Gordon Brown 822

I have a guilty political secret.  I do not detest Gordon Brown.  That is such an unfashionable opinion that I don’t really expect any comments at all to agree with it.  And yes, I do realise that he went along with the Iraq War and all the other horrors of the Blair era. Interestingly, I don’t remember the question of what Gordon Brown really thought about Iraq ever being discussed; he deserves condemnation for having not tried to stop it, and perhaps he was indeed an enthusiast.  And I am well aware that the Private Finance Initiative is a terrible disaster, and that he oversaw creeping privatisation in the health services, and – worst of all – the introduction of tuition fees.

And yet I cannot dislike him.  Probably because I just know too many people who have  known him through decades, who are themselves good people, and who like him.  Around Edinburgh and Fife you will find it hard to find people who actually know him who share the hatred and contempt he seems to arouse among the political and media classes of London.

As a general rule I do not like or dislike people according to their politics, but rather according to the sincerity of their political beliefs and the goodwill with which they hold them.  I am sure Anders Breivik is sincere in his political beliefs, but those are lacking in goodwill. Sincerity is not enough – humanity and inclusiveness are also important.

There are one nation Tories who seem to me perfectly decent people, genuinely trying to do good.  I don’t hate them because their political conclusions on the best way to do good are different to mine.  Gordon Brown I put rather in the same category – I feel he was trying to do good for ordinary people, he just got it wrong.

Blair is in a whole different category again – insincere, absolutely focused on attaining personal power, and with a Messianic belief that what is good for him must be good for the World.  The Guardian is publishing some emails around the Blair Brown rivalry this week.  I don’t care and won’t read them.  But while I see Blair as quite properly damned for eternity to the seventh pit of hell, I don’t think Brown deserves anything worse than North Queensferry.

I have been in Ghana the last 20 days living in a house with no internet connection and working (extremely hard) in an office with virtually no internet connection – not enough to load WordPress.  I hope to get more chance to blog shortly.



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822 thoughts on “Gordon Brown

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  • N_

    I mentioned the Zionist presence at major British railway stations, and Israeli crooks “advertising paintball and snake-oil face cream” in British shopping malls. Lest anyone not get my point, I am talking about a very real ‘infrastructure of terror’, and the total inability of MI5 to do anything about it.

    And then I read this news from the scene of the Nairobi attack:

    “One Israeli, who operates a stand selling Dead Sea products, was reportedly slightly wounded.

    About time for people to wake up, I’d say!

  • fedup

    the total inability of MI5 to do anything about it.

    They are too busy looking the other way.

    Remember the Metro centre in the north east plots?

  • fedup

    I should say that I agree with Villager, Anon and RD insofar as saying that commenters of a conservative hue are encouraged to post here. I reiterate my request that, whatever your politics, you put your views forward with respect, and that you automatically lose whatever debate you are having if you call your opponent a moron

    Jon said with confidence, although perhaps he missed out reading this;

    Resident Dissident, hats off to you for Link text educating our resident morons.

    Which is it, that Jon agrees with?

    Finally, given that victors have always written the history, Hitler could do no right for doing wrong, is not a surprise. Although it is now seventy years since the said Austrian painter has been dead. However to find this bygone badman/bogey/evil doer, and current ghost’s rickety and crumbling skeleton pulled out of the box and rattled as the epitome of evil is only to maintain the narrative of good versus evil.

    Fact that since the bogeyman’s death and during the build up to his death, there have been even greater evils committed seems to have been overshadowed, and overlooked by keeping up the shadow theatre of rattling the bones in a cheap magician act.

    When will we grow up and realise that a fucking ghost, a few bones rattling, or an outdated and irrelevant political line of thought, is no longer applicable and their use only helps to cover up the current waves of atrocities/evil?

    There is no fucking standards for evil, despite the current fashion that attributes the ultimate acts of evil to that little tosser with a tash. The simple fact is WWII was the preamble for even greater evil that has been committed since. However it is patent that the narrators are stuck in a time warp!

  • John Goss

    Reading this report by Robert Fisk it is beginning to look more and more like the rebels were responsible for the sarin attack and their weapons were supplied by that paragon of democracy Qatar. As a reward Qatar has been awarded the 2022 World Cup. Keep politics out of sport!

  • NR

    @ Mary 22 Sep, 2013 – 4:08 pm
    “A little more Kabbalah news concerning aka Ms Madonna Ciccione.”

    Looking for something entirely different, I came upon an explanation for Ms. Ciccione’s infamous snuff movie, made long before she was a devotee of Kabbalah or one-word Madonna, on a Satanic conspiracy page.

    I’d wondered how that worked. If she was the snuffee she’d not be here to entertain us with her song stylings and if she was the snuffer why wasn’t she arrested? Allegedly she plays an innocent victim in Act I and her tormentor is snuffed in Act II.

    Allegedly, the film has now been seen by everyone who is anyone important, lost any value to shock or amuse, and the video is available for $19 at a shop in New Jersey.

    The Satanic conspiracists conflate this with her current Kabbalah beliefs as proof of depravity, a la The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    BTW, The Protocols, according to US authorities, is conveniently available in Boston convenience stores, where a copy was purchased by Tamerlan Tsarniev, the anti-semetic fiend, who they also accused of white supremacist affiliations.

  • Villager

    22 Sep, 2013 – 11:52 am
    Anon: “are we of the opinion that this was a Zionist false flag op?”

    MJ “Speak for yourself. Insufficient evidence so far either to support or dismiss this hypothesis.”

    MJ, please do keep us posted on the evidence, won’t you? Exemplary objectivity or perhaps something to do with your conditioning?

  • Kempe

    “Syria is now due to lose its entire strategic long-term chemical defences against a nuclear-armed Israel. ”

    Well Mr Fisk has written some tripe over the years but that about takes the biscuit.

    Interesting that 59 innocent people die in Kenya, including so it seems Ghanian poet and author Kofi Awoonor which may be of particular interest to Craig, yet all people here want to concentrate on is Israel. So it owned maybe part of the mall. What of it? Doesn’t excuse what has happened.

    “Palestinian resistants” yes that’s a cosy term to describe the perpetrators of the ’72 Munich massacre.

  • fedup

    “Palestinian resistants” yes that’s a cosy term to describe the perpetrators of the ’72 Munich massacre.

    Thus the narrative keeps the story of the “victimhood” prevalent.

    Since “72” How many Palestinians have been killed?

    Since “72” How many Palestinians have been dispossessed?

    How many countries in the neighbourhood of the shitty little strip of land have been attacked?

    What tonnage of bombs have been rained on the innocent civilians?

    Never mind the facts, what bout the stories?

    Hitler this and Hitler that …. pushed into the sea,…. so what this and that?

  • Villager

    Kempe: “Interesting that 59 innocent people die in Kenya, including so it seems Ghanian poet and author Kofi Awoonor which may be of particular interest to Craig, yet all people here want to concentrate on is Israel. So it owned maybe part of the mall. What of it? Doesn’t excuse what has happened.”

    Kempe, its what one has come to expect here from the bunch of one-trick ponies. Theirs is a false-flag brand of compassion. They only care, from their egotistic centre, that their “faction” (Jon’s word) “wins”. Jon is helping them to maintain “control” of their blog. His recent rifle-shot aimed at some of us with name calling as the “tricycling triumvirate” shows his biassed hand in his decision to muzzle one of the greater intellectuals here, Habbabkuk. I hope it weighs heavy on his liberal conscience.

    While this use of power was questioned earlier in the thread, there is a deafening silence from him and Craig. A curious reluctance to engage in the interests of “humanity and inclusiveness” (Craig’s words, on-topic).

  • fedup

    Warning scenes of shocking extra judicial murder.

    Injustice is like Chlamydia, it spreads pretty quickly and indiscriminately. Here is the tale of one family.

    It is obvious the felon died because he intentionally struck the bumper in an attempt to destroy the squad car! You can plainly see his eye focused on the grill of the car!

  • Villager

    In other news:

    “Suicide bombers kill 78 in coordinated attack at Pakistani church
    By BILL ROGGIOSeptember 22, 2013 1:22 PM

    A pair of suicide bombers launched a coordinated attack at a Christian church in Peshawar today, killing at least 78 people and wounding scores more. The suicide bombers opened fire on churchgoers before detonating explosives-packed vests within one minute of each other. One of the bombers detonated inside the church, the other detonated outside.”

    Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2013/09/suicide_bombers_kill_78_in_coo.php#ixzz2feJWMiSM

    No mention here whatsoever by the one-trick Palestinian ponies, let alone condemnation of these barbarians.

    Any Islamist sympathisers in this Cuckoo’s Nest? Stupid question.

    Tomorrow morning we’ll get more spiel about Madonna’s kabbalah bracelets and so-snd-so’s father-in-law is a Jew and reams of information of names of people who sit as trustees on boards and information from Companies House, all invaluable to the families of these helpless innocent victims between Kenya and Pakistan.

  • N_

    @John Goss and Mary – I think Peter Eyre is at best mentally unbalanced. I don’t know much about him, and he may well be tenaciously battling for justice against some horrendous crimes, stitch-up jobs, scams or lies that he has special knowledge about, so I have no reason to disrespect him. A lot of people in that position do get mentally unhinged while remaining honest and decent. They are not all spook-paid controllers of ‘truther’ opinion. However, he was saying that Andrea Davison was in the Ecuadorean embassy at the same time as Julian Assange, and at best that was a case of jumping to a conclusion which was very unlikely to be accurate.

  • NR

    @fedup: “Did I mention Hitler? Oh yeah Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, and …….. Hitler …… See what he did?”

    The Saudis just mentioned Him. Woe unto them. (I’m guessing it’s OK to capitalize His pronoun since he’s far worse than Satan, Stalin, the Joker and the Penguin combined and we capitalize Satan’s pronoun (though not the other three).)

  • N_


    the total inability of MI5 to do anything about it.

    They are too busy looking the other way.
    Remember the Metro centre in the north east plots?

    No, I don’t remember that one, but thanks for the heads-up – I’ll have a look at it.

    A lot of people here know about ‘art students’ and ‘moving companies’, and about sayanim, and have read Victor Ostrovsky and have an idea of the scale and reach of the Zionist military and intelligence network in cities such as London; and about Israeli criminals getting youngsters in to Britain (or Japan, or wherever) to work on shopping-mall stalls selling snake-oil and so on; security contracts on the London tube, etc. etc. etc.; and ‘exercises’ which turn out to have an curious relationship to the real thing. The term ‘infrastucture of terror’ can be useful here, if it’s turned against those who usually use it.

    I urge people not just to think about Marks and Spencer premises at railway stations and motorway service stations (and next time you’re near one of the latter, have a look at the antennae on the roof), but also at things like this.

    Upon getting back to the safe house the team looked over all the intelligence gathered to see what the terrorists had planned, a map with all of the London stations, photographs of Waterloo station, an improvised explosive device and three mobile phones. If all information was gathered the story that was told was that the terrorist cell in London was going to blow up Waterloo station with the improvised explosive device. This exercise was carried out by seven Delta teams, not all of them gathered all the information and teams were graded on intelligence gathered ,efficiency of approach and tactical entry and clearance of building and tactical withdraw.

    Fantasy role-play only. No need to be concerned.

    Except that the last time I went to Waterloo station, there was actually a paintball stall on the concourse.

    Scared yet?

    It really is way past time for anyone who joined MI5 with good intentions, if there is such a person, and who still gives a toss about people being blown up in Britain, to blow the whistle right now.

  • Jon

    Villager, why not engage with someone in discussion, rather than referring to people negatively in the third person? Anon and RD seem to be getting on with it. I regret that you can’t see compassion here – I see it in many contributors. It’s subjective, I s’pose.

    For what it’s worth, I don’t agree with everything that it is said here. But, for the most part, if I see something I regard as wrong or irrelevant, I just scroll past. Occasionally there is something that catches my fancy, and I will comment upon it. So, let ’em be Villager, ’tis just a blog.

    I should think Craig is busy, rather than sitting around doing deafening silences!

    * Jon pops the kettle on.

    (PS: no, my alliterated joke was just to raise a smile, and was intended to lighten a rather heavy atmosphere. Not even a spud-gun shot from me, honest!).

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    As to Kenya, it’s not difficult to surmise CIA mischief. Jihadists don’t really need training to spray bullets and bomb-making efforts remain crude to throw off the scent. All they need to do is whip up a frenzy of insane bloodshed, these Masters of mindfuck.


    1989-2001: CIA Contractor Trains Al-Qaeda and Related Organizations

    CIA contractor Billy Waugh trains various al-Qaeda operatives around the globe, possibly for more than a decade. In his 2004 autobiography he will write, “I worked right there with these al-Qaeda operatives and heard these arguments [about the badness of US policy] firsthand many times, especially during an assignment in Yemen.” This training must take place between 1989, when he is hired by the CIA, and 2001, when he begins his last assignment for the agency in Afghanistan. The reference to Yemen may indicate that Waugh worked there during the 1994 civil war, when the US supported the religiously-oriented North Yemen against the breakaway south (see May 21-July 7, 1994). The descriptions of the extremists’ arguments and attitudes contained in his autobiography indicate that Waugh, who conducted surveillance against Osama bin laden in Sudan in the early 1990s (see February 1991- July 1992), has intimate knowledge of the extremists. For example, he will write, “I have spoken to some of those terrorists [from al-Qaeda and related organizations], and they consider terror attacks against the general public their only outlet to hurt and destroy the infidels who have wrongfully ousted them from their homes so many years in the past.”

  • NR

    “COMPULSIVE users of pornography show the same signs of addiction in their brain activity as alcoholics or drug addicts, a study has revealed. The Cambridge University study will increase pressure for tighter control on porn.”

    It’s behind Sunday Times paywall. Related stories: “Porn is making addicts of our sons” 22 September 2013 “Surrendering our children to porn” 24 February 2013.

    The Sunday Times is singing the same hymn as The Daily Mail. Control the Internets — no porn, no nasty conspiracy theories — all sweetness and light and adorable kittens for the hard-working, tax-paying middle class.

  • Exexpat

    In response to anon re 911


    Inside job or not, Israeli’s, Saudi’s or just Al-Qaeda. USUKIS Governments used this disaster to full effect, waging war on the Middle-East, and making us “safer” at the price of freedom.

    Like the man said, “We should mind or own business”, or risk getting attacked, then used like dogs by our Governments, just like the brainwashed Neocon/Zionist/Islamist are used by theirs.

  • Mary

    N_ Your mention of Waterloo put me in mind of this.

    SW Trains have a message coming over the PA on the trains. ‘If you see anything suspicious, tell a member of staff’. The female voice has a lisp and the way in which ‘suspicious’ is pronounced is irritating, especially on the third or fourth hearing.

    Once I was seated opposite a mother with a young daughter aged about 5. ‘Mummy, what’s suspicious?’ The mother started talking about bombs and explosions. I thought it was appalling that a little one’s mind was being filled with such stuff.

    Who is making the decision to order the train companies to make these announcements? Why are we living in a terror state?

  • resident dissident

    “RD, very briefly, on anti-Jewish links. I’m entirely convinced John Goss isn’t slightly racist, having read him for years. Thus, if you found one of his links objectionable, it isn’t at all in the same category as Hitler supporters we get here from time to time. I’d say if a link contains racist overtones, we should treat them the same as some people treat Alex Jones’ links: they should be argued against, by people so inclined, and not deleted.”

    Ok Jon I understand your point and reasons – and when I have time I will attempt a similar demolition of the Daryl Bradford Smith piece on the Rothschilds that John Goss linked to – just as I did with the video he linked to. If John Goss is not anti Jewish then perhaps he could acknowledge the points I made on the video and why he still considers despite the evidence that they so all controlling – he might also wish to admit that there are some who are anti Jewish who are prepared to make such claims and use lies to try and support those claims.

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