No Platform for War Criminals 106

Blair’s latest attempt at rehabilitation is a discussion tomorrow at Westminster Central Hall with the Archbishop of Canterbury on the place of religion in society. A vexed question, but given that Blair believes God OK’d the invasion of Iraq and the resulting million deaths, not one that can usefully be discussed by this charlatan.

You can protest at Westminster Central Hall from 4pm tomorrow. Should be a lovely day for it. Bring own rotten tomatoes.

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106 thoughts on “No Platform for War Criminals

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  • Mary

    Obama has left behind his touchy feely huggy mode displayed in Aurora/Denver. Today he’s in full war mongering mode to an audience of ‘veterans’ in Nevada, ie killers.
    Obama warns Assad over chemical weapons as U.S. shifts focus to aiding opposition
    Tuesday, 24 July 2012
    Q Has Assad said anything using about chemical weapons?

  • nevermind

    Well, it seems to have started as a rumour by the free Syrian army/rebels/freedom fighters/ CIA stooges/, after chemical weapons were moved month ago, Mary, it was then picked up by the media and a question was put at a press conference presumably which was then answered by a ‘spokesperson’.

    I find it appalling that these hypocrites who saw nothing wrong in spewing white phosphorous on Fallujah and Ghaza children, can get away with their words. Obama is a cold calculated electioneering machine and his drip drip of wordy war jousting is supposedly carry on until he’s re-elected. The war will start the next day, any war.
    Maybe his mate Bibi will start it early then he can call the election off, ‘sorry folks, there’s a war to be won’.

    As for Bliar, he should be tarred feathered and fenestrated, left in a room, alone, with young of up and coming career politicians and an open window, a Machiavellian fitting end. I do not really want to waste any money on his court appearance and the money raised from the spectacle, could be sent to COIA.

  • OldMark

    The vomit inducing Mail story to which Komodo linked @11.28 today includes this priceless sentence-

    ‘A family friend said: ‘Euan has been thinking about a career in politics for some time. Cherie is particularly pleased. She likes the idea of a Kennedy-style Blair dynasty.”

    JFK at least confronted the PTB in the US, sacking Allen Dulles from the CIA (and, according to some, thereby sealing his fate). Blair on the other hand…

  • crab

    “The Martin Luther King that Obama doesnt want you to remember”
    …. we pour every new weapon of death into their land? Surely we must understand their feelings even if we do not condone their actions. Surely we must see that the men we supported pressed them to their violence. Surely we must see that our own computerized plans of destruction simply dwarf their greatest acts ….

  • Passerby

    I am glad you did not delete the comment, and instead chose to pin your own qualification thereon.
    However, not having the access you enjoy, I don’t know who else convict Blair has been posing as, but so far as his “attacks” go, I found only a light derision of Guano’s view point and not any insults at him personally.
    Fact that Guano is a puzzling sort of chap, that at times is more Muslim than the next Muslim along (sort of the Algerian lets fight it out and the last guy standing is the best Muslim) figuratively speaking that at times perhaps puts too much of the blame on the minority Muslims in the west or the majority Muslims in the east, expecting all of the Muslims to be enlightened and to have transcended to levels of saintly statures.
    Alas Muslims are human beings too, with warts and all, hence singling them individually or in a particular affiliate group sounds the tactics of the Quilliam lot, effectively prejudiced view point but this time reiterated from more acceptable sources through proximities of colour and creed, sort of it is OK for a black man to call another black man a N***r, but not a white man! (although it reinforces the same prejudiced view)
    Assad may be many things, but one thing Assad is not, he is not the zionist’s lackey, in fact already there are talks of attacks on Syria to “neutralize” the threats of chemical weapons coming form the shitty strip of land, and its sponsor the US. However, funny as it may seem Guano so far has not once singled out Sheikh Mustafa Ali Idris with his three private jets, an Airbus 319 CJ, Boeing 767, Boeing 757, and that is whilst sixty percent of the Saudi families are living in poverty, and Saudi regime is killing these for protesting and has kidnapped their lead cleric and he is currently getting tortured in a Saudi prison.
    Finally the conflicting views of Guano on all things Muslim is a confusing affair, and perhaps convict Blair could try to help to clarify the points regards Assad and his crimes that Guano seems to know more about.
    Although, of late watching the telly on Syria, I can hear the snarl of the anti aircraft guns that have been mounted on the backs of the civilian trucks and are spitting explosives shells like it is going out of fashion. These constructs are similar to those used by Taliban (yes those Taliban), and in Libya, and also for years have been used in African conflicts, sort of a blunderbuss provided for the use by ill trained and gongho armatures, out on a jolly fighting along the mercenaries dispatched from the four corners of the planet to fight the Syrians, which means create mayhem and kill as many civilians in bid to make the government look weak and ineffective!

  • Chris Jones

    For gods sakes why are we still discussing blair ,cameron and all the others? Where are the worthwhile lawyers and pllice officers to just go out and arrest these criminals?

  • lysias

    For Blair’s relationship with the CIA, read Robert Harris’s roman a clef The Ghost.

  • Mary

    A very skimpy report on Bliar doing God tonight. War criminal and madman.
    Tony Blair says Christians should “speak up and speak out”
    Tony Blair, the former Prime Minister, says it is important the views of Christians are heard and speaks openly about his belief in “salvation through Jesus Christ”.
    Is there an undercurrent of anti-Muslim rhetoric in his Christian evangelism? Has he got the rapture?

  • lysias

    Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was extremely tolerant of Christians. After the American invasion toppled his rule, Iraqi Christians were so threatened that about half of them left the country, mostly to the neighboring state of Syria, under a Baathist government equally tolerant of Christians.

    Most Syrian Christians support Assad’s government, because they feel threatened by the prospect of an Islamist government, and because they know what happened to the Christians of Iraq.

    Why do these facts not matter to Blair?

  • Clark (as moderator)

    Prisoner #24526262 BLAIR
    as I have pointed out before, by posting under multiple names you place me, and other admins/moderators, in a conflict of interest. Who should I serve? Should I keep your “little secret” from all the other contributors, or should I add some tag to every one of your posts so that they can make a judgement about your overall opinions, as I can?
    Craig runs a very open comments policy here; unusually for a political blog, no registration is required. The vast majority of contributors do not abuse that policy. You seem to regard yourself as a special case.
    If someone occasionally deviates from a chosen screen name, I do not object or interfere. I can understand that occasionally someone may wish to keep a comment separate from their other input; it might be something particularly sensitive, or maybe they’re in two minds about something. But to comment under a different name almost every time is unduly secretive and prevents other contributors from making a judgement about you, while, of course, you still get to judge them. It prevents them pointing out inconsistencies and contradictions in your position. It introduces a fundamental inequality that favours you. It can thus lead to escalation. It is selfish and inconsiderate.
    I tolerated this for a long time, but you then assumed the right to attack a contributor who does provide an identity from behind your cover. That is cowardly. Far from, as you put it, “not doing a cult of personality”, you are awarding yourself a special privilege.

    Have I posted enough reasons for you to see the sense of this yet? Or is your real motivation to degrade the environment at this blog and force the introduction of registration, thus limiting everyone’s freedom of expression?

  • Clark (as moderator)

    Now, regarding Guano’s comment. Guano is saying that Blair, not Assad, “sold his sold to Israel”. Guano, correct me if I’m wrong. Guano is calling Blair rather than Assad a Zionist.
    Prisoner #24526262 BLAIR, the following also really pissed me off. You failed to comprehend Guano’s comment, and then launched into these vitriolic insults on the basis of your miscomprehension:

    “Guano, please enilighten us, we do not have your divine sources, or lickspittle absorption of mainstream media, bogus narratives… I think you speak with forked tongue… like most of your posts this one is ambiguous inconsistent and truly batshit. I think the sick dream of a ‘greater israel’ built on rotting Arab flesh and bones, is in your heart and mind”

    All because you failed to understand. And you did it with such self-confidence (probably bolstered by your shield of anonymity) that you tricked Passerby into interpreting Guano’s comment the same way.
    Now, you can “retire in a huff” if you wish. I think that would be a shame; I can see that most of your comments are worthwhile, though you’ve denied other readers from being able to make that judgement.
    My suggestion is that you take a short break, and then return with a consistent screen-name. Once you have a personality to protect (like everyone else), you may take a little more care before you click the “Submit Comment” button.
    You will also make a better impression with me if you stop wasting my time in this manner. The reason my explanation is so delayed is because I have been at the demonstration against (the non-imprisoned) Tony Blair today.

  • Mary

    Well done Clark for going down. Were many there? Can you tell us anything more than the short Telegraph report did which I linked to earlier?

  • daniel


    Yesterday, I attended the anti-Blair demo at Westminster. 52 people this time, but the weather was nice.

  • Komodo

    Is there an undercurrent of anti-Muslim rhetoric in his Christian evangelism? Has he got the rapture?
    No, it’s just a straight contest for craziest between Blair and a box of frogs. He’s honestly, and without any intention to malign the man (on this sole occasion) gone mad. He is not responsible for his utterances, he inhabits an alternative, private space-time continuum, and he would be an unremarkable inhabitant of Bedlam in Victorian times. All that he lacks is the Napoleon hat.
    He needs his friends to disabuse him, violently if necessary, of his delusion that he is in any sense a nice guy. This would remove the essential contradiction between his actions and his self-image, and he might then become a useful member of society. Stacking shelves, perhaps.

  • Abe Rene

    @Komodo : “do try to keep up..”
    I was aware of the “faith foundation”, but I’m wary of such movements that appear idealist on the surface, but disregard differences in world views. Especially when someone like TB has founded them. I wonder what other readers make of this “faith foundation”.

  • Clark

    Blair is mad. Assad is mad. Saddam Hussien, Gadaffi, assorted prominent Israelis, George Bush; all stark raving bonkers. I observed Margaret Thatcher become increasingly crazy through the course of her stint in power. The pressures upon Craig triggered a bout of mental illness in him, which he recovered from by being very honest and open about it, ie, he faced it, and instead of adapting his personality to those pressures, he got out.
    What makes a dictator? Why is, say, Assad regarded as a dictator, whereas Blair, who ignored the will of his electorate and the biggest global demonstrations ever seen, is not regarded so? Could it be merely the reach of their power? Blair’s madness was “safely” expressed thousands of miles from his seat of power, whereas these lesser dictators can only express such power in their own back yards, visibly decimating their own subjects.
    (By “safely” I mean safe for the dictator, not for the worst-affected victims.)
    We’ve all heard that “power corrupts”, but what does it corrupt? We generally take this phrase to mean that power leads to financial corruption of the powerful individual. I agree, but I argue that it goes further than that. It corrupts their intellect, their emotional sense and their honesty, ie. it destroys their mental health.
    The psychologist M Scott Pack famously stated that “Mental health is the ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs”, ie the basis of good mental health is honesty with one’s self. Power insulates the powerful from the results of their actions, and so, of course, the police were present yesterday to protect Blair from the protesters; we never so much as saw him, nor him, us.
    My theory, if true, bodes very badly for Britain under Cameron, because there is very little in him to corrupt in the first place. “Spiv” sums him up rather well. Who but a spiv could have chosen a criminal like Coulson to project a good image on his behalf? Half-person Cameron could prove quite resilient; thank God he doesn’t have a proper majority, but Clegg the Compliant helps to make up for it.

  • Mary

    Blair is a psychopath. Only charges and a trial will stop him. His cell should be fitted with speakers from which he would hear the screams and crying of children injured in his wars having their dressings changed.
    Mr Nineham is right here.
    Chants of ‘war criminal’ chase Blair to Westminster
    Tuesday 24 July 2012 by John Millington in Westminster

  • nevermind

    If he is a psychopath, Mary, and certified as such before any future trial, he’ll get off….. what a prospect.

  • daniel


    That’s all well and good, but there is as much chance of Blair being arrested as I have of winning the 100 metres sprint at the olympics.

  • nevermind

    More flying practise during the last three days, here in the land of the new stealth fighter lightning 2, a snip at 207 million each, how else could we spent our money…..

  • Chris Jones

    @Daniel – your above comment is nonsense and absurd. There is every chance of him and all the others getting arrested. It is not a matter of if but when. Remember these are not subjective matters – all of these guilty persons are straightforward criminals who have broken many many laws. That is all that matters.

  • Clark

    The political problems we see are structural. Yes, Blair can probably be classified as a psychopath, but I’ve never been keen on the classification approach to psychiatry, because it ignores and fails to describe the most important classification of all, the objective for which we should all consciously strive, namely “mentally healthy”, which is not a state but an ongoing process of maintenance. There are plenty of people like Blair; they just don’t reveal their psychopathy because they never come into possession of suitable weapons, or they have enough sense to know they’ll be punished. However you can see the psychopathic tendency in the way a sizeable minority of people drive their vehicles so as to intimidate or even terrorise less powerful road users.
    There are plenty like Blair, but what seems particularly worrying is that party structures are changing so as to more consistently select such examples, and advance them as leaders. This makes perfect sense if we regard political parties as entities in themselves with objectives of their own, quite independent and indifferent to the objectives of their members. They select and then advance a suitable person, place them in control for a few years until they’re unelectably crazy, and then excrete them into the lush corporate pasture of post-power reward.
    This model also explains how parties like Conservative and Labour, traditional enemies with such different roots and voter-bases, come to converge in policy until you can barely tell them apart. The political environment favours a particular type of organism, so diverse organisms evolve in that direction.

    “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

  • Komodo

    The political environment favours a particular type of organism, so diverse organisms evolve in that direction.
    …while simultaneously modifying their (or “the”, actually) environment to further favour their political genes. That’s the sinister bit.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Clark, a brace of brilliant posts, if I may say.
    Wrt this process of corruption of the soul, we could do worse than again to watch a good performance of ‘MacBeth’.
    It is indeed the system, of which people like Blair are both manifestation lubricator.
    Beware God in politics.
    On a different matter, how people know, I wonder, that President Ahmedinejad of Iran was likely to have been born, Jewish?

  • Abe Rene

    @Suhayl: I didn’t know. That’s an eye-opener. But there’s former American Jew Joseph Cohen, who converted to Islam after correspondejmnce with a Muslim in the UAE. He is now Youssef al-Khattab – google him and you’ll find out just how mad he is.

  • Komodo

    We,ve been getting low-flying helicopters after dark over the village, Nevermind. Perhaps they think it’s Stratford; you can’t get the navigators these days. What have you been getting?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    I know, Abe, it’s the typical dynamic, isn’t it? Well no, I mean most converts (to and from anything) are not like that, but a significant minority are. I’ll check out the nutter you mention, thanks. I do resent that small minority of comverts who tend to lecture one on this or that. For example, on a social media network, I (and others) got harangued very rudely by an Irish pharmacist living in New York City, a convert to Islam whose profile picture was of (her, presumably) in a niqab-with-face-flap/veil. And she’s calling me a “kaffir”! It’s like, “Oh for goodness sake, go buy a bagel, you very silly person.”

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