A Hard Night 284

I can’t pretend not to have been disappointed by the Clackmannanshire result, especially as I am here with some wonderful people who have put months and years of their lives into campaigning heart and soul.

But the count was fascinating. Professional Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem politicians working and socialising together and dressing the same. Tory ladies in pillar box red clothes and Lib Dem councillors in Labour Party rosettes. All braying and congratulating each other in the same voices, and looking smug and very happy together.

We are not winning tonight’s battle at the moment, but the battle lines have now become clearly defined between the single establishment of the media and all the political parties, and almost half the people – so far who want an alternative political structure. This is a stage in a process, and in its clarity and scale a major advance.

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284 thoughts on “A Hard Night

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  • BrianFujisan


    Keep heart craig…and i believe my area had the highest turnout – inverclyde…the exits were looking good for yes here…GONNA BE A LONG ONE

    Thank you so much for everything

  • Bert

    Michael Forsyth – ‘You cannot tear up a constitution because 3 leaders signed a press release’

    Shows up what was behind that stunt – nada.

    >90% turnout can only be good for the new political landscape which will evolve after today.

  • Bert

    WTF. A Fire Alarm in the Dundee Counting place was just reported on BBC Radio 5 Live! Who guarded the guards?

  • Tony M

    Thank you too Craig. That reckoning is coming yet for a’ that. Glasgow alone can win Scotland’s independence outright.

  • Tony M

    Wrong thread, but hello to Jon, glad to hear you’re in good cheer, nice hearing from you, don’t be a stranger round these parts.

  • dSquib

    Watching BBC with the sound way down. Marr, Robinson and co I don’t have the stomach for. Don’t want to minimise whatever misgivings people have about Yes but does it not bother anyone that these people can’t help but hide their belief that the very notion of Scots governing themselves is ludicrous? Robinson comes off as a little angry that this is even happening, although clearly giddy at the results (so far).

  • Just saying

    Can we have a split of the YES and NO votes cast via postal ballots – apparently its a 90% turnout by the 793k postal voters registered ie 710k votes.

  • glenn_uk

    Negativity and fearmongering appears to have won the day. Very sad. It also appears that the more senior citizens fear for their pensions, more than they cheer on the hopes of their children and grandchildren.

    All based on a sustained message from every direction – Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. Be afraid. You will not be able to manage, and will starve and freeze in the dark, while waiting for The Mad, Bad terrorists to come and get you.

  • oddie

    so many powerful forces aligned against a Yes vote…especially the MSM. is it all over? maybe, maybe not.

    btw forget the australian terrorists beheading plot that gripped the nation yesterday…24 hours is a long time!

    Terror raids: Recruiter Mohammad Baryalei behind Islamic State
    plot to murder Australians, police say
    While beheading was not specifically mentioned in the alleged phone call
    on Tuesday – one of several believed to have taken place between Baryalei
    and Azari – it is assumed that this would have been the method of the

    also ignore that tAzari/Baryalei appear to be Afghan Hazaras, like most Afghans in Australia, and should therefore be Shia, not Sunni like ISIS/ISIL/IS. whatever.

  • glenn_uk

    Cambell: You miserable wuss. Can’t you have the good grace to cheer among those who enjoy the result you like, instead of crowing in this most unmagnanimous fashion?

    Just shows you up, yet again, for the vindictive coward you have always demonstrated yourself to be. I truly pity those who are afflicted by personal involvement in your wasted excuse for a life.

  • BrianFujisan

    I got wind that they were targeting Pensioners Glen…And young Single mums.


    can you’re area get STV..Live there..Although wee war criminal D. Alexander is on … Can’t stand that little cnt…

    The BIG counts are yet to come…

  • dSquib

    BrianFujisan, In Chicago ATM, reduced to BBC World or nothing. Leaning to the latter unless there’s a huge surprise Yes somewhere, looking very unlikely.

  • angrysoba

    Negativity and fearmongering appears to have won the day. Very sad. It also appears that the more senior citizens fear for their pensions, more than they cheer on the hopes of their children and grandchildren.

    Glenn, with respect, I don’t think it is fair to impugn the motives of all who vote NO as being a bunch of old cowards.

  • dSquib

    Come to think of it, Robinson and Marr are so ridiculous they’re harder to dislike than Polly Toynbee who has briefly appeared, maybe the most consistently bad faith pundit there is.

  • BrianFujisan

    Oh i see DSquib… bbc are ALWAYS insufffferable

    All eyes turning towards My area Inverclyde…You heard it here First it’s a YES here.

    Or Ruth is correct a 100% fix

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Can you guys please behave yourselves

    The Night is Young..

    The Real Results Haven’t Come In Yet..

    I Reckon Yes Will Win


  • Squonk


    While I admire your optimism – if YES wins then all the bookies are going bankrupt. That’s how I see it right now.

  • dSquib

    Blair, Marr and Gove, and many others, seems those with a connection to Scotland who left long ago often the worst, worse even than English men and woman who have no interest in Scotland.

  • Jives

    Disappointed if its,as looking likely,a No vote.

    However,this is but one arena in a wider debate.

    The genie will be very hard for the Establishment to put back in the bottle now.

    I wait for the English and Welsh to get the bit between their teeth now.

    So tonight is only a wee setback in a much bigger movement.

  • glenn_uk

    AS: “old cowards”… hmm, ok, that might be oversimplifying things just a _tad_ . But I rather suspect that sort of tendany tipped the balance. (By near 10%, by the look of things right now.)

    I’m currently experiencing the rapid sinking feeling one occasionally gets, if the first number on your monthly lottery ticket comes up, but all the subsequent ones do not, until it’s not worth the bother of checking any more.

  • dSquib

    “Wall-to-wall war criminals on TV.” Yes, pretty incredible even by normal ‘standards’. Why when those who say an independent Scotland will no longer be part of a “great power” I say EXACTLY.

  • muttley79

    This looks like being a big, big loss for the Yes campaign. I am afraid we have now left our self with no or very little protection against austerity and neoliberalism. This is a huge loss.

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