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32 thoughts on “The True Face of David Cameron

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  • Abe Rene

    But he’s holding up his *left* hand. Oh, I get it – he’s showing us his wedding ring, emphasizing family values. Well, that’s not so bad..

  • Craig


    sorry deleted by mistake! Under massive spam attack for last three days – clearing thousands of spam comments and getting the odd non spam one by mistake.

    Most of the spam has no apparent purpose and contains randomly generate non-existent urls. Seems like a denia of service attck, all in all.

  • Abe Rene

    ScouseBilly: Just watched the video, and I think you’re spot on, even if this is stupidity specially selected for public entertainmant. There are some good-looking women about half a minute into it, unfortunately clueless. One of the best-looking is a professed ‘left, left, left’-winger who says that she loves the Tories and so, being told that Col Gaddafi’s a Tory candidate MP, approves of ‘everything he’s doing’. She thinks that the Iraq war is occurring in Northern Canada. If I were paranoid I might think this film were anti-democratic propaganda.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Davros Murdoch is summoning a million corporate-military androids to complete the gradual coup d’etat which began in this country in 1979. Why is this obnoxious man – and his ilk throughout the centres of power – able to dominate the world of information in this country? If he were a Trade Union, his funds would’ve been sequestered long ago.

    My mood during this election ‘campaign’ and in a broad sense for the past 30+ years can be summed-up sonically in the following eight-and-a-half minutes:

  • ScouseBilly

    Abe Rene, yes she’s amazing in so many ways. I’d certainly like to give her some “personal tuition”.

    I think grumpyman got it right. This is the resuilt of 13 years of “education, education, education”.

  • Kevin B

    There’s a good Murdoch/Cameron puppetmaster graphic on the front page of the website at the moment. And they are currently running competitions to Photoshop the Tories, Labour, the Lib Dems and others. Some of the entries are pretty funny (and some are mighty rude…)

  • dan

    Craig, you’re in danger of losing the plot a little. Over at Guido they are talking of Lib-Con coalition. There is a lot in the Sunday papers as well. I don’t think at this stage that you could rule this out.

  • mike cobley

    That graphic of Murdoch as Cam’s puppetmaster at is excellent. But Davros? – yes, absolutely!

  • barbarousrelic

    Hi Craig – my first post – This Youtube video link below the best parody I’ve seen all this “election” campaign.

    It is David Cameron’s remix of Pulp’s “The Common People” – it would be even more funny – if it were not so close to the truth… I’ve been reading your blog for along time – great stuff – keep it up!

  • Anonymous

    Off Topic

    Havent we (UK) just been hit with a $650m fine, to pay Iran by The Hague?

  • MJ

    Not actually a fine, simply an order to repay (with interest) monies paid for tanks that were not supplied.

  • Tom Kennedy

    bert wrote:

    > There is this:


    That’s superb. And chillingly truthful. But which political party doesn’t now work for the real holders of power?

    Why can’t we have an option on the ballot paper which says “none of the above”? And if “none of the above” gets the most votes, the parties are forced to field new candidates? This idea may already have been suggested before on this blog – but I really think it’s worth pushing as a way of reinvigorating our democracy.

  • derek

    Entirely off topic. I just got back from my local hustings in Wokingham where John Redwood stood up and said the last parliament was “rotten” and needed reform and that we should withdraw immediately from Afghanistan while the LibDem candidate made no criticism of the last parliament and to withdraw from Afghanistan would be “irresponsible”.

    What is the world coming to when John Redwood expresses opinions closer to my own then the LibDems?

  • Alec Leaver

    On the question of coalition: in Blackburn, Labour currently has 28 Councillors, Tories 18, Lib Dems 11, For Darwen 5, 1 English Democrat and 1 Independent.

    The Lib Dems joined with the Tories and For Darwen to control the Council in spite of Labour being the largest party. The Deputy Leader of the Council is one Tony Melia a For Darwen councillor, appointed with Lib Dem support. He is standing in Darwen and Rossendale for the Impact Party which states on its website that it promises a two year ban on immigration and complains that immigrants are roaming the streets and that the NHS and schools are being crippled by floods of immigrants.

    According to the local paper, Coun. Melia says he stands by the Party’s policies.

    Nice friends the Lib Dems have.

  • Rated

    Craig, it’s a great disappointment to see you go from someone who genuinely queried all three of the main parties to someone who constantly fawns over the Lib Dems and somehow feels that the whole world is out to get them in such a short space of time.

    I’m afraid that, like many others, I now really see no point in reading your, once insightful, blog as you are far less focussed on the vast injustice around the world and more concerned with smearing any political party that isn’t the Lib Dems. Hopefully after the election we can have some meaningful content again, as lately all you’re doing of late is spitting pointless bile defending another bunch of career politicians…

  • Craig


    Fair comment. As I explained, I decided that change is impossible to effect outside the system and the Lib Dems are undoubtedly the best of the parties. I will certainly be campaigning to improve their positions on Trident and Afghanistan after the election, and will be very open about that. But at the moment we are indeed in election mode, which involves a halt to party in-fighting during the campaign. I can understand why you dislike that.

  • Richard Robinson

    Rated/Craig – it’s difficult, isn’t it ? There are good arguments for each. Maybe the only answer is that we need people doing both. After all, no one person’s goig to do it all by themself, so the more different things we try, the more chance there is of seeing one of them get somewhere ?

  • Ian M

    Craig, if your are getting lots of spam, it is likely because the bots (automatic spam) can easily deliver it to your site. You need a catchpa (graphic numbers or letters) which the bot can’t read, or a simple question (what day follows Monday) or similar, which the bots can’t answer, but humans can. As long as you have no filter like this, you will get thousands of emails a day from them.

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