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3,629 thoughts on “Amnesty International Conference on Torture

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  • lysias

    At the time the Soviet Union started celebrating International Women’s Day (I remember first learning about it in Russian in a Russian textbook published by a Soviet publisher: Mezhdunarodnyj Zhenskiy Den’), careers were open to women there that were still blocked to women here in the U.S.

  • fred

    “Fred, you pose at being some kind of radical but whenever you’re exposed as a credulous statist asskisser, you say fuck off and die retard.”

    Fuck off and die retard cunt.


    Since the 9/11 thread is closed….

    It is fair to say the September Clues research has established these 4 main points:

    1- The 9/11 imagery was nothing but a Hollywood-style film production, complete with actors in the role of ‘eye-witnesses’ or ‘firefighters’, staged ‘running crowds’, 3D-compositing and special cinematic effects. The ‘9/11 movie’ was split into a number of short clips and sold to the TV audience as ‘newscasts’. The few clips featuring ‘airplanes’ (or dull silhouettes thereof) were computer-generated images – all of which in stark conflict with each other, as now comprehensively demonstrated in every imaginable manner, angle and method.

    2- No commercial airliners were hijacked or – much less – crashed into the WTC towers, the Pentagon or the Shanksville field. No valid/verifiable records exist for : their airport logs/schedules, their numbered parts, their alleged passengers. Their reported speeds at near sea-level as well as the absurd visuals of their total, effortless disappearance into the WTC façades defy the laws of mechanics and physics – and the absence of visible wake vortexes in the WTC impact imagery also defies the laws of aerodynamics.

    3- The World Trade Center Complex (9 buildings in all) were demolished with powerful explosives. No image-analyses of the tower collapses can help determine just what type of explosives were employed – since the videos are 3D animations and do not represent the real-life events. In reality, as they collapsed, the WTC complex was most likely enveloped by military-grade smoke obscurants. No real/private imagery exists of the morning’s events – ‘thanks’ to electromagnetic countermeasures.

    4- No “3000” people were trapped in the top floors/nor perished in the WTC towers. Only one thing was more important to the perps than avoiding a mass murder of 3000 US citizens : to sell the notion that “bogeyman Bin Laden” killed 3000 US citizens. We have renamed the ‘victims’ of these psy-operations “VICSIMS” (SIMulated VICtims). In fact, our research has seen the same pattern emerge in all the so-called “Al-Quaeda Terror Attacks” around the world (LONDON 7/7, MADRID 11, BALI, MUMBAI, etc…). In all logic, the very last aggravation the plotters behind these false-flag operations wish to have, are scores of real families hounding them forever with real questions and real class actions. Hence: NO real terror victims = Logical PsyOp rationale

  • fred

    “Fred: I have to disagree that all NORAD “faces out”, and so presumably wouldn’t have a clue if something happened within the boarders.”

    If a plane is hijacked in Britain they don’t contact Fylindale, it’s not what they do. The federal authorities in America would contact the Air National Guard to deal with it, it was them who screwed up not NORAD.

  • Non

    Fred, what you know about C3 would fit in a retard prion’s cunt. Where did you get these ideas, were you one of the surviving deserters of Gallipoli? You really don’t know shit.

  • John Goss

    Dreoilin 16 Feb, 2015 – 5:39 pm

    That is why Ukraine (+ NATO) has to fight on if true. Why else would they when there is a peace agreement? I trust GlobalResearch as being a reliable source (though mistakes are made) and I am sure that if NATO troops have been breaking international law we will learn about it. Also comforting to know that despite a constant barrage of claims that Russia has sent arms (including tornado delivery systems) that the Ukrainian army has admitted this is not true. Thanks.

  • N_

    I can report two recent cases of women almost flying off the handle when Valentine’s Day was mentioned!

  • RobG

    16 Feb, 2015 – 9:18 pm

    If I remember correctly, the 9/11 conspiracy stuff was kicked off by a French person who blogged “Where’s the plane?!”, with regard to the attack on the Pentagon. This French person put photos up on their blog (this was way back in 2001) showing that there was no way a commercial size aircraft hit the Pentagon.

    My take on this is that such a prime military structure would have been bristling with anti-aircraft missiles. Anything that actually hit the building would have been the remains of the plane, which wouldn’t include the engines, which would have been the first things taken out by the anti-aircraft missiles.

    I think this is why they still don’t allow any release of video footage from the Pentagon attack.

    Little Donald R’s actions on that day are another matter.

  • N_

    @RobG – the official story is that the fuselage went through a doorway at the Pentagon and left it standing. Anybody who believes that will believe anything.

  • fred

    “Fred, what you know about C3 would fit in a retard prion’s cunt.”

    Go fuck yourself retard.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “(I remember first learning about it in Russian in a Russian textbook published by a Soviet publisher: Mezhdunarodnyj Zhenskiy Den’),”

    A rather nice bit of bragging (but irrelevant to the point you were attempting to make).

    Reminded me a little of those overpaid columnists in the broadsheets who always somehow manage to slip in a reference to the fact they’ve been to Oxford or Cambridge…. 🙂

  • Non

    Fred earned his third Victoria Cross singing ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ on the HMS Sheffield. That’s how he knows so much about how to fuck up under fire.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “If I remember correctly, the 9/11 conspiracy stuff was kicked off by a French person who blogged “Where’s the plane?!”, with regard to the attack on the Pentagon. This French person put photos up on their blog (this was way back in 2001) showing that there was no way a commercial size aircraft hit the Pentagon.”

    I believe this might be a reference to the egregious Thierry Meyssan.

    I hope readers won’t think me rude if I point out that Monsieur Meyssan was the founder of, and is still a leading light in, “voltairenet” – a “source” wisely admired and frequently quoted by certain nutters on this blog.

  • N_

    @JohnGoss – Russia leads the west in electronic warfare and would be likely to win a war against the US in the Ukraine, just as it’s winning the current war.

    The foul John Sawers, ex-head of MI6, says:

    As long as Mr Putin sees the issue in terms of Russia’s own security he will be prepared to go further than us. So he would respond with further escalation on the ground. Perhaps cyber attacks against us.

    We have thousands of deaths in Ukraine. We could start to get tens of thousands, then what?

    The crisis might end up with a “new debilitating frozen conflict in Ukraine, for well into the future,” he warned.

    That is a wretched outcome for Ukrainians. But it may be the least bad attainable outcome.

    So he’s advocating bringing about exactly the circumstances he’s ‘warning’ about. Nice guy.

    Is anyone in the British army reading this? I bloody hope they are. Sawers wants to send you to the Ukraine so you and your mates can get killed by a superior Russian force, as the price to be paid for the US and UK to test their defences against electronic weapons and to try to improve them before an even bigger war against Russia.

    In other words, get some juicy weapons contracts before the US and NATO get their arses absolutely kicked, with a death toll likely to be in millions and perhaps even tens of millions. Such a war is clearly likely to become nuclear.

    Look at it from Putin’s point of view. What would you do against an enemy with such a strategy?

    The strategy being:

    * let’s provoke the superior enemy now
    * then we can test some of our weapons and get backhanders from new contracts to improve them
    * they’ll whack us, though
    * oh but then, if all goes well, we might be able to, er…do something later…

    Keir Giles is saying more or less the same thing, in less civilian language.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    that should have read “widely admired”. Any reference to wisdom and the admiration of certain nutters on this blog is obviously…unwise.

  • glenn

    RobG: Even _if_ anti-aircraft missiles had been fired from the Pentagon (for which there is no evidence), we would still have seen a mass of of passenger-plane debris strewn around the area. Bodies, luggage, seats – not just a couple of small panels, which some Pentagon suits were pictured carrying off the still pristine Pentagon lawn.

    It’s very hard to believe that a full sized passenger aircraft not only was flown with such remarkable precision, but performed twists and turns hardly credible for that type of craft. Hedge-hopping and striking its target while mere feet from the ground.

    (I don’t know if you’ve ever flown aircraft, but ground effects – that sudden last-moment lift you get when almost reaching the ground – makes it really, really hard to bring a craft of considerable size, and at a high rate of speed, to dive, then suddenly level off and fly just a few feet off the deck. From a complete novice, it defies belief.)

    The amount of damage is not consistent, there is a lack of photographic evidence, all the bodies and most of the plane spontaneously vapourised…. there is more than enough serious inconsistency in any aspect of the story to make anyone but a True Believer accept it all unquestioningly. Who would be gullible enough for such a feat of credulousness? Step forward…. “Anon”!

  • fred

    “Fred earned his third Victoria Cross singing ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ on the HMS Sheffield. That’s how he knows so much about how to fuck up under fire.”

    Fuck off and die retard.

  • N_

    Fuselages don’t go through doorways and leave them intact. I don’t care if David Icke says it. It’s still true.

  • giyane › Scientific Resource › Prions
    Prions are a disease-causing form of a normal protein called cellular prion protein (PrP) that is located primarily on the surface of central nervous system cells …

    Not small enough to be transmitted through a computer screen I sincerely hope. Maybe I’ve already got it?

  • RobG
    16 Feb, 2015 – 9:49 pm

    I get back to the French connection again, because one of the best documentaries about 9/11, as it happened, was by two French brothers who were making a documentary about the New York Fire Department. I’m sure all those who follow 9/11 stuff will know what I’m talking about.

    Whilst I don’t know these two brothers personally, I do know that here in France they are real people and are not stooges of the CIA. What they documented really happened.

    Due to my computer problems I can’t provide a link to their documentary. Maybe someone else can?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “No wonder demonstrators wear Guido masks, when this system is fully up and running in the United Queendom, innocent protesters along with criminals will be persecuted.”

    Perhaps they wear masks so that the TV crews don’t expose their droopy chops to a laughing nation?

    More seriously though, I sincerely hope that the next govt will pass legislation forbidding the wearing of masks at demonstrations. This will help the authorities to more easily apprehend the small but significant fringe of trouble-makers which always attaches itself to demonstrations (as experience has sadly shown).

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “@JohnGoss – Russia leads the west in electronic warfare and would be likely to win a war against the US in the Ukraine, just as it’s winning the current war.”

    Perhaps it’s just an impression of mine, but you seem rather pleased about that.

    Any particular reason? Do you hate the West and the US?

  • giyane

    “I hope readers won’t think me rude if I point out that Monsieur Meyssan was the founder of, and is still a leading light in, “voltairenet” – a “source” wisely admired and frequently quoted by certain nutters on this blog.”

    Don’t knock nutters Haemoglobe

  • John Goss

    Nothing from Resident Dissident about NATO in Ukraine. Nothing from Resident Dissident about the great craters under the twin towers in which he lost a friend or relative. Nothing about the poor dead children, women and other civilians in the video in the link Dreoilin provided which I feel justified in repeating.

  • RobG

    Habba and Glenn, I actually still haven’t formed an opinion on 9/11, as I tried to make clear.

    Feel free to sway me.

  • Clark

    Habbabkuk, 10:36 pm:

    “I sincerely hope that the next govt will pass legislation forbidding the wearing of masks at demonstrations. This will help the authorities to more easily apprehend the small but significant fringe of trouble-makers which always attaches itself to demonstrations”

    Somehow I don’t think that’s likely:

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