Jack Straw – The Guilty Man Lies 292

My RT interview today giving eyewitness evidence that Jack Straw is lying about his personal complicity in torture. Straw has been allowed to lie repeatedly about his on UK media for the past 24 hours, as have other British establishment figures. Despite the fact that it is infamous that I was sacked by Straw for blowing the whistle on CIA torture, and the undeniable documentary evidence of this, not one UK media outlet has allowed me to contradict Straw. I have contacted every major British news outlet and been blanked by every one.

‘CIA will continue torture with help of mediators’ – UK’s former envoy to Uzbekistan

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292 thoughts on “Jack Straw – The Guilty Man Lies

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  • Mary

    Agent Cameron announces legislation to crack down on internet child abuse by paedophiles.

    More importantly, what is he doing about the cover up of historic child abuse within his own party and others?

  • guano

    Yes, Tony

    US terrorist state. UK terrorist state Israel terrorist state.

    As with all USUKIS exposure/whitewashes if USUKIS gets away with admission to hurting a few people through torture pro patria aka Zion, they will have got off the hook nicely.

    It must be obvious by now that even struggling economies like Syria maintain and always have maintained a massive spying and IT snooping facility similar to GCHQ or NSA and they are able to gain any information they need without using torture.

    The sole purpose of torture is Mind Control, it doesn’t matter whether it is Christians in South America or Muslims in Rendition centres round the world. The values of Christianity and Islam are exactly the same. Read the books if you don’t believe me, the Gospels and the Qur’an.

    You alternate humiliation or pain with psychotropic drugs until you change the individual’s memory of their values. You can change an extremely kind person into an extremely callous one or an extremely moral person into an extremely dodgy one.

    The process can be individual or collective. Collective being when you persecute a population through a dictator and then normalise the society again.

    Torture is never used for intelligence, it is used to create the zombie warriors for the next fleet of operations. The war on terror created the psychopaths of Taliban, Al Nusra and ISIS to make takfir/denial of faith to the Syrian Muslim population so that they could overcome them and remove their land. (for whom?)

    I don’t like to exceed Craig’s limits of battiness about Zionism while he is being mercilessly persecuted by the press with lies and irrelevances from his private life. Nil carborundum old bean as you shortly will become on entering Parliament in May.

    Secretary of State John Kerry has informed Iraq that ISIS will cease to be in Iraq in 2 months’ time. So one wonders where he is planning to send them. The lie put out is that they will be instructed to finish Assad, but equally they might be sent to Mecca under the protection of UK Naval toys in Bahrain.

  • guano

    Jack Straw, Tony Blair and their war cabinet, including my own war criminal cabinet MP Liam Byrne, would do well to remember that comment by Henry Kissinger that was posted recently:

    “People should not confuse covert operations with social work”

    Isn’t it, Liam?

  • Tony M

    I’ve just noticed the new ‘Still Discussing’ bit, above. An excellent idea, I presume to keep us aware of threads which are still active or open to comments, or similar, not sure exactly the criteria, but jolly good show. Though the ones featured look intimidating to me, with a sort of life there, but not as we know it, Jim.

    Guano: Is the threat now of ‘ISIS coming to a bingo hall near you.’

    Straw on some advisory committee of some sort, possibly the oxymoronic ‘Parliamentary Standards’, presiding over the colony of reptiles at Westminster is said to have attempted a joke, or expressed disbelief on hearing of their noble Lords and Ladies collective concern about a hypothetical decline in quality of champagne if they had to muck in at the same trough as the troughing Commons, and sought to reassure them whatever disgusting excesses the Lords engaged in, the Commons could go further and pricier and match them gallon for gallon, ice-bucket for ice-bucket. Standards do have to be maintained. He is truly a man of the people, sticking it to the Lords and all that.

    More snow in the night, I expect screaming “Weather Chaos” hysteria will fill the news from hereon in till the next ‘royal’ photo-op turns up. They can’t answer back you know.

  • Ba'al Zevul



    The parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee is to investigate whether Britain knowingly took information from detainees they knew or believed had been tortured.

    But the inquiry will focus on what MI5, MI6 and GCHQ did or did not know and there is little appetite to investigate the decisions of politicians, a source close to the committee said.

    The inquiry’s role “is not to second guess political decision making” said the source.

    “Our role is to hold the intelligence services to account, not politicians.”

    Why the fuck not politicians? Are wrong decisions immune from the law now?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Good piece from the Torygraph outlining some of the vital activities in which Tony has been engaged this year (as reported under the lizard logo here, mostly). Much too busy to answer questions from the plebs he left behind in the Commons, then.


    Peru’s interesting. Is Tony at the Climate Change COP20 conference in Lima this week? Having set up the usual advisory number with the president, and with the added stimulus of having founded the now-moribund Break The Climate Deadlock website ‘n pontificate (partially funded by Oleg Deripaska), you’d expect to see him there. Nope.

  • Mark Golding

    Not just ‘nice’ or ‘great’ work from Mr Murray. While others like President Obama chose life over truth, Craig Murray chose truth over the real and undeniable expectation of death.

    That is indeed great courage, fortitude and bravery. That is why I am here.

  • Mary

    Well said Mark.


    It is obviously true that BLiar’s outer layer is coated with Teflon. Either that, or he holds a lot of info on his enemies.

  • nevermind

    Whilst der Spiegel is talking about Cheney’s anger, most likely why he needed three heart bypasses, and asks ‘what did George Bush know?’ about the bestialities the CIA used to torture prisoners and how ‘Le Pen sometimes finds torture helpful’


    Here we have nothing to see or hear, our MSM, far from needing some sort of control a la Levinson, they need shutting down and restarting in a new form, our MSM is an information cartel that collectively fails to address the mistakes and falsities, the sheer brass neck of the party political puppets in charge, they are puppets themselves.

  • nevermind

    Massive overhead flight activities during the last three days, all sorts of flight manoeuvres, the boys getting their duty flights in this month before the festive parties start.

  • Reluctant Observer

    Sofia – Is it true what Phil said ?

    Are you actually a mature man, who likes to post in the guise of a young woman for some reason ?

  • jives


    Yes indeed,thousands upon thousands involved and complicit.

    Not just the politicos,spooks,grunts but right down to the diaper changers,the syringe fillers,the aircraft refuellers,the clerks,the cleaners,the street theatre zerzetsen actors,the media whores etc etc…all who “just followed orders.”

    Curiously-or not- the film Compliance was on TV the night the Senate report published.

    Based on a real life event at a burger joint in America and echoing the Milgram experiment it portrays just how easily seemingly intelligent people roll over and become complicit in horrific acts when an authority figure orders them to do so.

    A disturbingly close analogy and metaphor for the global War On Turrrr,

    Complete bullshit created by the US political/military-industrial/media class where everyone,including all the Coalition of The Blackmailed and Threatened worldwide,were too afraid to question Uncle Sam’s howling madness.

    Terrifying,utterly terrifying.

  • OldMark

    Great interview Craig- and what a commentary on the state of the MSM, when at times like these they once again treat you as an unperson. Their complicity of silence obviously assists the likes of Jack Straw, as they continue to evade and dissemble.

    The difference between Straw and Cheney is instructive; the former is a fringe player, who appears at present to be immune from any penalty but can’t get away with being as brazen as Cheney and other premier league criminals. His performance in this mainly softball interview with Fox News ranks with Oliver North’s appearance before the Senate at the Iran Contra hearings in 1987 for its arrogance and chutzpah. The premier league operatives of the deep state know they are untouchable-


  • Mary

    Well put Jives.


    I just googled Blair Lowy (the Westfield billionaire) guessing that there would be some links. Here is one.

    Blair’s envoy in new row over pay
    Nicholas Rufford

    LORD LEVY, one of Tony Blair’s closest and most trusted aides, was paid at least £250,000 by an Australian property group headed by one of the world’s richest men.



  • doug scorgie

    Ba’al Zevul
    11 Dec, 2014 – 8:30 am

    “Our role is to hold the intelligence services to account, not politicians.”

    They don’t even do that Ba’al:

    The members of the Security Committee are appointed by the Houses of Parliament AFTER being nominated by the Prime Minister, in consultation with the leader of the opposition.

    I assume also in consultation with the heads of the security services.

    So Parliament can only appoint people to the committee that are acceptable to the “establishment”.

    Select committees are chosen by MPs but the Intelligence and Security Committee is not a select committee.

    It is a unique committee of parliamentarians nominated by the Prime Minister and reporting to him or her, not Parliament.

    The committee is there (in my view) to solely provide cover for the security services while giving the impression of holding them to account.

    Chairman: Malcolm Rifkind, Defence Secretary (1992-1995), Foreign Secretary (1995-1997). So well in with the security services.

    He is an advocate for British military intervention in the Syrian civil war, with or without a mandate from the United Nations.

    He is related to his former Conservative Government colleague Leon Brittan.

    A safe pair of hands if ever there was one.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Not my quote, Doug…I am not worthy. But thank you for clarifying the essentially phoney nature of oversight of UK clandestines.

    While Mary’s off at a slight tangent in the direction of Blair, I think this may be of interest – not least because of the simple fact of such an organisation’s existence, and peripherally, who knew that Simon Cowell donated $150K to Friends of the IDF last year?*

    No. Check out Haim Saban and Casey Wasserman, honoured guests at the bash featured here. Both have donated generously to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Both are rabid Zionists, and it’s a safe bet they’re on the AIPAC list of potential purchasers of senators and congressmen in the US.

    *But we could guess, couldn’t we? Also at his putative necrophilia and the kittens in his microwave.

  • Mark Golding

    Well said Jives – utterly hideous – and too be sure torture or clearly suffering and agony have been used, as Craig intimated, to cultivate ‘patsies’ crucial to perpetuating terrrrror or the ‘war on terror’ by false=flag or treasonous operations to amass public support for war, chaos, killing and allocation of public money for wire pulling and power of choice domination.

  • Sofia

    Reluctant Observer. 1139pm

    For you,




    Are you really more tortured by uncertainty about my gender than by the actions of our rulers?

    What on earth does that make you?

    Do you think US / UK don’t torture any more?

    Just get real for a moment and ask yourself how you can make a difference so that real torture exposed with and eradicated and the perpetrators held to account*

    You might check out the Stanford prison experiment.

    Got to go… and wash my hair! http://americanmoxie.us/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/CrossDresser.jpg

    *Thanks Ba’al for keeping tags on one of the arch perpetrators. Seems like his space is shrinking.

  • Sofia



    Just get real for a moment and ask yourself how you can make a difference so that real torture is exposed and eradicated and the perpetrators held to account.

  • Herbie

    Dunno if this very recent Saban funded event has been posted already.

    It’s an interesting encounter between concerned supporters of Israel and Naftali Bennett, Israel’s current Economic Minister.

    Naftali is a rising star of the Right in Israel and concerned supporters of Israel are concerned about his rise. He has some rather radical solutions to Israel’s current Palestinian impasse, which seem not to find favour amongst the bigger picture thinkers, in the Brookings Institute and elsewhere.

    Naftali is being spoken of as a future PM in terms of the upcoming Israeli elections.

    Martin Indyk takes the chair. Dennis Ross and other concerned diasporans in attendance.

    They’re not best pleased with the prospect that the tail may yet ever more vigorously wag the dog.


    “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the formal head of Israel’s 33rd government, which will mark its first anniversary next week. But the real head of government and state, its leader and navigator, is Naftali Bennett. His Habayit Hayehudi party was the only one among the coalition partners that converted its election success into real power.”


    “The Party Faithful

    The settlers move to annex the West Bank—and Israeli politics.

    By David Remnick”


    I hope Putie isn’t involved.

    Oh dear.

    “As Economy Minister, Bennett has overseen a new strategy by Israel to increase trade with emerging markets around the world and reduce trade with Europe, so as to diversify its foreign trade and wean Israel off dependence with trade with Europe. One of the reasons for this shift is to reduce the effect of possible future European boycotts and sanctions against Israel. According to the Financial Times, Bennett is the primary architect of this economic pivot. As part of this process, Bennett opened negotiations with Russia and China on free trade agreements, and oversaw continuing negotiations with India for a free trade agreement. He personally led economic delegations to China and India. While attending the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 2013 in Bali, Indonesia, Bennett held talks with delegations from some unspecified countries over the possibility of future free trade agreements. He also closed Israeli trade missions in Finland and Sweden and opened new ones in China, India, and Brazil.”


  • doug scorgie

    11 Dec, 2014 – 12:06 pm

    “LORD LEVY, one of Tony Blair’s closest and most trusted aides, was paid at least £250,000 by an Australian property group headed by one of the world’s richest men.”

    Lord Levy:
    “Since making his maiden speech on 3 December 1997, Levy has not spoken in a debate at the House of Lords.” (Wikipedia).

    However in the year April 2013 to March 2014 Lord Levy has collected an average of £1,158 per month tax-free just for turning up!


    I’d love to find out how much he has claimed since his maiden speech 17 years ago!

  • Republicofscotland

    Scotland’s most senior law officer Frank Mulholland, has ordered the police to investigate, whether the shocking US Senate report on the CIA’s programme of kidnapping and torture, could lead criminal charges in Scotland.

    The Lord Advocate said ” the use of torture cannot be condoned, its against international law, and contrary to the common law of Scotland”.

    Police Scotland have been instructed, to see if any evidence of rendition flights, exists with regarding to landing and refueling on Scottish soil.

    Whether or not anything will come of these investigations, still remains to be seen, I am however not very optimist that it will lead anywhere significant.

  • Republicofscotland

    I see old droopy chops HRH, her equerry mis-introduced Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister of Scotland.

    Old saggy jowls, minions introduced the FM as Minister of the Scottish executive, I suppose one has to expect, disharmony when you’re in the process of of taxing the Crown Estate, and trying to claw back monies unjustly lost to Scotland.

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