The Sky Has Not Fallen 830

The shocking death of Lee Rigby quite naturally appals us all. The intention of the crazed little group who conceived this killing was to make it as horrible as possible in order to scare people.

Horrible, sociopathic violence happens to people from time to time. They have done since Cain killed Abel, metaphorically or literally as you choose. Here is another headline today, just as horrific:

A British soldier has been jailed for stabbing a 10-year-old boy after getting drunk on vodka while serving in Afghanistan.

Both that obscene attack and Michael Adebolajo’s appalling actions are borne out of the same conflict. But it is reasonable to suppose that both these incidents involved people with, for whatever reason, a pre-disposition to murderous violence.

Such people have always been with us and will always be with us, but fortunately they are very, very few. In a nation of 60 million, involvement in violent crime is very low. If you are the victim of criminal violence, the odds over the last decade are about one in twenty thousand that the violence inflicted on you will have any linkage to political or terrorist causation. And the odds that you will suffer any kind of violent attack are thankfully pretty remote.

We should not panic from theatrical violence, just deplore and take sober stock. Sadly if a lunatic on the bus decides to strangle you tomorrow, there are no pre-emptive laws that can stop that. We should stop pretending that the state can always prevent.

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830 thoughts on “The Sky Has Not Fallen

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  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Yes, mark..the cherubs. It’s heart-braking that the children, the most innocent amongst us, take the hit.

  • tony0pmoc

    Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (Unleaded Version),

    TOR – No I have been retired for nearly 9 Years – I don’t Do That. I Have Never Tried To Hide….

    I am just wondering whether they will let me in at

    “Detailed Synonyms for Kennedy International Airport in English”

    “Security at the Ben-Gurion Airport”

    Maybe I should Get My Haircut and look like a an Anti-Muslim

    The Diving is Great in Sharm-El-Sheikh By the Way

    Do you think I give a Fick?


  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Tony; You sound stressed. Have you spoken with anyone close to you wrt ? I strongly urge you to find someone to talk to as soon as you can. JMO, of course.

  • tony0pmoc

    Do you want me to take my shoes off..?

    Do you want to take my buckle off?

    Do you want to strip me bare???

    And Examine My Orifices?

    What exactly Have You Got Up Their?

    Do you want me to walk through your X-Ray machine???

    Do you want to feel my genitals?

    Do you want to feel my Wife’s Genitals…

    And My Children’s and Their Children’s – and My Wife’s Mum’s Genitals….

    Do You Really Want To Do That…

    Go and Fuck Yourself You Nazi Bastard.


  • Cryptonym

    One conceivable reason for the repeated hacking and slashing of the little drummer boy’s body, could be to disguise and or lose features of any pre-existing injuries. I do not believe any formal cause of death has been given, though partial decapitation is an easy conclusion and who says any medical examination need be open and honest, the ‘fell down stairs/heart failure’ templates and rubber stamps and templates might show disproportionate wear and tear but are still serviceable. The aangirfan blog linked to suggests Private Boggs should be in Cyprus with the rest of his unit and not lying in a London street; Cyprus is of course a handy jumping off point for …Syria probably, via Lebanon.

    There must be many witnesses who saw the soldier upright, walking, alive or hit by the car?

  • tony0pmoc

    Come on Craig, You Don’t Even Speak With a Scottish Accent. Sure You Got on University Challenge, But Do You Really Think You Would Have Become The British Ambassador – Unless You Spoke Really Posh English…

    If You Came From Edinburgh, I would Understand…

    But You Come From Norfolk

    You Even Stood as An Independent Norfolk English Candidate, and I very Nearly Campaigned For You, even though we all knew that Chloe was going to win FFS.

    But That is Just The way it Is…

    Now You are All Scottish????

    I Reckon I am More Scottish Than You, and Certainly More Northern…

    I even got married in Scotland.

    But I Didn’t Get on University Challenge.

    Tilting at Windmills eh…

    Bending With The Wind???

    You Ain’t Scottish

    You May Have Balls – But Where’s The Backbone?

    You Were Born In England – Just Like Me.

    And You are One of My All Time Heroes.

    You Said No To Torture.

    And that’s good enough for me.


  • guano


    Yes it is a fucked up attitude. For good reason. You seem to think that the uneasy feeling the UK population has about the Muslims is unjustified. You are wrong. The Muslims believe, have to believe for their own sanity, that all their historical problems come from outsiders. The reality is that none of the problems of the Muslims including the loss of the Islamic Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire could have taken root without the connivance/betrayal of certain Muslims who saw personal gain in shoe-horning outsiders into power over their own peoples.

    Nobody likes to carry the blame for something they have not done. The UK populations did not instigate the crimes of British colonialism. It is a major crime to shunt the blame to another person in Judo-Christianity and Islam. It’s so easy to blame the other, because you now have a God-given right to take advantage of the heirs of the Western oppressors instead of showing them a good example of honest Islam. The result is that UK people assume that Islam is dishonest and the Queen can feel snug in her throne.

    Jemand has made it clear that in his opinion as a victim of Islam as he perceives it for some reason, that Islam will violently overthrow the indigenous culture and religion of the UK. He is hopefully wrong, because Islam is spread by good invitation before violence and good invitation is not happening.

    In relation to Woolwich, some of the Muslim leaders are trying to cope with this UK racism and against Islam which you describe, by denying that the Nigerians were Muslim at all. It was others wot done it. Cameron states that the event was a betrayal of Islam. Weasel words as always. He’s allowed to simultaneously launch a war against Al Qaida and utilise them to ignite and fight a civil war in Syria, but we’re not allowed to kill one man. His is political, ours is criminal insanity. No. our leaders are the ones who are criminally insane.

    By stating that Islamic culture is backward, I was merely trying to help people to understand that Muslims all over the world have become accustomed to having to obey the powerful, and make a full time occupation of obeying them in order to survive, instead of having leaders who teach and practise Islam. I shot the Sherriff, but I did not shoot his deputy. The Sherriff does not automatically embody the law, all of the time.

    The UK is a kind of gold rush for the Muslims and the ambitious ones seem to think that we reverts/converts are going to be in the same awe of the corrupt Sherriffs as everyone else because as beginners we do not have anywhere else to turn but to them. These leaders think that they can intimidate us by spying on our private lives and win our hearts by false praise, wives, and chicken. They then sell us to the security services who hate us for embracing Islam. It is just the constant lying that grinds you down. Nil carborundem.

    The quickest and easiest buck for these leaders to climb the slippery pole of power in the UK establishment system is to serve the interests of the UK state by selling us newcomers to them. When one of us gets lured into committing a crime, they say we weren’t even Muslim. Look he was dealing drugs or looking at porn. Yes, they were dealing with drugs and looking at porn because these leaders made sure that nobody in the Muslim community found them a little job or one of their daughters. If they did give them a job or a wife, they did their utmost to make sure that things went wrong for them.

    I don’t know if it helps to understand but if these Nigerians had anything like my own experience, they will have been very heavily mucked around by the majority Muslim leadership, who are engaged in a long political diplomatic process of staying silent about UK foreign policy while they build up their base of property and population. The only reason why the Muslim leaders refuse to lead their flock, which includes Nigerians, about UK foreign policy is because they want to bring Islam to this country by stealth, not by good example and logical discussion.

    If anybody wants to find someone to blame, then blame the leaders for not leading. There are darker forces of political Islam working in this country who are working with Cameron to overthrow Assad in Syria. These wolves will catch the abandoned Muslim minorities and deliver Cameron his trrrrrrr incidents in exchange for guns and funds and personal qudos. The war in Syria will be won by the patience of the Syrian people, not political connivery in London.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    1) MI5 allegedly kept “bugging” him.

    Well, with good reason, perhaps – definitely, as it turns out?

    2) “MI5 asked Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo if he wanted to work for them about six months before the killing, a childhood friend has said.”

    Did he accept, after all…? Yet another allegedly Anjem Choudary useful dupe? The walking dead…

    3) “In his Newsnight interview, Abu Nusaybah said he thought “a change” had taken place in his friend after his detention by security forces on a trip to Kenya last year.

    Abu Nusaybah said Mr Adebolajo suggested he had been physically and sexually abused during an interrogation in a prison cell in the African country.”

    Yet he didn’t go and murder a Kenyan soldier. He came back to Britain, his place of safety, and murdered a British soldier. Or was the Kenyan internment part of a grey site MI6 op?

    And how reliable is this “friend”?

    Perhaps MI5 could have sent Adebolajo to Syria, where, with the UK’s full endorsement, blessing, Sterling and materiel, he could’ve used his machete on as many women, children and men as he wanted?

  • April Showers

    Then they arrested Abu Nusaybah after the broadcast.

    Woolwich attack: MI5 ‘offered job to suspect
    ‘Abu Nusaybah: “They (MI5) asked him if he’d be interested in working for them”

    Woolwich attack
    Woolwich aftermath as it happened
    The investigation
    Security services knew suspects
    Killed soldier was ‘loving father’

    MI5 asked Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo if he wanted to work for them about six months before the killing, a childhood friend has said.

    Abu Nusaybah told BBC Newsnight his friend – one of two men arrested after Drummer Lee Rigby’s murder in south-east London on Wednesday – had rejected the approach from the security service.

    The BBC could not obtain any confirmation from Whitehall sources.

    Abu Nusaybah was arrested at the BBC after giving the interview.


    The arrests of the two men arrested on the Pakistani Airways plane were not terrrrrist related we are told this morning. So why the Typhoons?

    So WTF is going on? Silly question.

  • April Showers

    Sophia It’s not just the demented obsession. It’s the constant mud slinging and lies. Repeat lies often enough and they become truths.

  • April Showers

    As we all knew or suspected.

    ‘Over 30 of the government’s flagship projects are at serious risk of failure with some classed as unachievable, Whitehall documents have revealed.

    High-profile schemes including High Speed 2, the benefit cap, a pilot scheme introducing payment by results for companies aiming to reform offenders and broadband roll-out, have all had warnings raised against them.’

    There’s this strange caption under the accompanying photo of Francis Maude.

    ‘Francis Maude has been key in the funeral arrangements. Credit: David Jones/PA Wire/Press Association Images’

    It must relate to La Thatcher!

    The same topic is on the BBC website.

    Warnings over flagship projects

  • Jesuit Atheist

    “Thank you JA for a completely illogical rant of your own.”

    What? Pointing out that the attacker contradicted his own self-identity during his rant, which may indicate his lack of true religious convictions?

    I find it odd that people on this site keep suggesting that I am promoting a ‘conspiracy theory’.

    I am pointing out anomalies, which many others have also since pointed out. Those people with their heads firmly in the sand are more dangerous to society at large than two mentally deranged knife wielding men IMO.

  • Jesuit Atheist

    Cryptonym 25 May, 2013 – 2:04 am

    A modern day Operation Mincemeat? The position where it is claimed he was beheaded is totally covered by a tree, it also appears from the blood stain that the deed was done between the front of the car and the wall which suggests that not many people could have seen all that clearly what was really going on.

    So they had to drag the body out into the road so people could see what they had been doing. Why not just drag him on to the street and behead him there where as many people as possible will see? That after all is the point of terrorism isn’t it – the more shocking the better? That’s why Jihadists like to film their deeds and put them on youtube, except these two of course, because they “didn’t want women to have to witness it”.

    Witness what? No one has actually come forward and said that they saw him beheaded (because he wasn’t). People have said he was hacked, stabbed etc., the only people saying ‘beheading’ and ‘decapitation’ were the authorities and the media. In the media they had a list of tweets from someone who said ‘just seen 2 bredren cutting off a white guys head’. Those tweets are provably total fiction as no head was cut off.

  • Jesuit Atheist

    ‘because they “didn’t want women to have to witness it”.’

    And later he says, “only women can come near the body”. These are the kind of stupid contradiction that make no sense at all unless you start thinking about alternative scenarios.

    All this pseudo-religious observation is pure bullshit.

    I would strongly suggest that this man has no real clue about Islam and is not a Moslem – e.g. he talks of ‘my lands’ when referring to Afghanistan and then says ‘get our troops out of Afghanistan’. If this is the case what are his motivations?

  • Jemand

    My views about Islam and the Islamisation of the UK has been misrepresented on this thread. While the transformation of Britain into an Islamic society will be a painful one, I do not anticipate a precipitous revolutionary conversion – it will take place over the remainder of this century. Much of the growth of the UK Muslim population goes unseen because it is mostly unreported for obvious reasons. It is only when demographic thresholds are crossed, milestones are achieved or disturbing incidents occur that the news ventures into the realm of British Islamisation.

    I have made the observation before that people think that the Muslim population will either plateau at an agreeably low level, or that a dominant Muslim pop. will take on an agreeable British character that will be indistinguishable from the banal generic Christianity that so many people profess to subscribe to. This is entirely wrong. I’d like to read a compelling counter-argument that does not merely contradict my views. Does anyone have any quality links for Chicken Little that argue that the UK will remain a secular, Christian or Atheist dominated nation for centuries to come?

    It will probably take another two decades and many incidents like that at Woolwich for those in the centre and left of the British political spectrum to wake up to the process of Islamisation and openly confess their opposition to it. But by that stage, it will be too late to avoid very serious unrest. If anyone thought the troubles with Ireland was bad, you are in for a shock. You have already witnessed heavy-handed responses by the police to civilian unrest, and the deployment of troops onto the streets of Northern Ireland. You can expect more of this kind of response.

    So what kind of Britain do you imagine yourself, your kids or grandkids to live in, twenty years from now? Come on, it costs nothing to think.

    Over the next two decades, expect some of these :

    Workplace resistance to accomodate Islamic culture,
    Massive increase in police surveillance on civilians (incl. autonomous drones)
    Introduction of Orwellian changes to the judiciary such as closed courts,
    Increased periods of detention without charge,
    Expansion of the prison system to accomodate “extremists”,
    Riots involving right-wing groups and Muslim youth gangs
    Radical changes to immigration laws,
    Open discrimination against Muslims in govt employment,
    Non-Muslim exodus from Muslim dominated districts,
    Increasing number of bloody murders, esp. beheadings,
    Unexplained deaths of “radical” Muslim leaders,
    Massive increases to welfare budget to support low-income families,
    Contraction of non-welfare government services,
    Massive youth unemployment and associated youth crimes,
    Strong Muslim supported republican movement and a conversion of non-Muslim republicans to support for the monarchy,
    Non-Muslim women changing fashion to avoid harrassment,
    EU provisions to allow introduction of local laws to contain Islamisation,
    Cute chicks in hijabs reading the news on the BBC,
    Sharp rise in emmigration of non-Muslims.


  • guano

    You said that Islam is intrinsically violent. Xalas.Towow. End of story.

  • Sofia Zabolotny-Habbercake


    “Repeat lies often enough and they become truths.”

    Sorry, but not when the liar has been found out.

    Dad behaves like an enforcer rather than a persuader.

    He has repeatedly made such a fool of himself that I just can’t believe anyone except True Believers will be persuaded. I’m sure Dad is recognised for what he is by nine out of ten people who bother to visit these comments threads.

    Your posts are clearly intended to provide information to back up your positions. I’m afraid Dad’s are clearly intended to derail the lively and genuine conversations and enquiry that usually characterise this place.

    They make me mad as any bullying does, but I just can’t accept that, because he repeats his garbage day after day, his distortions become any more credible. I will admit he sometimes succeeds in his intention of disrupting by upsetting people, but, given that he is unable to persuade with logic and rational debate, doesn’t this simply illustrate the bankrupcy of the attitudes he peddles.

    I don’t see any evidence that the clown is believed or taken seriously.

    April. Please keep doing what you do so well. Thanks

  • Bert

    Abu Nusaybah, a childhood friend of murder suspect Michael Adebolajo told the BBC on Friday 25th May that Mi5 had tried to recruit Michael Adebolajo. Immediately after the BBC interview, Abu Nusaybah was arrested!!

    The Met Police said a 31-year-old man had been arrested at 21:30 BST on Friday in relation to suspected terrorism offences and search warrants were being executed at two homes in east London.

    See the Independent article of May 2009: Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims: ‘Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist’….


  • N_

    Useful to some, this attack in Woolwich, eh? Anyone remember the heart-eating in Syria? People were asking why the British government supports those types in that conflict. That was only a few days ago. It’s been dropped out of the media now, as fast as Vietnam Syndrome was after 911.

    Now, when George Galloway remarks on the similarity which that incident in Syria bears to the act of barbarism in Woolwich, his point is painted as being in some kind of contradiction with his condemnation of the latter act.

    How things move on, eh? So MI5 weren’t successful in recruiting Michael Adebolajo, then? Maybe they were; maybe they weren’t. I don’t know. But I do know that they must be high-fiving like those Israelis in Manhattan on 911, because this murder in Woolwich gives them exactly what they want.

    And by the way, the beheading bit is a lie.

    Ingrid Loyau-Kennett (a person whose self-belief seems to have exceeded Adebolajo’s), with her first aid training, wouldn’t have bothered checking someone’s pulse if his head was detached from his body.

    No, the sky hasn’t fallen. Stiff upper lip. Safe pairs of hands on the tiller. Cool heads. No bloody panicko, pro bono publico. Blah. But as the fascists of the Melanie-Phillips-ist BNP call for a ‘crusade’ (an obvious hand of friendship being stretched out to the JDF’s chums in the EDL), and as “community activists” urge people in Middleton, Lee Rigby’s home area, to fly Union Jacks, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the fascist demo in London on 1 June marks an important point of departure.

    Got to wonder how many masked-up EDLers on that demo will be British soldiers.

  • April Showers

    I hear what you’re saying Sofia. Thanks. I hope that Tony Opmoc’s comments are not taken down when the chief troll’s rubbish stay up. There is more decency in Tony right index finger than in the whole of the chief troll.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    May I again draw posters’ attention to the need to make it clear when they are speaking for themselves and when they are quoting/copy and pasting?

    Surely this should not be difficult and it would make it clearer where posters themselves stand, thereby avoiding misunderstandings and aiding rational discussion.

    As examples of posts which would benefit from this I point to the one at 07h39 this morning. The one at 07h51 shows that it can be done.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    “Got to wonder how many masked-up EDLers on that demo will be British soldiers”

    If it is not already illegal to wear masks and other apparel to hide one’s identity at demonstrations, it should be.

    And to repeat something I’ve already said, police in the larger cities should be equipped with water cannons.


  • Jesuit Atheist

    “Mother who confronted Woolwich terrorists thought ‘better me than a child’”

    This woman is highly suspicious. She claims she got off the bus to go and help with what she thought was a road accident, even though she did notice and think it odd that no one else was helping or that there were two men hanging around with big knives?

    She then claims she put herself forward as a willing sacrifice in place of a child, there were no children anywhere to be seen as they were in school.

    She also seems to be some sort of substance abuse expert as she says categorically they were not drunk or on drugs.

    She talks about how no one was helping because they were all too busy filming – where is all this additional footage?

    Finally, watch her being interviewed on TV, she seems very comfortable about the whole thing to the point that the interviewer asks if she is ‘trained’.

  • Villager

    “Machine gun,
    tearin’ my body all apart.
    Machine gun,yeah,
    tearin’ my body all apart.
    Evil man make me kill you.
    Evil man make you kill me.
    Evil man make me kill you,
    even though were only famlies apart.
    Well,I pick up my axe and fight like a farmer,
    You know what I mean?
    Weh,hey,and your bullets keep knockin’ me down.
    Hey,I pick up my axe an’ fight like a farmer,now,
    [ From: ]
    yeah,but you still blast me down to the ground.
    The same way you shoot me baby,
    you’ll be goin’ just the same,three times the pain.
    And with your own self to blame,machine gun!

    I ain’t afraid of your bullets no more,baby.
    I ain’t afraid no more.
    After awhile,your,your cheap talk won’t even cause me pain,
    so let your bullets fly like rain.
    ‘Cause I know all the time your wrong,baby,
    and you’ll be goin’ just the same.
    Machine gun,tearin’ my family apart.
    Hey yeah,alright,tearin’ my family apart.”



    Do we?
    Do we really listen?
    With what do we listen?
    Do we listen with our inner ear?
    With our brain? With our hearts?
    Combined? As a whole?
    With every ounce of energy we have?
    Indivisible? Or just the ‘parts’ we like?
    Are we even free to listen?
    Or do you merely analyse?
    Like this fragmented board above.
    Analyse, analyse, analyse — murk.
    And be self-satisfied
    with all your analysis.

    Are you even free to listen?
    Or are you looking for freedom?
    Looking out from inside the murky river?
    Can you see what you see but not be a part of it?
    Are you actually apart from it?
    Or just another drop in the river jostling for position?
    What do readers see here?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    “Repeat lies often enough and they become truths.”

    I assume this is a reference to me.

    I therefore challenge the Obsessive Poster to give one example of me lying. Two or three would be even better.

    And while she is at it, she could also give one example of her actually taking part in a discussion, as opposed to merely providing news feeds and quotations. Again, two or three would be even better.

    Off you go!

  • April Showers

    I bet the attacks are being under reported.

    Huge increase in anti-Muslim incidents following murder
    Last updated at 8:20AM, May 25 2013

    The killing of soldier Lee Rigby has led to a huge increase in anti-Muslim incidents, according to an organisation that works to reduce extremism.

    Before the attack, Faith Matters was dealing with about four to eight cases a day to its helpline, but there have been about 150 incidents reported since the attack in Woolwich on Wednesday, ranging from graffiti and abusive comments to attacks on mosques.

    Director Fiyaz Mughal told BBC Radio Five Live: “What’s really concerning is the spread of these incidents. They’re coming in from right across the country.

    “Secondly, some of them are quite aggressive, very….(paywall)


    Woolwich Beheading Attack: EDL Plan Mass March on Downing Street

    The English Defence League is planning to protest outside Downing Street on Bank Holiday Monday following the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich.

    Calling the event ‘Support our Troops’, the far-right fringe group are planning a rally because they believe the government “has clearly shown that they do not support our troops”.

    The group provided links to news stories about instances where service men and women had not been adequately protected.

    “Let us show the Government that we will no longer keep quiet, we will peacefully protest and that the people of Great Britain can no longer be silenced and that the government must act now on the growing problem in our country to which they do not wish to face up to,” the EDL said.


  • N_

    @Jesuit Atheist

    On Ingrid Loyau-Kennett: I agree that she bears looking at, and I’m going to see what I can find out.

    BUT – haven’t you ever met any social workers? A lot of them are like that! I imagine she spoke to Adebolajo as if he were an infant!

    I particularly appreciated the way she said “these people usually have a message”, so she asked him what it was. She’s experienced in dealing with things. Also the thing about children. She not only knows everything, but she’s a hero. The rest of us take pictures, or walk on by, while she’s very much on the ball, thinking of the risk to children. She must be, because she did a 3-month course at Helston College on Being On the Ball When Members of the Public Just Continue Acting as Members of the Public, she’s studied first aid, and she runs a brownie group. She’s a polymath. She knows how to deal with it when someone goes off the rails. She knows about drug addicts, everything. None of the rest of us know anything. Let’s leave it all to her. And naturally she knows all about drug addicts, and is an expert at assessing subjects’ mental states. She’s got a diploma in it, you know.

    You mean you haven’t met anyone like that? 🙂

  • Jemand


    It’s all or nothing, always or never, everyone or no one – isn’t it? Can anyone ever conceive of ‘often’, ‘mostly’, ‘predominantly’?

    Violence and the threats of violence, implied by historical behaviour or explicit gestures. Yes, inherently violent but not neccessarily disposed to gratuitous acts of violence when non-violent alternatives are clearly expedient. Islamisation is commonly associated with incidental recourse to the use of violence as it serves the purpose. The Woolwich killing, whether people can see this or not, was part of the process. The intention was to instruct British foreign policy and inform the British public that Muslim sensibilities should not be ignored. I agree with the latter, as it is amply demonstrated by an attempted public beheading.

  • N_

    Yes, and she’s a former schoolteacher. How did I guess? 🙂

    The truth is that in circumstances of emotional stress, people kick into ‘who they are’. I don’t mean who they are deep down; but at least some way down. Out comes the character armour. For many white-collar types, especially those who ‘work with people’, this includes acting in the jobby type roles in which (except maybe sometimes in their dreams) they feel most at home. So yes, I can imagine her jumping off the bus to ‘do her thing’.

    Now what d’you have to say for yourself, you naughty boy? Don’t you realise you’re being antisocial?

    I’m not saying this is definitely the whole of it, and am researching other possible explanations.

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