Counter-Revolution 712

What we are seeing in Egypt is counter-revolution pure and simple, military hardliners who are going to be friendly with Israel and the US, and are committing gross human rights abuse.

Western backed counter-revolution is going to be sweeping back across the Middle East; do not be distracted by the words of the West, watch the deeds.  It will of course be in the name of secularism.  There is an important correlation between what is happening in Turkey and Egypt.  I made myself unpopular when I pointed out what the media did not tell you, that behind the tiny minority of doe-eyed greens in the vanguard of the Istanbul movement, stood the massed phalanxes of kemalist nationalism, a very ugly beast.  “Secularism” was the cry there too.


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712 thoughts on “Counter-Revolution

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  • Kibo Noh

    @Passerby 2 11pm

    Thanks for putting that together.

    “…empire demands discipline, the coordination of all forces and a deeply felt sense of duty and sacrifice: this fact explains many aspects of the practical working of the regime, the character of many forces in the State, and the necessarily severe measures which must be taken against those who would oppose this spontaneous and inevitable movement…”

    Il Duce sure saw how that bit worked. And he had the confidence and charisma to expect and receive from enough Italians to assume Status AA++, as “The One who has Everything Worked Out”.

    Primate’s hardwired fatal flaws. A tendency to defer to high status and the malleability to be controlled by conformity and fear.

    Well illustrated by Attenborough in “The Life of Primates”.

    I remember one sequence which starts with the classic mugshot of a blissed-out japanese snow monkey above the steamy water of a hot-spring pool. After a few moments, that give a sense of the zen stillness of the scene, the camera slowly zooms out.

    At first the other five or so aristocratic bathers can be seen, then the burly hench-monkeys patrolling the pool edge for feeding and mating privilages, and finally the lumpen-primatariat, about thirty sad little wretches sitting hunched up with cold amongst the snow-strewn boulders, accepting their place in primate order.

    More musings from Dr Haider Shah on the primate behaviour theme.

    Victims waiting for the next war-cult to arrive.

    How many times are we human’s going to follow these roads to hell, sure of deluded certainties fed them by corporate media narratives?

  • Jemand - Censorship Improves History

    Doug Scorgie  – 

    “So Jemand you are one of those right-wing wankers that only believes in democracy when it gives the result you want. … If I’m wrong please let me and the other posters know what your stance on democracy is.”

    I’m so sorry, Doug (anti-caucasian), but you are wrong – I am none of those things you regularly accuse me, and others, of. You might want to read Craig’s recent comment regarding falsely accusing commentators of motives etc. 

    I also don’t need to state my “stance” on democracy for you or “other posters” whom you presume to represent, because you are nothing to me.

    Maybe you would like to elaborate on your uniquely succinct “democracy is democracy” theory. Was that the title of your thesis paper with an online university?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    And Abe, supporting the Bay of Pigs operation is not ‘supporting democracy’. I mean, the USA was supporting dictatorships in ‘Latin’ America for many decades and Cuba was a prime example. The Bay of Pigs was an attempt to restore the rule of the Mafia/CIA/Batista. So to claim that the Bay of Pigs was an attempt to bring democracy to Cuba is like claiming Jack the Ripper was a feminist.

    In fact, Castro was not a committed Communist at the time of the Cuban Revolution. He was a self-determination nationalist. He wanted good relations with the USA but was rejected because they wanted full spectrum exploitation as they’d had before. And so, Castro was driven by the USA into the waiting arms of the USSR.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    “Egyptians would be lucky if their new ruling generals turn out to be in the mold of Chile’s Augusto Pinochet, who took power amid chaos but hired free-market reformers and midwifed a transition to democracy. If General Sisi merely tries to restore the old Mubarak order, he will eventually suffer Mr. Morsi’s fate.”

    Yes. This is the prefect (sic) solution.

  • Flaming June

    Afraid that the name of Susan Calman has never registered with me Suhayl. I see her Dad is the well known chief medical officer first of Scotland and then of England. Sir Kenneth Calman.

    The bunch on the News Quiz are rather too precious.


    What a stench is arising from the dirty tricks now being disclosed that followed Stephen Lawrence’s murder. How his poor mother has stuck with the case, goodness knows.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “Afraid that the name of Susan Calman has never registered with me Suhayl. I see her Dad is the well known chief medical officer first of Scotland and then of England. Sir Kenneth Calman.” Flaming June.

    I didn’t know that, either. Thanks again. Gosh, is everybody somebody’s son or daughter? If you see what I mean. Britain really is like that, still – increasingly, again.

  • Fred

    “Afraid that the name of Susan Calman has never registered with me Suhayl. I see her Dad is the well known chief medical officer first of Scotland and then of England. Sir Kenneth Calman.”

    Maybe it’s best not to take humour too seriously Mary.

    I must say that what it said in the link about her getting death threats from Scots Nationalists and being called a self loathing Scot is somewhat disturbing.

  • Anon

    OT BREAKING: Boeing 777 Crashes in San Francisco. Reported to be making emergency landing.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    Britain does not play with Islam, the religion and belief of millions; Britain secretly and covertly plays with Islamism or political Islam. Political Islam, is an altogether different creature from the spiritual interpretation of Muslim life as contained in the Five Pillars of Islam.

    The British direction to America found political Islam to be a convenient partner during each stage of the US empire building project in the Middle East, from its early entry into the region to its gradual military encroachment, to its expansion into an on the ground military presence, and finally to the emergence of the US as an army of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and covertly in Libya and Syria.

    This present situation, the deceptive arms length British intervention in Syria seems insurmountable, overwhelming, forget it. Not so; knowledge unites and culture connects us, the people. That connection and the power of intention can force the impossible to become achievable.

    Intention can settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in a manner that guarantees justice for the Palestinians; an independent state that is geographically and economically viable, tied to the withdrawal of illegal Israeli settlements, an Israeli return to its 1967 borders, and a stable and equitable division of Jerusalem.

    That, more than any other action, would remove a global casus belli for the Islamic right.

    Intention can dismantle U.S. military bases in the Persian Gulf and facilities in Saudi Arabia, force a sharp reduction in the visibility of the U.S. Navy, US military training missions, and US arms sales and distribution to terrorists.

    Intention can fragment British and American visions of democracy, where freedom and justice are the wrappings of intrusion and the empowerment of serfs.

    Intention can force Britain and America to abandon their propensity to make bellicose warlike and hostile threats directed at nations in the Middle East.

    The Internet is our tool our hand-shake our embrace.

  • Anon

    I just crash landed at SFO. Tail ripped off. Most everyone seems fine. I’m ok. Surreal…
    — David Eun at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) (Airport)

    Looks like most passengers survived.

  • Villager

    If it were fact that a jumbo-jet fell out of the sky, somewhere or the other every single day, year after year for the last 100 years, would you continue to fly?

    Yet a similar if not more number of people have been killed day-after-day, year-upon-year in the last century or so in wars where human beings kill their own species, other human-beings. It hasn’t stopped war. Activist’s protests hasn’t changed that. We each have to ask ourselves the question WHY? WHY do human beings continue to kill each other? The quest for an answer lies very, very deep — inwardly. How many people ask themselves this question and work hard sincerely to understand the whole process of how this comes to be, how this has come to pass? The future is the past.

  • Flaming June

    Fred When I said that Susan Calman had never registered with me, I meant to say that I have never heard of her!

  • Flaming June

    There is no show without Punch.

    Egyptian army had no choice over move to topple Morsi, says Tony Blair
    Alternative to military intervention was a country in chaos, says former prime minister

    Toby Helm and Martin Chulov

    The Observer, Saturday 6 July 2013 21.22 BST

    Taking a different approach to both President Obama and William Hague, who have expressed reservations over the military takeover, Blair makes clear that, overall, he believes it was the right move. “I am a strong supporter of democracy. But democratic government doesn’t on its own mean effective government. Today efficacy is the challenge.” Having taken this country to war in Iraq in 2003 despite huge public opposition, including a march by more than a million people through London, Blair now argues that shows of public unrest such as that in Egypt – fuelled and organised through social media – cannot be ignored.

    “This is a sort of free democratic spirit that operates outside the convention of democracy that elections decide the government. It is enormously fuelled by social media, itself a revolutionary phenomenon.

    “And it moves very fast in precipitating crisis. It is not always consistent or rational. A protest is not a policy, or a placard a programme for government. But if governments don’t have a clear argument with which to rebut the protest, they’re in trouble.”


  • Suhayl Saadi

    Ken Calman (as he was known to everyone then) used to give us lectures at university in the mid-1980s in Glasgow; he’s an oncologist and was an excellent lecturer. He seemed like a pleasant, approachable guy. More recently, he chaired a commission on Scottish Devolution which was opposed by the SNP; hence, possibly the context for the seeming viciousness of the reaction to his daughter’s comments/jokes on the subject. Fred, it’s not at all disturbing, it’s silly, plays into the ‘dour Scot’ stereotype and no doubt was excellent publicity for Ms Calman. After all, she’s not exactly Jerry (‘Gobshite’) Sadowitz.

    Mark, 8:13pm, today – excellent post.

  • Anon

    ATC audio

    Explains the original (incorrect) report that the pilot declared an emergency prior to landing. Amazingly Asiana 214 declared an emergency after landing. ATC were in communication with the crew after it came to a stop.

    Looks like they just came in just too damned low. They came in for a visual approach as ILS was apparently not available due to “upgrades in progress”. Seconds before the incident ATC comms shows the pilots thought everything was fine.

    Some reports say they may have tried to gain some more height at the very last moment.

  • Dreoilin

    “ATC audio”

    I had heard that, Anon, and I swear I don’t see how those guys understand each other … I suppose it’s an acquired skill …

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    I was going to register for commenting on Sibel Edmonds ‘Boiling Frogs’ until I got to the page which REQUIRES payment? Has anyone seen this crap before? I don’t cotton to paywalls. If you have a tip-jar/paypal ok. Voluntary is ok, but this……….

  • Anon

    I doubt the tower understood much either in real-time other than the callsign and eventual confirmation from Asiana 214 that they understood that response was on the way. The signal was very weak and it is a miracle they were transmitting at all. I think I can make out bits more of it but as CNN is sticking with “GARBLED” I’ll stick with that as well.

  • John Goss

    The thing that struck me about footage of the plane-crash was the lack of a tail-fin anywhere near the plane. My speculation is centring on this. I am pleased there are only two reported deaths at the moment, though for two families this is going to devastate their summers. Ironically I have just finished an article on the Lockerbie mid-air explosion that caused the deaths of 270 people, one of them being the UN commissioner to Namibia, Bernt Carlsson, who was in the process of bringing multinationals who were exploiting Namibia’s natural resources, as well as its workers, to justice. The UN prosecution was inexplicably dropped after Carlsson’s death. Carlsson was another whistle-blower who died in an “accident”. More later on this. Of course I am not trying to draw a parallel between the crash at San Francisco airport and Lockerbie.

    Sweden, a former model of human-rights and peace initiatives has been turned round by public relations’ companies like Prime, with the blessing of Karl Rove, the man who rigged the election that got George W Bush illegally elected, through his electronic voting system. So if the numbers of people signing the Epetition for removing US spy stations from UK soil appears to be stagnating that might be due to external influences.

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