Guardian Confirms Mossad Fears 197

A mainstream media source has finally plucked up the courage to publish the widespread concern among MOD, Cabinet Office and FCO officials and military that the Werritty operation was linked to, and perhaps controlled by, Mossad – something which agitated officials have been desperately signaling for some days.

“Officials expressed concern that Fox and Werritty might even have been in freelance discussions with Israeli intelligence agencies” write Patrick Wintour and Richard Norton-Taylor in the Guardian.

As I have been explaining, the real issue here is a British defence secretary who had a parallel advice structure designed expressly to serve the interests of another state and linked to that state’s security services. That is not just a sacking offence, it is treasonable.


It seems to me the questions now starting to be asked about the connection to Israel and possibly to Mossad might well have had a major effect on Fox’s sudden throwing in of the towel. If he did not believe that resigning would stop some further investigation, he might as well have toughed it out over the weekend; nobody has ever accused Fox of being thin-skinned.

The need for answers to my questions to Matthew Gould is in fact now greater, not less.

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197 thoughts on “Guardian Confirms Mossad Fears

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  • Proud Iranian

    What is this unconscious drivel espoused by the Iran “experts”;
    “In our attempt to expose the wrongs performed by those in power, … Iranians have a moral right to protest against their government. When pro-Western forces ……… use repression.”
    1- You best start setting your own house in order, before putting Iran to rights. Kindly butt out of our affairs. Your views; do not matter, are not sought for, mean nothing, and we in Iran are fully aware of crocodile tears.
    2- You somewhat forget; who revolted, and kicked their elite and feudal overlords to kingdom come?
    Evidently the revolutionary Iranians are now in need of some namby-pamby “Wonderful Westerner”, to come to their aid! Blow it our of your elbow, as and when we the Iranians find the need to push our point of view, we go out and kick up a dust storm, kicking the crap out of the police, setting the place alight, and reminding them in power; Who the boss is. All the while renewing the covenant of kicking out the last lot of “western sock puppets”.
    Unlike your “democratic, top shelf societies”; Mr. policeman can we please have a protest, here is our route to march, we will marshal the perambulation ourselves, and by the way do we have to pay for the road closures, and the costs of policing, please, please?
    Going missing; is the fact that for change to happen, there is a need for force, and confrontation, the exploiting classes will never acquiesce to, or agree with any changes. In fact change ought to be forced upon these parasitic, under performing, and over consuming charlatans. The last time there were a few bins kicked over in the UK streets, all were the works of the so called hoodlums, and thieves, which were addressed by the heavy sentences. Stalin would have been proud of of the political repression masqueraded as punishment for public order crimes. Hence the morally indignant Iran Bashers ought to adhere to The principle of physician go heal thyself.
    It used to be beads, and mirrors, followed by colonisation, then it was a splutter of musketry and then colonisation, these days it is; “Human rights”, “Personal Freedom”, and castles in the air about trading and working towards a more affluent and rich lifestyle. Needless to point out its all lies, and boloney. Seeing as the figures, and trends point to the contrary; Iceland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Bankrupt US, and China. We Iranians thank you all for your beads, and shit, and would like to show you the door, and don’t let it hit you on the arse on your way out.
    PressTV is being taken off the air by the so called “free” UK ofcom which begs the question, why? OH well because the damn channel is not, yet another UK SIS front-shop masquerading as “Media”, spewing the same cock and bull story they all carry, and always ready to arse lick, at the start of any controversial periods; “I must condemn ……”, “I believe Blair did not mislead the palr…….”, “IDF ……” what a fucking joke, the mad as hatter zionists’ “defence”, or censoring any allusions to “Mossad, Jew, Zionist, ad nauseam. Of course those of us with a memory span longer than that of a goldfish, will recollect Al-Jazeera was the target of UK/US bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan, and even the cowboy in charge was going to bomb its HQ in Qatar.
    Hence political repression, and censorship are the “democratic rights” of the “West” to impose upon the “undemocratic Iran” (Which apparently was democratic under the Shah!!!!!ROFL). Then the bottom feeding GIYUS operatives spamming the boards, and as ever waving “elders of zion” around, fact that it is happening in the thread which debates the Israeli infiltration of the UK government, however the irony is not any point of concern for the Jewish Supremacists, busy pontificating at the Goyem.
    Maziar Bahari, this condescending sack of shit, becomes the poster boy of the bash Iran brigade. This self styled, self awarded “Doctor, Producer, Publisher, Reporter, come dissident”, writing about his “ordeal” in his condescension recollecting “Mr. Rosewater” because the working class guy whom was interrogating him, had tried to remain fresh by application of rose water, which evidently is an affront to Givenchy wearing “dissident”. Any chance for Mr. Bahari to be given a tour of Bagram, Gitmo, and or any standard issue US prisons? He would soon understand what torture is (certainly not keeping his eyes down whilst sitting on a college chair).
    Fact is if I had seen this sack of putrid traitorous shit anywhere in Tehran I personally would have kicked the shit out of him 188 kinds. He does not represent anyone here other than the “millionaire class” and their oh so concerns about “personal Freedoms”; shag everything in sight, and use exotic substances, flaunting their inordinate wealth, attending raves, peppermint rhino sort of bars, and have as little regulations as possible on their putrid financial dealings. Fact is, this poster boy of dissent is nothing more than yet another loud-mouth representing the 1% in Iran whom crave to find their wealth to buy these the deference, and the decadence as in the West.
    Let me reiterate, and hopefully make clear, Maziar Bahari, along with the phoney gays, Christians, etc. are all welcome to come and stay with any one of you whom care to give a home to these. However as for the rest of us the 99% of Iranians I would like to make it clear to the interfering busy body, and the GIYUS merchants, stuff your concern where Sun don’t shine. Go put your own house in order, and worry about the total corruption of the world finances, which is directly the results of greed, and bankrupt ideologies so pushed by the same bunch of paid stooges.

  • Komodo


    “the truth is that people are putting their faith in presstv / russiatoday for their news ”

    My impression is that people here rely on the Sun and whatever channel their Sky box is tuned to for their news. (In the US, “fair and impartial” Fox News -no relation.)
    During which they make a cup of tea, returning during the skateboarding parrot item.

    But then I actually live here.

    Russiatoday, lol.

  • Clark

    “Proud Iranian”, you write a lot like our former puppet-master Apostate, Steelback, Tungsten, etc…
    I have no reason to believe that you are genuine, and some reasons to believe that you are not. However, if you wish to contact me in order to convince me, my contact details are available here:

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “… there are no goodies… Read Orwell’s ‘Homage to Catalonia’ if you have any doubts.” Cheeba Cow.
    I agree. And of course let us remind ourselves that after his experiences in Spain, Orwell too became an informant for MI6, turning-in Communists. So, even he was not “a goody”.

  • CheebaCow

    I have heard rumours to the effect (or were they about Huxley?). I just did some googling and couldn’t find anything too concrete (in fact not much at all), do you have any links with the details about Orwell and MI6?

  • angrysoba

    1- You best start setting your own house in order, before putting Iran to rights. Kindly butt out of our affairs. Your views; do not matter, are not sought for, mean nothing, and we in Iran are fully aware of crocodile tears.

    Tell that to your dead, venal, leader, Khomeini who saw fit to meddle in the affairs of British writers such as Salman Rushdie and his Japanese translator, Hitoshi Igarashi. If you don’t want meddling in the affairs of your country why not try looking a little less hypocritical?
    Besides, you can’t say – with a straight face – that Iran’s nuclear programme is of no concern to anyone but Iran. You have to just face it that some people care about that.
    Nor should your demands that the persecution of the Bahai, for example, be ignoted on your say-so be treated with anything but contempt.

  • Clark

    Angrysoba, those are good points, but I think that you shouldn’t write to “Proud Iranian” as an Iranian. To do so reinforces a false impression about true Iranians.
    “Proud Iranian” has obviously posted on this blog before, because he knows how to create paragraph breaks. “Proud Iranian” writes much like a Westerner of the Far Right with an obsession about Israel. I think it’s Apostate / Steelback etc, who’s learned to put spaces after punctuation marks.
    “Proud Iranian” is still welcome to contact me to change my mind, but has not yet done so.

  • angrysoba

    Clark, Angrysoba, those are good points, but I think that you shouldn’t write to “Proud Iranian” as an Iranian. To do so reinforces a false impression about true Iranians.

    Yes, you could be right there. I have friends here who are Iranian. There are actually quite a number who live here in Japan. They generally hate the government there. They’re not supporters of the Shah, though.
    It is interesting that “Proud Iranian” doesn’t take any issue with the charges made by Maziar Bahari – unlike Mark Golding – but only suggests that Bahari’s problems are that he is a snob. Of course, Bahari’s relatives were also activists against the Shah and were put in prison by the SAVAK. “Proud Iranian” maybe proud about what the Khomeinists did to the Tudeh Party which overthrew the Shah but it boggles my mind that Western Leftists can turn a blind eye to that. The Iranian Revolution really did seem to go through some analogous stages of the French Revolution with Khalkali presiding over the Terror and creating a huge destruction of human life and cultural heritage.

  • Clark

    Angrysoba, judging by his opening quote, “Proud Iranian” mainly takes issue with what I have written, and I never argued for intervention in Iran. He implies that someone (me?) suggested that the Shah’s rule was democratic, but in the passage that he objects to I wrote: “In Iran’s favour, the move to the current political structure seems an improvement over the situation[…] under the Shah.”
    Now it is possible that “Proud Iranian” misunderstood, but his English is very good and includes many colloquialisms, so if he did misunderstand, I assume it was due to anger. “Proud Iranian” seems more concerned with attacking me than in defending the current leadership of Iran.
    Note his diatribe against Maziar Bahari; “This self styled, self awarded “Doctor, Producer, Publisher, Reporter, come dissident””, and then remember Apostate’s habit of criticising commenters from a literary perspective. Note also this phrase, “Of course those of us with a memory span longer than that of a goldfish”… And his inappropriate use of the term “sock puppet”, sock puppetry being the thing I’ve always accused him of. It’s Apostate / Steelback, not anyone from Iran.
    Apostate, “A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception.”

  • Clark

    “The Iranian Revolution really did seem to go through some analogous stages of the French Revolution with Khalkali presiding over the Terror and creating a huge destruction of human life and cultural heritage.”
    Yes, revolutions have a tendency to do that. Not a revolution as such, but things went very bad in Iraq, too. That’s why I’m so opposed to intervention; it creates the conditions for this sort of tragedy. Now we can watch more of the same in Libya.

  • Gordon Logan

    George Orwell was a spook and informed on communists. However, he was a lot more than that. He was also spying privately on the elite – and his MI5 colleagues were considering the physical elimination of the loose cannon. Orwell had even penetrated the Warburg family, and had prevailed on them to support him while he was writing 1984. The nightmare that he described in 1984 is now taking place in Britain – endless wars and endless brainwashing (such as Parent 1 and Parent 2, as you will soon see). The final pauperization of Britain, which is now forced to tax and borrow because it can no longer create its own money, thanks to Soros and his masters the Rothschilds, is taking us into 1984, with the Libyan psy-op war. A totally unwinnable war complete with a fake ambassador and a fake embassy and a fake government. As fake as the British government, which lives in a black box and responds like a dumb animal to the prods and pokes of the Rothschilds, who are easily worth a hundred trillion – assuming no business acumen. As James Warburg said in 1950, “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it.” Warburg was referring to the natural consequence of the growth of the monster, fed on privatized money creation without responsibility. Orwell spied on these people and was smart enough to get 1984 past the censorship. Not only that, he managed to get his novel into the classrooms of every school in what used to be Britain. The communists he was spying on were the oligarchy itself. ‘Collectivism’ will be the carcase that is left after the middle class is liquidated by the Bullingdon Club.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    I think, like many other idealists who went out to fight in Spain, George Orwell has a very bad experience of Stalin(ists) during the Civil War since they attacked and killed other leftists, actions which contributed to the eventual victory of the Fascists under Franco. This led him to conclude that Stalin was the greater evil (than liberal democratic capitalism) and so to cooperate with MI6 in the form of the attractive Celia Kirwan. Still, there’s no getting away from the fact that he was ratting on people in the UK who were not in any way in power in that country, not part of the oligarchy, though one can see that in the 1930s world, or at least in Europe and the Far East, and with the USA in isolationist mode, totalitarianism seemed to be – was – a real threat.

  • Proud Iranian

    The veneer of extending; “concern”, “giving Freedom/Democracy/Popcorn/Movie vouchers”, and singing Ging Gang Goolie with us Iranians after we have ……. However soon the “good will” disappears and the glint of gnashing teeth appears, if an Iranian stops by and says, blow it out of your elbows serfs, we know what freedom means, and have plenty of it here in Iran. Then in a fit of anger, out, bursts; an incoherent tirade that lists perceived misdemeanour’s of we the Iranians going back to Adam and Eve era, finally ending with; we in Iran must stop our nuclear activities! Who the fuck do these jumped up little pricks imagine they are?
    Perhaps US colonialists still colonising the vanquished Japan, after nearly seventy years, post waging a punitive war, which culminated in mindless, insane, criminal use of nuclear bombs, killing many more hundreds of thousands of Japanese, and then settling down for a long spell of occupying the place, just like in; Germany, isreal, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.? Whilst corrupting the culture and people of Japan, in so much as mandating a reduction from the six thousand Kanji symbols (written signs) to one thousand and eight hundred, that is less than a third of the total (to this date some Japanese names cannot be written because of this little intrusion of the US colonialists), because US translators had not learned anymore.
    This insane character then boasts of his imaginary Iranian friends whom hate their government, irony is lost; show me anyone ever loving their government, I will show you a stooge. However as we know fascio does as fascisti do, in the regimented minds of these automatons any deviation from sucking up to Gubemint is a sure sign of nations ripe for invasion; their wares looted, their women ravaged, and their lands and resources put for better use on behalf of the few inbreds set up as the masters of the universe!
    Salman Rushdie, Todeh, Bahai, Bahari, Iranians talk a foreign (none English) language, eat funny food, dress in shirts, …… reminiscent of Constable Savage The propaganda goes on, regardless of the actualities, and facts. What good are facts for? Mere formalities so far as these weak bankrupt; morally, as well as financially, apolitical failures, are concerned.
    The truly amusing sight of these characters comforting each other, one declares, “He is not Iranian, don’t legitimise hi…” (fears in case goyem take note of the horses mouth so to speak of, instead of the usual talking over the Iranians as it is customary in the oh, so “democratic West”). These Based on Charlie Chan deductive raisoning (reason cannot be applicable); he does not speak pigeon English, has used separation characters for spacing paragraphs (wow what trade secrets), hence he should be some other guy. The guy these disagreed with, about, of them all things fucking isreal. Then it transpires “he” is a far right interloper in the guise of an Iranian, come here to give these chosen ones grief, by reminding them of the absolute inhumanity of zionism, and the bestiality of those adherents to this evil doctrine. As ever without so much as a tinge of Irony; not taking any note that far right does not hate Jews/zionists, they are co-opted into genuflection before the chosen lot, and hate the Muslim campaign (Anders Breivik rantings aside), the scenes outside of the Ahava shop in London shows. Edl, along with the rest of ziofuckwits; pamela geller et al.

    Lacking any competitiveness, the best course is to disqualify any potential competitor (Iran cannot progress! Why? Coz. Why? Coz coz!). That is the mantra of the cowardice, that has yielded the mess, which of course it is all the fault of everyone except the culprits, whose uncompetitive practices, bankruptcy of ideology, and above all conceit has reduced a vibrant and living planet into a debt ridden, divided, desolate rock, with fires of war raging across vast swathes of lands, in an age where; hunger, pestilence, under utilisation of human assets, all could be irradiated, yet vast numbers of human beings are facing hunger, thirst, made homeless refugees in their own lands and elsewhere. There is always a good get out clause too, once it is the right, another time it is the left, then it is the moon’s gravitational pull, there always can be a good excuse found anyway.
    notwithstanding the above the poster boy for Iran bash brigade; oh so Maziar writes about the “strange etiquette” of the big bad bogey men come to arrest him. These took their shoes off, before entering his house! Well slap my thigh, what unetiquetted/dis etiquetted swine! This so called “Iranian” does not understand that the working class in Iran never sully any household with their shoes, and tread in the dust, dirt, etc. into any household, these men were very polite to him, and his mother, to the best of their abilities and heir working class sensibilities. Further, considerate, to the extent of asking for forgiveness for a household tissue to wipe off sweat, as well as consistently being apologetic for intruding into the household and in fear that his Mother could be upset by the process. This interloper, whose pedigree of treason goes back to the Shah times, clearly is the seed of a treasonous family tree, and I will definitely kick the seven bells out of him, if so much as he ever crosses my path.
    Finally, the veneer of concern torn and the ugly face of the belligerents whom would rather destroy the world to expand the dreams of ertz shitty strip of land, conveniently down play the arsenal of more than four hundred nuclear, and thermonuclear warheads, with delivery vehicles (missiles, short, long, intercontinental ranges, free aircraft (courtesy of US tax monies), as well as secondary retaliatory capacity in the guise of Dolphin class submarines (courtesy of German tax monies), which means in case isreal is hit, from beyond the grave these submarines can avenge its demise. But hey, let us talk about Iran and her nuclear programme! Never in the history of man has there been lunacy masquerading as foreign policy of a single compromised super power, and her compromised orbital minions, which this thread is about.

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