My Scotland 420

Yesterday the licensing man from Dundee Council went down the taxi ranks ordering saltires and yes stickers removed from the taxis. (would he have ordered No stickers removed as well? We can never be sure as there weren’t any.)

Having missed the train to my Cupar meeting last night, I got in a taxi (it’s not far) and the taxi driver was giving his side of the story. He said he told the council man that “There is an argument that he was within his rights to tell me to remove the sticker, but when he told me to take off my lapel badge, I told him that he was infringing my absolute right to freedom of speech under article ten of the European Convention.”

This campaign has been the most uplifting experience imaginable. It will not be possible to put the people back in the box of media-induced apathy after this.

One of the most unexpectedly invigorating aspects of the campaign is that in packed town hall meetings, I have been sharing the platform with people who are not good public speakers. If that sounds paradoxical, it is because often they have never done any public speaking before. Yesterday in Cupar there was an excellent lady who works in the NHS who had a deep knowledge of its workings and of the threats from privatization of its services, including the mechanisms by which these privatisations were being advanced. She believed that after a No vote it would not be possible for the Scottish NHS to continue to be insulated from some of these trends, and she explained why she felt that.

There was no polish to her quiet delivery, but her heartfelt sincerity and the depth of her knowledge held the audience in intent silence. She had never spoken in public before. It was truly inspiring.

The substance of the campaign is people in local communities actually talking to each other about what is important to their communities and they way their society is organized. I have never seen anything to compare this to. No wonder the politicians have no idea how to counter it. The happy lack of hierarchical power structures in the campaign on the ground seems to relate to the fact that so many women are coming forward as speakers – for the third time, I was the only male on the panel yesterday.

Better Together have women too of course. Just in case anyone has been living under a rock and hasn’t seen it, here is the Saatchi and Saatchi produced Better Together broadcast that set the campaign on fire. The many spoofs are great, but I think nothing quite equals the sheer comic genius of the original.


I have added this picture as pro-government commenters have started to come on the site with their ridiculous propaganda claims that NATO killed very few people in its 398 bombing raids on Sirte. What you see is just one street of scores in similar condition. You can believe your eyes or the propaganda.

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420 thoughts on “My Scotland

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  • Peacewisher

    @Mary: I bet Cameron will keep UK soldiers away from Iraq and Syria, but put them on the ground on Ukraine’s borders. Propaganda against Russia seems to have been more effective and perception of enemy (Putin) more specific. Washington will be happy with that. Will you?

  • Laguerre

    As a british outsider, I have no particular opinion. If Scots prove to want independence, that’s OK by me.

    The only question I have is it going to work economically?

    Recently, we’ve had the case of the Kurds of Iraq. We’re told that that works economically because they’ve plenty of oil reserves. I said no, you’re dependent on the 17% of oil revenues from the south of Iraq to which you have right, even if it hasn’t been paid recently. They said no, we’re economically independent. Now, it seems the Kurds are out of cash. They’re complaining about lack of resources.

    Of course, it won’t be the same for the Scots. Or will it?

    Has the Scottish budget been fully worked out, with alternatives in the case of failures?

  • Resident Dissident


    “With a bit of luck Mary the Jihadist’s will have gotten him.”

    Just imagine the kerfuffle if Habba or I were to respond with “humour” in a similar vein. Macky would have written out at least a dozen posts calling for our banning already.

  • Resident Dissident


    “The No shills love to fret” – why isn’t it possible to accept that some no voters are genuine decent people who just think differently from yourself?

    I’d also be careful claiming that Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union were failing states – quite a few here miss the good old days.

  • Resident Dissident

    “I bet Cameron will keep UK soldiers away from Iraq and Syria, but put them on the ground on Ukraine’s borders.”

    I bet he doesn’t – he may look daft but he isn’t that daft.

  • Peacewisher

    @RD: I hope not but he was tanking up the rhetoric… mischievous people will ask him to put his money where his mouth is.

  • Sassenachs

    @Resident Dissident, you’re awfully afraid of reds. You see them lurking behind every bush, Don’t you? Your last sentence is a piteous non sequitur as a result. Wherever did you learn to babble words like that, without considering how they ought to relate?

  • Fedup

    There is a constant that anywhere we debate, or put an alternative to the narrative of the zionist scum, soon the place is shadowed by the keyboard offence brigades and the debate stifled amidst the cries of “antisem….” or harangues of h…denier, apparently the sins of being anitsemi… or denial (whatever this may mean) are sufficient for the debate to be stopped dead, that in turn will perpetuate the barbaric zionist scum to carry on their thieving and murdering creed.

    The fact that an MP who represents million of people, whom may not have had the opportunity to vote for him, but nonetheless find he speaks what is on the minds of these millions. Attacking this MP in a bid to silence him, is terrorism and make no mistake about it.

    Enough of kowtowing to the zionist scum and their whining about the events in the past century. These zionist scum must be shunned, boycotted and kicked out of any civil society, they ought to be harried out of any forum/blog/board, for they have forfeited any right to civil transactions through their aggression and murderous racist ideology.

    Where is the FBI to arrest the supporters of the terrorist who has been caught after having terrorised a sixty year old political figure, these “supporters” are busy raising funds for the terrorist? How did bbc ever employ such a racist bigot on its payroll? Who did interview and this terrorist scum and gave him a job as a manager no less?

    There must be a point that a line in the and is drawn and we the none Jews clearly point out to the Jews who are acquiescently supportive of the Jewish supremacists scum, that we will retreat no more and we will not accept stories and fantasies as reality and history.

  • fred

    “Has the Scottish budget been fully worked out, with alternatives in the case of failures?”

    In case of failure just blame everything on the English.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    “I bet Cameron will keep UK soldiers away from Iraq and Syria, but put them on the ground on Ukraine’s borders.”

    I bet he doesn’t – he may look daft but he isn’t that daft.

    Fair enough, but depends what what was meant by ‘borders’, doesn’t it? NATO is legally obliged to defend Poland (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia too), and whatever Merkel says, the Atlanticists are making the appropriate gestures. Eg…

  • guano

    It seems Lord Dickhead has grasped the enourmity of the problem of the Islamic State, namely, how to pretend that IS in its present form isn’t the creation of the countries which he says IS is threatening, viz UKUSIS Jordan for the purpose of land clearance for the future greater Israel.

    Dickhead’s proposal of increased resources to combat IS would of course, like all the other resources funnelled into Syria, be intended for IS’ hands. Dickhead’s avuncular advice to David Cameron is of course bullshit. Israel ( Zionist Bankers who control the world ) wants world resources to carve out new territory for its genocidal apartheid masonic NWO state and Cameron needs a reason to present us for doing so.

  • nevermind, Scotland will be free

    Thanks for your kind words Brian. The story over GG;s assault by some zionist will no doubt go along the lines that he was diostuebewd and mad really and that we should not btake much notice of him.

    ‘Not to worry officer, he was only smacked in the chops by a Currywurst fresser, nothing really to be worried about…..’

    You obviously have not read the whole thread Havenofukc. Have you ever4 notioced what a shite organisation NATO has become under the Governnace of the crooks you so value, Moishe? should you not be dancing with your schickse at this time of night?

    your schikse

  • BrianFujisanWabi-sabi


    Very telling eh… it’s been at 301+ views for a few hours now. it’s been stopped there, the video will stay up, No point in taking it down since GG can air it on his own show… it just shows you though. Control Freaks.

    Craig’s St Andrews Speech has been doing great though…now going on to 66,400 views. Well done there.

  • Fedup

    Finally days after, now we find Jewish carer denies George Galloway attack

    Note the carer, and not “terrorist” Jews cannot be terrorists, you antisemi….. holo…..deniers!

    What would have been the headline if the chap was a Muslim?

    “Muslim terrorist intent on killing British MP”

    Would have been the mildest of the headlines.

    How long are they gonna shaft us and keep telling us they are not? Makes me fucking sick!

  • Peacewisher

    @Brian: I remember one youtube video (can’t remember which) that had a similarly low number of views… but many thousands of comments and likes. What a giveaway!

  • Peacewisher

    Surely you haven’t just noticed the bias, Fedup. This has been going on since the aftermath of nine/eleven… almost nearly 13 years.

  • Peacewisher

    @RD: Regarding David Cameron… you are of course right. If he had read this NATO analysis…
    “NATO sees Ukraine as already loser”
    (Translated from German)

    rather than listening to BBC propaganda(?), he surely wouldn’t have made himself look quite so foolish in today’s debate.

  • Fedup

    What a giveaway!

    It is not a give away, it is the degree of penetration that has brought about the Alice in wonderland; up is down and down is up, situation.

    No longer working the scourger is bilking the system as a full time carer for “friend”.

    Look at this blog, how are they manipulating every thread, every one who is deemed “enemy” is subject to insults and harassment. The moment the situation seems to be getting out of hand then out come the not so “zealot” spetsnaz guiding the lost/undecided/teetering commenter back into line with threats of SIS and who knows who these “anonymous” posters are?

    Pull the other one, this on has bells on!

  • Peacewisher

    @Guano: Cameron is just trying to sound tough… hoping to get some of those votes back from Farage, and make Milipand look even more insignificant. But he’s playing a very dangerous game.

  • Fedup

    This has been going on since the aftermath of nine/eleven… almost nearly 13 years.

    Thirteen nightmarish years that hating Muslims is as acceptable a tradition as is bangers and mash, thirteen nightmarish years that we the people have been on the retreat, and we are still being subject to “antisemi… reports” and we are accused of h.. denial.

    The zionist scum have subcontracted out their hate and disgust of Muslims across the planet while everyone is busy talking about WWII and hitler.

  • Peacewisher

    Not “just” anti-muslim, and anti-the people, but anti the 1945 consensus. And we swallowed it all up like a toilet, Fedup. Shows what a pathetic bunch of scumbags we all are… I’m sure Blair’s handlers would have expected a much rougher ride!

    And the UN went to blazes eighteen months later whilst Kofi Annan sat on his face for at least a year before finally declaring the war on Iraq as illegal.

    But… hey-ho… we’re all still here. Unlike all those Iraqis and Libyans.

  • BrianFujisanWabi-sabi

    I dread to think what the headlines would be in a reverse situation…Saturation overload for sure.. and Dozens of M.P’s whipping eejits into a frenzy.. i suspect we would then be hearing of groups beating Muslims up…. as we seen happen last summer after the Lee Rigby killing.

  • Peacewisher

    Final word(s), Fedup… “Sympathy for the Devil”, a work of sheer genius:

    Please allow me to introduce myself
    I’m a man of wealth and taste
    I’ve been around for a long, long year
    Stole many a man’s soul and faith
    And I was ’round when Jesus Christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that Pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game
    I stuck around St. Petersburg
    When I saw it was a time for a change
    Killed the czar and his ministers
    Anastasia screamed in vain
    I rode a tank
    Held a general’s rank
    When the blitzkrieg raged
    And the bodies stank
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
    Ah, what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
    I watched with glee
    While your kings and queens
    Fought for ten decades
    For the gods they made
    I shouted out,
    “Who killed the Kennedys?”
    When after all
    It was you and me
    Let me please introduce myself
    I’m a man of wealth and taste
    And I laid traps for troubadours
    Who get killed before they reached Bombay
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
    But what’s confusing you
    Is just the nature of my game
    Just as every cop is a criminal
    And all the sinners saints
    As heads is tails
    Just call me Lucifer
    Cause I’m in need of some restraint
    So if you meet me
    Have some courtesy
    Have some sympathy, and some taste
    Use all your well-learned politesse
    Or I’ll lay your soul to waste, um yeah
    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guessed my name, um yeah
    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down
    Woo, who
    Oh yeah, get on down
    Oh yeah
    Oh yeah!
    Tell me baby, what’s my name
    Tell me honey, can ya guess my name
    Tell me baby, what’s my name
    I tell you one time, you’re to blame

    But still, we’re only human. And at least we care.

  • guano


    Masterson probably attacked Galloway because Israel has plummeted to a new low in public opinion after its Gaza genocide. It isn’t nice to find your hero state is universally seen as just a bunch of Nazi criminals.

    In Israeli politics Galloway’s type of radical socialism among the older Israeli population is a major civilising force which moderates the ultra-right apartheid mentality. To Zionists Socialism is now Public Enemy No.1. Everyone would see the righteousness of our cause if only our own side weren’t attacking us from within.

  • oddie

    kudos to Oborne for saying this:

    Telegraph: Peter Oborne: Why the silence over the assault on George Galloway?
    There is something very disturbing about the response to this event by the mainstream British political establishment. Mr Galloway has received no public message of sympathy from a single MP from any party – nothing from Speaker Bercow, from the Prime Minister, or from any of the other elected political leader.
    I know that Mr Galloway is a very controversial figure and that many people, for honourable reasons, disagree very strongly with his views. Yet that is irrelevant. The attack on Mr Galloway is beyond doubt an attack on British democracy itself.
    It is a basic principle of our political culture that men and women must be able to speak up for the causes they believe in without threats or violent reappraisal…
    Had an MP been attacked by some pro-Palestinian fanatic for his support of Israel, I guess there would have been a national outcry and rightly so. Why then the silence from the mainstream establishment following this latest outrageous assault on a British politician?

    btw Oborne also states:

    “This attack on Mr Galloway comes just days after the Labour MP Jim Murphy was forced to abandon campaigning in Scotland for the No campaign. He cited intimidation and was advised by police to end his campaign.”

    Man appears in court over George Galloway street assault
    Neil Masterson, 39, appeared at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court in west London charged with religiously aggravated assault against the Bradford West MP…
    Dark-haired and pale-faced Masterson used to work for the Department of Work and Pensions and as a manager at the BBC but is now a full-time carer for a friend, the court heard.

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