Total Bollocks From MI5 353

In the last decade, now 7/7 has dropped out of this statistic, only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. Let me repeat that. In the last decade, one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. That unfortunate death was Lee Rigby.

Rigby’s tragic murder illustrated how easy it is for terrorists to commit an outrage. Two very disorganised Nigerian nutters murdered him with knives. Unfortunately, if a couple of nutters decide to go at someone on the street, they have a high chance of success.

Which is why you would have to be a lunatic actually to believe MI5’s repeated claims during the last decade that there are thousands of dedicated terrorists out there, fanatical determined and organised, but in a decade of constant effort they have succeeded in killing nobody else. There were, MI5 claim, six actual terrorist plots this year but fortunately MI5 saved all of us.

If you believe MI5’s stories, there are two possibilities. The first is that we have security services of a quite incredible efficiency, able to foil random terrorism, generally regarded as near impossible. The second is that we have thousands of dedicated terrorists of such incredible ineptitude that they can’t manage to kill anybody, even when they could choose any random undefended target in the entire UK and any method from knives to poison to hit and run to shooting to bombs, and don’t mind losing their own lives in the attempt. We have rubbish terrorists.

There is of course a third possibility – that these thousands of dedicated terrorists and these scores of foiled plots in the last decade were inventions, or at least the grossest exaggerations, by the security services. A number of fantasists have indeed been convicted and jailed. But the only, single, potential attacker in recent years who actually possessed a viable bomb was a British army soldier with a hatred of Muslims. And naturally he was not counted as nor convicted as a terrorist. Terrorists are Muslims.

The famous “liquid bomb plot”, in which it eventually transpired, unreported by mainstream media, that there were in fact no bombs and no plane tickets and the suspicious chemical found in baby bottles was Milton sterilising solution for baby bottles, is perhaps the best example.

But of course, lots of people are convicted of terrorism. Indeed law after law has stretched the definition of terrorism so far that I am almost certainly guilty of it just by publishing this blogpost. Meanwhile the Government is concentrating on bullying universities and students to ban speakers who say exactly the kind of thing I am writing here, speakers who protest against the detention and harassment of Muslims, and the continued policy of bombing Muslim countries and killing civilians.

Because there is almost no Islamic terrorism in the UK. It is virtually non-existent. It is not the true reason the corporate state wants ever more surveillance power, ever more restriction on freedom of speech and even, in universities, freedom of thought. Do not be fooled. Fight back.

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353 thoughts on “Total Bollocks From MI5

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  • lysias

    Myself, I’m more interested in what that sentence from Copeland’s Wikipedia entry says about what the CIA and MI5 were doing manufacturing charges against British labor leaders in 1990 than in the extent that that sentence serves to make Copeland look good.

  • Herbie

    Miles Copeland was undoubtedly a biggie. One of the hands-on post-war architects of everything we see today.

    The Good Shepherd.

    Here he is in a:

    “Discussion of the unaccountability of the secret services, with former MI5 and MI6 officers. Live and open ended discussion programme.”

    Back in the day when such things were discussed in media:

    John Underwood, with;
    James Rusbridger
    Rt Hon Tony Benn MP
    Anthony Cavendish
    Miles Copeland (The Police’s Da)
    Eddie Chapman
    Adela Gooch
    Hugh Trevor Groper

    Bit better than Question Time, eh.

  • LDC

    Britain is a sad little police state on a par with Turkmenistan or Eritrea, pitifully dependent on Mummy America and internationally irrelevant despite its increasingly absurd P-5 status. UN special procedures are now more willing to take up the white man’s burden and drag this diseased pismire kicking and screaming back to the civilized world.

    Fuck Britain, there’s no point to it. Knock it over and take it apart.

  • Mary

    The Times front page tomorrow

    Homegrown extremists turned within weeks

    Sean O’Neill
    Chief Reporter

    He used to be described as the Times ‘Crime Reporter’. This is his witness statement to the Leveson Inquiry.

  • Clown Posse


    Why, it’s almost enough to make one not want to get out of bed in the morning.

  • Mary

    ‘Night all. Signing off with this funny.

    Margaret Thatcher on the $10 bill? Jeb Bush floats idea at Republican debate
    Republican presidential hopefuls were asked which woman should be on the new $10 at Wednesday night’s debate, and they had some amusing answers

    Margaret Thatcher on the $10 bill, also known as Jeb Bush’s fever dream. Photograph: Guardian US

    17 September 2015

  • Clown Posse

    link @ 18 Sep, 2015 – 12:09 am


    Sean O’Neill Chief Reporter
    Published 12 minutes ago

    MI5 and anti-terrorism police are monitoring more than 3,000 homegrown Islamic extremists willing to carry out attacks in Britain, security sources have told The Times.

    British men and women, many in their teens, are being radicalised to the point of violence within weeks, MI5 warned yesterday.

    Investigators have also detected a significant overlap between Islamist suspects and those suffering mental health problems, leaving them vulnerable to grooming. The NHS now has full-time staff attached to the anti-extremism Prevent programme who try to identify signs of extremist behaviour.

    “within weeks,”

    Oh no, we’re all doomed.

    This is just bad-comedy, imo.

  • fedup


    Oh the humanity let us crowd source for some more spooks and spies and informants.

    Be Alert

    This country needs


    This figure of three thousand, how did they get it? Was it by any chance through the extremely reliable SITE (Search Internet for Terrorist Entities) ran by that ex Iraqi Rita Katz? Or was it sourced from the other gazillion zionistani “security” outfits dotted around the place, penetrating every nook and cranny of the political orifices?

    At this rate I will have to leave my light on tonight when I go to sleep. If I get to have any sleep at all. Three thousand of these terrorists , why don’t we jail everyone, those who are innocent shouldn’t be worried about being jailed should they?

  • Jives

    All these spooks,the politicians and their bought and paid for media lackeys are,i’m convinced more than ever,are utterly insane.

    Batshit crazy.

    The propaganda and lies are now truly laughable in their vulgar clumsy amateurism.

  • Jives

    This young kid in America who built the clock etc ..

    There’s something more going on with this story…dont add up or seem natural somehow…

    Its smacks of Ps-Ops or PR.

    The kid even looks like young Obama.

  • captam

    Spot on. It’s all a hoax to scare people into maintaining the right-wing security apparatus and support the arms industry.

    The biggest terrorist threat to Britain are vehicle drivers, usually speeding or driving inattentively. An average of 1,800 are killed and 22,000 seriously injured on British roads each year and only a few of these cases even make the news papers. The technology exists to prevent nearly all these “accidents”. ( read “cases of “stupidity”) . Adjustable speed governors could be fitted to all vehicles which prevent the speed limit from being exceeded. The speed governors would adjust automatically by Sat-Nav positioning tech. If the police needed to change the safe speed for any particular road or district they would be able to over-ride the preset speed limits. This could stop people plowing into each other in multiple pile-ups. In Foggy conditions the police could even force vehicles to slow down to a crawl. Road Carnage is the REAL TERRORIST THREAT to Britain. Not Muslim teenagers.

  • Bob Smith

    Captam- the flaw in your logic is that fitting such devices and allowing the police to regulate the speed of the car would hand the state an instant means of tracking every vehicle on the road in real time, which is a huge wet dream for everyone on the Thames embankment. I am not for one moment disagreeing that more could be done about road safety but your big brother approach is disproportionate and would bring with it a host of other issues.

  • Kempe

    ” According to a report by the Associated Press correspondent in Jerusalem (AP July 7, 2005), the Israeli embassy in London had been advised by Scotland Yard of an impending terror event, suggesting that there was advanced knowledge of the planning of the 7/7 bomb attack by the British Home Office. Netanyahu allegedly was warned by his embassy in London not to attend the economic conference. ”

    Whereas the truth is that he was in his limo on the way to the conference and learnt of the bombings from a news bulletin on the car radio. His security people advised him to return to his hotel.

  • Mark Golding

    The Government has defined extremism in the Prevent strategy as: “vocal or active opposition to
    fundamental British values, including democracy,the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual
    respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of
    extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces”.

    A new duty to stop extremists radicalising students on campuses is scheduled to come into force by 21 September 2015.

    A request to lecture +16yrs on Chomsky propaganda and the Iraq war has been denied at Walton High using the ‘Prevent Guidance Procedure:

  • Peter Beswick

    Most terror suspects live in London

    Number of terror suspects grown by 50% in 8 years “the figure has soared because of the rise of Islamic State. ”

    Number of domestic British terror plots at a 32 year high

    Excluding plot to blow up Queen there have been 5 terror plots in the past year

    Significant number of terror suspects suffer from mental health issues.

    Full time NHS staff join Mi5 to identify terror suspects

    “It represents a threat which is continuing to grow, largely because of the situation in Syria and how that affects our security.”

    ISIS member confirms they have one potential bomber in Scotland and 2 somewhere else

  • Peter Beswick

    If only a big bomb would go off somewhere then people would take it seriously.

    Oh dear, is that what we are being prepared for?

  • Peter Beswick

    I suppose if Mi5 have the likes of Jimmy Savile to look after then some plots are going to sneak through the cracks.

    Might I make a sugestion create a new security service to deal with our domestic terrorism plots or hand it over to the NHS and leave the paedophile protection and money laundering work to the experts.

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)

    Interesting teamwork (assuming Lysias and Clown Posse are different commenters):

    “when Bibi “9-11 was very good” NuttinYahoo turns up in London on the day of “London’s 9-11″ in the company of “NY’s 911 Mayor,” with both attending the very same SECURITY CONFERENCE, well, some people think that is worthy of note.” (from “new” poster Clown Posse)

    preceded by (from Lysias)

    “By the way, 7/7 occurred during a time when Netanyahu was not prime minister. He was prime minister earlier, and became prime minister again after. But, at the time of 7/7, he was Finance Minister in a cabinet headed by Sharon. He was OSTENSIBLY in London to attend an ECONOMIC CONFERENCE organized by the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) in collaboration with the Israeli embassy and Deutsche Bank.

    At the time, Giuliani was also no longer mayor of New York City, only a former mayor. He was also OSTENSIBLY in London to attend that SAME CONFERENCE”.


    So, if I understand those two posts, read together, correctly, the idea is that attending the economic conference was just a cover for attending the security conference.

    Now I don’t know whether that’s correct or not. But whichever is true, it is still difficult to see what the relevance of Netanyahu’s and Giulian’s presence in London is to the 7/7 bombings.

    If Lysias and Clown Posse are tryng to make a point, perhaps they should come out in the open and make it more clearly.

    Just a thought! 🙂

  • Peter Beswick

    I live in a small town, amongst my mates a two who were charged under terrorism offences.

    The first bought an old land rover from a local game keeper he drove it home but had no insurance so parked it on some spare land, off the road near his home and next to a pub until he got some insurance.

    The pub landlord wasn’t aware of the situation and called the police after a couple of days because he thought the vehicle had been abandoned. The police came, checked the vehicle and discovered some rifle bullets that had fallen into a well in the back of the vehicle under some fabric.

    When my mate got his insurance he went to collect his new acquisition only to find it impounded by the police. He went to explain what had happened, unaware ammunition had been found in the vehicle (or even that it existed) and was arrested under firearms and terrorism legislation. He was found guilty. The law is clear, he owned the vehicle, he didn’t have a firearms licence and he left the vehicle unsecured.

    My other mate was a barber, in an old fashioned barbers, he was discussing terrorists with one of his customers because it was all over the newspapers at the time (as now). He said, in a throw away comment, that if he had a machine gun he would shoot the lot of them.

    Later in the day he was approached by a police officer, asked if he possessed a machine gun and arrested. Unbeknown to my mate there was a customer waiting for a short back a and sides sat behind him when he made the comment. The customer (white – Anglo-Saxon) was married to a Muslim lady, took exception to the comment and made a complaint to the police.

    My mate was acquitted in Court but I suspect that both incidents were recorded as failed terrorist plots.

  • Mary

    On Sky News last night.

    MI5 requests more Internet surveillance powers to combat extremism
    Recorded from Sky News on 2015-09-17.

    Presented by Lorna Dunkley.
    Guests: Lucy Beresford and George Pascoe-Watson.

    George Pascoe-Watson ‘is a British journalist. He was political editor of The Sun newspaper, succeeding Trevor Kavanagh in January 2006. He now works for the Portland Communications agency founded by Tony Blair’s former spin doctor Tim Allan in 2001……..’

    Lucy Beresford, apart from being a stooge with received establishment views, is ‘a writer, broadcaster and psychotherapist. She hosts a weekly 2-hour sex and relationships phone-in show on LBC Radio and is the no-nonsense Agony Aunt for Healthy magazine.’

  • Mary

    ‘Lucy Beresford on MI5 requesting greater surveillance powers: “If you don’t have anything to hide why would you worry that they’re actually looking at some of your material?”
    September 18, 2015, 10:20 am

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at these dunderheads who receive such positions of prominence as pundits and thereby shapers of public opinion. I suppose they serve their purpose within the MSM, really.

    Rather than type up a lengthy rebuke, I’ll instead show you who was the original author of that argument and let you reflect on it.’

    followed by this graphic of Goebbels and the quote.

  • doug scorgie

    18 Sep, 2015 – 7:08 am

    “Whereas the truth is that [Netanyahu] was in his limo on the way to the conference and learnt of the bombings from a news bulletin on the car radio. His security people advised him to return to his hotel.”

    How do you know that Kempe?

    Were you in the car?

  • MJ

    “Whereas the truth is that [Netanyahu] was in his limo on the way to the conference and learnt of the bombings from a news bulletin on the car radio”

    Unlikely. By its own admission Mossad learned of the attack some seven minutes before the first blast.

    I’m sure it’s just coincidence, but seven minutes before the first blast is about the time one or more of the alleged bombers would have been caught on CCTV alighting from the train at Euston. Security (including CCTV) at Euston is run by an Israeli company. That CCTV footage is now “lost”.

  • Mick McNulty

    The 7/7 bombing was a British Security operation with exercises going on at those very same stations which were bombed. One policeman said a bomb went off beneath one train, while the train from Luton didn’t get in on time to bring the patsies in. Hearing of the bombs they realized the set-up and tried to contact the media at Canary Wharf where they were shot dead. The shooting was broadcast early in the confusion but soon suppressed.

    It is believed the Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes may have been silenced because he could have worked on the underground’s electrical system. It is said power surges halted the trains in the tunnels to enhance the terror and he may have put two and two together, but it has not been possible to discover where he had been working in the days leading up to the event. All very sinister, which must have been given the go-ahead by Blair.

  • Habbbakuk (la vita e' bella!)


    Good to see you’ve joined in with a couple of extra elements.

    Allow me to repeat, for your close attention, the question I put, viz:

    “Now I don’t know whether that’s correct or not. But whichever is true, it is still difficult to see what the relevance of Netanyahu’s and Giulian’s presence in London is to the 7/7 bombings.

    If Lysias and Clown Posse are tryng to make a point, perhaps they should come out in the open and make it more clearly.”

    What conclusions – if any – do you yourself draw from the elements you’ve added?

    Let’s hear you.

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