Deselection is Essential to Democracy 228

There is a very extraordinary meme which Blairites keep raising in the Commons debate, that it is “abusive” or “undemocratic” for Labour MPs to face deselection by their members.

In the SNP, there is never any automatic reselection for anybody. You are selected for one term and have to be renominated for another term, where you can be opposed. Indeed deselection happens quite often in the SNP without drawing any comment at all. If the members aren’t happy with your performance, they will get in someone else.

It is remarkable that Labour MPs feel that they should have a job for life, whether the constituency members are happy with your performance or not. If Labour party members decide they do not want an extreme right winger like Stella Creasy or John Mann to represent them, why is it “undemocratic” to get rid of them at the end of the term for which they are elected? Individuals do not own the party, and nobody is stopping them from running as independent candidates or joining the Conservative Party.

This goes to the heart of the Blairite cause. It is apparently not “undemocratic” for them to take legal advice on whether they can keep Jeremy Corbyn’s name off the ballot in a future membership ballot. It is not “undemocratic” to discuss deselecting the Leader, but it is a heinous offence against democracy to consider deselecting an MP. The odious Blairites are the most self-centred, selfish and indeed sociopathic group ever to have a serious presence in the UK parliament.

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228 thoughts on “Deselection is Essential to Democracy

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  • Laguerre

    The Blairites who voted for the Tories might as well cross the floor now. It’s now or later. Credibility has been lost.

  • Chris Rogers

    It’s a shocking testimony to the PLP that at least 60 of its members sitting on the Labour benches have handed Cameron the gift of his war in the Middle East. What is more outrageous is the neoliberal and neoconservative banter coming from the pages of The Guardian and BBC.

    Let’s be blunt, Hilary Benn is one hell of a propagandist for the Establishment, to equate Fascism with ISIS really is as crass at it gets, if only because Fascism requires a functional State to operate in, and ISIS don’t have a State and is driven more by religious fervour and hatred of the West, rather than a political philosophy.

    Wonder what the 60 scumbags have to say for themselves when bombs begin going off over the UK, but alas our bombs will miss these persons, whilst contributing to more death of innocents – they must love having blood on their hands, not too mention deny the truth that ISIS can only be defanged by boots on the ground and the cutting off or arms and funding, most of which comes from our supposed allies, but let us not dwell on the facts.

    As for Corbyn, regrettably outmanoeuvred by Cameron and his Blairite supporters in the Labour Party, however, history will tell that Corbyn had it right and the warmongers wrong, as if 15 years of evidence in the ME was not enough to draw obvious conclusions from.

  • Monteverdi

    Beyond the excitable parochial nature of British politics this vote will come back to haunt them…..and us . This vote was delivered and received as though we were a Superpower instead of a Superpower’s poodle . We all know such a decision would never be made unilaterally , but made peeping from behind Uncle Sam’s coat-tails puffed up and consumed with narcissistic bravado .l

  • RobG

    Let’s have Habba telling us that a nuclear war is winnable.

    Let’s have Anon1 telling us to hate everyone, except neo-cons.

    You lot are all going to be put on trial, mark my words; and that includes the total traitors who voted in Parliament this evening for Washington’s agenda.

    You are total vermin.

    Your time is coming.

  • Habbbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)


    “ 1976 Belgium authorised Saudi Arabia to construct the central mosque and fund the staff. Yet now we’re surprised that Molenbeek is full of jihadis”


    A singularly peculiar remark from our Arabist (as he calls himself).

    The Brussels central mosque is on the other side of town from the commune of Molenbeek.

    Perhaps our Arabist could explain why Molenbeek is “full of jihadis” (it isn’t, as a matter of fact – it just has a large Muslim population) and not other Brussels communes, some of which are a lot nearer to the Central mosque than is Molenbeek.

    In other words – what is the direct connection, according to our Arabist, between the Central mosque in the commune of Etterbeek, financed by Saudi Arabia, and the commune of Molenbeek?

    Tu es con, mon cher ami!

  • Macky

    Twitter question;

    “Why did Corbyn put a bunch of Blairite clowns in his shadow cabinet?”

    Where’s Jon the Mod to answer ?!

  • Resident Dissident

    Can we presume that Hillary Benn is n0w consigned to the ever growing ranks of the evil and extreme right?

    Death to the war mongers unless they are directed by ISIS, Assad or Putin?

  • Habbbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)

    ““Benn |Junior may yet succeed where his father failed”

    You mean in becoming a Tory?”

    Tu sais pas lire, pauvre con?

    In becoming leader of the Labour party.

  • Resident Dissident


    We know we are vermin and you and your peace loving friends are coming to get us. Could we have a little more originality in the future?

  • Habbbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)


    “I do not recall ever correcting anyone’s spelling on this forum.”

    No, but you told me I’d spelled something wrong (in French).

    But it’s true you didn’t correct my spelling.

    That’s probably because it was correct 🙂


    You are a terrible twister.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Let’s be blunt, Hilary Benn is one hell of a propagandist for the Establishment, to equate Fascism with ISIS really is as crass at it gets, if only because Fascism requires a functional State to operate in”

    Im my experience they only need a functioning blog to push support for their heroes like Assad, Ghadaffi and Saddam.

  • nevermind

    Note the spiteful comments about more killing by the trolls, their general gloating about? what exactly? 8 extra jets? was expected.

    looking forward to hear of the cooperation with unicorns and NATO renegades.
    Turkey should be suspended from NATO until further notice, before the shit hits the fan.

  • Habbbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)

    Speaking about spelling, I like the way our Transatlantic Friend always includes all the little accents when he’s writibg Turkish names.

    No chance of anyone correcting HIS spelling, eh.

    And good to have access to a Turkish keyboard, you’re a lucky man.

  • Alcyone

    In how many democracies in the World would such a display of Democracy take place?

    Grant you, we are medieval man and our democracies are too, despite the awesome technology of the net.

  • Laguerre

    “The Brussels central mosque is on the other side of town from the commune of Molenbeek.”

    Evidently you are ignorant of Muslim practices. They will go to the central mosque if they can, for the Friday prayer. That’s the Muslim rule. Even without discussing whether suburban mosques are also funded by Saudi….

  • Resident Dissident

    “Why did Corbyn put a bunch of Blairite clowns in his shadow cabinet?”

    Because being a good Leninist he knows that the only route to power is by attaching himself to others with more popular support – who he then thinks he can deal with after he comes to power.

    Looks like Mackie hasn’t read his Bolshevism for Dummies.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Turkey should be suspended from NATO until further notice, before the shit hits the fan.”

    More chance of you and RobG getting your heart’s desire and suspending this blogs dissidents from lampposts!

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Alcyone “Very ‘cool’ post Tony. Good for you and keep it up! All the best!!
    Humanity (and relationships is what it’s all about.”

    Well of course I had experience – but was fired just the same..and was unemployed for nearly a year in Lancashire- and I was about to start up my own company….and met a girl

    I couldn’t get a job in The North of England…but on second attempt – I had almost given up

    They offered me a job in London…There was no way I could say no…

    She came with me from Lancashire to London (losing all her family and friends – they were now over 200 miles away – and we knew no one.

    And then They closed the place down again and by now I was quite old. I had a wife and young children…

    Still I got another job..much closer to where we live…

    And I said well after doing the job for a bit – Yes they promoted me..I said I will travel Anywhere in The UK – any Course..any Meeting..I will drive there or go by train or any other way…but Every Night – I am home to sleep with my wife and family.. I do not do Hotels any more.

    They said O.K. You can Fly – all expenses fact its cheaper than putting you up in a hotel….and in the morning you can work from home…

    So I did.

    The company I was working for gave me all I gave it all back in my work.

    Do things still work like that?

    I have been retired for 11 years.


  • Hieroglyph

    “Because being a good Leninist he knows that the only route to power is by attaching himself to others with more popular support – who he then thinks he can deal with after he comes to power.”

    That did make me chuckle, granted, but it’s still tosh. Leninist, oh dear.

    Nah, Jezza put the Blair-ites in cabinet to try to keep the party together, and lack of decent alternatives. I think it’s to his credit he hasn’t sacked Benn – Blair would have forced his resignation, you can be sure. Alas I think Corbyn’s decency will be the end of his leadership, but perhaps it may inspire others on the left. Politics is the never-ending marathon, after all.

  • nevermind

    Self serving, ignorant leftover Blairite’s have jeopardised the future of the Labour Party.
    Churchill once presented a brilliant speech which put bomber Harris into charge and power, it costs over 50.000 British life’s.

    Hilary Benn is a back stabber who should be put into the front line of action in Syria after his finger waving speech.
    Benn’s silence on Turkey’s despicable rogue anti NATO actions, at the beginning of a peace process in Vienna, was as audible as his compliant waffle that marked the path of RAF martyr pilots, marking his path forever. He is not a socialist but a paradigm career politician who does his job, and who should be deselected.

    BTW. IS are shitting themselves at the prospect of some extra 8 jets from the UK, honest.

  • lysias

    If there’s a nuclear war, the lickspittles can’t be put on trial, because we’ll all be dead.

    JFK said something similar about his warmonger generals.

  • Googler

    My thoughts exactly.

    Someone who votes for mass murder in another part of the world whining about abuse is no better than a piece of trash to be thrown out.

    I’m shocked that the British public time and again lets its leadership get away with the stupidest and most criminal kind of overseas intervention. In a real democracy, the people would be allowed to storm parliament when it is not representing its views.

  • Habbbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)


    You still haven’t explained the connection you made between the fact that Saudi Arabia financed the Central mosque and saying no wonder Molenbeek (not Brussels, but specifically Molenbeek) is “full of jihadis”.

    Try again, cher ami.

  • RobG

    @Resident Dissident
    2 Dec, 2015 – 11:17 pm

    Yes, you’ve got it, because all these feckers in Parliament have basically sold-out to Washington.

    I’ll repeat again, in the HoC debate today there was barely any talk about how ISIS is funded, who created ISIS, Saudi Arabia, and all the rest of it. There was also no talk at all about the fact that military involvement in Syria means direct conflict with Russia.

    I think we’d get more debate in the North Korean parliament.

    Our democracy has been bought and sold, and so we get parodies like Cameron, pushing us on to yet another idiotic war in pursuit of corporate profit.

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