Scotland’s Constitution 131

I spoke at the SNP conference fringe on Scotland’s constitution. I don’t claim this was profound but I hope it was interesting.

Independence Live caught me on the way out for the most informal of interviews

Sitting at home in Edinburgh this morning, for the first time for weeks I actually have a few hours when I don’t have to dash off and do something. Hopefully I can de-stress and come up with an interesting blog post.

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131 thoughts on “Scotland’s Constitution

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  • Republicofscotland

    Alarmed at the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli sentiments on the internet, Israeli politicians recently called for nations around the world to enact legislation prohibiting criticism of Jews and Israel. Lobbying to outlaw global free speech is nothing new for Israel, however; it has been in the business of criminalizing speech for decades.

    Israel is in the precarious position of receiving tens of billions of dollars in aid every year from nations that purport to support democracy, while simultaneously oppressing the Palestinian people and perpetrating what Nobel Peace Prize winners Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Jimmy Carter deem an apartheid.

    If the American or European people ever knew that their tax dollars where being used in such a way they would surely cut Israel off. In order to conceal this truth and stifle any criticism, Israel and its lobbyists rely on sympathy from the Holocaust and labels of anti-Semitism to discredit critics.

    Even US Secretary of State John Kerry was recently called an anti-Semite for supporting a peaceful resolution to the Jewish/Palestinian conflict. Kerry is not alone however, President Obama, and just about anyone who has ever opposed an Israeli policy has been labeled anti-Semitic by his enemies. In order to add teeth to these labels, Israel lobbyists around the world lobby endlessly to criminalize anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

    Israel’s threat of forcing world governments to enact new laws against free speech should not be taken lightly. Israel and its lobbyists have already succeeded in enacting stiff anti-racist laws in most Western countries. These laws have been used on numerous occasions to jail academics, pro-Palestinian activists, and also individuals who have spoken provable facts that are deemed anti-Semitic “canards“.

    One has to wonder what has brought on this, anti-semitism, hmm! I wonder.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Just take a couple of seconds and just tell us whether you’re a Scot and whether you live in Scotland?



    Still no reply. Why so coy? Any particular reason?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Another “source” remarkably coy about its objectives, who runs it and who its contributors are!

    No wonder “Republicofcotland” – who won’t even tell us if he’s a Scot and whether he lives in Scotland – seems to like it so much.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    More on the fragrant Thierry Meyssan, the illustrious founder of, and leading commentator to, “voltairenet”.

    “Engagement associatif et politique

    En 1989, il crée le projet Ornicar, destiné à « lutter contre les discriminations fondées sur la sexualité »13. Cette association participe à la rédaction du rapport Roth au Parlement européen14, négocie avec des organisations intergouvernementales le statut des fonctionnaires internationaux gays et lesbiens15, et fait inscrire la dépénalisation de l’homosexualité au sommet de la CSCE.

    Il devient rédacteur en chef du mensuel d’information internationale Maintenant en 1994.

    En mars 1994, il fonde le Réseau Voltaire dont l’objectif déclaré est la « défense de la liberté d’expression et de la laïcité »16. Cette association publie des enquêtes remarquées sur l’extrême droite17 (en particulier sur le service d’ordre du Front national, qui mène à une enquête parlementaire). Par la suite, il transforme cette association française en un « réseau international de presse non-alignée ».

    De 1996 à 1999, il est coordinateur suppléant du Comité national de vigilance contre l’extrême droite qui rassemble chaque semaine les 45 principaux partis politiques, syndicats et associations de gauche pour élaborer une réponse commune face à la montée de l’intolérance18.

    De 1994 à 2008, il est secrétaire national du Parti radical de gauche19. Lors de la parution de son livre L’Effroyable Imposture, le PRG a refusé de s’exprimer sur la présence de Thierry Meyssan dans ses rangs20.

    Durant la guerre de l’été 2006, il se rend au Liban avec un groupe international21 comprenant Dieudonné et Alain Soral. Le transit via la Syrie est organisé par Fréderic Chatillon, ex-responsable du GUD22.

    En 2007, il déclare se sentir proche du Hezbollah en tant que principal réseau de résistance au Proche-Orient et éprouver beaucoup d’admiration pour son secrétaire général Hassan Nasrallah. Il met également en avant sa « contribution personnelle » à la révolution iranienne et ses « amitiés vénézueliennes ». Se présentant comme un radical, il déclare être prêt « à travailler avec tout le monde, à l’exception de ceux qui ont participé activement aux agressions impérialistes » et s’inspirer de Jean Moulin qui « accepta de travailler avec tous ceux qui voulaient défendre la liberté, de l’extrême gauche à l’extrême droite8». Il décide de vivre au Liban en août 2008.

    Le 12 septembre 2008 il participe à une émission de télévision de la chaine russe ORT pour un débat suivant la diffusion du film Zéro enquête sur le 11 septembre de l’eurodéputé italien Giulietto Chiesa23.

    Le 23 mars 2009, Dieudonné annonce au journal Le Monde que Thierry Meyssan sera probablement son colistier pour les élections européennes. Meyssan n’a jamais répondu publiquement à cet appel. Il n’est, en fin de compte, pas présent sur la liste ; au demeurant, il ne réunissait pas les conditions d’éligibilité du fait de sa domiciliation hors de l’Union européenne”


    Prepare to be impressed!

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “15 pointless ‘comments’ from U Know Who out of 34. Says it all as usual.”

    Are you jealous, Mary? Or not paid on piece-rates any longer

    But seriously – there is surely quite a lot of point in making innocent readers aware of the quality and credentials of the various links from which many posters on here seem to get their ideas and information.

    Moreover, it’s rather quiet, isn’t it (as someone else – Ben, I think – observed a few days ago); no one’s really saying anything interesting and certainly not original and even you appear to have gone rather quiet. So it’s not as if I was crowding out anyone, is it.

  • Jemand

    Craig – “Hopefully I can de-stress and come up with an interesting blog post.”


    John Major – “The case for leaving the European Union will be fuelled further if EU countries do not help the UK limit immigration, Sir John Major has said.”

    In a speech in Germany, Sir John said the UK had a “compelling” case to change the free movement of people.

    “People in Britain are not opposed to the principle of free movement,” Sir John said, “but the number of people coming to the UK could not be absorbed at the current speed.”

    Sir John Major warns of split between UK and European Union


    And I warned as much more than a year ago only to have it dismissed with the usual accusations. Maybe you’d like to canvas the issue in one of your pending blog posts, Craig, because this issue is not going away as the UKIP continues to remind voters.

  • DoNNyDarKo


    Time to put your glass pipe down and chill.Surely you can make one reasonable comment before the cows come home.(sorry Fred)

  • Republicofscotland

    “No wonder “Republicofcotland” – who won’t even tell us if he’s a Scot and whether he lives in Scotland – seems to like it so much.”

    The sheer audacity of the HABBsbara Troll to ask where I’m from, when not so long ago, I posed the same question to him only to be snubbed.

    I think you know where you can stick your question?

  • Republicofscotland

    Neil Findlay, virtually admitting that even if he’s elected leader of the Labour branch in Scotland, that he’ll have no genuine power.

    Mr Findlay when asked “What’s the point of being Labour leader then” by Gary Robertson’s, laughs nervously and tries to bat the question away.

    Mr Findlay’s uncomfortable reply, leave a clear and concise picture of where Labour stand in Scotland, they have no say so without first asking London.

    No doubt the Tories and Lib/Dems at their Scotland branches, suffer from the same restrictions.

    The SNP have no London masters to kowtow to.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Back OnT
    I did enjoy your speech Craig as I have catching up on the SNP Conference speeches.
    They’re speaking to the faithful but I watched Labour and Liberals speaking to their faithful too… If you were to compare leader speeches and crowd reaction, the SNP are light years ahead.
    I think if we were to be a wee bit cheeky and have candidates in some of the Northern English constituencies we’d do well against Labour too.Everybody’s scunnered with them.

  • Mary

    So Gideon’s and Agent Cameron’s UK economic miracle was all smoke and mirrors then?

    PM: UK must stick to economic course
    David Cameron tells MPs he will stick to his economic strategy amid growing global threats to the recovery – but Labour accuses him of “getting his excuses in early”.

    Is he electioneering for Rochester? Stick with Dave. Nigel wouldn’t have a clue etc etc

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    ““No wonder “Republicofcotland” – who won’t even tell us if he’s a Scot and whether he lives in Scotland – seems to like it so much.”

    The sheer audacity of the HABBsbara Troll to ask where I’m from, when not so long ago, I posed the same question to him only to be snubbed.”

    Well, I think it was – and is – a perfectly reasonable question.

    After all, “Republicofscotland” suddenly appeared out of nowhere on this blog at about the time Craig was posting frequently on independence for Scotland and the forthcoming referendum.

    Ros’s posts were, at the beginning, on topic and vehemently pro-independence but he very soon extended his repertoire to cover many of the standard obsessions of the Excellences and Original Trolls: pro-Putin, anti-USA, anti-West, the trurpitudes of Westminster and all UK political parties and, above all, Israel/Palestine, where his holocaust-denying posts led Craig to delete a couple of entire threads. It is interesting to note that some other posters also appeared out of nowhere around the time when Craig posted frequently on independence for Scotland but that those other posters limited their comments to that topic and also appeared to be Scots genuinely interested and involved in the subject He also, on occasion, assumed the pose of “Robert Crawford”, something not conducive to inspiring confidence in his bona fides.

    So it is rather reasonable to suppose that “Republicofscotland” only posted on Scottish independence and the referendum as a kind if “entrée en matière” and that he has nothing at all to do with Scotland, either wrt to nationality or residence.

    As to RoS’s question about me – I do not recall him ever having asked it, actually – I have already told readers that I am neither Jewish, nor Israeli, nor a resident of Israel, nor a hasbara operative. That information – given that I spend some time on here questioning posters about their obsession with Israel (and in some cases, Jews) – should be more than adequate and in any event equivalent to my question about RoS’s Scottishness.

    If I was able to answer, why cannot he?

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Habbapolitik You sound like tony Blair, ” I don’t recall” Ignorance is bliss but no excuse Habbatrottl habbanuthatry.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)
    17 Nov, 2014 – 2:12 pm

    “That may well be true but needs to be set against the fact (or, rather, the assertion which is frequently peddled on here, sources à l’appui) that Putin enjoys “overwhelming public approval”.

    “If that is the case, are the “innocent” really innocent?”

    Habbabkuk, are you saying that there is no such thing as an innocent Putin supporter?

    Seems a bit like:

    “In Gaza, there is no such thing as ‘innocent civilians’”,7340,L-4554583,00.html

  • Mary

    Lovely people those settlers.

    Israeli settlers execute Palestinian bus driver

    Hassan Yousef Rammouni, murdered Palestinian bus driver (file photo)

    Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:45AM GMT




    Israeli settlers have hanged a Palestinian man in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) in another incident of brutality against Palestinians in the occupied territories, local sources say.

    Hassan Yousef Rammouni, 32, a Palestinian bus driver, was driving back home from work on Sunday when he was abducted and then hanged by Israelis in his bus in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood.

    Signs of strangulation on Rammouni’s neck as well as signs of violence on his body were apparent, sources said.

    The residents staged a protest against the killing in the area with clashes breaking out between Israeli forces and the Palestinian protesters, according to reports.

    Tensions have been running high in East al-Quds after Israeli troops shot dead a young Palestinian man in northern occupied territories last week.

    Israeli forces claim Khair al-Din Hamdan was shot during a raid, but video footage released after the incident shows an Israeli soldier getting out of his car and shooting directly at Hamdan.

    Following the unrest sparked by the killing, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a harsh crackdown on protests.

    Palestinians have vowed to keep holding demonstrations in protest at Hamdan’s killing until the Israeli soldier who shot him dead is brought to justice.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)
    17 Nov, 2014 – 5:06 pm

    “Republicofscotland, Just take a couple of seconds and just tell us whether you’re a Scot and whether you live in Scotland?”

    Does one have to be a Scot and live in Scotland to support the politics of the SNP?

    From what you’ve said previously Habbabkuk, you are not Jewish, you are not a Zionist and I presume you don’t live in Israel, yet you support the Zionist state and its Jewish political parties to the hilt.

  • Republicofscotland

    “From what you’ve said previously Habbabkuk, you are not Jewish, you are not a Zionist and I presume you don’t live in Israel, yet you support the Zionist state and its Jewish political parties to the hilt.”

    Doug Scorgie

    I’m pretty sure Habb is English, on previous threads when angry he’s insulted people by calling them a twat, a fairly common insult down south.

    He’s probably London based, reasonably well educated, and by the lack of imagination, he’s probably a civil servant who toe’s the line and never diverts from the party mantra on anything.

    Thus the derision and scorn, on anyone who dares offer up a less than credible theory, he’s your standard run of the mill interloper, or as Saul Alinsky would say, an interrupter.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “Does one have to be a Scot and live in Scotland to support the politics of the SNP?”

    No, of course not, Mr Scorgie (the politics of the SNP but not the SNP per se).

    Which is exactly why I’m astonished that Republicofscotland is so coy about whether he’s Scottish or not.

    I hope you get the point, Doug?

  • nevermind

    “Moreover, it’s rather quiet, isn’t it ”

    You a bit jealous of this blog then socket? hmm, sad and jealous enough to wreck every thread there is because Craig is OK with it?

    you just carry on, we watch, and one day, your sorry arse will be buried, end of.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie

    “Habbabkuk, are you saying that there is no such thing as an innocent Putin supporter?”

    Well, Doug, there are certainly very many people supporting Putin out of ignorance (aka “ignorant Putin supporters”).

    In a sense, they are innocent in their ignorance because it is not their fault that they have little or no access to channels and sources of news and information independent of, and free to challenge with impunity, the Russian govt. version of events.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Thus the derision and scorn, on anyone who dares offer up a less than credible theory,”

    Well spotted, RoS. Any less than credible theories – especially when offered as part of an obsession – gets derision and scorn. Wholly incredible theories – and there are many on here – get a good thrashing.

    You’re learning!

  • Frazer

    It seems to me that every post Craig now posts, degenerates into mud slinging between a few individuals, rather than sticking to the topics. Personally, I am getting pretty sick of it. If you individuals concerned cannot post reasonable arguments without degenerating into individual slanging matches, then I suggest you all swop Facebook pages and do it there. I mean, really folks, grow up !

  • Ben-9260th dojo katana

    Fraazer; You seem to leave out the instigator. Craig wants him here. Take it up with him.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    I absolutely agree with you. It seems impossible to make any point or put any questions without encountering a torrent of ignorant abuse (usually from the same small coterie).

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