The Truth Avoided by Mainstream Media Liars 147

My factual demolition of the anti-Snowden story has been read by hundreds of thousands of people, very probably millions, around the internet, 50,000 so far on this site alone, and tweeted by thousands of people. It has been tweeted at – repeatedly – every single mainstream media journalist who has been repeating the government propaganda.

The extraordinary thing is that no jurnalist, anywhere, has made any attempt to deny the facts I give. Not one journalist in the entire crowd of corporate media paid lackeys at the BBC, Sunday Times, Reuters or anywhere at all has addressed or tried to refute the facts which make it impossible that their Snowden story is true. They have not addressed it in their publications or even tried to defend themselves on social media. Not one journalist, not anywhere. (One or two have pointed out that the fifth point is an ad hominem, which is true. Not all ad hominems are invalid, but the first four facts destroy the argument anyway).

Neither has there been any response from the “safe” retired diplomats or security consultants the mainstream media can generally roll out on these occasions.

So here is a challenge to the Sunday Times, BBC and rest of the mainstream media. If your story is true, where exactly are my facts wrong? If you refuse to address this, why do you consider yourself a journalist?

To avoid you “journalists” having to do even a click of research, here is my article again:

Five Reasons the MI6 Story is a Lie

The Sunday Times has a story claiming that Snowden’s revelations have caused danger to MI6 and disrupted their operations. Here are five reasons it is a lie.

1) The alleged Downing Street source is quoted directly in italics. Yet the schoolboy mistake is made of confusing officers and agents. MI6 is staffed by officers. Their informants are agents. In real life, James Bond would not be a secret agent. He would be an MI6 officer. Those whose knowledge comes from fiction frequently confuse the two. Nobody really working with the intelligence services would do so, as the Sunday Times source does. The story is a lie.

2) The argument that MI6 officers are at danger of being killed by the Russians or Chinese is a nonsense. No MI6 officer has been killed by the Russians or Chinese for 50 years. The worst that could happen is they would be sent home. Agents’ – generally local people, as opposed to MI6 officers – identities would not be revealed in the Snowden documents. Rule No.1 in both the CIA and MI6 is that agents’ identities are never, ever written down, neither their names nor a description that would allow them to be identified. I once got very, very severely carpeted for adding an agents’ name to my copy of an intelligence report in handwriting, suggesting he was a useless gossip and MI6 should not be wasting their money on bribing him. And that was in post communist Poland, not a high risk situation.

3) MI6 officers work under diplomatic cover 99% of the time. Their alias is as members of the British Embassy, or other diplomatic status mission. A portion are declared to the host country. The truth is that Embassies of different powers very quickly identify who are the spies in other missions. MI6 have huge dossiers on the members of the Russian security services – I have seen and handled them. The Russians have the same. In past mass expulsions, the British government has expelled 20 or 30 spies from the Russian Embassy in London. The Russians retaliated by expelling the same number of British diplomats from Moscow, all of whom were not spies! As a third of our “diplomats” in Russia are spies, this was not coincidence. This was deliberate to send the message that they knew precisely who the spies were, and they did not fear them.

4) This anti Snowden non-story – even the Sunday Times admits there is no evidence anybody has been harmed – is timed precisely to coincide with the government’s new Snooper’s Charter act, enabling the security services to access all our internet activity. Remember that GCHQ already has an archive of 800,000 perfectly innocent British people engaged in sex chats online.

5) The paper publishing the story is owned by Rupert Murdoch. It is sourced to the people who brought you the dossier on Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, every single “fact” in which proved to be a fabrication. Why would you believe the liars now?

There you have five reasons the story is a lie.

Please communicate this challenge to the “journalist” of your choice.

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147 thoughts on “The Truth Avoided by Mainstream Media Liars

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  • Macky

    @Giyane, more face spitting than anything surgical, besides an irrational attraction to this type of banana is a carefully cultivated affliction.

  • Herbie

    Another excellent take on The Sunday Times lies, but also addressing the broader fictive narratives constructed by Western media and their impact on thinking more generally:

    “Please read Greenwald’s piece. It’s excellent. Turns out the Times made it all up. At the same time, it’s just one example of something much more expansive: the entire world view of the vast majority of Americans and Europeans, and that means you too, is weaved together from a smorgasbord of made-up stories, narratives concocted to make you see what someone else wants you to see.”

  • Republicofscotland

    “For another example of the msm not daring to challenge obvious cobblers, consider the official narrative of Osama bin Laden’s alleged burial at sea.”

    Yes KNOWN good call,how prepsterous was the so called burial at sea of bin Laden.

    If it were genuine,why the need to make sure no one could ever open the casket.

    Then of course there was the issue surrounding the deaths of Seal Team 6,the team that “supposedly” took out bin Laden.

    Were these men a part if a elaborate hoax,a hoax that portrayed them removing bin Laden,to appease the American public.

    Were their deaths a convenient way of silencing them, stopping them from ever releasing,details that would deeply damage Obama and his administration.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Watch Zionist-controlled media reaction to George Galloway’s bid for London Mayor in 2016.”

    Rehmat, yes the establishment doesn’t particularly like GG,because he’s outspoken on matters that the Friends of Israel politicians,don’t want to hear.

    He often says what he’s thinking,such things as Britain’s role in the world is be the Gurkha to the American empire,which in my opinion carries some truth.

    He’s also been long enough inside the Westminster bubble to see that change is desperately required.

    I think he would make a good mayor of London,if for the only reason that he’d shake things up and piss off more than a few super rich right wing arseholes,and that can only be seen as a step in the right direction.

  • Republicofscotland

    Bevin reading that story in the Irish Times,you soon realise just what a bloody an colluded mess,NI was and to some extent still is,in.

    Who’d have thought that even to this day the divide and conquer policy of Westminster,all those years ago,would still be shedding blood.

    This conveniently leads to more questions such as,how many other countries, around the globe are still in some form of division or turmoil,due to the actions of the British empire.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “I think he {ie, Galloway}would make a good mayor of London,if for the only reason that he’d shake things up and piss off more than a few super rich right wing arseholes..”

    Just to make sure I understand your post correctly, Ros:

    In your opinion, are all people who are super rich and right wing arseholes, or is it possible to be super rich and right wing and yet not be an arsehole?

    And while we’re at it : conversely, are all very poor and left wing people the salt of the earth?

  • Republicofscotland

    Bevin regarding your other link, about Fukushima,I believe like yourself that particular disaster,and it can only be described as that,doesn’t get enough coverage by the media.

    Looking at picture of the damage to the reactors cores,you soon realise the immensity of it all.

    The storing of the cores radio-active fluids has reached breaking point,and god only knows how much radio-active material has been released into the ocean.

    Is there enough information to know just what damage the radio-active materials will have on the marine environment and it’s fauna,or is that also being played down.

    Again it does appear as though some sort of cover up is in the making.

  • Republicofscotland

    “In your opinion, are all people who are super rich and right wing arseholes, or is it possible to be super rich and right wing and yet not be an arsehole?”

    Good evening Habby boy.

    Of course it is possible to be super rich right wing and not a arsehole.

    Galloway would however undoubtedly piss off the rich front bench of the incumbent government,and that’s good enough for me.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    The following from Macky, over on Squonk’s blog:

    “@Phil, I don’t think Craig could engage in an honest debate if his life depended on it”

    The cuntish Macky hasn’t got the guts to write that here on CM; he has to scribble it on Squonk’s toilet wall.

    Mary – what do you think about Macky posting shit like that behind Craig’s back? Will you condemn him?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Good evening Habby boy.

    Of course it is possible to be super rich right wing and not a arsehole.”

    And a very good evening to you as well, fella.

    You are making very encouraging progress; please keep it up.

    Could you just go a little further and answer my question about the very poor and left wing?


  • Macky

    Bevin; “When it comes to coverups this particular attempt, which has failed dramatically. is small beer.”

    True that it’s small beer, but compared to the number of people that will read or hear the Sunday Times fairy tale, to the number of people who will read Craig’s or Glenn Greenwald pieces, the smearing attempt has probably not failed.

    (Incidentally, nice couple of links, did you kindly forward from the other thread, or do we share the same taste in sources ? 🙂 )

  • YouKnowMyName

    after the wall-to-wall ISISteria on UK media, I looked at the calendar, and – Yes – perhaps all these moments of meejah emotion are being developed as a theme for Ramadan, which starts (probably) in 2 days time. I’ve always liked how it’s up to a wahabbi mullah, with a palm held under the fresh moon, with a couple of threads – one black & one white – and the month starts at the moment when he can tell the difference between them. If he hasn’t seen the new crescent, then the month is held-up for a day, though there is some debate about this.

    Just don’t mention loudly – in the holy kingdom of Saudi Arabia keeper of the holiest shrines – how food consumption & sales of all kind wildly increase in this 30 day period of fasting, prayer & reflection, that’s haram. I bet this next linked article didn’t go down well in ar-riyadh either, Pakistan claiming that they were peaceful & moderate until Saudi Arabia subverted them?

    UK Journalists, who aren’t MI6, remind me again just how many alleged Daesh followers are from Rotherham, compared to how many are from al-mumlakih al-arabee as-saudiya? express this either as a percentage or a ratio {5 Marks}

  • Macky


    You clearly have not closely followed my exchanges here with Craig over Ukraine, otherwise you would have seen me telling Craig the same directly, or perhaps you are up to your old shit-stirring lying tricks again.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    The Dear Global Leader waved his arms at some Polish suits* this afternoon, Mary.

    Nothing new: “I think Poland’s great. I think Poles are great. Reminder that I unaided got them into the EU, which I think is great. Unemployment problem in Poland, but who cares (this bit in code) cheap migrant workforce, which I think is great. Answer to everything this week is education. Allow me to give you the address of some friends of mine who sell it. Thank you very much. Cool, Er. Yeah. Thank you.” (blush modestly behind fake tan)

    * the important ones being big hitters in vast multinationals

  • Republicofscotland

    “You are making very encouraging progress; please keep it up.

    Could you just go a little further and answer my question about the very poor and left wing?”


    Its a pity that you’re not making any progress whatsoever, I and others,had such high hopes for you, we’re disappointed.

    As I’m feeling generous tonight,I will answer your question, of course their are left leaning arseholes as well, many poor folk are victims of circumstance,and I try not to judge I have more of an affinity to such people than,I ever could with a rich man paying less than minimum wage.

    You however strike me as a person,who couldn’t possibly relate to that.

  • Republicofscotland

    Lysais reading your interesting link,it struck me that,it could be another way of getting round to stop Iran creating nuclear weapons.

    The US and Israel along with Saudi Arabia,in my opinion,would’ve and could’ve entered Iran by now and somewhat forcefully halted their progress.

    But Iran is,from what I’ve read building power stations with the help of Russia,which I assume is the main reason,that the US,Israel and the Saudi’s, haven’t perfected their move.

    A supposed nuclear embargo in the Middle East would probably halt Irans nukes programme.

    Though I couldnt envisage Israel giving up its nukes,you know the ones they protest the don’t posses.

  • lysias

    I too find it hard to imagine Israel giving up its nukes, but I find it easy to imagine people in the Pentagon and the CIA wanting it to. It’s possible that that could eventually lead to a crisis in relations between Israel and the U.S.

    Especially since the U.S. doesn’t share many interests with Israel any longer, and it clearly shares interests with Iran at the moment. A president with the smarts and daring of a JFK or Nixon could bring about a reversal of alliances.

  • Republicofscotland


    Incidently did you pick your moniker for the Chris Cornell song?

    Reading your link, it just backs up, exactly why the “World Police” America keeps a significant armada in the straits of Hormuz.

    Pakistan however,have a cheek to complain about Saudi Arabia,and its tryst with the US,for they themselves have entered into the lucrative love triangle when it suited them to do so.

  • Ben

    I fear Suhayl is correct about the flaccid UN. They can’t organize a trip to the crapper. Imagine if they were your only hope for justice and the right to live in peace.

  • RobG

    16 Jun, 2015 – 5:46 pm

    I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic about the Shanghai Daily News, so perhaps I should point out that I also gave direct links to the web sites of the state governments of California, Oregon and Washington, and to the Canadian province of British Columbia, all of which have recently closed down the aforementioned fisheries under their jurisdiction because of a threat to public health.

    And it’s not just the plankton that’s dying. The fish stocks have been wiped out, and whales and seals and birdlife, etc, have been dropping dead at a steady rate since 2011.

    The west coast of North America is directly downstream and downwind of Fukushima.

    The Pacific Ocean is the largest eco-system on the planet. One third of the human race depends on it for food/survival, and the Pacific generates most of the world’s oxygen.

    The Pacific Ocean is now not-so-slowly dying.

    Even the psycho trolls must be alarmed by this, because if the human race dies-out they’ll no longer have anyone they can con into believing that everything is normal and ok.

  • RobG

    addendum: I’m not implying that Giyane is a troll. I was referring to those who regular posters on here are well familiar with.

  • Republicofscotland

    “I too find it hard to imagine Israel giving up its nukes, but I find it easy to imagine people in the Pentagon and the CIA wanting it to. It’s possible that that could eventually lead to a crisis in relations between Israel and the U.S.

    Especially since the U.S. doesn’t share many interests with Israel any longer, and it clearly shares interests with Iran at the moment. A president with the smarts and daring of a JFK or Nixon could bring about a reversal of alliances.”

    It’s a interesting idea Lysais, however the last time I looked Obama’s administration was overflowing with friends of Israel,indeed the more prominent ones have done their homage and kowtowing at the Wailing Wall,for all the world to see.

    Sadly in America today,and it’s by no means confined to there, enormous funding is required to run a presidential campaign,and if,and it’s a big if,you win those corporate investors will want you to do their bidding first and foremost.

    Of course Al Gore stood against Bush in the 2000,US presidential race Gore was well ahead,even in Florida,home to Governor Jed Bush,yet Bush still won.

  • Republicofscotland

    RobG @ 8.31pm.

    Excellent comment Rob,you know I also read a article concerning fishing off the west coast of America,and Canada,it was to do with the toxicity of the waters up the west coast.

    Apparently there’s a set level,and from what I can recall water levels of toxicity on the west coast have surpassed the top end of the permitted levels.

    What did the regulating authorites do, why they just raised the safe level of toxicity permitted levels to stay above the contaminants level.

    The only other thing I can recall from the article,was it implied that I shouldn’t buy food items from that region such as Alaskan pollock or cod,which you can easily find in UK stores.

  • John Goss

    Macky, thanks for the support. Yes I was aware from his own comments, not just his expressed desire to murder cyclists on the roads, that the old dragon was ex-military and still jumps to attention when the bugle blows. It would take more than a sideswipe attack from anyone on this blog to offend my sensibilities.

    This is about Ukraine and my evaluation is that it is on topic. It is an article about two brothers who have allegedly defected to Novorossiya from Ukraine. One worked for Ukraine intelligence, he says, but what they have to say, especially about military losses on the Kiev side is stunning. According to the brothers Kiev are the provokers of breaking the Minsk II ceasefire to blame the people’s republic for returning fire. Lots more too. These guys have clearly had enough of fascism and how it is destroying Ukraine. They are now working for the DPR. It looks like this civil-war could soon be over with 336,000 plus refugees in Russia, many of them of conscription age now taking shelter in Russia and personnel defecting to the feedom-fighters’ side. One of the brothers warns that Kiev is preparing for a big onslaught.

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