lawton, Trowbridge H. Ford

    Would either of you care to explain how man-made devices can generate and remotely deliver energy, equivalent to kilotonnes or megatonnes of TNT, to specific geological targets to cause earthquakes? And how is this achieved without manifesting their operation on the many sensitive devices that would respond to these kind of events? How can these devices operate in secret?

    Or maybe your comments here and engagement with regular supporters of Mr M. is intended to discredit this blog as just another crackpot conspiracy theory forum thereby reducing the value of important political posts, analysis and followup discussion.

  • crab

    “Dumping tons of particulate matter from aircraft has geo-engineered our planetary atmosphere into a highly charged, electrically-conductive plasma useful for military projects.”

    Good grief this article is written for people who are disadvantaged, in a particular or more general aspect of regarding technology articles. It is blatant fiction centered on themes of war,technology and corporatism. While it purports to warn about them, it actually celebrates them by deceitfully distorting them.

    When there is no way to distinguish testimony from fiction, fiction is as tenable as testimony, and these kind of articles and claims brazenly rest on that principle, while they drag other more credible while uncertain testimonies with them, wasting time and faith.

    Regard the made up (or supposedly uncheckably secret) name: “Operation Cloverleaf” –Those who have seen or heard of the big budget 2008 film “Cloverfield”, will unconsciously connect the two, as the articles author did either intentionally or by the same subliminal mechanisms. The film is a realistic, high tech militaristic and harrowingly dark sci-fi of alien invasion and predation on humanity.

    “The air we breathe is laden with asbestos-sized synthetic fibers and toxic metals, including barium salts, aluminum, and reportedly, radioactive thorium.”

    Air can be sampled and analysed with relative ease. This claim could only be made by a scientific study, of an impossibly routine kind to globally suppress. Also notice that we are evolved to breath clay dust and sand as well as to some degree smoke and woodash (unlike canaries). Modern houses and cities have us breathing many quite novel substances which could best be treated with more caution.

    However there is no detectable contamination of breathing air from operations like the ones artistically illustrated in that article. There is not a single reason to believe or ponder the possible significance of any of the claims in the article. –It is just designed to fuck with some peoples heads.

    911 was probably a black op but we cant end the need to take care about what entertains our curiosity. To disorient that in conscientious people would be an orchestrated goal of such unaccountable “operations”

  • crab

    I think the threats from bird flue and other animal diseases are mostly generated in factory farms. So opt out of the threat generation by not eating meat -or supporting healthier farming limitations. Concern over worldwide news of new strains is buzzarding when not mentioning the causes and solutions. Intrest about the difficulties of defending against future outbreaks should lead to back to prevention.

  • Mary

    Ann Wright on the travesty of Israel’s ‘apology’ for the Mavi Marmara killings.

    Families of the Nine Passengers Murdered on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Deserve More
    An Israeli Apology Means Little

    Representatives of IHH, the international humanitarian organization that organized the passengers on the Mavi Marmara in the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, have told the author that families of the nine murdered by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) commandos on May 31, 2010, consider the “apology” of the Israeli government to the Turkish government as meaning very little until the Israeli government lifts the blockade on Gaza.

    Their family members were killed on a non-violent mission to challenge the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza and the families do not consider either an Israeli government apology or the offer of compensation for the death of their loved one as any form of fulfillment of their mission—only the lifting of the blockade on Gaza will assuage their deaths.


    Apparently Obama turned away when he was shown the photo of the head wounds of the young American who was among the ten killed.

    Ann Wright is to be admired. She stands up.
    ‘Ann Wright spent 29 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and retired as a Colonel. She was a US diplomat for 16 years and resigned in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq war. She travelled to Gaza three times in 2009, helped organize the 2009 Gaza Freedom March and was a passenger on the 2010 and 2011 Gaza Freedom Flotillas. She was an organizer for the US Boat to Gaza, the Audacity of Hope and is an organizer for the US campaign for Gaza’s Ark. She was a witness in the November, 2012, Istanbul Criminal Court hearing, in which passengers provided sworn testimony describing the 2010 IDF attack on the Mavi Marmara and the Challenger 1.’

    She is in this organisation.

    I hear that Kerry is in Turkey and then goes to Israel. ‘Normalising relations’ between the two. Of course. Afterwards UK, China, Japan and S Korea.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Mary is back again. Unfortunately, unchanged.

    Mary has taken to calling Nick Clegg – in sub-Private Eye style – “Cleggover”.

    On the assumption that this is a reference to the normal sexual activity of a healthy young man (and a bachelor) in his twenties, could Mary perhaps explain, in an adult manner, how this is relevant to Nick Clegg in his role as an MP and the deputy Prime Minister?

    Thank you


    La vita è bella, life is good! (avoid juvenile lavatory humour)

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Anon asks (16h36 yesterday) :

    “What’s all this crap about the recent North Koran nuke test actually being an artificial earthquake caused by the USA?

    Do people actually believe that or are you just playing some warped mind-game?”


    Anon is obviously a newcomer to this blog and isn’t yet fully acquainted with the mindset of its more promlinent fauna.

    He should realise that :

    – nothing is as it seems. Conspiracies are everywhere

    – any evil carried out by North Korea, Iran, President Assad (Assad the Son), etc, etc, is dwarfed by the evil carried out by the US, the UK, and the west in general

    – any evil carried out by North Korea, etc, is but a reaction to the evil provocations from the US, etc

    – much oif the evil varried out by North Korea, Iran, etc, is not really carried out by them at all – it’s all false-flag operations.

    Bear the above in mind, Anon, as a midus operandi for reading much of this blog.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    Mary, at 16h04 yesterday, asks, in usual pessimistic mode ;

    “The sport of kings aka the annual slaughter of horses continues at Aintree. Two have already died this week. Last year, six died. How many this afternoon?”


    As Mary probably knows by now, the answer is : none.

    I’m sure that she’s very pleased.


    La vita è bella, life is good!

  • English Knight

    OT – 911 NEVER AGAIN !! Please google exit hole pentagon. How the soft aluminium nose cone (with the round plate of holes in it!) ended up outside a perfect 12 ft exit hole on the inside perimeter of the Pentagon after having traversed a full 100 YARDS through 6ft of reinforced concrete and several pillars, only Rabbi Dov Zakheim can explain. Especially if it took out 41 accountants investigating a $2.3 TRILLION hole in books, who were in its path instead of the 10,000 others working in the vast Pentagon. Perhaps Rabbi habba can look up his well worn copy of the Talmud and enlighten us? That bit about evil doers entitled to 72 ladyboys in Hell in habba’s Talmud version is obviously fake !

  • Mary

    I mistakenly thought that Mafeking had been relieved. Wrong!

    The point is deliberately missed that Cleggover, a so called Liberal Democrat, has colluded with the Cameron Bullingdon boys in their cruel attack on the poor, starting on April 1st, when he was enjoying his jet lifestyle in a 20 roomed property belonging to his rich parents. Nearly all those currently in power have rich parents or are millionaires themselves.

    Cleggover suits him admirably. He is a nothing. A puff of blather and hot air. Yet another neo-liberal.

    Hague has just been on Sky News speaking from his home in N Yorkshire in opulent looking surroundings. He was immaculately suited in a light grey fine worsted suit, dark purple tie and cream shirt. The clothes went well with his pink boiled egg look, fresh from the heat of central Africa with Ms Jolie. I heard on the world service earlier that the place of his last ‘adventure’, Libya, is lawless and is virtually a no go area, especially around Benghazi. Yet he still speaks of war.

    The fact that no horses were killed yesterday is down to luck.
    I refer the previous commenter to the list of Aintree casualties.

    All horse deaths since 13 March 2007 where the course is Aintree
    Horse/Date/Cause of death

    Little Josh (IRE) 2013-04-05 Aintree Fell – Broke Shoulder – Destroyed
    Battlefront (IRE) 2013-04-04 Aintree Collapsed and Fatally Injured
    Four Fiddlers (IRE) 2012-10-27 Aintree Broke Down Injured – Euthanased
    Pirates Gold (IRE) 2012-05-18 Aintree Pulled Up – Broke Knee – Destroyed
    Massimo (FR) 2012-05-18 Aintree Broke Leg on Course before start – Destroyed
    According To Pete 2012-04-14 Aintree Brought Down – Broke Leg – Destroyed
    Synchronised (IRE) 2012-04-14 Aintree Fell – Broke Leg Running Loose – Destroyed
    Gottany OS 2012-04-12 Aintree Broke Down injured – Destroyed
    Ornais (FR) 2011-04-09 Aintree Broke Neck
    Dooneys Gate (IRE) 2011-04-09 Aintree Broke Back – Destroyed
    Inventor (IRE) 2011-04-07 Aintree Fell – Injured Destroyed
    Leos Lucky Star (USA) 2011-04-07 Aintree Fell – Fatally Injured
    Private Be 2010-11-21 Aintree Collapsed and Died After Race
    Prudent Honour (IRE) 2010-04-09 Aintree Fell – Broke Neck
    Plaisir D Estruval (FR) 2010-04-09 Aintree Fell – Broke Neck
    Schindlers Hunt (IRE) 2010-04-09 Aintree Broke Foreleg – Destroyed
    Baba O Curragh (FR) 2010-04-09 Aintree Knee Injury – Destroyed
    Pagan Starprincess 2010-04-08 Aintree Head Injury
    Stellino (GER) 2009-10-24 Aintree Pulled Up Injured – Destroyed
    Hear The Echo (IRE) 2009-04-04 Aintree Collapsed & Died
    Lilla Sophia 2009-04-03 Aintree Broke Leg Destroyed
    Moscow Catch (IRE) 2009-04-03 Aintree Broke Neck
    Mel In Blue (FR) 2009-04-02 Aintree Broke Neck
    Exotic Dancer (FR) 2009-04-02 Aintree Heart Attack
    Genghis (IRE) 2008-10-25 Aintree Fell – Destroyed
    McKelvey (IRE) 2008-04-05 Aintree fell Fatal Injury Destroyed
    Time To Sell (IRE) 2008-04-04 Aintree fell Dead
    In The High Grass (IRE) 2008-04-04 Aintree fell Dead
    Graphic Approach (IRE) 2007-05-10 Aintree fell pneumonia/race injury
    Lord Rodney (IRE) 2007-04-13 Aintree brought down Fatal Injuries Destroyed
    Into The Shadows 2007-04-12 Aintree pulled up Dead

    Back to homepage
    946 deaths since 2007, not counting those discarded as not fit under training.

    Race Horse Death Watch

    Animal Aid’s Race Horse Death Watch was launched during the 2007 Cheltenham Festival. Its purpose is to expose and record every on-course Thoroughbred fatality in Britain.

    The horse racing authorities have resolutely failed to put horse death information into the public domain, preferring to dismiss equine fatalities as ‘accidental’ and ‘unexplained’. Even when several horses die at a single meeting, the term ‘statistical blip’ is often deployed.

    Animal Aid has produced a series of revealing reports over the last seven years exposing the welfare problems associated with Thoroughbred breeding, racing, training and disposal of commercially ‘unproductive’ horses. Our research indicates that around 420 horses are raced to death every year. About 38 per cent die on racecourses, while the others are destroyed as a result of training injuries, or are killed because they are no longer commercially viable.

  • Villager

    ““Refusing to participate in military operations that violate international law — the war of aggression, the use of torture, the use of illegal weapons and purposeful targeting of innocent civilians will save Lt. Watada his sanity and his soul.”[16]

    Mary, thanks for highlighting the person of Ann Wright. She, by her right actions is very obviously and courageously, living up to her name.

    Her above quote is extracted from her entry on Wikipedia. For context, and more background on this extraordinary individual (as opposed to one or two retired school clerks that hang around here, just for example), please check out:

    Great inspiration to start a new day in our march towards Freedom for all peoples of the world.

  • Villager

    Mary, thank you for the depth of your research, that reaches the parts of the brain that stunted, jaded clerks cannot reach.

    I welcome your return!

  • Mary

    Bush obviously blackmailed Miranda. It hinged on what went on over the bloody steaks at the barbeque at the Bush ranch at Crawford, Texas as we all knew.

    Hitherto unseen evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence has revealed that former prime minister Tony Blair was told that Iraq had, at most, only a trivial amount of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that Libya was in this respect a far greater threat.

    Intelligence officers have disclosed that just the day before Mr Blair went to visit president George Bush in April 2002, he appeared to accept this but returned a “changed man” and subsequently ordered the production of dossiers to “find the intelligence” that he wanted to use to justify going to war.

    This and other secret evidence (given in camera) to the inquiry will, The Independent on Sunday understands, be used as the basis for severe criticism of the former prime minister when the Chilcot report is published.

    Mr Blair is said to have “realised” and “understood” that Libya was the real threat and that he knew “it would not be sensible to lead the argument on Saddam and the WMD issue” according to evidence of a conversation on 4 April 2002, the day before he flew to the US to spend a weekend with Mr Bush.

    This was disclosed in a closed evidence session with one of MI6’s most senior officers, named as SIS4. Although details have been redacted, the transcript, later released online with little fanfare, states that Mr Blair “realised that the WMD threat from Libya was more serious than from Iraq”.


  • Villager

    “Hitherto unseen evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence has revealed that former prime minister Tony Blair was told that Iraq had, at most, only a trivial amount of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that Libya was in this respect a far greater threat”

    Yes they found Baygon spray in Saddam’s palace’s bathroom.

    Blair’s apparent ‘work’ in the charities area is a charade and an attempt to improve his public image before he is eventually hauled up in front of the courts, be that in 5 years or 15. Life is long, has its own mysterious twists and turns, and things can sometimes change and develop very, very quickly.

    The horrendous quantum of the euphemistic “defence” budgets of US and NATO countries in particular, used to wage imperialistic war on fellow human beings in all corners of the Globe, is the biggest scam being pulled on its own citizens. Its called the military-industrial-complex and its proportions, both in terms of the treasure of dollars and cost of human life is historic and beyond comparison. Is this the Dawn of ‘Modern’ Man and Civilisation?

    Or just their Weapons of Mass Distraction.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Mary :

    “The point is deliberately missed that Cleggover, a so called Liberal Democrat, has colluded with the Cameron Bullingdon boys in their cruel attack on the poor, starting on April 1st, when he was enjoying his jet lifestyle in a 20 roomed property belonging to his rich parents. Nearly all those currently in power have rich parents or are millionaires themselves.

    Cleggover suits him admirably. He is a nothing. A puff of blather and hot air. Yet another neo-liberal.”


    No point was “deliberately missed”. What you write about Clegg qua politician may well be right and in any case you are entitled to your point of view. But you still haven’t explained the relevance of the young Nick Clegg’s sex life to his present political life : merely saying “Cleggover suits him admirably” is a rather feeble non-explanation.

    Can’t you just try and drop the continual ad hominems?

  • Villager

    “Based on National Priorities Project Cost of War concept, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) launched an exhibit title titled “Cost of War” in May 2007, at the close of the National Eyes Wide Open Exhibit. It features ten budget trade-offs displayed on 3×7 foot full-color vinyl banners. AFSC uses to cost of the Iraq War estimated by economists Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz in the article “Economic Costs Of The Iraq War: An Appraisal Three Years After The Beginning Of The Conflict”, written in January 2006 that estimates the total daily cost of the Iraq War at $720 million.[2] AFSC uses The National Priorities Project’s per unit costs for human needs such as health care and education to make budget comparisons between the U.S. budget for human needs to “One Day of the Iraq War”.[3] The ten banners read:[4]
    One Day of the Iraq War = 720 Million Dollars, How Would You Spend it?
    One Day of the Iraq War = 84 New Elementary Schools
    One Day of the Iraq War = 12,478 Elementary School Teachers
    One Day of the Iraq War = 95,364 Head Start Places for Children
    One Day of the Iraq War = 1,153,846 Children with Free School Lunches
    One Day of the Iraq War = 34,904 Four-Year Scholarships for University Students
    One Day of the Iraq War = 163,525 People with Health Care
    One Day of the Iraq War = 423,529 Children with Health Care
    One Day of the Iraq War = 6,482 Families with Homes
    One Day of the Iraq War = 1,274,336 Homes with Renewable Energy
    There are currently 22 Cost of War exhibits located in Northern and Southern California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas/Missouri, Maryland, Massachusetts/Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York/New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia.

    See also

    And this is just the US’s share. Anyone have total nos for NATO/ISAF?

  • Villager

    Mary, please disengage with the sick man of this blog. He has been successfully quarantined.

  • crab

    Nothing at all wrong with ad hominems when your argument doesn’t depend on them.

  • Mary

    I have just heard that I have a new great niece. What life awaits this little one?

    The TV is still on and Sky News now have Danny Alexander speaking from a house in Dornoch in similarly opulent surroundings to Hague’s. The set consists of a blazing log fire in a Regency style white marble? fireplace with gilded swags and ornament and a carriage clock on the mantelpiece, a grey velvet armchair, striped Regency wallpaper with a grey metallic lamp with a white lampshade on a side table. They are obviously all doing nicely and are laughing in our faces.

    He comes over as a hard and humourless person reciting the austerity mantra.

  • Mary

    Will do as you suggest Villager although I do like the way in which he/she/it kindly repeats what someone has said (having been instructed by some kind person here on how to copy and paste) which gives added emphasis!

  • Villager

    Thank you Mary. And as for:

    “I have just heard that I have a new great niece. What life awaits this little one?”

    Congratulations! And very good question!!

    And the simple answer lies in Education. An extract from Krishnamurti:

    ” I wonder why we are educated at all, if we are, why we go to schools, colleges and universities, what does it mean to be educated. Why should one be educated? Is it to conform to the pattern of existing society, acquiring enough knowledge to act skilfully in that society to have a livelihood? Does it mean, to be educated, does it mean adjusting oneself to society and follow all the dictates of that society? This has become a very serious problem right throughout the world, I am quite sure. The ancients, both in Egypt and in India, and China of course, thought of education not in terms of society, nor in terms of merely conforming to the edicts of society but were concerned with the culture of the mind. That is, with the culture of a mind that is capable of intelligent action in society, not merely conform to the pattern of society but, leaving the ancients aside, when one looks round at the world with all the awful mess that is going on, the butchery in China, the threatening wars, the tyranny, the lack of freedom and all the rest of it, and in every country there are highly educated people, highly technological entities, skilled in their action, and what has education brought about? What has education in the orthodox sense of that word made man into? So that is the thing we ought to discuss – we ought to have a dialogue about, rather than discuss.

    Is it merely to cultivate one segment of the mind, which is one part of the brain as memory, acquiring knowledge and therefore using that knowledge skilfully? That is what most of us are educated for, we are conditioned for that. The rest of the psychological or the wider entity of man is totally disregarded. And is it possible to educate – we use the word ‘educate’ in quotation marks – is it possible to educate the whole of man, including his brain, intellectually, that is, the capacity to think clearly, objectively, and act efficiently, non-personally and also to enter into a field which is generally called spiritual? Again that is a rather doubtful word. Is this possible to do in a school, college and university, that is, to educate the totality of man instead of cultivating memory, as we do, and depending on that memory to act skilfully in our labours? And that cultivation and the dependence on that memory is part of this degeneration of man because then man becomes merely mechanical, always acting in the field of the known, the known being the accumulated experiences, the great deal of words put in books, the collection of centuries of knowledge, and always acting within that field as the known, is that not a degenerating factor in our human life? Please, this is a dialogue. Because when you are acting in the field of the known all the time, which is in the field of knowledge, knowledge becomes traditional and you are then acting according to a past pattern set by various scientists, philosophers, psychologists, the theologians and their persuasive methods, then the brain must be very conditioned, it has not the flexibility. And so gradually, as it is happening in the world, degeneration in art, in literature, and in our relationship with each other – must degenerate, must end up in war, in hatred, in antagonism, and that is what is going on actually, if you consider it impersonally, not as Americans and Europeans and the rest of it but actually as human beings confronted with this problem, what is happening. One can see the destructive nature of always operating with or in the field of knowledge. And our schools, colleges and universities condition our mind to that. And seeing that, seeing the fact of that, what can we do? Come on, sir.”

    Link to the dialogue:

  • Villager

    And, if i may, another quote of the day from K:

    “The function of education
    Don’t you notice how little energy most of the people around you have, including your parents and teachers? They are slowly dying, even when their bodies are not yet old. Why? Because they have been beaten into submission by society. You see, without understanding its fundamental purpose which is to free the extraordinary thing called the mind, with its capacity to create atomic submarines and jet planes, which can write the most amazing poetry and prose, which can make the world so beautiful and also destroy the world – without understanding its fundamental purpose, which is to find truth or God, this energy becomes destructive; and then society says, “We must shape and control the energy of the individual.

    So, it seems to me that the function of education is to bring about a release of energy in the pursuit of goodness, truth, or God, which in turn makes the individual a true human being and therefore the right kind of citizen. But mere discipline, without full comprehension of all this, has no meaning, it is a most destructive thing. Unless each one of you is so educated that, when you leave school and go out into the world, you are full of vitality and intelligence, full of abounding energy to find out what is true, you will merely be absorbed by society; you will be smothered, destroyed, miserably unhappy for the rest of your life. As a river creates the banks which hold it, so the energy which seeks truth creates its own discipline without any form of imposition; and as the river finds the sea, so that energy finds its own freedom.”

    Alas, all quotations are sound bytes. But this is a fundamentally important subject. How can we raise a new kind of human being?

    K thought through this subject very, very deeply and even opened several schools in the UK (Brockwood Park), US and India. Mary, and for anyone else interested, i shall delve and dig out a couple of videos which deal with this critical subject a little later.

    Or you may do so with the help of this website:

    For now, its time for brunch and then a cappuccino in the Sun! Enjoy!!

  • The CE

    Just dropped by to see what was happening, good lord the quality of the comments deteriorates rapidly at this stage of a thread.

    Mary, can you please update us on how the next guests how is decorated? 😆 how did we survive without such ‘vital research’? 🙄

    I should hope the next politician on suitably trashes his house before appearing on TV, lest he be unable to meet your illogical and superficial demands of our politicians.

  • Jemand - The Easter Bunny Hears Your Prayers

    Mary, 7 Apr 10.34am

    So what you have listed on the previous page, Mary, is a whole bunch of horses that have lived and died. What exactly is your point? That they have died as all living things must? That they died before living the longest possible life in captivity? That they died before retiring to an aged-care facility for horses? Or that prior to their repective deaths they suffered terrible injuries that you think were caused by man?

    I have news for you, Mary – most of everything that lives will eventually die a horrible, lonely death. I have known some people who have met that end. All animals in the wild, including horses, eventually succumb to an injury, predatorial attack, the physical elements or frailty of old age. And when they die, it’s fucking terrible. Can you imagine how a horse might break its leg in the wild and then slowly starve, insects crawling and feasting over its face and body, crows pecking at its eyes, no human around to put it out of its misery?

    These race horses are lucky for having a life where they are treated better than your average person, let alone what other horses experience in the wild. Incidentally, I hold horses in high regard for their service to mankind in war and industry, and at a personal relationship level. So, to eat this magnificent friend of man is revolting to me – but then you Europeans are far more sophisticated than the rest of us.

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