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286 thoughts on “Independence Meeting Tonight

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  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)


    “Dosed up the eyeballs with anti-biotics and swimming in their own shit would be an accurate description of how most Muslim Syrians would view the US and Europe as a potential place to live.”

    Well, that may be correct or it may not be – difficult to say without considerable research and questioning, which you have obviously not been in a position to carry out.

    But if it is true, then presumably – if and when stability returns and Syria is peaceful again, with or without Assad Junior – the vast majority of the refugees from Syria will wish to leave Western Europe and return home.

    I wonder if you would agree with that proposition, Giyane?

  • craig Post author


    You really are becoming bitter and twisted. Typical slurs from the Murdoch press and no evidence whatsoever. Not one example of an actual house or the actual discrepancy between the recorded price (recorded where?) and the price paid. How could you do that anyway? You can’t pay less than the agreed amount and get title.

    The house I bought in Ramsgate was a repossession – the seller was the building society. There were some childrens’ drawings on the wall and I used to wonder where they had gone – it had been empty a long while. It’s quite normal, unfortunately.

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Dave Lawton
    20/09/2015 1:59am

    Frankly, it’s a rotten poem. It’s not really a poem at all: it’s a piece of prose chopped up into chunks.

    I see very little to criticise about it as an expression of opinion. But they must be right dimbulbs at the Stop The War Coalition to put something like that on their website while Corbyn is still chair. They must think it’s a great idea to damage him.

    Not that it really matters, I suppose. It would be something else if it were not that.

    Kind regards,


  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)

    For what it’s worth, I thought that Craig’s recent post on the UK housing crisis was one of his best, most thought-provoking and closely-argued pieces.

    It would be good to see more pieces of similar quality on similar domestic themes.

  • doug scorgie

    19 Sep, 2015 – 3:10 pm

    “I’d also recommend a vegetarian diet utc–lots lof lentils and legumes (chick peas/kidney beans/black-eyed beans) for great sources of clean protein!”

    [You could then assemble and utilise a mini wind turbine to charge your phone.] Ꝏ

  • giyane


    “But if it is true, then presumably – if and when stability returns and Syria is peaceful again, with or without Assad Junior – the vast majority of the refugees from Syria will wish to leave Western Europe and return home.”

    I totally agree with that proposition. In fact given a window of peace between Saddam and IS, many of the Kurdish men who fled persecution under Saddam started to go back. Now with General Petraus’ decision to use Al Qaida and IS against the Muslim population of Syria the exodus from Kurdistan has re-started, 3000 last month.

    Of course there are a few who will remain here. Some find it inconceivable that Kurdistan will be left alone, practising Islam and benefiting from its own oil and resources. Others are collaborators with the CIA/Queen/Israeli neo-colonialism and as spies for the USUKIS hegemonists will never be able to achieve permanent safety back home. Even others don’t like Islam, and in Islam that’s their choice. Did you think AlQaida was Islam?

  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)



    “But if it is true, then presumably – if and when stability returns and Syria is peaceful again, with or without Assad Junior – the vast majority of the refugees from Syria will wish to leave Western Europe and return home.”

    I totally agree with that proposition.


    Excellent. There was no need to say more.

    Other commenters?


    PS = may I call you “Codpiece”?

  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)

    Or perhaps “Lostsole”? “Small fry”? or even “Flounder”?

  • nevermind

    Great video Brian, thank you and thanks to all the others for keeoping us up to date with the news between the lines..
    Mind, working flat out and not taking much notice of the news and spite thrown at Corbyn for a few days is quiet relaxing.

    isn’t it amazing that the re- nationalisation of our rail services with all the disruption and arguments thrown back and forth during an election campaign, the promise of great expenditure, a process that should ideally take a step by step approach over some years,imho,should be ‘the issue’ for us to get all hot about.

    Well Jeremy, should any of your minions, the new one’s as well as the turncoats who have Bliarismn at their heart, hallo Daniel Zeichner MP, read this blog,

    how about granting these new young members a fair and proportional vote before all else, the same kind of fair vote that got you elected by a landslide, Jeremy, how about empowering ‘the people’ you so lovingly address your slave subjects who have been conned by party politics for far too long?

    how about it Jeremy.

    So what happened at the Independence talk? have I missed a transcript?

  • Robert Crawford


    You were making the effort, that is what is important. Well done!

    The lady signing for the deaf is fantastic! Such gusto! Well done to her too.

    Have you not noticed yet? The bad mouthing of the SNP us YESSERS and Jeremy Corbyn is giving us all their energy and we are winning because of all that energy.

    They are wiping out themselves, the public can see what their game is, and are doing the opposite. Ha Ha Ha.

  • nevermind

    Should the US be charged by the security council, be in the courts for having caused human misery, exodus, violence and multiple deadly chaos in Syria?
    Add to it the deliberate obfusecation and deliberate failure to target IS finance and arms procurement structures from the start of its formation.

  • giyane


    “It would be good to see more pieces of similar quality on similar domestic themes.”

    In other words it would be good to see less pieces firmly implicating US, UK and Israel in the vast and violent destruction of Muslim countries we have witnessed in the last 20 years.

    15 years ago an Afghan friend commented on the huge availability of council homes for rent in Birmingham: Did they know we were coming? he asked. Well yes they did kinda know.

    Waterboarding and other brain-washing torture techniques are used by the UK army to make their recruits hard and ruthless. The vast torture of Muslims program starting in Afghanistan Iraq and Syria, Jordan, Libya, on ships off shore, at the behest of George Bush and Tony Blair was in preparation for the present-day Al Qaida. Torture removes all respect, dignity and control from the subject, who thus can be transformed into a control freak monster. USUKIS needs monsters.

    The current situation in Iraq was first planned by Winston Churchill in 1918. He wanted the petrol from Mosul. What we know now – by their fruits shall ye know them – is that Churchill was planning the totalitarian future for the world that we now have under USUKIS 100 years ago. It is a world in which no successful Muslim country will be permitted to endure peacefully without being dismantled and destroyed.

    Even Saudi Arabia, which can afford to sponsor a conference, dressed in fine silk robes, eating fine food in fine hotels, that declares that all the problems in Syria come from Assad, in other words from the West’s puppet, even Saudi Arabia with all its oil wealth cannot override the plain truth, that the Syrian people and the Muslims in general can never be bribed, bullied, massacred, raped into submitting to the falsehood of Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood ‘takfirism’ which negates the 10 commandments of Moses, the teachings of Jesus, and the divinely-dictated Qur’an. peace be upon them all.

    OIC Final Communiqué on the Syrian Refugee Crisis

    The CIA/Muslim Brotherhood operatives inside Islam have been told by their controllers to wait for a civil war in Lebanon as the sign to overthrow the Saudi Tyrants. The same CIA/Muslim brotherhood operatives were told in advance of the Caliphate they would be given in Syria by their CIA controllers.

    But those same CIA operatives know that this caliphate of Islamic State will never convince any but the stupidest and greediest of those who profess to be Muslims. We Muslims are gullible enough to believe in signs, even they have been manufactured for us by the Zionists and start to appear to be coming into being. the Holy Qur’an revealed to us by our Creator is bigger than the feeble propaganda of the Saudi CIA collaborators

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Jeremy Corbyn to make triumphal BBC return hosting “Have I Got News For You”!

    Not content with leading a quiet life after drunkenly punching a BBC cameraman and attempting to blame it on his official driver, Corbyn boasted of his new format for the show, “People’s Have I Got News For You”, in which 40,000 people rain sarcastic insults on Ian Hislop and Paul Merton for half an hour. “We think this will prove extremely popular with the electorate,” a spokesperson for his office claimed.

    No, wait. Hang on a minute.

    Kind regards,


  • Mark Golding

    The raison d’être is clear Giyane outed at it’s genesis as manipulation and disrupting on-line discourse by a crude implementation of the technique of layering subtle meaning into written language so that you can implant suggestions into a person’s unconscious mind without them knowing what you’re doing.

    “It would be good to see more pieces of similar quality on similar domestic themes.” is the example you recognised. Bravo!

  • giyane


    I can’t believe you were so bored facing a weekend in your own company as to drive your 2-year old vauxhall vectra you normally use for the daily run to Cheltenham, up to Scotland just to put Craig off his stroke by staring your great sea-lion face at him from the audience. Was your mother-in-law coming or were you just collecting hasbara brownie points?

  • Republicofscotland

    “For what it’s worth”

    Habby old boy coming from you it isn’t worth anything, now is it, if you’re honest.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Good to see that The Guardian is attacking the Daily Mail’s article about the numbers of Syrians fleeing the chaos in the Middle East.

    Let’s hope that all false articles in the media are similarly disputed, especially since the PCC does almost nothing about the problem.

    Of course, the DM could complain about The Guardian claiming that the redneck murder of Delta State Professor Ethan Schmidt was the result of a “love triangle” problem, but then it could explain it only got the false claim from the DM!

    The whole process could tie up the media in dangles similar to what the assorted Anglo-American politicians are engaged in!

  • Republicofscotland

    “PS = may I call you “Codpiece”?”

    Habby very droll……you’re a “Dab” hand with the one liners.

  • Republicofscotland

    BBC or the wonderful BiBiCee, as Mary calls it, has just released a picture of Friday’s unionist event at George Square.

    Remarkable all those sets of twins together, and all dressed the same.

  • Habbabkuk (scourge of the Original Trolls)



    “It would be good to see more pieces of similar quality on similar domestic themes.”

    In other words it would be good to see less pieces firmly implicating US, UK and Israel in the vast and violent destruction of Muslim countries we have witnessed in the last 20 years.”

    [ followed by a long rant…]


    Not necessarily – Craig could step up the frequency of his posts.

    In that way he could write more of issues of domestic interest and still keep you geo-strategists satisfied.

  • BrianFujisan


    We were with you all the way, Great speech.. Knowing you I thought Slightly un-relaxed..Time restraints perhaps.. you hit on Many vital points. But not able to elaborate.. Time!!

    i enjoyed Roza Salih too, There were many Laughs along the way, and Denis Curran Sure has a way of Making us Hurt

    Nevermind Thanks.. Rigor mortis Staying put for hours Lol.


    Corbyn is evidently getting under the CIA’s skin. They’re regressing to their banana-republic days.

    Now might be a useful time for Corbyn to needle them further with a reference to customary international law, perhaps twitting their extractive pursuits with the right of peoples’ self-determination

    … after all, it’s a binding commitment of the UK, right there in black and white in the ICESCR!

    Or tweak the impunity of Britain’s armed forces. The UK did, in an absent-minded moment, ratify the Rome Statute.

    Hmmm. Prosecute or extradite, is that how it goes?

  • MerkinOnParis

    This will limit the debate and could be seen as insulting those independence supporters who are not members or supporters of the SNP.
    I am not an SNP member and was not insulted by any of the speeches I heard on Saturday. On the contrary, I found the whole event to be very uplifting.
    There was certainly plenty of debate centred round the need for the people who live in Scotland to rid themselves of the corrupt, fascist Westminster establishment.

  • Iain Hamilton

    Hi Craig,

    It was a pleasure to meet you on Saturday after you spoke. The day was great, with some superb speakers, fabulous music and (as usual) lots of dancing and positivity.

    I was barracked slightly by my companions for offering unsolicited advice to you, which I stand by:

    Keep doing what you do because you do it very well. The campaign needs gadflies like you and Stuart Campbell to sit on the sidelines and not carp, but nibble away at the media and their obfuscations.

    Should you decide to go ahead with your plans for Dundee, I wish you all the best.

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