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11 thoughts on “Is That Plinth Still Empty?

  • ruth

    I absolutely agree. It's just wonderful to watch. All the absolute disgust and loathing of the US went flying with those shoes. Muntadar al-Zaidi must be put on top of the plinth in Trafalgar Square immediately to look down on all our ever-pliant journalists.

  • spivver

    May I second your comment Craig. My only regret was that the shoes did not hit the war criminal. The journalist must have been a baseball player, as they were spot on with accuracy.

  • Mark

    I want to see the contents of the entire Clarke's warehouse hurled in the general direction of Gordon Brown, Gony Brair, Tordon Bear, Tony Blair. Just watching Brown and his henchmen scuttle away from Bush with a sort of 'wasn't me guv' look on their faces towards the coat tails of Obama is nauseating. If it wasn't bad enough that they lied to go to war etc etc they are also showing themselves as disloyal and….oh they are politicians desperate to cling to power. What should anyone expect?

  • oulwan

    There’s a move afoot (sorry):

    ‘I urge everyone around the world who thinks it appropriate to email George Bush at [email protected] a picture of a shoe.’

    And that’s what I’m about to do right now!

  • oulwan

    There's a move afoot (sorry):

    'I urge everyone around the world who thinks it appropriate to email George Bush at [email protected] a picture of a shoe.'

    And that's what I'm about to do right now!

  • timgbull

    I just wish there had been another similarly inspired journalist wearing size 13 'hob-nail boots' at Gorgon Brown's press conference.

  • dodoze

    y'all must unnerstan we'll kick the living bullpucky out of ya with ya goddamn support of this raghead Ayrab offendin all which represents Amerikee an we'll cut away your rattlesnake tongues and godless minds. We'll find out where you are. Kind regards. Gordon W. Brown (Sketches for Trafalgar Square Sculpture with bare-footed Peter Mandelson erection under review).

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