BBC Bias 763

I am involved quite extensively in the making of what I believe to be a valuable independent documentary. It is based on George Ponsonby’s excellent book London Calling, and has the working title How the BBC Stole the Referendum. We have already done a few hours filming of my contribution.

The film is being directed by Alan Knight. It still requires some finance, having raised over £12,000 so far from crowd sourcing. If any readers of this blog can make a contribution, it would be gratefully received. I vouch for the good faith and commitment of the production team, though I am not in any sense connected with the management or finances.

I should like to ask for a couple of other bits of help as well. Can anybody find the BBC footage of the appalling Gavin Esler puff piece for the “Vote No Borders” PR campaign. The BBC broadcast it repeatedly on every TV news programme on 2 May 2014, but seem to have managed to erase all trace of it from the internet. It might also be useful if somebody could take a little video footage of the company nameplate of Acanchi Ltd at 24 Chiswell Street, London, EC2Y 4YX. Footage of the nameplate, the street sign and a little of the surroundings, just to visually establish it is in London. The technical quality of that little bit of video is not terrifically important.


See Gill R’s comment below. The company may be at Unit 311 Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London N1 0QH. If anyone can easily get to either address and see what they can film it would still be helpful.

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763 thoughts on “BBC Bias

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  • RobG

    John, we posted at the same time, and I concur with everything you say.

    We live in completely insane times, and we need to keep speaking truth to power.

    Fuck the trolls (who are all going to be put on trial).

  • fwl

    What is all this talk about troll trials come the revolution. Reminds me of writing Bruce Lee Lives back in the 70s funny but poitless. That ain’t no revolution. That would just be jealousy. All revolutions have soon fallen foul of petty trials and aimless infighting amongst inexperienced wannabes. Troll trials would be a good example of a meaningless round of trying to get even. Does truth and reconciliation work or do maoist cultural revolutions work. Divide or work together.

  • philw


    You have moderation of comments, therefore you need a moderation policy that is explicit and understood, and helps the blog to work and the moderators to moderate.

    As I understand it there are 2 rules at present:
    1) no hate speech
    2) keep to topic

    No-one should object to 1.

    Keeping to topic is broken on every thread though, so when it is enforced it seems arbitrary and commenters start reading in dark motives. Maybe it would be better to drop this? Or could we at least have warnings before anyone is modded over it?

    And could we please have a rule of no attacks on other commenters. Mary has been subjected to what amounts to a campaign of harassment, as have others who no longer contribute. Often comments become unreadable because the bickering is so bad.

    It would also improve the blog if there were a limit to the number of comments any one person could make on a particular thread – to cut out tedious slanging matches with no thought which tend to take over.

  • lysias

    Were the trials of the Vichy criminals after World War Two just a meaningless round of trying to get even?

  • John Goss

    RobG, I actually believe that Russia would win any war that the US decided to provoke. There is no doubt they have the ultimate weapon – the means of knocking out forever electronic communications. They proved this against the US Donald Cook, but the Mickey Mouse Yanks still think they are masters of the world – which they never have been and never will be. Neither will Israel who have been manipulating the strings for decades.

    If the US does not step back and look sanely at the situation the few who survive will have to learn to farm for survival. I am sick of what my country has done, and what the US has instructed it to do. I would like to see Tony Blair go on trial for his war-crimes. Others too. If it happened it would be a kind of revenge and make me as bad as him and all the others. George Fox was right about speaking truth to power. But he would not have condoned any acts of violence against those with whom he disagreed.

  • nevermind, Lord Feldmann keeps the nasty party in the news.

    May I agree with PhilW, well said, a campaign of cyber stalking and single minded innuendo she was subjected to,relentless
    Once Mary explicitly said that she’s leaving, back chat and negative comments should have stopped, it was not!

    she was still stalked after wards, but she has a thick skin and will hopefully deflect all this tomfoolery.

    pillow time, gotta watch Norwich win tomorrow.

  • fwl

    I’ll have to read up on the Vichy trials, which I know nothing about. I have heard that war time collaboration is still a taboo issue in French rural towns. Are you suggesting that we are in a comparable position ie a puppet government of an alien facist regime? Everything leaves a trail. WWII left the Vichy collaboration trail, but it also left the gladio trail. So, should I read up on Vichy trials or truth and reconciliation. I suspect that late President Cossiga eventually ( post collapse of USSR ) was finally sympathetic to the truth and reconciliation approach. Maybe I’m naive.

  • John Goss

    The thing about the Evening Standard report is any lack of mention about what she was investigating in Turkey. Anyway, I hate the Erdogans. Nasty family.

  • John Goss

    This is from the Israeli Times about another article AWD did.

    “The article with the ostensibly astonishing news was quoted by several media outlets, but apparently no one bothered to look into its credibility. Even a cursory check, however, reveals that AWD News (the acronym stands for “Another Western Dawn”) is a highly dubious website, based in Dubai, which publishes quirky conspiracy theories and news stories that sometimes have little in common with reality.”

    I did question the rapes with “allegedly” because though traumatic when rape does occur it can be a very emotive word. Julian Assange could perhaps speak better on this.

  • fwl

    Thanks, the Standard story is a nice tribute and similar to what I had heard on Radio 4 at the time of her death, but that other story you posted goes a whole lit further. Russia has for good reason got an axe to grind with Turkey and so its difficult to figure out what to believe. In any event we should remember Jackie Sutton.

  • Mark Golding

    Why has at least fifty battle hardened 22 SAS Regiment crossed the Iraq border into Syria heading for Damascus. I ask again what is Northwood preparing under cover of festivities? I have informed President Vladimir Putin of the latest observation.

  • Resident Dissident

    The Erdogan’s are not the only nasty family around – the Chaika family of Putin’s Prosecuter General are also engaging in their own production of Guano. The video is compulsory viewing for all those who salute Putin’s decency although I somehow doubt that it got much of an airing on their favourite RT. A very clear demonstration of how the ruling mafia in Russia are robbing the country blind – while at the same time waving the nationalist card.

    Perhaps Mark Golding might wish to inform Putin that his Prosecutor General is a crook?

  • nevermind, Lord Feldmann keeps the nasty party in the news.

    Thanks for that Mark G. made me smile, so we should prepare for a fully armed rescue mission for ‘limbo time’, usually also the preferred time for the Zionist to strike.

    Germany has been told off by the US Government with regards to their puny effort, Ashton Carter has written to Frau von Leyen and told her that the Tornados and support for the French aircraft carrier is not enough.

    This is because the Germans discussed putting ground troops in,imho, the creators of IS are helping them think by egging them on ‘to do more’

    I hope that nobody send in ground troops, but instead makes an effort to stop all communications of IS by controlling their satellite access. The fact that nothing much happens diplomatically in Vienna, as long as the Saudi’s are meddling, is by design, the hunt for Assad is truly on.

    Answer to our great ambassadors and knowitalls.
    What are the arrangements for when Assad dies, for whatever reasons?
    Are we going to see a big free for all? will IS vanish into thin air and leave the local animosities in a civil war situation.

    Not one of the bombers has thought ahead, all they can think about is carving up Syria and getting at its gas and oil.

  • Mark Golding

    All crooks ResDis – all part of the Ponzi scheme that manifests from the City of London. Shame nothing, zilch, diddly squat trickles down to the poorest in society.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)

    Lysias snorts:

    “I know I was prevented by moderation from properly answering pretty extreme attacks on the Irish..”


    You mean “pretty extreme attacks” like recalling that Ireland in the 1930s was an authoritarian, priest-ridden state? Or that twice as many Irishmen fought for Franco than for the Republic? Or that the Irish govt. destroyed its files relating to the 3Irish Brigade” (which fought for Franco) in 1940?

    You have an interesting idea of what constitutes “extreme”, Lysias.

    But do keep hammering away; as they say, if you keep repeating the big lie often enough you will always get some to believe it.

    Faker that you are. 🙂

  • Macky

    Well how ironic, Craig is speaking today about the delibrate promotion of Islamophobia while on his own blog a filthy piece of Islamophobia is still up a full day after being posted despite being flagged several times.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)

    “Were the trials of the Vichy criminals after World War Two just a meaningless round of trying to get even?”

    It is perhaps not very widely known that all the judges of the High Court of Justice set up after the war to try Marshall Pétain, Pierre Laval and various other Vichy luminaries had in fact sworn an oath of allegiance to Marshal Pétain and his Etat français several years previously.

    If fact, it seems that there was only one judge in the whole of France who had refused to swear that path.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)


    “So, should I read up on Vichy trials or truth and reconciliation.”

    Why not, it’s an interesting subject – as is the history of the French 4th Republic (on which I’m a bit of an expert, as it happens).

    There is (or was, at least) a great deal of discussion amoung historians on exactly how many people were done away with (usually fairly summarily) during the so-called épuration (“cleansing”)following the liberation of France.

  • Habbabkuk (combat the dingbats)

    From Mr Golding

    “Why has at least fifty battle hardened 22 SAS Regiment crossed the Iraq border into Syria heading for Damascus. I ask again what is Northwood preparing under cover of festivities? I have informed President Vladimir Putin of the latest observation.”

    Am I the only reader whose eyes started rolling wildly on reading the last sentence?

    What’s with this Mr Golding chappie?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    It was indeed “a filthy piece of Islamophobia”. To some extent, though, Macky, it’s probably a good thing that people can see such views presented openly, and contested vigorously, so that there is no doubt about the prejudice that is out there. You know, rather than such views being dressed up in a sort of bourgeois way.


    Habbabkuk, as you;’ll know, in Vichy France, it must’ve been very difficult not to have been compromised. But then there were people who went way beyond the minimum necessary compromise and out-Nazi’d the Nazis. There were very many French Nazis and there were also fierce struggles b/w different elements of those who were against the Nazis. Whatever his faults, De Gaulle probably stopped France descending into overt civil war several times during the Fourth and early Fifth Republics. Pierre Laval was an especially sad figure, I think. An illustration of how a politician who, in peacetime was Left of centre, but who, in wartime, became a tool of the Nazis.

  • fedup

    It was indeed “a filthy piece of Islamophobia”. To some extent, though, Macky, it’s probably a good thing that people can see such views presented openly, and contested vigorously, so that there is no doubt about the prejudice that is out there. You know, rather than such views being dressed up in a sort of bourgeois way.

    Goose, Gander, etc.

    Why any hint of antisemi…. the whole thread is deleted, the offender barred, etc.

    It is good to see open society, in fact Craig’s blog has proved only one point; this country is not ready for democracy! As it is reflected in the comments section and the level of bias and dissembling!

    In any open society everyone has the stomach for any point of view that in turn is either challenged or accepted, but to have the exceptional treatment for one side and the slave and underling class treatment for the other side and call it open society is just a cup out and bunkum! It is designed to reinforce the underclass peripheries that is no holds barred and the master Race domain that slight criticism is met with rules, regulations, legality and pedantry and the full force of the law is brought to bear upon the offender.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Good point, Fedup. I often think it’s better to have a frank and open discussion no matter how obnoxious the views might be, or seem. Swamping with sales pitch spam-mails or whatever (as used to happen on this blog before moderation and other IT stuff came in) would be something different, but personally, I think it would be to allow people to see all comments, including anti-Semitic, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, etc. So long as they are countered. The libel laws in the UK are draconian, of course, but that’s a somewhat different – though allied – matter. It’s not my blog, though!

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