DPP Labour Lord Janner Should Have Been Prosecuted on 22 Counts 98

From the DPP’s Statement Today:

•In relation to the allegations investigated in Operation Enamel, the CPS considers that the evidential test was passed on the basis that the evidence is sufficient to have warranted charging and prosecuting Lord Janner in relation to the particular charges listed below; these relate to nine individuals:
•14 indecent assaults on a male under 16 between 1969 and 1988
•2 indecent assaults between 1984 and 1988
•4 counts of buggery of a male under 16 between 1972 and 1987
•2 counts of buggery between 1977 and 1988.

•In relation to the other three previous investigations, the CPS also now considers that the evidential test was passed. It follows that the CPS judges that mistakes were made in the decision making at the time by both the Leicestershire police in 2002 and the CPS in 1991 and 2007. Lord Janner should have been prosecuted in relation to those complaints.

It is, to say the least, interesting that the DPP states that police were unable to interview Janner on medical grounds after searching his offices in March 2014. Yet eight months later the Labour Peer was still able to attend the House of Lords and claim his £300 a day expenses.

How many more protected villains are still sat in the House of Lords – or Commons?

I am going to repeat this from my last post, as the implications are so appalling that nobody seems to want to face up to them. Some of these boys must still be alive: the Holocaust Educational Trust – Chairman, Greville Janner – should make a real effort to find them and ask what happened.

Given Janner’s later preying on boys from care homes, I cannot read this without a shudder. In publishing it, I in no way intend to demean the dreadful suffering of the child survivors of the Holocaust. It appears that Janner may have been preying on the most vulnerable of children for his own purposes, and there could have been a sick motive to his concern:

I was taken up to the Kinderheim, to the Children’s Home, where there were some sixty orphan children, most of whose lives had been saved by monasteries, by being out in the woods or by miracles in each case and they all spoke Yiddish and I didn’t speak Yiddish and it was very difficult to talk to them but we knew some of the same songs so we sang together in Hebrew they knew and I knew the songs and then one of them said to me the first Yiddish words I’ve ever learnt , he said “Gavreal”, which is Greville in Hebrew and (he) called me “Gavreal spishtie ping pong, ping pong” and he pushed back and forwards as though he was holding a ping pong bat so my first words in Yiddish were “ping pong” and I played Ping Pong with them and they taught me a few words of Yiddish and I found it such a moving experience that for the next eighteen months I went back to them every weekend.

I also list again the positions which Lord Janner still holds according to the parliamentary website.

Vice President – The Association for Jewish Youth
Vice President – The Jewish Leadership Council
President – The Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women
Advisory Board – Community Security Trust
Vice President – The World Jewish Congress
Chairman – The Holocaust Educational Trust
Director – The United Jewish Israel Appeal

All of these bodies need to remove Janner from any position he holds – not allow him to gracefully resign. And they need to issue statements repudiating him, as most definitely does the Board of Deputies of British Jews, of which Janner was Chairman for a decade while he was committing these offences.

The Jewish institutions in the UK are acting precisely like the Catholic Church of twenty years ago on this issue. Where is the openness? Where is the angst? Where is the admission? Above all, where is the apology?

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98 thoughts on “DPP Labour Lord Janner Should Have Been Prosecuted on 22 Counts

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  • John Spencer-Davis

    By the way: if your mind is upon retributive justice, please be assured that Lord Janner is presently being punished in a manner more severe than anything a court could inflict upon him.

    Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the most dreadful things that can happen to any human being.

    Kind regards,


  • John Spencer-Davis

    Yes, but what can be done? Four doctors have examined him and say it is. We can hardly appoint our own.


  • Mary

    Years ago (it must have been in the late 60s) a brother of mine decided he wanted to do social work. He worked in a council children’s home in N London for a time and was residential. I went to visit him one evening as I lived in London then.

    Imagine my surprise when a very well known BBC newsreader turned up to visit the children! It was an embarrassing encounter and I knew something was not right but being young and innocent I truly knew nothing about such things as child sexual abuse. My brother left the place soon after and chose a different profession. We are older and wiser now.

    I am thankful that we had kind and caring parents and did not suffer any harm unlike the victims who have been coming forward in these cases.

  • David

    According to their own web-site he is not obviously still associated with The World Jewish Congress.

    But, again from their own web-sites, clearly continues to have an involvement with

    * The Holocaust Educational Trust; and

    * The United Jewish Israel Appeal

  • craig Post author

    I have deleted the comment from “Becky Cohen” because I think it was a bit of anti-Semitic trolling.

  • MJ

    “Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the most dreadful things that can happen to any human being”

    It’s usually more distressing for family and friends than for the victim. My mother had Alzheimer’s and retreated into her own world, which did not appear to be an unhappy place. I believe this is not atypical.

  • Becky Cohen

    Craig, sweetie pie, how about an apology from you for this: as both Greville Janner and Ernest Saunders were British and male just like you? If we don’t get one then can we reasonably assume that you are a paedophile and a child rapist? No, you won’t because your automatic sense of entitlement as a British white gentile means that it doesn’t take much for your latent anti-Semitism to errr…become *erect*;) Yay, Ukip pitchforks at the ready!;)

  • Becky Cohen

    “I have deleted the comment from “Becky Cohen” because I think it was a bit of anti-Semitic trolling.”

    Don’t worry Craig, I’m don’t intend to set up in ‘competition’ with you.

  • Johnstone

    -As part of those investigations Lord Janner was interviewed by police in 1991.-

    How very convenient for the establishment that suspects have become either dead or demented but Janner was first interviewed about the offenses almost a 1/4 OF A CENTURY AGO could the wheels of ‘justice’ have ground along any slower?? Looks more like a cover up but the question is, now that this one been partially uncovered, could the disgusting festering house of cards be about to tumble?

  • coddie

    One of his greatest supporters Daniel Finlelstein has strangly not updated his twitter account today

  • Becky Cohen

    Also, where’s the apology for what you upper and middle class folk have done to us working class folk, Craig? I demand you apologise now for being a member of the class that put children down mines and up chimneys 200 years’ ago and continue to dominate all areas of politics and journalism to this day!

  • craig Post author

    “Becky Cohen”

    But he wasn’t just any Jewish person. He was the Chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which is widely accepted – and certainly given a permanent corporate media platform – as the principal representative body of the Jewish community, and continually used to be on media in that capacity. He was also at the head of numerous other prestigious Jewish organisations which I have enumerated above, including the Community Security Trust which has been given massive publicity recently for its claims of large-scale anti-Semitic violence in the UK.

    Of course Janner is not the fault of ordinary Jewish people. Just as paedophile Catholic priests were not the fault of ordinary Catholic people. But these organisations that he led must apologise, just as the BBC rightly apologised for Jimmy Savile.

  • Becky Cohen

    “Of course Janner is not the fault of ordinary Jewish people.”

    So why are you demanding that the whole Jewish community should apologise then? You contradict yourself in your weak attempt to back-peddle over your obvious anti-Jewish prejudice.

  • Becky Cohen

    Btw…if every single Jewish person must apologise for the alleged actions of one Jewish person, if someone is half-Jewish should they just offer a half-hearted apology? How ridiculous.

  • craig Post author


    The Board of Deputies of British Jews should apologise
    The Association for Jewish Youth should apologise
    The Jewish Leadership Council should apologise
    The Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women should apologise
    The Community Security Trust should apologise
    The World Jewish Congress should apologise
    The Holocaust Educational Trust should apologise
    The United Jewish Israel Appeal should apologise

    There is a start. I do not claim that ordinary Jewish people have anything to apologise for – many of them abhorred both his paedophilia and his rampant Zionism.

  • Phil

    It’s just ambiguous phrasing but the last par can be read as asking the “Jewish community in the UK” to apologise. This might be the confusion.

  • Becky Cohen

    Yes, you did: you wrote “the Jewish community in the UK”, not just the above organisations that Greville Janner still holds positions in.

  • Becky Cohen

    According to the Wikipedia entry on ‘Craig Murray’: “Murray separated from his first wife, Fiona, with whom he has two children,[10] after starting a relationship with Nadira Alieva, an Uzbek woman whom he met in a lapdancing club in Tashkent.[11] She followed him when he left Uzbekistan”

    Hmmm…Maybe you should apologise to feminists for visiting a lapdancing club, Craig. Hopefully, you already apologised to your poor wife!

  • craig Post author

    I most certainly did use the phrase “the Jewish community in the UK”, but not in the same sentence that asked for an apology. It is the institutions that should apologise.

    Both Becky and Anon1 might look slightly more sympathetic figures if they gave at least some hint of an opposition to Janner’s paedophile activities, rather than simply attacking me.

  • Phil

    “not in the same sentence that asked for an apology”

    Sure. But read as a whole that last par can, without excessive fancy, be interpreted as asking the community. It’s an ambiguity waiting to be quoted elsewhere.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    I’m really not convinced of the value of apologies issued in respect of crimes (or alleged crimes) for which the apologising organisation had no actual reponsibility. I’d like to think we can take it as a given that no organisation would wish to be associated with paedophilia, and that the requirement for further protestations of outrage is getting rather too close to Mao-era self-criticism.


    I think we might also take it as a given that Janner’s (still alleged, legally speaking) perversion had nothing to do with his religion or ethnicity. And we might point out that ministers of all three book religions have been implicated in paedophilia.

    Which leaves the institutional nature of the cover-up: heinous, and giving rise to the suspicion that well-established procedures are in place to protect public figures not actually caught bang to rights on camera, with witnesses, by equally ‘important’ people.

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