Corruption Welcome in London 739

The FBI had somebody wearing a wire at the London Olympics to capture the FIFA corruption taking place in the margins. What were the British authorities doing? Nothing.

Britain prides itself as having in London the world’s leading financial centre. Substantial assets, both financial and real estate, from FIFA corruption are located in London. But Britain has taken over the crown from Switzerland as the major financial destination which will always protect ill-gotten wealth.

Alisher Usmanov played a major role as bagman for the corrupt Russian World Cup bid, particularly with delegates from FIFA’s Asian Confederation. His place as Britain’s third richest resident is very obviously based on extreme Russian corruption and he rose to power and wealth solely with the use of gangster muscle and contacts he gained and expanded while serving a prison sentence for blackmail. But he is a billionaire and beloved by the City of London so there is no danger of him ever being investigated in the UK.

That a key figure in FIFA corruption over Russia’s World Cup bid, is undisturbed in his large shareholding in Arsenal FC, says everything about the complicity of the British establishment.

Usmanov’s friend Gulnara Karimova is a startling example. She is now under formal investigation in Switzerland, France, Sweden and the Netherlands over the glaringly corrupt origins of her billions. Only a fake house arrest by her father has prevented her real arrest. Yet in the UK, where she has three homes including one in the No.1 Hyde Park criminals’ hangout, where she shops regularly and her son is at university, there is no move against her whatsoever.

I am delighted to see the moves against FIFA. But to me they illustrate very plainly what a corrupt stinking hole London has become.

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739 thoughts on “Corruption Welcome in London

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  • giyane

    Is it catching? Habbabugger’s verbal ghonorrhea? Is there any cure if you catch it? Porton Down? Surely somewhere must have something to stop the oozing of this Zionist organ over the pages of CM’s blogosphere.

  • Herbie

    UEFA leaving FIFA is just further evidence that Europe can’t handle not being in control of everything worldwide, either directly or through puppets.

    That’s very much the story of what’s going on with Russia, China and South America, and the West’s sense that their glory days are over.

    I do hope that too many don’t have to suffer before the West fully accepts its new status in the world.

  • Beth

    Agree with Herbie on this one. Why aren’t any bankers in jail? Why does the US have any jurisdiction in Europe ?
    In my opinion it is far too much of a coincidence that this has happened now.

  • Republicofscotland

    Off topic.

    Nicola Sturgeon has criticised the newly released Scotland Bill,saying it doesn’t provide the powers promised.

    I can’t say I’m surprised that the watered down bill doesnt reach expectations.

  • Roderick Russell

    The problem with corruption is not simply the money stolen but that people get ahead because they are corruptible rather than because they are capable.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “UEFA leaving FIFA is just further evidence that Europe can’t handle not being in control of everything worldwide, either directly or through puppets.”

    It is evidence of nothing of the sort.

    Control the silliness of your posts, for Heaven’s sake! You could start by curing yourself of the illness according to which nothing the West does is right.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Komodo is still angry at having been rubbished the other day, I see (and not even by me).

  • Summerhead

    Yes Russia is a corrupt country but they are rank amateurs compared to the city gents running the City of London. I see there are calls for the football world cup to be transferred from Russia to England – how very convenient. As though no other country has used corruption to gain major sporting events in the past. The Israeli link may or may not be accurate but it could be a red herring. The real target of this US operation could be Russia. A large portion of the World will watch the World Cup and they could well see that Russia is a country inhabited by human beings just like the rest of the planet. They might also be surprised (in 2018 remember) at the wealth and technological progress of a country painted as a basket case by the West.

  • Republicofscotland

    I suppose someons should,take a stand and defend FIFA,I say this,as there must be many hard working individuals working there,who are honest,but we don’t think of those people,when such a scandal breaks.

    We tend to focus on the few individuals that by their deeds tar others.

    It is through human nature,that power and influence,can and does corrupt,sadly it’s now widespread and in some cases,condoned,or seen as the norm.

  • Dreoilin

    “Does anyone else find Trowbridge’s ramblings … tedious beyond belief?”

    Yes, I do. But I’ve read him on Squonk too where he goes on at greater length. What gave him the impression that anyone in either place is interested in his theories? I don’t give a damn about sunk Puffers, to be perfectly honest.

  • Herbie

    Cheers, Beth.

    “Why does the US have any jurisdiction in Europe ?”

    The US bullied the Swiss into it, under threat of taking away their piggybank.

    The UK and Ireland have similar measures in place, submitting their citizens to US law.

    I’m sure it applies in other European countries as well.



    The US and Europe have been using every institution they control to attempt to stymie the emergence of Russia, China and South America as independent powers in their own right.

    UEFA is no exception.

    In its latest incarnation it’s called the Wolfowitz doctrine, though it’s the eternal practice of empires throughout history:

    “action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent any other nation from rising to superpower status”

    This is obvious to everyone but imbeciles like you.

    Now, please run along and play with yourself somewhere else. You’re much too ignorant of world affairs to make any useful contribution here.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “A large portion of the World will watch the World Cup and they could well see that Russia is a country inhabited by human beings just like the rest of the planet.”

    Most reasonably sane and well-informed people are already perfectly capable of drawing a distinction between the Russian person in the street and the corrupt, violent, repressive and uncaring Russian government. No need for elaborate manoeuvres on the part of the US via interfering with the venue of the World Cup.


    “They might also be surprised (in 2018 remember) at the wealth and technological progress of a country painted as a basket case by the West.”


    Why wait for 2018? Even in Communist Russia there were the wealthy (= the nomenklatura) existing alongside the poverty and primitive conditions of the countryside and there was technological progress (Sputniks) along with primitive and non-performing white goods, cars, etc.

    What’s new?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    As Mary would say – BREAKING NEWS !!

    Ex-MP George Galloway announces he will be a candidate in the forthcoming election for London mayor.

    I wonder if his crowd-funded film about Tony bLoar will see the light of day before that election?

    No breath holding, please!

  • Herbie


    Well put Summerhead.

    I suspect Russia is the main target too.

    Protecting the Israeli criminals is just more cherry on the cake.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    – of special interest for contibutors Mx “Rebecca Cohen” and the Irish-American Oxford Greatsman (college still a state secret)


    Oxford University set to appoint a woman as its next Vice-Chancellor.

    First woman Chancellor since the 13th century, apparently.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Sepp Blatter admits that there has been corruption within FIFA and promises that there will be full cooperation from FIFA in any and all investigations into said corruption.

    “Admits” being the key word.

    So much, therefore, for all these conspiracy theories (US versus Russia, US protecting Israel, etc… 🙂

    (No mention of him standing down, on the other hand)

  • Herbie

    Everyone knows that FIFA is corrupt.

    There’s barely an institution these days that isn’t. It’s a common end of empire phenomenon.

    The concern is over the US’s particularly selective interest in corruption when it coincides with its own political interests.

    And equally its lack of concern for some of the greatest criminals and murderers on the planet when they’re its friends.

    Still. Run along. You’re way way out of your depth here.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “The US and Europe have been using every institution they control to attempt to stymie the emergence of Russia, China and South America as independent powers in their own right.”

    But certainly Russia and China are already “independent powers in their own right”, aren’t they?

    And have been for quite a while now.

    So it looks as though the stymieing has been stymied.


    I do hope you’re not a lecturer in politics or history. If you are, I fear for your students.

    And now : over to you for the last word, my boy 🙂

  • Dreoilin

    “Sepp Blatter admits that there has been corruption within FIFA”

    And it didn’t start yesterday, did it.

    “So much, therefore, for all these conspiracy theories (US versus Russia, US protecting Israel, etc…)”

    So why did the US choose right now to make a move and start demanding extraditions? I don’t think you can brush the above aside that easily.

  • lysias

    The U.S. Congress was making a big deal of hearings about steroid use (!) and lies about them (!) in major league baseball in 2005, when you would think they had more important things to worry about.

  • nevermind

    Russians Human? Summerhead, what a come on for the likes of our regular bum fluff here, expect Flak. Off course you are right, Russia is corrupt but so is the rest of the world, as already mentioned earlier.

    Teflon Blatter is wriggling. He talks of ‘irregularities he could not have possibly controlled, could not have known about.

    Just as said earlier’me know nothing’ honest guv. By his own comments today, he knew what was going on and failed to stop it./

    As for Interpol, what did they know of the restraining orders and arrests about to be made next door to their turf?
    But this clearly looked like the FBI was pulling this out of the drawer, had it ready for when they could help their fellow Zionist conspirators.

    We have enough boisterous and hooligan friendly countries/ clubs to deal with, and their are in Europe, so why would we want to add a rabid la familia and ensure that our policing costs of football games will go through the roof?


    stamp out racism in football I say.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Thanks for yours.

    The point I was trying to make was that the charges of corruption are not merely something the FBI has suddenly made up in the US interest; the fact that Blatter admits there was/is corruption shows that, surely?

    As for the timing, the current conspiracy theories appear to be twofold (and/or): (1) the US is trying to thwart an anti-Israel vote in FIFA, and (2) this is an attempt to weaken Russia and, possibly, to get the next World Cup removed from Russia.

    It would be delighted if someone would explain to readers the *mechanics* of those two theories, in particular in the light of the identity/nationality of the persons arrested. In other words, in which way exactly (eg, in terms of voting, etc..) would those arrests bring about the results which the conspiracy theorists claim the US is aiming to achieve.

    Any volonteers?

  • Londoner

    You gotta hand it to dem Chicago shekelian reptilians,they got two Sammy Davis Jnrs fronting the show and none of the Freisians are any wiser. Ironically it’s only the Mameluke that can Black Rod habbas sphincter, the CMs have been easily taken care of with mail order brides. Wherefore art thou GG, save us from the North Londoner FoI two party heads I win,tails you lose charade they also intend to inflict on FIFA. With the expected plea bargaining we will have a Blatter too laying a wreath at herzls grave like the two Popes blackmailed with mossads pics of the gay Vatican Bank boys shenanigans in seedy Rome hotel rooms.

  • CanSpeccy

    “to me they illustrate very plainly what a corrupt stinking hole London has become”

    Well waddya expect when you genocide the native English of the capital city and replace them with a bunch of foreigners on the make?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    I have explained the assassination of Olof Palme in all kinds of coherent ways, Villager, on sites like veterans today,, cryptome. org, The Local in Sweden, etc., and I would post them or link them here if if posters showed any real interest rather than just trashing me.

    You can find them for yourself if you just look for a few of the following: Olof Palme, assassination, Iran-Contra, Ollie North, Navy Secretary John Lehman, Jr. Maritime Strategy, Ola Tunander, Victor Gunnarsson, Captain Simon Hayward, Christer Pettersson, CNO Admiral James Watkins, Stig Bergling, ‘false flag’ operations, Rick Ames, Robert Hanssen, Joseph Nye, non-nuclear conclusion to Cold War.

  • AlexT

    Overall no qualm with your assessment but rather surprised about your claims about Gulnara Karimova. Do you know for fact that she actually hangs out in London ? Any hard evidence ?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Of course one could always say, à propos anything the US Congress might be interested in, that there is something else which is even more deserving of investigation.

    But that is a sterile (and facile)argument which does not really get us anywhere.

    What, therefore, was the point of the post, other than to show that the Irish-American Oxford Greatsman, holder of several “higher degrees” and veteran of the US Navy and West Berlin Army garrison is still with us?

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