Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian 982

Hillary Clinton is American, owned by financial interests to whom she is completely in thrall, a rabid neo-conservative warmonger, completely uncritical of Israel and focused for any claim to be progressive entirely on identity politics. Which is also a precise description of today’s Guardian newspaper. The once august and intellectual title is now a shrill cheerleader for far right Blairites and wealthy American feminists.

The Guardian is as unabashed in its support for Clinton as in its support for the Blairites. The stream of “feminist” articles about why it would advance the cause of women to have a deeply corrupt right winger in the White House is steadily growing into a torrent. It is a perfect example of what I wrote of a month ago, the cause of feminism being hijacked to neo-conservative ends.

Bernie Sanders is not perfect – nobody is. But he understands that obscene and still burgeoning wealth inequality is the greatest problem of western society, and that the state framework supporting crazed banking structures is the root cause of this. The support for him is a sign of the inevitable popular reaction to the extreme inequality of society. Sanders is channelling that reaction effectively.

The establishment therefore circles its wagons around Hillary Clinton. The hope is that women can be persuaded it is an act of misogyny simply to stand in her way. The other great establishment hope is that the Democrat party machinery is so strong in black communities, that black Americans can be in effect ordered to vote for a woman who epitomises the system which disadvantages them, rather than an apostle of genuine change in the economic order. I retain hope the establishment may find that black Americans are cleverer than that.

The machinery used to manipulate identity politics – racial and gender – is all that Clinton has. If Clinton beats Sanders, it will be the perfect demonstration of the fact that identity politics has become the enemy of progress in society.

In the field of identity, Bernie Sanders would be the first non-Christian President of the United States. Would that not be wonderful in a country whose politicians feel the need to genuflect to swarms of religious evolution-denying nutters who believe foreign wars are good because they presage the Rapture?

And would it not be great if the first President since Carter not in thrall to Israel were Jewish?

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982 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton IS The Guardian

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  • Kempe

    ” As for your second point many countries now have multiple secret departments. Britain has for example MI5/MI6/SIS/NDEDIU ”

    Well MI6 and SIS are one of the same and NDEDIU is part of the civil police, all are intelligence or counter intelligence agencies and not secret police forces; the role of which is to detect and crush dissent. Real or imagined.

  • Chris Rogers


    Do you not find it strange that Hilary Clinton was using her own email server and email address to by pass official record keeping with the State department, and that this under the USA Code of Conduct, and indeed criminal law is illegal – the bloody woman is up to her neck in the shit in the Middle East, as Andrew Sachs blasted her for two days ago. And yet all women in the USA are expected to vote for this criminal and murderer and all women in the UK have to pay homage to her. And allegedly we live in democracies!!!!!!!

  • Clark

    RobG, do you ever regret the friendly fire after you’ve sobered up? You read that and you think I posted it to EXCUSE Neocon proxy-war in Syria? No. I posted it as EVIDENCE, that can be used to argue ISSUES with those who deny what the US has been doing in Syria.

    I’m FUCKING SICK of your death threats polluting the site I worked for and have contributed to for years. In the daytime you post a fair few good comments, then in the evenings it’s total shit from you.

  • Chris Rogers


    You are at it again mate, you have been outed for propaganda, you reply that the UK does not have several agencies at work undermining political activists in our country. Tell you what mate, there have been several high profile Court Cases whereby undercover officers incited criminal activities, that the subjects were Green political activists or peace protestors seems to pass you by.

    My next door neighbour is ex-Special Branch and he was directly involved in countering the IRA, for which he took a bullet. You ain’t heard the half of, namely because most civilian police officers when engaged in these activities are privy to the constraints of the Official Secrets Act – but of course its all legitimate, just like shooting a girl with a pocket knife, all legitimate until it ain’t!!!!!!

  • Clark

    Chris Rogers, 11:36 pm; Hilary Clinton’s illegal use of a private e-mail server looks like hubris to me. She feels invulnerable with the Neocon media behind her.

    And that is why we have to put our egos aside, forgo stupid personal argument and start acting the way the community on this site has acted before; to FORCE these matters into the mass-media like we did with Werritty’s private foreign policy and Breivik’s terrorism being documented on Pamela Geller’s blog.

    And that means we need to maintain credibility, which is why people must be treated with respect, especially when they’re right, no matter who they are or whether they seem to be on one’s own “side” or not.

  • RobG

    Clark, last October, when Turkey shot down a Russian warplane, the American and Russian nuclear forces went on full alert, and have been on full alert ever since.

    We are now a hair-trigger away from the end of the world.

    Now, what was you saying..?

  • Clark

    The neocon groups already knew that the Kremlin would never let the Syrian government be overthrown, just as they knew that all of Ukraine couldn’t be taken and held. But in each case they figured that they could take some, and even if they took none, their arms industries would get more taxpayers’ money:

    Western firms primed to cash in on Syria’s oil and gas ‘frontier’


  • RobG

    Clark, all the vermin will be held to account. If you have a problem with that than you, too, will be held to account, however much you may want to slander.

    We’re coming for you.

  • Clark

    RobG, after the Clutha Vaults helicopter disaster I had an argument with a friend. He said that if the helicopter had malfunctioned in flight, the pilot would have been justified in just taking his hands off the controls and using them to cover his eyes.

    I disagreed, and I shouted at him. I said that the pilot still had a responsibility to the public on the ground. That morally, the pilot was obliged to do all he could to minimise casualties even though his own death was certain. Right insists that he should fly as best he could up to and including the very last moment.

    Up to you Rob, but I know which choice demands respect and which deserves derision.

  • RobG

    Clark, I don’t charge you with anything.

    That’s the point.

    And yet the likes of you are constantly banging on about Isis, and lefties, and all the rest of it.

    Go figure.

    And go figure why this board mentions zilch about what’s going on in Syria.

  • Clark

    RobG, I can make no sense of what you’ve written. What do you mean by “this board”? Do you mean Craig? If so:




    Do you mean me? I posted the link that shows the US knowingly supports ISIS to attack Syria. Here’s another:


    Do you mean yourself? Make yourself clear.

  • Macky

    Clark; “I never denied Neocon manipulation in Ukraine. I praised the Robert Parry article you linked and posted it or another onto my web-space for preservation and easy reference.”

    Yes, but do you not recall also making these two statements ?;

    “I accept that there was widespread support for the overthrow of the former Ukrainian government”

    “it was the people who overthrew the government, no matter that the new government proceeded to attack east Ukraine”

    That was why I introduced the Parry article, which countered your statements, because prior to that you were insisting that that it was an unorchestrated general popular uprising, which it why I had also kept reffering you to the statement by the Head of Stratfor who called what happened in Ukraine as “The Most Blatant Coup in History’.

  • glenn_uk

    RobG: “Clark, all the vermin will be held to account. If you have a problem with that than you, too, will be held to account, however much you may want to slander.

    WTF, RobG? Give me a break, with this BS of yours. I disagree with Clark on some things, but declaring him an Enemy Of The People or somesuch, pretending you’re part of some grand crusade – grow the hell up, and stop making such a goddamned fool of yourself on a nightly basis. How about it?

  • RobG

    Clark, we are hovering on WW3. Do I really need to say anything more?

    I can if you want me to, but that doesn’t seem to be the agenda on this board.

    I like being alive.

    Unlike the neo-con death-cult that you seem to subscribe to.

    And I’ll say yet again, all you vermin are going to be put on trial.

    Make no mistake about that.

  • glenn_uk

    Macky: Heck, you’re welcome about my note on old King Canute (or Cnut in the ancient texts). Sounds as if you like Consortium News too, from your references to Parry – I find it a compelling read.

  • Clark

    Yes I do remember making those statements and I stand by them. Huge numbers of people in Ukraine wanted closer ties with Europe and less domination by Russia. Initial public pressure was successful but the Kremlin responded harshly, virtually closing the Russian border to trade. The Neocons used all this. They had already been funding and encouraging the Right, but without the groundswell of public opinion the Right would have lacked sufficient support.

    There was wrong by both the major powers. On this blog, one aggressive group refused to see wrong on the side of Washington. Another aggressive group, led by you and John Goss, refused to see any wrongdoing by the Kremlin. Personally, I characterised it as two mighty powers carving up a smaller country between them.

  • Clark

    Macky, you seem to see matters as conflict between good countries versus the evil US.

    I see this as the powerful of all sides exploiting and manipulating populations.

    To those with power, the masses of ordinary people are just resources; cannon-fodder, market, workforce etc.

  • Clark

    RobG, OK, you charge me with being a Neocon. Now you need to present your evidence so I can prepare my defence, yes?

    I have a counter-charge. You project pro-Kremlin propaganda. My evidence is that you never criticise Kremlin policy, and you attribute the effects of climate change exclusively to US-built nuclear reactors, never Russian nuclear industry, and you ignore the effects of fossil fuels of which Russia is a major producer.

  • RobG

    19 Feb, 2016 – 1:24 am

    I’d strongly advise you to grow-up.

    I’ve had enough of little twats like you and Habba, constantly urging us to go to war.

    You are total vermin who will be held to account.

    You will be held to account, make no mistake about that.

  • Macky

    Glenn_uk; “Sounds as if you like Consortium News too”

    Yes, Robert Parry has definately got his finger on the pulse; he’s his latest;


    @Clark, I’m glad that you have restated your views on the Ukraine/Russian situation for the record once again.

    BTW iro fossil fuels, I think you will find that the US Military is the World’s biggest polluter;


  • RobG

    Clark, I’d strongly advise you to start getting on the right side of History, because your bullshit history has already destroyed the world.

  • Clark

    Macky, I suspected that the US military was the biggest consumer of hydrocarbon fossil fuel, but hadn’t actually checked the figures.

    It’s like Mad Max, writ large. Russia ringing the north, US bases ringing the south, red is where the fuel is:


    Whichever side runs out last, wins, or so the war-like think. In fact we will all lose; that’s guaranteed, just by burning the damn stuff.

  • RobG

    It’s like living in a lunatic asylum, where you can’t even mention Fukushima, and the death of the Pacific Ocean.

    You are all dead people walking, and you are all too fecking stupid to understand it.

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