Cameron’s “moderate rebels” – Saudi supplied Wahhabi jihadists – have this past 48 hours been bombing civilian areas of Aleppo with yellow phosphorus. The BBC, which went to such extraordinary lengths to fake reports of chemical attacks by Assad, has not reported these genuine chemical attacks at all. Probably because it is too difficult to explain not just why Cameron’s allies are using chemical weapons – and who gave them the chemical weapons – but also why these “friendly” jihadists are attacking Cameron’s other allies, the Kurds, all during a ceasefire.
This video of Robert Stuart is a must see. Let me pin my colours to the mast and say that I am absolutely convinced that the BBC did deliberately and knowingly fake evidence of chemical attacks.
The most egregious BBC propaganda this year has been about the “starvation” of the town of Madaya. The BBC seem to have taken the most glaring example down from YouTube so I can’t embed it. But here on the BBC’s own website you can see the report which claims the Syrian government are deliberately starving civilians in the siege of Madaya. There then appear a string of genuinely heart-rending clips of starving children. The only problem is that none of that footage was shot in Madaya at all, and if you listen very, very carefully you will be able to work out the BBC does not directly affirm that it was. Then we have real comedy at 1 min 30s in, when genuine citizens of Madaya appear to verify their starvation in the shape of four women who are – there is no kind way of saying this – distinctly fat. If double chins are a proof of starvation, then things must be pretty bad.
It is clever propaganda because careful analysis of the text reveals a story very different to the overall picture being deliberately portrayed. Just after the women appear, the reporter slips in that the hardship is caused by hoarding by rebels – i.e. it is actually David Cameron’s moderate forces, not the government, who are causing suffering to the civilians. But you would have to be following very closely and analysing very carefully to pick up on that.
The BBC really has become one of the more outrageous vehicles of government propaganda on the international scene.
At last a great post for Syria – I hope it leads to more people becoming aware of the awful truth. It is our governments who have destroyed Iraq and Libya and are torturing the Syrian people. We are supplying these moderate murderers and keeping the war going. I spoke to an Egyptian doctor a few years ago, as the destabilisation of Syria began, and he said they don’t know what they are taking on in Syria. Syria will be a lot tougher for them and they won’t succeed.
10 Mar, 2016 – 10:06 pm
Thanks for Supporting My earlier Post with the Video Re Mother Agnes… Whom i Do believe.
Leonard Young 9.49 pm — You are right . The series called Syrian School was excellent and showed a very different picture of Syria before the agenda became the destabilisation of Syria.
BrianFujisan: Ditto, Brian. ‘Tis a pity though, that some our more notable and lauded commentators on the Left, such as Owen Jones, were somewhat reluctant to absorb same, at the time, if our recollections, and ageing memories, serve us well… 🙁
RobG: “Bevin, they are all war criminals, who should be tried and hanged.”
Heh. Reminds me of the old rejoinder my mother liked to say (in mockery of such supposed justice) – “They should be given a fair trial and shot at dawn.”
This post is now also to be found at Information Clearing House.
It is certainly possible Resident Dissident to argue against both sides in Syria. But you don’t do this: you regularly rehearse and repeat the propaganda of those who support the wahhabi terrorists.
Of course this adds to your credibility among those who aren’t paying attention. So may calling yourself a Dissident while chanting the mantras of the conformist warmongers.
In reality the charge that the Syrian government used sarin at Houtha is one that only supporters of the terrorist invasions put forward. The attack was a provocation intended to draw the US directly into an attack on Syria.
Should you wish to take more time to answer my questions please do so. Calling me an idiot, however, does not constitute an answer.
Yep..Aint a Big Fan Of Owen.J – More of a Ken O Keefe Type..
you appear to be new hereabouts, Welcome.
@Bevin and Jermyn
Thank you for your informative comments. I always learn from visiting this site.
I find it interesting that RD refers to honest and well-informed commenters as ‘creatures’ and ‘idiots’. I too have noticed that his ‘dissent’ seems to only work against comments that threaten the Establishment narrative. I wonder what this betrays about his own personality.
This Canadian freelance actually speaks to people-in Arabic
“So may calling yourself a Dissident while chanting the mantras of the conformist warmongers. ”
Of course this accusation and worse was how Bevin’s friends dealt with Sakharov and other Soviet dissidents. He is just incapable of acknowledging that the Assad monarchy starves, tortures, gasses, maims and bombs its opponents and has done so for many, many years. The fact that the jihadists do the same does not alter this basic fact one jot.
While I have no problem with the view that Western democracies despite their many faults being a better political model than the regimes of Putin, Assad, Ghadaffi, Kim. Brezhnev, Stalin etc. etc. favoured by the creatures – I defy any of them to show any occaision where I have offered one jot of support to the jihadis, even though they fee quite free to do so themselves when they attack ordinary citizens in Western democracies or just go very very quiet for a short period before claiming they were false flags etc. Their totalitarian mindset is one where all opponents can be just merged into a single homogenous block – if you are not with us you are against us.
[mods@cm-org: Anon1 was not banned for imputing motive, that comment was just deleted. His comments were restricted because he subsequently included a fake moderation note in his own comment]
That isn’t what you said at the time.
Grow the Fuck up
OR GET Huaman
I Do NOT COrect At Craigs…. Squonk, on otherhand
While I have no problem with the view that Western democracies despite their many faults being a better political model than the regimes of Putin, Assad, Ghadaffi, Kim. Brezhnev, Stalin etc. etc. favoured by the creatures – I defy any of them to show any occaision where I have offered one jot of support to the jihadis, even though they fee quite free to do so themselves when they attack ordinary citizens in Western democracies or just go very very quiet for a short period before claiming they were false flags etc. Their totalitarian mindset is one where all opponents can be just merged into a single homogenous block – if you are not with us you are against us.
You muxt be Well Real life terms
I have a fair interest in the Syrian Kurdish political experiment and read sites which discuss the detail of what happens there. Looking quickly this morning I cannot see any reference to this story coming from the YPG thmselves. Perhaps I have missed it and would appreciate to be pointed towards a source less shit than the likes of RT/PressTV/Daily Express.
In the absence of verification beware confirmation bias and propaganda. Are the Information Clearing House & Global Research (sites I don’t really know about) reproducing this page as part of a propaganda exercise? i.e. Has Craig been mugged by the Russian propaganda machine? That would be funny.
You Know Better Writers Phil…
Phil the ex frog, 8:44 am – thanks, you may be right. Craig didn’t say what his source was, and he didn’t say he’d been told directly. Just to check – how up to date are these sites you read usually? And do they cover events in Aleppo? The article you linked other day I thought concerned an area far from Aleppo.
For the record, I had no idea the story was on RT. My source was somebody in UK government employ. Nor had I ever seen anything on Madaya on RT. My source for that was simply the BBC report I linked to, which is self-evidently risible without needing to refer to anything else.
Doubtless our resident right wing propagandists will now wish to claim that RT stuck the double chins on those “starving” women the BBC was promoting.
Resident Dissident does have a point. Many people take disagreement or even just questioning as opposition.
@Resident Dissident – though I expect your hostility tends to provoke it sometimes. And yes I know that sometimes you’re just returning like for like.
I think the cause is something to do with communication via text, which lacks all the non-verbal cues of natural conversation. This effect was reported decades ago by old hands on the Internet.
This is one reason I get so screwed up here. I really try not to hand back hostility (I know I’m not always successful) and at times I end up taking it out on myself.
Craig, thanks.
YFacts are FACTS Craig…You Are Lucky to hv Nevermimd
While on the subject of the simplistic white hats and the black hats, and good doers and evil doers that some supremacist racists tossers are so hung up on as their condescending “contributions” prove;
Desperately trying to limit the reference of the debate around the same simplistic, infantile narrative to maintain the current bankster decreed status quo at all costs regardless of it’s glaring failures and shortcomings that have translated into nine wars in the arc of instability that used to be called Mid East and as the following proves the contagion of failure spreading further into Turkey;
Fuck… And Clark ….And Ahem Us
Incidentally, if any of the right wing commentators watched the video, they would see that Save the Children have been a fundamental part of the pro-war propaganda in Syria for a long time. Remember this is an organisation which gave an award to Tony Blair for “services to peace”, and which pays its chief executive £375,000 a year.
Eyewitness accounts on the use of gas against Kurds;
Resident Dissident
11/03/16 7:24am
It was, RD, as I am sure you will find if you check back. Mods said Anon1 was banned for impersonating moderators. Such an unusual thing to say that I remember it.
Kind regards,
@RD 7.06AM,
The evidence i have provided on these boards with regards Asylum Seekers to the EU starting at the year 2000 to 2014 refutes much of what you state about the Assad Regime, from my recollection unto 2011 the numbers applying for Asylum from Assad’s Syria remained constant at under 2,000 per year – so hardly a stampede to escape the Assad brutality you allege. However, following the imposition of regime change by the West from 2011 onwards, we have an exponential growth in those seeking asylum from Syria.
Why is this I wonder?
Did Assad’s security apparatus become more brutal after 2011, or was it a war driven by the West in support of religious fascists that upped the ante?
Propaganda is one thing, but alas the statistics suggest that Assad’s regime when compared with numerous others was not as brutal as you suggest, and as with Iraq, the number of deaths associated with these regimes was not even a close approximation on those who have died as a result of the Wests intervention – a point made by the former UK Ambassador to Syria, one Peter Ford.
Of course, one is not apologising for torture or the banning of political dissent in any country, be it Russia, Syria, Iraq or elsewhere, but the fact remains the secular regimes had/have less blood on their hands than their replacements, or in the case of Syria, non-replacement.
Now, as in the case of Iraq and genuflection, do we really think the slaughter of hundreds of thousands was a price worth paying compared to tens of thousands under Saddam?
No doubt you’ll follow Madeline Albright’s dictum that 500,000 infant deaths were a price worth paying, although the parents of those infants – many now dead themselves – may take a differing line, one that does not fit into your narrative.
And as for reposting my original links detailing the above, please look at previous post as can’t be arsed to re-link what has already been linked to qualify one is no propagandist or supporter of any terror regime.
Chris Rogers
11/03/16 10:04am
“Madeline Albright’s dictum that 500,000 infant deaths were a price worth paying”
Yeah. Easy to say when her own kid is not the one starving or dying of illness that can’t be treated. If it were, then she might have a different opinion.
Kind regards,