The Desolation of Labour 117

It is universally accepted that the extremely vindictive terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and particularly the massive reparation payments, were a major factor in the rise of Hitler and the second world war. Nobody accuses you of defending Hitler, justifying Hitler or hating the UK if you state that.

Yet the entire mainstream media and political establishment is united in shrill condemnation of Ken Livingstone for stating the undeniable fact that the 7/7 bombers were motivated by outrage at the British invasion of Iraq.

Labour is in a mad panic over Ken Livingstone’s fundamental departure from the neo-con narrative. He has had the temerity to point out that when we inflict “shock and awe” on other countries, and massacre from the air thousands of women and children, the result is assymetric warfare which includes terrorist blowback.

We are instead supposed to believe that our enemies are a spontaneous manifestation of pure evil, something that has with no cause arisen from the bowels of the earth to hurt us, like a devil in a horror movie.

The Blairites of course have still never admitted that the Iraq War was wrong, unjustified and had terrible consequences in the Middle East, let alone in the UK. They are desperate to keep bombing and bombing the Middle East until they can prove that Tony and they were right.

Ian Murray, Scotland’s remaining MP, is a particular weasel. He is voting against airstrikes not to alienate his constituents, but is doing so on the grounds he thinks Britain should also send in ground forces – going the “full Blair”. Murray has called for Livingstone to step down as joint chairman of Labour’s defence review, and is brimming with fury and indignation at Livingstone’s departure from a line acceptable to the media. Murray is quite possibly the most weasely and dishonest politician in the Labour Party, but that is a very strong field.

The media are delighted that, instead of querying David Cameron and the Tories on the unbelievable 70,000 moderate rebels claim, they can instead concentrate entirely on the split in the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn has blinked, and the Labour Party goes into the debate as a completely useless instrument, hopelessly split and with members speaking all over the place.

I dislike the whipping system and it is not the free vote that is the problem. It is the fact that a third of Labour MPs are extreme right wing warmongers. That is the problem.

There really is no point in the existence of the Labour Party any more. The best thing would be for the Blairites simply to join the Tories, which would move the Tory Party to the right. Or they could show the courage of Dick Taverne and resign and fight outside the Party. But they wish to try to regain control of the Party’s assets and finances, so this will never happen. Were I a Labour Party member, I would concentrate on the deselection of every MP who votes for bombing. I do not expect that will happen either. The Labour Party has declined into utter irrelevance, its only role being as a punching bag for the corporate media.

It is hard sometimes to be optimistic, but actually it is a good thing that it is now exposed for all to see that the Blairites were simply Red Tories. The loss of a pretend opposition is a necessary step towards establishment of a genuine democracy. It is ever more plain to me that Scottish independence in inevitable. I have real hope that politics in England and Wales will also reform in a way that no longer purely services the 1%.

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117 thoughts on “The Desolation of Labour

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  • Mary No child shall be harmed

    I refer to Oded Yinon again.

    ‘Yinon suggests that the Arab States should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon.’

    “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

    Israel already have Syria’s Golan. Look at Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and the rest of the ME countries that have been wrecked and destabilized.

  • Mary No child shall be harmed

    From Stop The War Coalition this afternoon


    1st December 2015

    Opposition to war grows – join the protests.

    Opposition to bombing Syria is growing. There have been protests up and down the country. Britain’s biggest trade unions Unite and Unison have come out against it as have a long list of student leaders and a whole range of high profile figures from former UN Assistant Secretary General Hans Von Sponeck to former NATO General Sir Richard Shirreff.

    Despite the fact that his case for war is starting to unravel, David Cameron has decided to push ahead with the vote, emboldened by support from some senior Labour figures.

    Almost all the main proponents of a new war supported the catastrophic invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the disastrous bombing of Libya in 2011.
    Tonight Once again people will be protesting tonight against the plans to drag us into a fourth war in 14 years. Hundreds are set to gather in Parliament Square in London at 6pm and elsewhere around the country.

    Tomorrow In London during the day of the vote tomorrow, activists will be present with banners outside parliament from 12 midday and we have called a further protest and a die – in at Parliament Square at 6.00pm.

    As well as taking to the streets we are urging everyone to lobby their MPs one more time.

    We have 24 hours to limit the vote for war – make your voice heard.

  • Wanda

    Since the Viet-nam War at least, the job of the modernized military state has been to sow confusion and violence in other parts of the world, enough so as to justify bombs and colonialism.

    Livingstone’s remark was an understatement, but probably the best we can expect from the political class.

  • fred

    Labour MPs are individuals with different experiences, different opinions, different constituents emailing them it would be extremely worrying if they all voted the same way. Same with the Conservatives, I expect there will be a fair number voting against I certainly hope so.

    Any party in which every MP votes the same way would obviously be abandoning free will and reasoning to blindly follow the leader’s diktats.

  • Loony

    Habbakuk – Have you spotted a factual error, or are you merely being philanthropic in attempting to share you wit?

    Alternatively maybe your motives are less pure snd you faithfully serve your masters instructions through a combination of diversion, distraction and random ad-hominem attacks.

  • lysias

    One thing that certainly caused German resentment after World War One was the continuation for several months of the Allied blockade of Germany, to force Germany to accept the terms that were eventually revealed in the Treaty of Versailled. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of additional Germans died as a result during those months, and most of them were infants and the elderly.

    Another thing that contributed materially to the eventual Nazi seizure of power was the severe inflation of 1923 that wiped out the savings and pensions of the German middle class. This was the German government’s response to the French occupation of the Ruhr, which itself was a response to German slowness in paying the reparations imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.

    Two major causes of the Nazi seizure of power, both intimately connected with the Treaty of Versailles.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    There was no just reason for bombing Libya. Any MP who voted for it was corrupt or naive enough to believe the pro-war spin.

    There is no just reason for bombing Syria. The lessons of Libya leave no room for naivety. Any MP who votes for bombing Syria is corrupt.

  • Republicofscotland

    Craig there’s a new political party being launched in Scotland it’s called the (SLP) Scottish Libertarian party, it’s led by businessman Alan Finlay.

    The party supports Scottish independence, it sees itself as centre right, Professor John Curtis thinks it has some potential.

    The SLP are planning to field candidates in all eight regions at next years Holyrood elections, it might just be of some interest to you, you never know.

    Here’s their website.

  • lysias

    Turns out the leader of the Turkmen rebels who killed that parachuting Russian pilot is an ethnic Turk from within the Republic of Turkey, Alparslan Çelik, who is a member of the fascist and GLADIO-associated right-wing group the Gray Wolves (Bozkurtlar), founded by the late Col. Alparslan Türkeş. Col. Türkeş’s eldest son, Tuğrul Türkeş, is now a vice prime minister in the new Turkish government, even though he has never been a member of the governing AKP party. He has long belonged to the far-right MHP party, so his appointment presumably signals a shift to the far right by AKP.

  • Anon1


    “Yet the entire mainstream media and political establishment is united in shrill condemnation of Ken Livingstone for stating the undeniable fact that the 7/7 bombers were motivated by outrage at the British invasion of Iraq.”


    Craig, we all get “outraged” by things from time to time, but we do not detonate ourselves on public transport!

  • Republicofscotland

    “Craig, we all get “outraged” by things from time to time, but we do not detonate ourselves on public transport!”


    Or shoot dum dum bullets into innocent subway passengers head.

    Or kill weapons experts in the woods.

  • Phil

    There was a reason to bomb Libya though, the removal of a regime that the people wanted rid of. Am I wrong?

  • Anon1

    Wasn’t it Nevermind, a foreign national, who was recently wanking himself into a frenzy over the thought of Russian AA missiles knocking out British aircraft?

    Such things are tolerated in a liberal democracy, fortunately!

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    There was a reason to bomb Libya though, the removal of a regime that the people wanted rid of. Am I wrong?

    “People” want to get rid of the Cameron-led government in this country. Do you support the right of other countries to mount a military intervention in the UK to achieve this?

  • Pan


    Shit man, you really DO sound fed up!

    “Killing and maiming is not honourable, brave or heroic, but I tell what is heroic! Heroic is to sweep the streets come rain or shine for a pittance, and raise a family! Heroic is to work all the hours god sends in the garage in dirt, oil and cold for a pittance and go hungry during the day because it is either lunch or shoes for the kids?”


    I’m serious, though…

    Take some comfort in the sure fact that many, many others heard your cry, and thanked you for it (just not out loud).

  • Anon1

    A peaceful day by RoP standards yesterday, with just the 9 Shi’ite pilgrims blown to bits by Islamic fanatics in Baghdad.

  • Phil

    Im talking about a majority that were oppressed and terrorised for wanting democracy and a voice. The worst you’ll get in this country for voicing your opinion is someone on twitter calling you a prick. Hardly similar circumstances.

  • nevermind

    yes Phil, you are wrong, Ghaddaffi despite his strong arm tactics, was revered by over 40% of the population, he made sure Libya had the best free health service in Africa, he helped young couples to buy houses and and and.

    please do feel free to educate yourself. Libya now in the throws of a fleeing IS diaspora, feeding on Misrata’s oil, has been thrown into chaos by our actions.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Im talking about a majority that were oppressed and terrorised for wanting democracy and a voice. The worst you’ll get in this country for voicing your opinion is someone on twitter calling you a prick. Hardly similar circumstances.

    So you support the UK staging a military intervention in Saudi Arabia. Yes?

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