Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions? Reply To: Conspiracy Theorists, Why is Westminster Lifting All COVID Restrictions?


Just looking at the thread for the first time in a while, and it appears that not a single conspiracy theorist wants to tackle the fact that all restrictions have been lifted.

Is this just something they want to ignore? Has the Real Conspiracy gone elsewhere now?

It might be useful to tell anti-vaxxers that they have fallen for a real scam perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry. By encouraging people not to get vaccinated, they are going to make vastly more money out of the drugs needed to treat them when they get ill! Furthermore, a low take-up of vaccine is likely to encourage that vaccines be mandated, so then they’ll get to sell even more of them. Poor fools! They should get vaccinated at once, putting an end to this fiendish lie.

Incidentally – and Clark might be interested in this in particular – a shrink called Lifton came up with a concept in the 1960s called the “Thought terminating cliche”. This would cover phrases like “follow the money”, “do your own research”, “that’s just your opinion”, and so on.

It stops any progression of a discussion in its tracks. They are meant to put the burden of proof straight back onto the opponent, requiring nothing from the individual advancing a non-conventional notion, while implying the questioner of it is lazy, ignorant, probably gullible and lacking in the deep knowledge that allows the proposer to dismiss questions or even debate.

This works very well with cults – it prevents thoughts of a reality-based nature intruding on individuals. Q-Anon is full of this sort of thing, along with the anti-vaxxer, science denying flat-earthers in general.

  • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by degmod.