CPS Cover-Up in Progress 303

I was told by a member of the Metropolitan Police Operation Lydd team that they believe there are grounds to prosecute Jack Straw, but that the Crown Prosecution Service will bury it. That was over two years ago when I gave my own sworn evidence to the investigation.

That cover-up by the CPS is now underway – and it is extremely unsubtle. The mainstream media barely reported that the first file has been passed to the CPS on Operation Lydd. You would think that a massive police investigation into criminal activity by Jack Straw and Sir Mark Allen, among others, would merit more of a splash, but not in our corporate controlled media. The timing was auspicious because, in the parallel civil case, the Court of Appeal has rejected the Government’s defence of “National Security” to prevent the case from even being heard. This after Jack Straw and Sir Mark Allen arranged the kidnap and deportation to torture in Libya of Mr Belhadj, his pregnant wife and children – only one of hundreds of such crimes in which the British state was deeply involved.

Infamously, the British Embassy in Washington had been lobbying the US authorities relentlessly to prevent the publication of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on extraordinary rendition, specifically on the grounds that this would weaken Jack Straw’s defence. That defence rests on the grounds that details of kidnap and torture would annoy the United States and thus damage Britain’s security interests. As a blanket license for state involvement in torture, it only takes a second’s thought to realise how astonishingly dangerous that doctrine is. The High Court swallowed it. Thank God, the Court of Appeal did not.

So the Courts having ruled against Jack Straw, there are now two lines of defence between Straw and Sir Mark Allen, and a long spell in the pokey. The first is that the Government is appealing to the Supreme Court in London to have the case kicked out once again on “National Security” grounds. The second line of defence is the Crown Prosecution Service.

I can give you very substantial evidence that a cover-up is in progress within the CPS. Astonishingly the Lydd file has been passed within the CPS not to the serious crime division, but to the Counter-Terrorism Division. Yet terrorism is not the alleged crime here. The crimes are Gross Misconduct in Public Office, Conspiracy to Torture, Conspiracy to Kidnap and Abduct. We might relate them rhetorically to terrorism, but they are not that legally.

The incredible truth is that the file has been passed not to the Division which deals with the crimes allegedly committed by the perpetrators, Messrs Straw, Allen et al. It has rather been passed to the Divison which deals with the crime falsely alleged against the VICTIM of the case, Mr Belhadj. That simple fact tells you all you need to know about the attitude of the CPS to Operation Lydd.

In fact, the Counter-Terrorism Division of CPS works on a daily basis with public servants and security service functionaries who are themselves deeply implicated in the crimes being uncovered by Operation Lydd. A cover-up is certain.

The British Establishment really does stink.

Footnote: I phoned the CPS Press Office to give them a chance to respond. I got through to a spokesperson and left details and my number. They have not come back to me.

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303 thoughts on “CPS Cover-Up in Progress

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  • fred2 (R.C.)

    @Fred : FOAD yourself, R.C. !

    PS Don’t you want to take back what you said about your mother and sister? Shame, shame, shame on you Fred.

  • John Goss

    “. . . to make them entirely readable you now have to pay a great deal of attention to the content.

    Paragraphs are the easy bit.”

    You have been listening Noddy. Well done boy! However when somebody lifts the whole of a master’s advice and presents that as his own we call that plagiarism. Some places frown upon it, and Blyton is one such place. Nevertheless, well done. It is an improvement. 🙂

    Now start acting on it, and we’re halfway there. 🙂

    Cut out the smiley faces and put them on your Sunday School Attendance Card. Here’s another one. 🙂

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Tony M: “I would say ‘losing’ a dossier on such a very serious matter constitutes buggering up big time”

    Oh, I misunderstood you. I assumed you were referring to Brittan’s involvement as Home Secretary in phone intercepts, covert recordings, and other such buggery.

  • fred

    “@Fred : FOAD yourself, R.C. !

    PS Don’t you want to take back what you said about your mother and sister? Shame, shame, shame on you Fred.”

    Fuck off and die retard coward cunt.

  • KingofWelshNoir

    @Ba’al Zevul

    Thank you, most kind of you! Scaphism, yes. It really does beggar belief that one human being could do that to another, but by all accounts they did.

  • guano

    Heebijeebies says: other people are not self-aware.

    Serious problem of projection there!

    Don’t worry Heebie, there is a cure.

    Post lots of rubbish on the internet to gain attention, maybe your nasty little addictions will disappear.

  • Silvio

    Can 1 Million People Stop a Bad Trade Deal for Europe?
    By Eve Mitchell

    In July, a group of people set off to do a hard thing, but an important thing.

    They wanted to collect 1 million signatures.

    Once attained, those 1 million signatures would force the European Commission to discuss an immediate halt to the ongoing trade talks between the EU and U.S. These talks are known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. For short, they are called the TTIP.

    Having already achieved nearly three-quarters of the signatures through the European Commission’s official process — the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) — we should be celebrating.

    We aren’t celebrating. Here’s why:

    On 11 September, just days before the ECI was to launch publicly by 230 organisations in 21 countries, the Commission announced that it was rejecting the ECI altogether. It claimed that the call to stop the TTIP “falls outside the framework of the Commission’s powers to submit a proposal for a legal act of the Union”. The Commission argued that we could use an ECI to request an agreement, but we can’t use an ECI to stop something we didn’t ask for and don’t want.


  • mike

    Not a peep on the state broadcaster about the Million Mask March in London right now. This proves the protestors’ point rather nicely!

    Go to RT to find out what’s happening, or Press TV. And yes, there is a certain irony in that – Iran and Russia telling us what’s happening in London.

  • John Goss

    KOWN, just had the opportunity to cast a squinting eye over the re-writing of history in which Guido Fawkes is portrayed in a slightly different light from what the books say. Loved the dog.

    ‘He’s a Chagossian dog,’ said Porphyria, ‘he knows more about suffering than you could learn in a month of Sundays.’

    I’m watching you however. You seem to have difficulty creating characters of your own imagination, some coming from real life, some from mythology and many from fiction. You seem to have a predeliction for, well, practically any name you can filch. As well as Dostoyevsky’s Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment) I seem to recall you popped in Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya in ‘From Aberystwyth with Love’. And the title of that recommended read comes very close to being Flemingesque. You didn’t go to Blyton did you?

    Having read the trauma of your birth, for all concerned I hasten to add, and although not a psychiatrist, I think I can understand why you are uncomfortable in your role as a genre author. Thinking up new names should be child’s play to someone who is familiar with such infrequently used words as ‘scaphism’ and ‘ingrotted’ so there has to be another reason for this literary theft. It’s your way of slinging glorious mud at authority and the establishment because you were not allowed to be King of Nubia (Hippo Regius) and had to settle for King of Welsh Noir. Yes, we all have our crosses to bear. Wake up Noddy!

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Speaking of which, what do you reckon the Republicans’ takeover of the senate will achieve?”

    McConnell is making promises but Cruz will drive the debates imo glenn. Now that they have majority in both Houses they will need to accomplish something in order to be in the running for 2016. Of course it’s gonna all be local politics which will be graded as the most important thing; narcissistic ethnocentrism. foreign policy suits them and americans don’t give a fig.

  • mike

    RT showing live footage from the Million Mask March in London; BBC showing live footage from the Champions League.

    People power and corporate power. Choose your channel accordingly.

  • Fool

    Its bloody patronising to find your self in the midst of the anonymous crowd and then have to look at Russian propaganda to find out what is going on. I can understand not wanting copy cats, but still come on can’t the BBC report things. Does it want people to read propaganda which is slated against UK for info.

  • Mary

    An eye witness. Medialens.

    Killing Protest
    November 5, 2014, 8:50 pm

    About an hour ago I passed through Parliament Square, London, on foot. Or rather, I didn’t pass through Parliament Square, as it is still completely barricaded. But anyway.

    On my journey around Parliament Square, on foot, I counted about twenty police vans, some the lock-up variety, police cars and a group of police-type people who were clearly not normal Metropolitan Police, as they were wearing baseball caps along with their military-style uniforms and stab vests.

    The regular police and community support officers, indistinguishable from the Metropolitan Police from the front, had shut off one of the entrances to Westminster London Underground station – the one in Whitehall, so I had to ask the bristling front man – not regular police – where the station entrance was.

    All public transport users were being herded into the same crowded slow-moving area as a growing mass of people with white Anonymous masks on their faces or perched on their heads. There was a placard reading “Vote Green”. There were Italian tourists. There were people with babies in buggies. There was a police helicopter flying overhead.

    It seemed as if people were trying to move across the road to attempt to surround Parliament Square. It seemed that they would be trying to perform a non-violent reenactment of V for Vendetta. One other passer-by commented to his companion that there seemed to be a very large number of police people. His companion said something along the lines of – well – what do you expect if you want to start a Revolution ?

    All the kids in the Square were just that – kids. And here was the assembled ranks of burly adult males with control issues ready to pounce.

    The moon was nearly full. Fireworks were beginning to be lit. It felt like I was living in a Police State. I developed a frown and complained to my fellow traveller when I caught the Tube. I feel quite uncomfortable about what is happening there tonight, and I haven’t even heard the full story yet.

  • Fool

    There was an odd sense about it. Not scary, but with the feel of a potential to suddenly get out of control. I had no idea what was going on and the masks are somewhat disconcerting. It took this fool 10 min to equate the masks with today’s date. You can see how fear can arise. Caught up suddenly I catch myself wondering where the police and wondering if I might become a one man establishment calling for order. Principal concern was must slip up a back street its too cold to get kettled with this lot! Back in doors its easy to feel liberal again.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    I love the alliteration extravaganza of V’s monologues.

    V: “Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply … Evey Hammond: [voiceover] Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the …. and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.”

  • Peacewisher

    @Mary re lock down: This first happened on the day that student loans of £9000 were voted in by Parliament… by a narrow majority, thanks to the Liberal Democrats. Some wonderful speeches from atop an open-topped double-decker in nearby on the Embankment, and then there was the vote… for me that was the day libcon democracy died because those wicked, wicked MPs were certainly not expressing the wishes of their constituents. I’m hoping there will be a revival of democratic freedoms after the next election but I’m not holding my breath.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Is this any good..Nearly everyone seems to be getting deleted..are theyreally not deleting what I write on the Daily Telegraph..Did this appear???

    Don’t be Silly..I wouldn’t have to Flip My House..and I wouldn’t need to take a cab to turn up every day and sleep at home with my wife every night…I wouldn’t have to buy a limousine..and I wouldn’t have to hire a driver…

    But I wouldn’t effin do it…

    Turn Up at The House of SHIIITE and TALLK SHIITE before getting brown nosed..

    Nah..you Pigs have got to go First.

    I Can’t Stand The Smell.

    I would walk there or get on my bike you shiiittes.


  • Mary

    Totally agree Peacewisher.

    Nick Clegg admits breaking tuition fees pledge
    Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat Deputy Prime Minister, has admitted that he and his party broke a promise to voters over student tuition fees. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/8123832/Nick-Clegg-admits-breaking-tuition-fees-pledge.html

    That’s when Clegg became a stooge, a busted flush, so desperate he was to get his feet over the No 10 doorstep. Remember that excruciating stuff in the Rose Garden too?

    Without him, the NHS would not have been shafted by the H&SC Act 2012.

  • Fool

    Nothing in UK media apart from Standard and Independent. Main news source with only live feed is RT. All of these are Russian owned???

  • Peacewisher

    @Fool: Huge media distortion of reality in the UK. So they can quite easily ignore a major protest. It really is quite bizarre.

    I don’t know whether you were following the election in Brazil but same story there… most media outlets blatantly supporting the pro-US candidate, distorting achievements of government. Amazingly, the Brazilian people didn’t listen to them – but it was close!

    UK elections next year. I doubt if the Brits will be so resilient.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    George Monbiot on good form re. TTIP yesterday:


    And, the day before, out of the blue, and bending the concept of courtesy through a right angle, a snake-oil salesman knocks on the Thai president’s door and pitches global investment and economic reform. Him again, sorry.


    Guess he has his reasons for giving the UK a miss, though…


    I’m getting evasive, with a bouquet of distinctly shifty, there. So no change.

  • nevermind, there's a future, still

    Thanks CPS, tonight’s celebrations have shown what could be possible at any time, anonymous have shown a social streak that is spreading, even to ol’ geezers such as myself.
    @ Dreolin, thanks for your reply, wish you well

    Thanks for all the comments from those who partook in the million mask demo, well, or reported from/on it, wish I was there, t’was swinging a paint brush….

    @ Nicholas Clegg, eff off mate, you think you can blow away history?, how daft do you think students are? and how dare you think Scottish people are going to accept Trident!
    maybe I should have been swinging a banker….. night all

  • Ben-9260th dojo katana

    “maybe I should have been swinging a banker”

    A katana would suffice… 🙂

  • fred

    “Nothing in UK media apart from Standard and Independent. Main news source with only live feed is RT. All of these are Russian owned???”

    It’s been on the BBC web site since at least half past nine.

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