Peak Kinnock 1209

Neil Kinnock appeared on both Dispatches and Panorama this evening bemoaning the presence of socialists in the Labour Party. Neither programme succeeded in finding anything sinister happening, but they did succeed in playing a great deal of sinister music. This must have been a great boost to the sinister music writing industry, for which we should be grateful. I think they have definitively proved that some people are left wing, and would like to have left wing MPs.

But seeing Kinnock reminded me of another bit of TV I saw today, a heartbreaking advert for Save the Children featuring a dying little baby, unable to ask for help. The advert urged you to give just £2 a month to help save her.

If 11,000 people responded with £2 a month, that would not save the little baby, but it would exactly pay the £264,000 per year salary of Neil Kinnock’s daughter-in-law Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Chief Executive of Save the Children and wife of MP Stephen Kinnock. Indeed if 20,000 people gave £2 per month, that would probably cover Mrs Stephen Kinnock’s salary, her other employment costs and the money paid to Sky for the advert. When you toss in Stephen’s salary and expenses, the Stephen Kinnock household are bringing in just shy of a cool half a million pounds a year from public service and charity work.

The salary of Ms Thorning-Schmidt is approximately twice that of her predecessor, Justin Forsyth, who was on an already unconscionable £140,000. I exposed their massive salaries at the time the Save the Children awarded a “Global Legacy” award to Tony Blair. Indeed to meet the salaries and other employment costs of just the top executives at Save the Children would take 80,000 people paying £2 a month. They would be funding executives with an average salary of over £140,000. For those in work paying the £2 a month, the average UK salary is £26,000 a year, and many retired and unemployed people scrimp to find money to give to try to help the needy.

The use of charities as a massive cash cow for the political classes is a real concern. David Miliband is on over 300,000 for heading the International Rescue Committee. When I listed the Save the Children executives, they included Brendan Cox, on over £100,000. He was the husband of Jo Cox, the murdered Labour MP. Brendan Cox and Justin Forsyth were both advisers to Gordon Brown and both moved to Save the Children when they lost their jobs on Brown losing power, sliding in on 6 figure salaries. Jo Cox was an adviser to Glenys Kinnock and left that job to be an executive at Oxfam before she too worked as a highly paid Save the Children executive.

Brendan Cox left Save the Children due to allegations from several women that he sexually harassed female staff and volunteers. Justin Forsyth left at the same time amid allegations he had not effectively acted to have his friend Cox investigated. This has not stopped Forsyth from now popping up as Deputy Chief Executive of UNICEF. Misery for some is a goldmine for others.

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1,209 thoughts on “Peak Kinnock

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  • Alan

    Wikileaks offers £20,000 reward for #LabourLeaks with information on how the Labour Party’s top officials have attempted to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming and staying on as leader.

    Wikileaks is now moving on to the machinations of top officials in the UK Labour Party to tilt the scales against the membership-elected leader Jeremy Corbyn in favour of his challengers.

    So if anybody has any info Wikileaks wants to know.

    • michael norton

      What will now happen to the bloated tom Watson, Nonce finder general deputy leader of the Labour Party?

      • giyane

        Jeremy Corbyn is as extinct as the woolly mammoth. He is a totem or symbol of a forgotten, more honourable age who has been extracted from folk-lore to be the new cuddly slogan for a New Labour re-branding.

        Lovely cuddly patriot Boris was seen on breakfast TV now in office starting WW3 by signalling to Russia to stop interfering with the USUKIS conquest of Syria by Al Qaida and Daesh.

        Cameron got the wooden pencil + a few for services to the Zionist Bankster cause in destroying Gaddafi and starting the war in Syria. Corbyn is a mascot. teddy bear, a good luck charm for the next warmongering version of the Labour Party.

        Fortunately Blair’s sex appeal never managed to seduce me so I have never voted Labour. But I do think Jeremy is sweet, don’t you?

    • Resident Dissident

      Wikileaks of course will not be interested in any information regarding how Putin’s Party rigged the Russian Parliamentary elections. Anything to do with the fugitive from Swedish justice getting work with RT I wonder?

  • Anon1

    Time and again I have to deal with Corbynistas on this blog who insist to me that Jeremy will storm the next election.

    It’s vulgar, I know, but I always ask them to bet money with me – to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. I feel this is the best way to deduce whether they really believe the claims they are making.

    Not a single Corbynista on this blog has taken me up to date. This can only mean that they have no faith in Jeremy.

    So, to repeat. Any and all comers, bet with me that Jeremy will win the next GE. £5- £500, or whatever you can afford. My money is there for the taking. Who’s first?

    • John Goss

      Well, it would be a futile bet. You would renege on the bet and retain your anonimity as an unmitigated bigot and shit-stirrer. Nobody with any sense would trust or entertain you. Your continual stupidity lies in repeatedly thinking they would.

      • Resident Dissident

        Perhaps the bets could be paid into a trust account run by Craig? Of course all the Corbynistas might wish to give their money to Joe Coral is giving 4/1 against Jeremy being the PM after the next General Election – ie they rate his chance of winning at 20%! Teresa May is meanwhile at 3-1 on – a 75% chance of winning. Bookies tend to make money rather than lose it.

        • John Goss

          Bookmakers make money whoever gets elected. They take into account that either Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May may, or may not be leader of the party at the time they are offering certain odds. They take into account how the populace have been brainwashed by the media into believing that Jeremy Corbyn would be bad for the country. I think 4-1 is good odds at the moment but suspect he will be odds-on to win by the time those of us working for him have knocked the doors and those MPs who do not want to work with him have a) flown the nest, or b) been deselected.

          Either way what the media has not taken into account is despite their almost total bias in favour of Owen Smith members of the Labour Party saw through it and even increased Jeremy Corbyn’s mandate. But you are right the bookies are much more trustworthy than those who hide behind a pseudonym, especially the bigots among you.

          • Resident Dissident

            “I think 4-1 is good odds at the moment but suspect he will be odds-on to win by the time those of us working for him have knocked the doors and those MPs who do not want to work with him have a) flown the nest, or b) been deselected.”

            My advice is don’t take Macky with you and don’t mention the Rothschilds or Mr Putin

  • Paul Barbara

    Go Corby, go! Give de ‘Mudders’ ‘ell:
    And don’t wind up a CIA victim, like JFK and countless others, including Bob Marley ( ) and his ‘tutor’, Peter Tosh: .

    Nearer to home, we have John Smith, David Kelly, Robin Cook…

    Let Kinnock, Bliar, Brown, Roy Jenkins, Davis Owen, Bill Rogers (who he?), Shirley Williams, Cameroon, etc. ponder ‘What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?’
    Masonic handshakes don’t quite ‘cut the mustard’ with St. Peter!

    • Paul Barbara

      ‘The Trolls may fume, but JC’s caravan moves on’ (paraphrasing an old Persian (Iranian) proverb).

      • Why be ordinary?

        It’s not persian proverb, It’s turkish.

        In english: “Dog barks but caravan moves on”
        Original: “İt ürür kervan yürür”


        yiğit ölür şan yürür
        dalda şu damarda kan yürür
        inandığın yolda engel tanıma
        it ürür kervan yürür

      • Resident Dissident

        The only ones I see fuming are the friends of Stalin, the Soviet Union, Putin, Assad, Hamas, Hezbollah, Marxist Leninism, Saddam and Ghadaffi – they just do not understand that now they have to convince the electorate. Yes I am also against zero hour contracts and want to see proper regulation and control of the utilities, a properly funded NHS, proper regulation of the financial sector so that its funding is directed to productive investment. But at least I have some idea as to how we should go about achieving these objectives – not that anyone on the blog is really interested in the “how” rather than the “what”. The electorate are not stupid, that was the case in 1983 and I fear we will rediscover this in 2020 or possibly earlier.

        My question from many months ago as to how the National Investment Bank will appraise projects and allocate funds from the proposed £500bn of funding of course remains unanswered. Luxury airliners and a company producing over priced poor quality cars with lousy management and trade unions to match was the track record of their now dead hero.

        • Paul Barbara

          No, I don’t actually have to spend quite so much on Valentines – let’s skip Stalin, Hamas (an Israeli construct, via their welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood into Gaza, and it was created in order to weaken the PLO. I believe the ‘rockets’ fired into Israel come largely via Israeli agents amongst the Palestinians, though some may just be foolish Palestinians), Marxism/Leninism (though I am Left-wing) and Saddam. That’s just five cards instead of the nine you’d have had me sending.
          In case you question my interpretation of Hamas ‘rockets’, check:

          and check out Ari Ben-Menashe’s book ‘Profits of War’.

    • bevin

      You don’t remember Bill Rodgers eh? Now Lord Rodgers and retired from the CIA.
      I cannot wait to see this comment disappear down the ‘filter.’

      • John Goss

        Bill Rodgers, the snake, came to address the Labour Club at Birmingham University, just as he was about to leave with the other three of the Gang of Four, brandishing his Labour Party card as though he was one of us. He told how when he was first elected to the House of Commons he had no more than a locker but how things had improved, and now they all had their own offices and secretaries. It was quite clear where his priorities lay. Good riddance. And if any of the serving MPs want to do the same to make way for a socialist candidate the message is the same.

        • Sharp Ears

          @John Goes

          Lord Rogers of Quarrybank has no registrable interests to declare on the HoL website whereas his mate Dr Acula aka Lord Owen has done very well for himself, viz.

          Category 1: Directorships
          Europe Steel plc (interest ceased 21 December 2015)

          Category 2: Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
          Medical Practitioner (non-practising)

          Income is received from Methuen Publishing and Haus Publishing for writing books; and formerly from international consultancy work (see category 3)

          Category 3: Clients
          Epion Holdings Limited, registered in BVI; main shareholder Alisher Usmanov (interest ceased 21 December 2015)
          USM Holdings Ltd, registered in BVI; main shareholder Alisher Usmanov (interest ceased 21 December 2015)

          Category 4: Shareholdings (b)
          Abbott Laboratories Inc (healthcare)
          Abbvie Inc (pharmaceutical research)
          Hyperdynamics Corporation (oil exploration) (holding fell below registration threshold 25 April 2016)
          IMI plc (industrial) (value of shareholding fell below the registration threshold on 6 October 2015)
          John Lewis plc
          Prusik Umbrella Ucits Fund plc (Asian equity)
          Foresight Solar Fund Ltd (environmental funds)
          Goldfinch Pictures Ltd (film production)
          Wahlgreen Company (drug retailing chain)
          BTG (healthcare)
          Amazon com, Inc
          Schlumberger Limited (technology for oil/gas industries)
          Hyatt Hotels (interest ceased 25 April 2016)
          Tesla Motors
          Gilead Sciences, Inc (biopharmaceutical company)
          Lancashire Holdings Limited (specialty insurance)
          Intermediate Capital Group plc (specialist asset management)
          Charles Schwab Corporation (investment services)
          Accenture plc (management consulting, technology services)
          Colgate Palmolive (consumer and household products)
          ITV plc (media)
          Eli Lilly & Company (pharmaceuticals)
          Nike (sportswear)
          Shire plc (specialty biopharmaceuticals)
          Visa Inc (banking services)
          Walt Disney (entertainment)
          Apple Inc (technology)
          Microsoft Corporation (software)
          Sumitomo Dainippon Pharmaceuticals
          Vodafone Group plc (telecommunications)

          Category 10: Non-financial interests (a)
          Director, Center for International Humanitarian Co-operation
          Chairman, Daedalus Trust

          Category 10: Non-financial interests (e)
          President, River Thames Society

      • Resident Dissident

        So given that you were both around at the time what lessons did you learn from the abject failure of 1983?

        Screw things up so that the Tories are even more rampant and destructive so that the proletariat can stand no more and stage a revolution that brings about the socialist nirvana? What are the lessons of history from our resident Marxist Leninists.

        • John Goss

          “So given that you were both around at the time what lessons did you learn from the abject failure of 1983?”

          It was Thatcher’s war that swayed the electorate. The evil man and women do lives after them and the electorate will not forget it. We’ll make sure of that.

          • Resident Dissident

            Labour lost its lead in the polls before the Falklands War – go and check your facts. And of course your friend General Galtieri did no eveil whatsoever.

    • Resident Dissident

      Nice little anti-Semitic reference there at the end – you just cannot help yourself can you?

  • bevin

    [ Mod: Caught in filter, timestamp updated ]

    Someone published the link:
    The full post is worth reading through.
    The figures reveal that roughly 50% of the membership did not vote (largely because they were disqualified from doing so). And that about the same proportion, half, of those who paid £25 to vote were also unable to do so.

    “… Firstly, they show that Corbyn won a clear majority in every category, whereas last year the only one in which he (just) failed to win was that of full members, where he polled 49.5%.

    “Today’s result shows that – in spite of constant character assassination by both ‘coup’ MPs and the media and the disenfranchisement of massive numbers of members, Corbyn’s support among full members has increased by no fewer than 8.5 points.

    “Which leads us onto the second reason (why McNichol wants to hide the stats-B) – the numbers show the truly staggering extent of the systematic efforts to deny votes to those who were considered likely to support Corbyn. But that is something that definitely needs the light of scrutiny, …
    This shows that my ‘conservative calculation’ earlier this week of 121,000 denied a ballot was indeed overly conservative.

    “Even excluding from the member count the 128,000 denied a vote because of the arbitrary imposition by the NEC of a 12/1/16 cut-off, the members who could have voted and didn’t are almost 138,000.

    “The registered supporters count is also higher than the 57,000 I estimated.

    “Given that registered supporters had to pay £25 to register, we can safely assume that all of those would have voted given the chance. Not absolutely every member would necessarily have voted if they could, but in such a contentious contest, the percentage would have been very high.

    “But let’s be cautious and say only 80% would have and couldn’t, because of suspensions or because they simply didn’t receive their ballot (a situation we already knew was high).

    “That means over 172,000 would-be voters were unable to participate in the election – of which the vast majority would incontestably have voted for Corbyn – almost as many as Smith was able to win in total and far more than his share if the 128,000 12/1/16 voters had not been excluded.

    “The scale of the gerrymandering by Labour party officials to try to undermine their own leader is simply huge. But not as huge as the fact that in spite of it, Corbyn was still able to increase his majority and achieve a clear win in all sections of the vote – and he deserves massive kudos and congratulations for that…”

    It is hard to believe that the indications, here, of affronts to natural justice and breach of both criminal and civil law are not worthy of proceedings. Quite simply the tactics used by the NEC and its agents are unprecedented in British history. All those involved in this shameful attempted purge will be treated with disdain and contempt by honest people.

    • Old Mark

      Res Diss- I note that, since our friend from S Wales trumped you over the longevity of his Labour Party membership (and his office holding at Leicester Uni on behalf of NOLS) you’ve held back on playing that card again- and reverted to pure ad hominem.

  • michael norton

    The European Union should set up a “giant refugee city” on the Libyan coast to process African asylum seekers before they reach Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

    Mr Orban, who has taken a hardline stance against migration, suggested a new Libyan government run the camp.

    • YKMN

      But that’s just the service that Gadhafi cruelly, ruthlessly offered before he was retired , now we have the ‘fun’ of 4 opposing Libyan governments to deal with, dear Otan!

  • YKMN

    And we’ll soon be seeing another thousand secret squirrel typists online – remember each spook typist can hurl abuse from eight or more fake twitter or viber accounts. . .through their untraceable Internet addresses. . .

    The very respected CSM also find out here from Mi6 etc that EVEN when the peskie Russkies will have defeated ISIS/ISIL/Daesh/иг all over the middle-east, somehow, magically, tragically they will still be the number one threat at home. . .

    . . . not forgetting the other existential threat to our democracy from those Red-Russkies who do seem to be voting early & often in the US election ( and this is news? – viewed from the overt context of all the soft-assassination attempts on Corbyn by. . .)

    • YKMN

      Is this a reason for the omnipotent JC to single handedly run a reverse-proxy trace on each spoofed internet data packet, including those from untraceable gchq & their many many tiered partners?

      From lead-item, front page of Sunset Torygraph!
      The former Labour Cabinet minister, Yvette Cooper, has revealed how she has been subjected to death threats online, with one abuser telling her she should be “beheaded”.

      Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, Ms Cooper said it was an example of the increasingly vicious internet abuse that Labour MPs suffer and demanded that Jeremy Corbyn act to stamp it out.

  • jeremy

    I hear Oliver Stone is considering a new movie provisionally called ‘The Unelectables’ – starring all 171 neo-con, right wing, ner-do-well labour MPs who have, for the second time in a year, found themselves at odds with everybody but themselves. The sooner these bliarite jobsworths are ‘moved on’ the better – honestly, does anybody care what Alastair Campbell thinks about anything – and why isn’t he in gaol with his warmongering mates????

    • giyane

      They might be Blairite jobsworths to you mate but to the people who decide elections they are rotten boroughs, stocking-fillers, call them what you will.

  • Republicofscotland

    Speaking at a UN meeting on Friday, Boris the buffoon, who just can’t seem to forgive, Michael Gove, claimed that Assad, had no legitimacy in Syria now. BoJo, also lambasted Russia, and placed the blame on them for the destruction of the UN convoy, even though, there’s not a shread of evidence to show Russia was involved.

    What the gaff prone Foreign Secretary doesn’t say, is that the US nor its minions, including the dis-United Kingdom, have no mandate to be in Syria, and there was no mention of the murder of Syrian soldiers, by Nato forces during a ceasefire. Johnson is taking part in a emergency meeting today which includes France and the US, to discuss the escalating war in Aleppo, there are, no prizes for guessing right, who is escalating the war in Aleppo.

    • Republicofscotland

      More innocent Yemeni civilians die, at the hands of Saudi weapons, weapons, that could’ve been supplied by the dis-United Kingdom. The UN say more than 10,000 people have died, since Western backed Saudi Arabia began its incessant bombing campaign in March 2015.

      The war, intended to stop the progress of local Houthi militias, is being waged by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s powerful defence minister. President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has fled to Saudi Arabia, he in my opinion is a Saudi puppet, the intention to keep Yemen’s government undet Sunni control.

      Saudi Arabia a great ally of the dis-United Kingdom, is waging war against the Shia Crescent, in the region from aiding the Bahraini government to oppress its Shia population, to bombing Shia’s in Yemen, and helping Israel, plot the demise of Iran.

      Surprisingly Syria is mainly Sunni around the 70% mark, so why would Saudi Arabia attack Sunni’s? Of course when you throw in the West’s activities in Syria, you realise the illegal war in Syria is about more than just religion.

      • J

        We keep hearing that official number so often I begin to wonder. Is it larger? By how far? Who would know?

  • Paul Barbara

    @ Anon1 September 24, 2016 at 23:46
    ‘Time and again I have to deal with Corbynistas on this blog who insist to me that Jeremy will storm the next election.

    It’s vulgar, I know, but I always ask them to bet money with me – to put their money where their mouth is, so to speak. I feel this is the best way to deduce whether they really believe the claims they are making.

    Not a single Corbynista on this blog has taken me up to date. This can only mean that they have no faith in Jeremy.

    So, to repeat. Any and all comers, bet with me that Jeremy will win the next GE. £5- £500, or whatever you can afford. My money is there for the taking. Who’s first?’

    Assuming anyone trusted you (hardly likely), perhaps you could venture an explanation why on earth anyone would have a straight bet on JC, when they can get 5-1 at the Bookies?
    And I wonder what the Bookies know that the MSM pundits (and their Troll parrots) don’t?

    • bevin

      They must be going by the poster’s name: I seriously expect this one will be moderated too.
      They probably took up Habbanotherjob on his offer- we’re probably better off where we can see him.

    • michael norton

      Two police officers standing near the explosion site were injured by the blast, police confirmed

      It is amazing no mention whatsoever on the BBC

      A government spokesperson declined further comment on whether the explosion had anything to do with a deliberate attack.

      Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been a vocal opponent of immigration into Europe and has campaigned for a referendum about migrant resettlement quotas on the premise that immigration increases the terror threat in Europe.

      In a campaign leaflet to reject the quotas, Orban cited the Paris attacks last autumn and the Brussels and Nice attacks to underscore the perceived links between immigration and terrorism.

      Hungary has seen merely a trickle of migration since it sealed its southern border with Serbia with a razor wire fence last year.

      • michael norton

        News web site quoted an email from an eyewitness, who said he saw a nail lodged in a taxi nearby. Photos also showed a few nails on the ground with police chalk marks around them.

        That from The Telegraph described as BREAKING NEWS

  • Mark Golding

    The ;White Hat’ imposters commanded by Le Mesurier, an arse’ole who graduated at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst and later ‘promoted’ to British military intelligence officer involved in a number of other NATO ‘humanitarian intervention’ theatres of war, including Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq.

    Le Mesurier’s ‘White Hat’ captain has the NSA encryption machine (codes changed every 24 hours) to call in US air-strikes in Syria. Hopefully we can get hold of the code-sheet monthly issue and inform the world of American treachery.

    • John Goss

      “. . . Aleppo is a city under siege, not by “Assad and his army“, as the western media would have you believe, but by an assortment of up to 22 different terror brigades many of whom are armed, funded, and trained by the US, UK, France, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, to name only a few of the west’s ‘coalition.’ The REAL Syria Civil Defence crew-members are under constant threat of being targeted by any one of these terrorist brigades – including the White Helmets, as they later explained to us.”

      Yet there were two talking heads on Sky News this morning, one from the Mirror and one Jasmine somebody- or-other both calling for Russia to pay the price for these mass murders perpetrated by these private and state armies. Mainstream News is nothing but lies.

    • Tony_0pmoc

      Mark Golding,

      I have no idea what you look like, but we are having a party round our house, after the Fireworks Display in our local park -around November 5th – or the Saturday nearest…not really planned it yet…(and neither has my wife)

      I would just love to meet You

      You have courage and write more sense than almost anyone on here

      Bring Craig Murray too – if you know him..

      I have never met him – but I know he’s a good man too.

      Tony xx

  • Alcyone

    Corbyn exuded confidence with Marr this morning, also looking every bit a statesman as compared with your average slippery politician.

  • YKMN

    The spooks in Switzerland are today holding their breath – the democratic Helvetic nation is having a referendum vote on whether to grant extensive monitoring/hacking powers and permission to collaborate with the enormous matrix of western intelligence agencies.

    I presume Craig’s blog here is reasonably troll-quiet today as the psyops warfare agents will presumably be deployed in Schweitzer-Deutsch & Romansch etc blogs to remind people of the danger of furry slippers. . .

    at least the Swiss get a direct vote!

      • Republicofscotland

        Oh, Israel, wants much much, more than that Mr Goss, they’ve opened a mission at Nato’s headquarters in Brussels, piggybacking on the coat tails of their benefactor the Great Satan (consecutive US governments). They appear to be using the USA’s influence within Nato.

        We all know that Nato, isn’t held accountable, in the field of battle, with regards to collateral damage. I’d imagine under the cloak of Nato, Israel will receive the same benefit

        The overall goal? To legitimse, aggressive Israeli actions, with a view of reducing criticism.

        • michael norton

          If Israel joined NATO

          if one of their near-by states invaded them, NATO would be deffo involved PDQ

          • Republicofscotland


            I suppose Nato would, however it hasn’t been all plain sailing for Israel, Turkey, already a Nato member, blocked Israel’s access, to information on Nato exercises, procurement programmes, and a whole host of information, that Nato members are otherwise privy too.

            Could you imagine what havoc Israel could do if they were privy to Nato intelligence, there would probably, be multiple King David hotel events, planned and carried out by you know who.

            Turkey essentially severed ties with Israel, a former strategic and defence trade partner, following the killing of nine Turkish activists in a May 2010 raid of a ship aiming to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

            However, from what I’ve read relations betweens Turkey and Israel, have warmed in recent months.

            Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and UAE are to open liaison offices to NATO. The North Atlantic Council has agreed that, following their individual requests, Jordan, Israel, Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait will establish diplomatic missions to NATO headquarters.

            Nato appears to be offering entry to those who agree with its core principles, which are “We are the self appointed world police force, obey us or else.”

          • Habbabkuk

            Opening a mission at NATO HQ in Brussels (or indeed liasion offices) is hardly the same as NATO membership, ELIE.

            For instance, there is a Russian mission to NATO with permanent attaches but I doubt if even you would claim that Russia is about to join NATO.

            There are many third country missions to the European Union in Brussels but I doubt of even you would claim that the EU is about to open its doors to all those third countries.

            But please do not let facts and common sense inhibit your desire to prose away interminably, bless!

      • Resident Dissident

        You’re just jealous because you cannot wear high heels – remember your own singing is out there on the web.

      • Laguerre

        “and has actually won it with that bearded cross-dresser devoid of talent.”

        The bearded cross-dresser was Austrian, I think. The Israeli who won was the transsexual, Dana International.

  • John Goss

    I’m urging those who haven’t done so yet to join the Labour Party. This morning I received an email from my MP, Steve McCabe, showing a positive approach towards working with Jeremy Corbyn, despite his reservations. We can all follow that lead. The time is right. It’s time.

    • bevin

      According to David Lindsay, the Labour Party got 15000 new members in the nine hours following the poll announcement.
      If the work of turning the Party into a proper democratic institution-rather than the pathetic parody of leninism that the Blairites constructed on the wreckage of the Trade Unions- goes well there is no reason why, in these increasingly troubled times, membership should not be in the millions.
      And they might all have been Guardian readers: now they are just a rapidly expanding demographic looking for a newspaper they can trust.

      • MJ

        One of the great things about having so many members is that the party will no longer have to rely on corporate sponsors for funding. An independent, crowd-funded people’s party – just what the doctor ordered.

        • Habbabkuk


          I think you will find that the crowd funding idea is a non-starter. That is because many people are unwilling to put their money where their mouth is. It’s a little bit the same as when people are interviewed and say that they would be willing to pay more income for a better health or education service and then, when push comes to shove, vote against any party which refuses to rule out even modest income tax increases should it be elected.

  • Habbabkuk

    To Republicofscotland, Laguerre, Why be ordinary, Macky, Herbie, Giyane, Sharp Ears, Alan, Glenn, Manda et al:

    Mr Goss has been addressing…YOU :

    “.. the bookies are much more trustworthy than those who hide behind a pseudonym”.

    Will you now come out from behind your pseudonyms and identify yourself, as Mr Goss has had the courage to do?

    I think you should, because you are not trolls, bigots, fascists and racists but fearless fighters for freedom, democracy, human rights, etc, etc, etc…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Habbabkuk

        Certainly, Alan. But you and your fellows appear to believe that I – and some others – are bigotted trolls with racist, fascist tendencies from whom nothing better can be expected.

        You and the others I have mentioned, are, on the contrary, fearless fighters for freedom, democracy, human rights, etc, etc, etc…

        Surely, with those qualifications, you should be proud – even eager – to stand up and be counted under your real names?

        • Alan

          No Habbabkuk, what you are doing is projecting your behaviour onto us. Habbabkuk is the pseudonym that you hide behind because you are not a troll, bigot, fascist and racist but fearless fighter for freedom, democracy, human rights, etc, etc, etc…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Resident Dissident

        No he is an Old testament prophet (who went into the lions den to feed Daniel) and he will turn you into a bock of stone if you show anymore insolence.

        • Clark

          RD, no, the Old Testament prophet was:

          Habakkuk. – one B, two Ks – not:
          Habbabkuk – two Bs, another B and one K.

          HMS Habbabkuk was a WWII UK aircraft carrier made from ice and sawdust.

          • Resident Dissident

            I think you will find that the Old Testament was not originally written in English so alternative spellings are possible.

          • Clark

            “I think you will find…”
            “Perhaps you should consider…”
            “Might I suggest…”

            Resident Pomposity, if he’s Habakkuk, he should be pulling thorns rather than deploying his ‘intellectual fire-power’.

          • Clark

            Off-topic musings can lead to some odd trivia. Habakkuk has two tombs; one in Israel, another in Iran. There is also a statue of Habakkuk called Zuccone, “big bald pumpkin head”.

    • Loony

      Why would you be so keen to argue against anonymous speech?

      Surely the answer could not be found in the fact that anonymous speech frustrates an ability to engage in ad hominem attacks. Even more surely your passion against anonymous speech could not be connected to the fact that the benefits of anonymous speech are recognized and (in the US at least) enshrined in law.

      • Habbabkuk

        Actually, Loony, you misinterpreted the thrust of my light-hearted posts on anonymous posting (one of which is in moderation, so you won”t have seen it).

        That thrust was merely to wonder why Mr Goss – who periodically preens himself on not remaining anonymous – has not inspired the handful of fellow-leftists, West-haters and anarchists to do likewise.

        Anyway, I’m not fussed either way: those who need to know, already know and as for the rest of the readers it doesn’t really matter who (for example) “Loony” really is.

      • Paul Barbara

        It may come into greater fashion, now the Bliarite Thought Police are perusing social media for ‘dissidents’.

    • bevin

      Ian McNichol wants to know who says what. So does Habbaspook. And for roughly the same reasons- not to debate but to impose sanctions, disenfranchise, blacklist etc.
      Remember McCarthy!!

  • michael norton

    It is looking more like the innocent gas explosion in Budapest
    was in fact a bomb containing nails, deliberately targeting police officers.

    There was a Jason Bourne movies, where he made the gas explode as the gunmen were coming in, set, I think in Berlin.

    So, I am sure you could pack nails in an adhesive around a gas valve to make it blow.

    The Gas explosion in Chimay, border of Belgium with France, was a month ago, even though people died and the building was not connected to the gas mains, no updates, from four hours after the gas blast.
    Surely by now even the Belgian plods could figure out was caused a public building to half collapse, at midnight?

    • michael norton

      Chimay, Belgium explosion – gas? Update September 13th 2016
      Explosion at the sports center of Chimay – “The privileged accidental thesis”

      (Belga) The independent study commissioned by the prosecutor of Charleroi following the explosion in the sports hall of Chimay, on August 25, tends toward an accidental cause. The blast was caused by a leak in the gas cylinders stock.

      On 25 August, just before midnight, a violent explosion ravaged the sports center of Chalon in Chimay. Arrived quickly on site, relief had discovered five people from the rubble, including four members of Jogging Athletic Club de l’Oise (JACO). One of the victims died on the spot while four others injured in varying degrees, have been hospitalized. The building threatened to collapse, the work of consolidation and stabilization of the building had to be made by a company prior to forensics. Vidéosurveillances the hard drives have been found in the rubble and analyzed by investigators. According to the prosecution of Charleroi, the first elements collected by the expert appointed by him based accidental thesis. A gas leak may have occurred in the stock tanks. “However, homework is still needed before concluding the investigation definitively,” said the public prosecutor of division, Vincent Fiasse. (Belga)

      I do not for one moment believe this was an accidental gas explosion, in a public building at midnight, whilst not being connected top the mains gas.

      Gas, like propane, has to be kept in a locked, breathable compound, a certain distance outside and away from the buildings.
      What on earth would you need propane for in a council sports center, in 2016 in Belgium, heart of the E.U. and heart of NATO?

    • Clark

      A leak of pure gas can burn but it will not explode.

      To explode, first, a volume of gas has to be mixed with a comparable volume air (or other oxidiser), followed by ignition. This would cause a fuel-air explosion. A gas leak could gradually create the right conditions. A gas canister could burst, creating the right conditions quite suddenly.

      A bomb cannot be made by packing nails around a gas valve because the gas behind the valve is not pre-mixed with air or oxidiser.

      Gas explosions usually happen after a leak indoors has had time for enough gas to mix with air in a room. Outdoors, gas is likely to disperse or be blown away as it leaks, preventing the concentration from increasing to explosive conditions. A sudden release such as a burst canister could briefly create the right conditions outdoors, but would explode only if ignited quite promptly, before the gas dissipated.

  • Habbabkuk

    Things are going well to plan. Mr Corbyn has been reconfirmed as leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister Theresa May will be sleeping very comfortably in her bed, I think. She will be sleeping even more comfortably if there will be a wave of deselections of sitting Labour MPs before the next election.

    • bevin

      The foregoing was an excerpt from the new book: “Reverse Psychology for complete morons- a guide to exerting political influence by employing cunning plans.”

      • Resident Dissident

        Let us not forget the Trots guiding philosophy

        “The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”

        The Stalinists forgot about all the stuff after “the means”.

    • Alan

      Do Prime Ministers ever sleep soundly in their beds knowing that every upstart, back-stabbing, wannabe in the House is after their job?

  • Republicofscotland

    The US, appears to have severely damaged its credibility as a “peace” negotiator, in Syria, after killing over 60 Syrian troops during a ceasefire.

    That aside, China has entered the fray, though from what I can tell, it has sided with Russia and Assad forces, deploying aid offering training and support for Assad forces.

    This has been overseen by, Rear-Admiral Guan Youfei, the head of the Office for International Military Cooperation under the Central Military Commission that oversees China’s 2.3 million-member armed forces.

    However when one digs a little bit deeper, China’s involvement in Syria, isn’t quite what it seems.

    The Chinese entry into the war, is caused by the increasing number of Chinese Muslim Uighur militants fighting alongside Syrian rebels, in the country’s north. Rear-Admiral Guan Youfei claims, over 200 Uighurs were currently fighting in Syria. China wants them to be either put on trialat home, or exterminated on the Syrian battlefield.

    China does have a vested interest, in Assad remaining in power, with Chinese firms holding large shares in several Syrian oil companies, and the possibility of Chinese firms, being awarded the rights to rebuold Syria’s infrastructure after the cessation of hostilities, that’s if Assad is still in power.

    • MJ

      It passed without comment over here but, at the end of last year, China made a small but significant change to its constitution. It granted itself the right, for the first time, to engage militarily overseas for the purpose of fighting terrorism at home. Those 200 Uighurs have appeared in Syria at a most convenient moment.

      • Republicofscotland

        Thank you MJ regarding the info on China’s constitution, I was unaware of that.

        However, I often berate the West’s action in Craig’s egalitarian blog, and rightly so, I live in the West and expect higher standards, ethically, and morally.

        Moving on to China’s actions, the Chinese government have no great claim over morality, as they constanly oppress the people of the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region.

        The region, to the North West, is a trade route to Asia, and holds large reserves of natural resources. The peoples living in the region the Uighur’s and other Turkic-speakers, see themselves, historically connected to Central Asia and not China.

      • bevin

        Those 200 Uighurs have been around for a long time. They are armed and trained by the CIA and like the Chechens have been involved in “rebellions” for Uncle Sam in the middle east, Balkans and Caucasus for decades.
        Most of the “rebel” forces fighting in Syria are not Syrian and most of the officers and NCOs are hard bitten mercenaries who have spent their lives working for Washington. The money’s good. The weapons just keep on coming. And there are no inhibitions, rules of war or constraints at all.
        Washington’s ‘denials’ of its close links to al qaeda and ISIS are becoming ludicrously implausible.

        • Republicofscotland


          Yes Bevin, I think you are correct, it would make sense for the Uighur’s to fight on the side of the West, though I don’t condone it, I understand it.

          The Great Satan, is probably backing them, in their attempts to stop Chinese oppression in the Xinjiang region.

          “China is home to a many Muslim ethnic minorities who subjected to assimilation by Chinese policies. According to the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA), there are more than 21 million Muslims in the country.”

          ” A Pew Research Center study based on the Chinese census found that there are 21.6 million Muslims in China, accounting for 1.6 percent of the total population. According to the 2011 census, the largest Muslim ethnic group is the Hui, also known as Dungans, with 12 million, and the second-largest group is the Uighurs at 10 million.”

          ” The rest, in descending order, are Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks and. Additionally, the small amount of Tibetan Muslims are officially classified along with the Tibetan people. The Chinese government imposed birth restrictions on Muslim minorities in Xinjiang in 2014. The party chief said it was necessary to lower fertility and implemented a family planning policy as part of efforts “to fight terrorism.”

          ” In 2015, Xinjiang doubled payouts to Uighur couples who have fewer than their quota to 6,000 yuan ($950). Ethnic Han Chinese forced to move to Xinjiang arrived at different times since 1776. According to a census from early 19th century, 75 percent of the region’s total population was Uighur. According to Human Rights Watch (HRW), at the beginning of the Chinese economic reform in 1978, including population planning, Uighurs dropped to 42 percent of the population.”

          “Uighurs have long suffered ethnic discrimination, oppressive religious controls and continued poverty and joblessness in Xinjiang. For years, Chinese officials restricted fasting during Ramadan for civil servants, students and children.”

          ” In 2015, China’s ruling Communist Party launched an anti-terrorism campaign in Xinjiang following a string of deadly attacks Beijing blamed on extremist Uighurs seeking to establish an independent state. According to a Uighur Human Rights Project report, 700 people were killed due to political activities in 2015.”

          “The number of those arrested increased 95 percent compared to the 2014, reaching 27,000. The number of those sentenced to execution or life imprisonment increased 50 percent last year. Chinese officials continue to censor media in the region, as in other parts of China.”

          ” Some 26.3 million people are estimated to have been killed between 1949, when China took over the region, and the Great Leap Forward, and 8.7 million people since 1965. About 35 million people have died because of military oppression or famine. Wearing a headscarf in public, including on public transportation and when getting married in a religious ceremony, was banned in some places in 2014, with fines of about $353 for wearing a headscarf in public.”

          ” Radical behavior is banned, which the Chinese government defines as not drinking alcohol, not smoking and avoiding eating non-halal food. A group of five Uighur men who had “crescent moon-shaped” beards were on trial in Xinjiang for religious extremism after they were found to have secretly attended unsanctioned religious ceremonies in June 2015.”

          Apologies for the extensive comment, there are shades of Tibetan oppression, going on in Xinjiang.

          • bevin

            You mustn’t take the Daily Sabah-or any other Turkish dailies- as gospel. The Turks support Uighur revolts because they see them as Turkic and allies of Ankara. In any case the notion that the CIA supports the Uighurs in order to promote human rights is laughable, isn’t it? As to ‘Tibetan oppression’ there is much less of it now that the feudal rule of the lamas has been shaken off. Richard Gere is no better guide to Asian politics than Turkish official publications.

          • Resident Dissident

            “As to ‘Tibetan oppression’ there is much less of it now that the feudal rule of the lamas has been shaken off.”

            Makes it sound such a gentle process – unfortunately it wasn’t 10-20% of the Tibetan population were murdered.

    • YKMN

      Wow! RoS, China’s started to mobilise, but for the ‘legitimate government side’ rather than ‘the meddlers’ , the commentator Alastair Crooke said ” It is a geopolitical war. It is not a war about Syria or in Syria; this has become a geopolitical conflict between two opposing sides.”

      You’ll be getting extremely senior BBC journos commenting on Dr David Kelly & WMD from previous insane wars next. . .oops. . .

      [John] Simpson reserved his greatest opprobrium for Tony Blair and his former press secretary Alistair Campbell, both for their involvement in the Hutton [Kelly & Iraqi WMD] affair and their dealings with Rupert Murdoch.

      “Here is the British prime minister [Blair] cosying up to a man who has got no interest in Britain, who is deeply opposed to Britain and Britain’s interest, and is against the main national broadcaster,” Simpson said.

      From MSM

      • Republicofscotland


        Thank you for those comments and the link, re Simpson, I found this rather interesting (from your link).

        “After a short holiday to recover, Simpson is to start filming the Panorama special. He plans to go to Iraq, Russia and China, “maybe the US, and I’m quite keen to go somewhere really nasty like the Congo”.

        I’m sure most of us could think of places far more nastier, than the Congo, Simpson, in my opinion was being rather harsh I think.

    • RobG

      Republicofscotland said: “The US, appears to have severely damaged its credibility as a “peace” negotiator, in Syria, after killing over 60 Syrian troops during a ceasefire.”

      Here’s a news report about that:

      At the same time we had yet another quite blatant false flag attack, this time the ‘terrorists’ struck in New York state…

      There are many accounts which say that immediately after the US bombing of Syrian troops there was an ISIS counter-attack against the Syrians.

      The shadow government in the US is now so out of control, so insane, that we are now staring another world war in the face; and it will be the final war on this planet.

      • Republicofscotland


        Re your false flag comment.

        Scott Bennett, formerly of the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion, told RT the dumpster bombing in New York. A pipe bomb explosion prior to a charity race in New Jersey for Marines and Navy sailors, and a potential bomb threat resulting in the closing of 60 schools, in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island, were part of a psychological operation to draw attention away from an effort by the US to step up the war in Syria.

        Rob you can see Mr Bennett, says as much in the above link at around 12min 30 seconds.

    • Alan

      “The US, appears to have severely damaged its credibility as a “peace” negotiator”

      If you had grown up watching the Vietnam war on TV every night, you would know that the US has no credibility as a “peace negotiator” at all.

    • bevin

      Jeremy doesn’t do kicking disabled people out of their wheelchairs and cutting disability benefits to fund tax breaks from spivs either.
      Nor does john McDonnell-it does them great credit that they get angry at those who play games with the lives of the most vulnerable. It is typical of the self centredness of the greedy that all they get out of the dispute is the fear that people will turn to violence if their onslaught on them continues.

    • Laguerre

      “Jeremy doesn’t do abuse, but he knows a man who does”

      I can’t really see the problem. Politics is a tough business. A wilting wallflower is not going to make it anyway.

  • RobG

    To see Obama stand up in the UN and give an hour long speech this week was a barf bag moment, because his speech was complete lies and bullshit. Even worse, no other members of the UN called him out on it.

    But the Russians are now indicating that they’re not going to put up with it anymore. This is a major turning point…

    Back in August, American and Turkish troops invaded and occupied part of northern Syria, and declaimed that they would shoot down any ‘hostile forces’ that tried to remove them. This invasion of a sovereign state was totally against all international law, yet once again not one UN member had the balls to call out the US on this.

    Things are now changing. The American and Turkish troops that now occupy part of Syria can easily be dislodged by the Russians, and it looks like the Russians are now going to do precisely this.

    The sixty four thousand dollar question is, how will the neo-con psychos in Washington react to this?

    • Republicofscotland


      You may not know this about the 2009 Nobel Peace prize winner (A sarcastic joke yes I know) but US President Barack Obama, officially became the US president to have been at war the longest — longer than Lyndon Johnson, longer than Abraham Lincoln, and certainly longer than George W. Bush.

      Obama acquired the highly dubious honour on May 6th, ironically Obama, ran his US presidential candidacy, on a anti-war theme, back in 2008.

    • Alan

      “his speech was complete lies and bullshit.”

      What else can you expect from an American politician?

  • Habbabkuk

    Can anyone explain to me why some people continually get so fussed about the State of Israel talking part in the Eurovision song contest? Or – more seriously – about Israeli participation in EU R&D projects, Israeli military and security contacts with NATO and EU member states, and so on?

    After all, the State of Israel is, to all extents and practical purposes, European in character, outlook and values (in particular, the values of pluralism, the rule of law and democracy).

    It is therefore natural that most people welcome ever closer ties and cooperation with the state of Israel. It is also natural that certain neighbouring states to whom European values are alien, do not.

    • YKMN

      Yes OK Наб , you’re mostly right , except I remember from my years in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a close neighbor from Eilat region to Tabuk region – where there’s around 20 km separation) that KSA never used to be on your list of friends – I had to diligently censor all my belongings , for example, removing any mention of a certain Mr Marks or Mr Spencer.

      The events surrounding Sabra & Shatila did not go un-noticed by your most vociferous enemy, I remember the shock felt by the whole Arab world at the time, how did you avoid a war? To be in Arabia in September 1982 was the opposite of awesome, whatever word that is <>?

      Yet now, you work covertly, closely in the Syrian Arab Republic with these mad mad mad Salafist bedou, presumably on the basis that your enemy’s enemy is your ‘friend’.

      Persia was of course first defeated in a naval battle in September 480BCE , which many consider to be the start of the concept of Europe, if not the actual song-contest!

    • Loony

      It is quite simple – and it relates to both simple geography and simple English.

      Whatever Israel may or many not be, it is not in Europe. The relevant part of the phrase “Eurovision song contest” is Euro which denotes Europe. Similarly the “E” in “EU” denotes European. With regard to NATO the “NA” denotes “North Atlantic” and in addition to not being in Europe Israel is also not in the North Atlantic.

      Australia ans New Zealand are also “European in character, outlook and values (in particular the values of pluralism, the rule of law and democracy)” However neither country are in the Eurovision song contest, the EU or NATO. This is because they are not located in Europe or the North Atlantic.

      Perhaps if you looked at a map prior to posing inane questions you may save yourself some embarrassment

      • Republicofscotland

        Thank you Looney, for that very geographically aware comment.

        I couldn’t have put it better myself. ?

        • Resident Dissident

          Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia are not in geographical Europe either but still participate in the Song Contest – but unlike Israel they don’t seem to drawing criticism. Is that because they vote for Russia – or at least the local Russians do with encouragement from the local embassy (something that occurs in the UK as well).

          • Loony

            It is generally accepted that the Caucasus mountains form the geographic South Eastern border of Europe. Any attempts at greater specificity are open to challenge. As each of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have territories within the Caucasus mountains it is arguable that each of these states are at least partially located within Europe.

            Equally it is arguable that they are not European states. This contrasts with Israel – a state for which no possible argument can be advanced to suggest that it lies within European boundaries.

            Although Russia is a great and noble power it does not have the ability to unilaterally declare continental boundaries based on what countries it happens to like or dislike.

    • bevin

      Some people are choosy about the company they keep. And Israelis-under GBS dictum that if you insist on keeping a man in the ditch you have to get down there with him- smell of the political gutter. It is because they treat persons indigenous to the country like animals.
      Unless Israel’s non-Muslim and non-Christian citizens, who monopolise political power in the country, determine to negotiate fairly and show themselves ready to make reparation for the wrongs that they have committed, that state’s days are numbered. Unfortunately it is ruled by fascists who, when faced with defeat, are inclined to become death cultists.
      The most irresponsible action that any government ever took in the history of humanity was to condone and assist in the building of nuclear weapons, which it threatens to use constantly, in Israel.

      • Paul Barbara

        An important reason among many others, why JFK was assassinated was his determination to prevent Israel getting nuclear weapons.
        Israel attained their objective of getting nukes during LBJ’s watch, with covert support of the US, France and Britain.

  • Habbabkuk

    How things have gone downhill, RoS!

    There used to be the Flying Scotsman.

    Now we have the Lying Non-Scotsman.


    • RobG

      There used to be the Flying Scotsman, when we had the engineering skills and a manufacturing base to build a Flying Scotsman.

      Instead, after more than three decades of the neo-cons, all we now have are call centers and zero hours contracts and the biggest and most corrupt money laundering sector on the planet.

      Oh, we’ve achieved so much after the last three decades…

      • Republicofscotland


        I’m pleased to inform you that there still a Flying Scotsman steam train, after it went through a £4.2 million restoration programme. It was one of the fastest steam train around, in its day.

        However if memory serves me well, I recall the Mallard, steam train, as being the fastest of them all, I could be wrong though. ?

  • Republicofscotland

    So Hilary Clinton, has broken her promise of going to the city of Charlotte today, and instead has decided to meet Israel’s prime minister Mr Netanyahu.

    Black Lives Matter activists have called Israel a “apartheid” state (I wonder why?) And are disappointed that Clinton, couldn’t attend the meeting with them in Charlotte, which has seen intense police brutality recently.

    I’d say Clinton is more popular with black voters than Trump is, though reading through some articles it’s clear the Black Lives Matter movement, does not support Clinton, in her bid for the Whitehouse.

    More info can be found here.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Latin American nations accused the US of “neo-colonialism” at the UN General Assembly, with Venezuela going as far as calling Washington “the biggest exporter of violence in the world,” while also arguing for the removal of stumbling blocks to development.”

    “Ecuador and Nicaragua joined Venezuela in their condemnation of the US at the 71st UN General Assembly in New York.”

    I take my hat to those nations for telling it like it is, that the Great Satan (consecutive US governments) in most part, has brought nothing, but death, destruction and exploitation, their South American cousins.

    Operation Condor, was mentioned by the Venezuelan foreign minister, in which the CIA, undoubtedly had a hand in.

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