The Rush to War 729

I have never ruled out the possibility that Russia is responsible for the attack in Salisbury, amongst other possibilities. But I do rule out the possibility that Assad is dropping chemical weapons in Ghouta. In this extraordinary war, where Saudi-funded jihadist head choppers have Israeli air support and US and UK military “advisers”, every time the Syrian army is about to take complete control of a major jihadist enclave, at the last moment when victory is in their grasp, the Syrian Army allegedly attacks children with chemical weapons, for no military reason at all. We have been fed this narrative again and again and again.

We then face a propaganda onslaught from neo-con politicians, think tanks and “charities” urging a great rain of Western bombs and missiles, and are accused of callousness towards suffering children if we demur. This despite the certain knowledge that Western military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya have had consequences which remain to this day utterly disastrous.

I fear that the massive orchestration of Russophobia over the last two years is intended to prepare public opinion for a wider military conflict centred on the Middle East, but likely to spread, and that we are approaching that endgame. The dislocation of the political and media class from the general population is such, that the levers for people of goodwill to prevent this are, as with Iraq, extremely few as politicians quake in the face of media jingoism. These feel like extremely dangerous times.

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729 thoughts on “The Rush to War

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    • MarkSpencer

      Don’t think anybody’s asking her opinion. She does as she’s told by her handlers.

    • Charles

      Throughout their recovery their emotional support and psychological care have been extremely important, at this stage it is the of the highest of importance.

      Yulia’s mother and brother are both dead, the government has prohibited her cousin visiting her, Yulia needs to be with her father as much as he needs to be with her.

      On the face of it this is pure cruelty unless we hear from Yulia that this is what she wants I for one will assume this is being done against her will by some mind numbingly wicked bastards

    • Paul

      Yulia discharged is surprising. The announcement of this is slightly more so. Three possibilities (at least) present themselves, if she appears in public to accept the witness protection / relocation offer.

      1. She has been convinced (perhaps by still super secret evidence) that the Skripals were the targets of a Russian mafia or government attack.

      2. She has opportunistically accepted the resettlement package offered–would any payout be too high if it pulls the UK guv’s bacon from the fire?

      3. She was involved or knows her father was.

  • Murray Johnson

    Extraordinary presentation of the dubious ‘gassed children’ footage on BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show this morning. Accompanied by that wailing mournful middle eastern music (think Gladiator soundtrack) and interspersed with fade outs to simple factoids on a brown background. Quite a piece of work and the most naked piece of propaganda I’ve yet seen from the BBC.

    • Buz

      There were four talking heads. The representative of the Union of Medical Care and Relef Organisations was speaking from California (well that’s what the screen showed when he spoke to the BBC on 10th April)
      The medical doctor was speaking from Bangor(Wales or Northern Ireland?).She had worked in Syria and spoke of her experience dealing with the aftermath of a thermal bomb.
      The Red Cross representative was speaking from the UK I think.
      The other one was not seen on screen. He was given a pseudonym. I think the impression was that he was speaking on behalf of Syria’s civilians.He may have been on before .This programme regularly features people behind the frontline in Syria.There were at least two such programmes with reports allegedly from Aleppo.
      Oh and the BBC Middle East correspondent was reporting from Beirut as usual.
      You can probably see this on the i-player. One could also make a formal complaint to the BBC but life’s too short (about a week if Trump and Co get their way)

  • mog

    This is a change of opinion, as far as I remember Craig has always presented the escalation as a cash cow for the arms industry. Now war looks likely or even certain. Putting some store in his opinions, I find that worrying.
    Is there anyone in control?
    If there is, do they hold extreme religious convictions that they will be the select few who will be ‘saved’ from planetary destruction?

  • N_

    @Knuckles – Has China got an aircraft carrier (the Liaoning-CV-16) off the Syrian coast or did they withdraw it?

    Also has the British regime sent their warship the HMS Sutherland through a disputed area of the South China sea yet? That was said to be planned for last month but the vessel got “emergency repairs” in Australia. It looks like the provocation is still to come. From the Torygraph, 26 March: “China in military drills to ‘prepare for war’ as British frigate due to sail through contested South China Sea“. Not that there is much the poshboys could do with one frigate against the Chinese navy other than provoke.

    • knuckles

      I don’t know N_.

      I do know the few US warships crashing into trawlers off the coast of China continuously was no accident. ‘Emergency repairs’ = China fucked with their electronics.

  • Pyotr Grozny

    I’m not sure that US Bible-belt Christians would regard Oriental Orthodox Christians as ‘saved’.

  • TomGard

    I’m really fed up with those very likely payed diversion bots telling the people over and over again, “it” were about them, about “public opinion”, be it “war” or the Skripal affair, for example:

    “Would everyone agree that we are witnessing the ongoing strategy of a psywar campaign to influence public opinion and frame a narrative to support military action in Syria?”

    The public does not even know, whether the Skripals are dead since March 4th or, the other way, arrived in the Maledives on March 5th.Why shouldn’t MI6 have replaced them with two of the tens of thousands british tramps who will never be missed by anyone? Why should the public exclude, that Sergei Skripal was complicit from the very beginning? A replacement would be a rational precaution in case the international actors wouldn’t act, as expected.
    When – other scenario – Yulia, alive, would be vanished, she could send signs of life to Victoria and / or her fiancé to appease and bind the russian side. Perhaps we will know in the coming days, if OPCW was alert enough to take neutral samples of Skripas DNA from Sergei’s home, perhaps we will never know.

    Understand this as an illustration, that nothing, literally nothing in this affair is about the public. The public is at most a means in the power struggles of ruling classes, but the way it might be still a means indicates, it is already, right now, dispensable.

    Sorry for my “german” shouting, but I esteem it badly necessary right now, someone has to shout amoung all this sheeply raah-baah.

    • bj

      Understand this as an illustration, that nothing, literally nothing in this affair is about the public. The public is at most a means in the power struggles of ruling classes, but the way it might be still a means indicates, it is already, right now, dispensable.

      I don’t agree with you here. The masses are indispensable. Soldiers are recruited from them. To rally around the flag, blood, country. To be recruited, and wage the wars of the power- and money obsessed psychopaths the run governments.

      To massage those masses, is why carefully orchestrated PR/Propaganda stunts like the Skripal-affair are necessary. (They were in it, it seems now, from the start, probably for a hefty reward, all the rest was low budget theater — low budget, that’s why Porton Down was chosen, all the props for the freak show were near at hand.).

      • TomGard

        I see no masses mobilized, except for arab, african, central asian mercenaries. To which are to add: Special Forces and very, very few other western professional killers, aka soldiers.

        • TomGard

          btw.: I speak of “professional killers” not in a moral sense. One of them is my son-in-law. As a yougster, indifferent to the 9/11 conflict, he contracted for the Afghan War several years ago for the sole and simple reason that it was his best chance of getting access to the civil career he longed for. He is an anti-war aktivist now.

  • Harry Law

    A comment from Russia Insider.
    “When your enemy is nearly defeated, and final victory is at hand, gas your own people so that nations greater than yours will intervene and destroy you”
    ___ Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

    • Ophelia Ball

      say what? You want conclusive evidence? Well, stick this in your Commie-stooge holocaust-denying useful-idiot Putin-apologist pipe and smoke it! –

      “One anonymous defector names senior military personnel who he says drank and celebrated the day after the journalists died.
      He states that a military intelligence officer said: “Marie Colvin was a dog and now she’s dead. Let the Americans help her now.”

      is that conclusive enough for you, you tinfoil-hat-wearing wumao yellow-bellied reds-under-the-bed ex-KGB shill etc etc etc

  • giyane

    The entire assembly of islamist jihadists in Idlib are busy wagging their fingers and dick-waving their weapons at eachother, thanks to the Russians. If Theresa May and Boris Johnson had had their way they would now be ruling Damascus, invading Israel and Europe through Turkey. It doesn’t require much brain to see the stupidity of using proxy violent Islamists to do your dirty work for you. Trouble is, May and Johnson don’t have a brain-cell between them. They are both rabid Tories of the stock that tried to feed cows with sheeps brains. billions spent on culling mad-cow disease.

    We desperately need to get rid of these mad Tories. it shouldn’t be too hard to get the DUP to get the hump against them. How much Russia is doing the right thing, you can count on the zionist Tories and the zionist Blairites to do the wrong thing.

    • N_

      You may be overly optimistic about the DUP. Leaving the single market and customs union means a hard border in Ireland unless the Republic of Ireland also leaves the EU. No two ways about that. The DUP still backs the government though. If necessary it desires, the Lobby could pull 100 Labour MPs into a new party within months, who would be just as keen to obey the Lobby as the Tories are.

  • Ophelia Ball

    ….. just in from the BBC:

    “For the UK government this could prove to be a delicate diplomatic problem. She is a Russian citizen and Moscow has been pressing for consular access. But it is by no means clear where she will want to settle given her narrow escape from death in this failed assassination attempt on her and her father, Sergei.”

    Has there ever been ANY indication that Yulia was not entirely happy and settled in her life in Russia, or that the Russians had attempted to assassinate her before she left Russia? She hardly speaks English and appears to have no business interests or family other than her father outside Russia. Has she applied for political asylum?

    Who cares – Putin dunnit, so let’s bomb Assad. Case dismissed.

    • Madeira

      It’s very interesting that Yulia does not appear yet to have an opinion on where she wants to go. Earlier we were told that she (and her father) would be relocated to the US, surely they wouldn’t have come up with this plan without consulting her first?

      • Jo Dominich

        Madelaine, I have been doubting in recent weeks whether either her or her father were ever actually in hospital. It looks to me as though she was happy in Russia, having just bought a flat, her fiance is there, she had a good job there and everything. I can’t see why she would want to live anywhere else. She doesn’t appear to have any kind of dispute with the Russian Government. I strongly suspect one of two things: (i) She was never in hospital or (ii) the person who is here isn’t Yulia – why would her cousin be refused a Visa to visit given she had been so ill and why is, contrary to international law, the Russian Consulate being refused access to visit one of their nationals.

    • N_

      Why do you say she hardly speaks English? She lived in Britain for five years. I doubt she has applied for asylum, although the poshboys may have “applied” her for “rendition”.

  • Charles

    Do the American people care?

    Do they care that their POTUS is currently considering what action to take against Syria (regardless of the consequences) for a act that the President (nor anyone else) has any evidence that Syria carried out or was involved in said act?

    But its worse than that, the evidence that does exist indicates;

    1) Syria does not have the capability to carry out the act, the OPCW have given them a clean bill of health.

    2) Anti-Assad Terrorists (armed, trained and paid for by the US) however do have the capability and stockpiles in the region

    3) There was no strategic or tactical advantage to Assad to carry out the attack, his was against the US militias was effectively at an end thanks to the support of Russia.

    The US people might not care about what their President does but at least they should know the truth about what they don’t care about.

    • jazza

      most americans won’t even think about it until the bombs blow them off their sofas!

  • johnf

    Its perhaps helpful to look for a pattern in these repeated crisis.

    A year ago Trump tweeted that he wanted to withdraw US troops from Syria. A few days later a fake chemical attack in Syria. Frenzy and war fever. Trump fired missiles into a defunct airbase in Syria and killed one man and some goats. Everything died down.

    A few weeks ago Trump again tweeted he wanted to remove US troops from Syria. Another bogus chemical attack. Frenzy and war fever. The Israelis – so the US doesn’t become central to the crisis – is permitted by the US to fly a few missiles into one part of a Syrian airbase resulting in a surprisingly low number of casualties. Perhaps it will all die down again.

    Remember that only three or four months ago we were in the midst of a terrifying stand off between the US and North Korea. Frenzy and war fever. Then suddenly sunshine and peace breaks out. Trump to meet Rocketboy and Putin even to come to White House.

    This all might be dissimulation by Trump, but an equal case could be made for it being his crab-like progress towards peace. Have a huge crisis – neo-con war lust and Russiagate frenzy sated – get back towards a rough course towards peace. The ticket he was elected on.

    Remember Obama too faced ferocious opposition towards his Iranian deal and pressure to invade Syria after another chemical weapons attack. He managed to continue steering a weak course towards peace throughout his administration, avoiding war despite Hillary’s best efforts to get involved in one. Trump faces even greater opposition. Perhaps his solution is to have a collosal crisis, get everyone scared stiff of war, and then do a peace deal. I’d argue its been his modus operandi until now.

    He’s a lunatic or there’s method in his madness.

  • mog

    Me to ‘LeftyLiberal friends’ :
    “Trump is a corrupt, mysoginist, racist, narcissistic moron. He is, it seems, a sexual criminal and probably mentally ill.
    Right now, he is the best hope that we have got.”

    Amazing that Fox is the one putting the brakes on this thing.

  • Barish

    So, here and elsewhere, I have read nuggets such as those below as to the supposed “best” outcome of the US-hydra yet again firing away at the Syrian nation:

    “The Russians will be aware of this aspect, and we can yet hope that they hatch between them, a US attack that like the last one, is more symbolic than damaging.”

    “Trump quite obviously mulls a targeted drone-attack on a carefully selected Syrian target, started off Cyprus in order to avoid Moscows threat against missile tenders.”

    As last year, people will be killed as a result of this, both ground personnel at bases that had nothing whatever to do with any suspected bombing-run as well as residents unfortunate enough to be hit by the “precision-weaponry” of US military might.

    All this in the best imitation of the Queen of Hearts, pushing for punishment before verdict.
    It’s akin to a nutty lunatic who claims to “just know” his neighbours are up to no good and goes ahead shooting them. Usually, those kinds of people are taken into custody for good. That our “representative, western governments”, on the other hand, are allowed a position to destroy the lives of thousands – millions – whose lives they already have had a part in making miserable for the last 7 years – by way of sanctions, by way of unconditionally supporting any comers who would take up arms to fight their war against a developing nation – all this based on the most transparent of frauds says a lot about how dysfunctional these our “western governments” are.

  • Tony_0pmoc,

    I have several examples of prayer working. I am not religious, and I cannot explain it. I think the best example, that some people I know may even remember, was on a very popular UK bulletin board about 1999. The internet was new to most people, and we were very honest and trusting. I checked the hit rate. There were about 100 people posting, and for each person, 100 people or more watching, but never commentating. They never said anything.

    I was one of the one hundred, and so was this girl, who everyone liked, because she was different, and often would go completely off-topic. We used to talk about our beautiful ceanothus. She had one in her back garden, and I had one in mine.

    Then she went silent. She used to post every day, but then nothing for 6 weeks. Her husband/partner then found her ID and password, and posted under her name. He said, I am sorry, but she has been in a coma for 6 weeks, and is almost certain to die.

    So I said, lets all pray for her, and we did.

    A few days later, she wakes up, and comes round and writes.

    She was back.

    Now, I am a cynical bastard. I thought this must be some kind of scam, so I asked her if I could phone her up. I did, and she invited us all round. She lives over 200 miles away, but we went round, my wife and two kids, on the way to visit my sister.

    I met her and her husband and adopted child, and absolutely everything was true.

    The prayer of hundreds, maybe thousands of people, had brought her out of a coma she had been in for 6 weeks.

    I don’t understand it, but I’m not going to knock it.


    • Charles

      I am religious Tony and have thought what prayers should I be saying at this time.

      I came to a horrible conclusion; it might be best if the only way to rid the Earth of evil is for mankind to be completely destroyed.

      So my prayers remain unsaid at the moment.

      • Pyotr Grozny

        After the Flood God promised “nor will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done”. Genesis 8, 21. but omitted to say whether he’d prevent human beings from doing so.

  • Panda

    Outrage might work so please keep up the great posts, Craig. However, It’s April and the weather is improving for a conflict. This is what states, corporations and rogue actors do. This is the nature of the state system as we have it today: selective chaos. Oh for the old days when we could debate whether it was about ideology or geopolitics; now it’s ‘We should’ve kept the oil… maybe you’ll have another chance.’ We’re caught on a hook of our ancestors’ making and the folks in charge are not creative enough or controlled enough or humane enough to rein themselves in.

    And the cherry on top is Pence and his ilk who are rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect of Armageddon, imagining they are working as the hand of God to force a Return. We need new words to name this unholy evil.

    • Pyotr Grozny

      Sorry I couldn’t resist a bit more from the Bible 2 Samuel 11, 1 “In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle,”

    • Jiusito

      When I was young, I was told that the final showdown that would end the world would take place at Megiddo between Israel on the one hand and Russia and China (supposedly identified in biblical prophecy as Gog and Magog) on the other. Of course, everyone who loved God would be on the side of Israel. There was a book titled “The Late, Great Planet Earth” that explained all this to apocalyptically minded Christians. It was widely read, I believe.

      • Panda

        That’s the poison pill that’s been slowly releasing since the 70s. The Republicans colluded with Moral Majority etc. in the wake of Watergate when they could have reinvented themselves as a group of rational conversatives. Now we’re left with this monster aka ‘God’s man’.

        Unfortunately, Craig’s optimistic disbelief about Assad dropping chemical weapons seems as misguided as relying on May and Trump upholding liberal values. The early uprising didn’t come out of fake news, regardless of how manipulated the facts are now.

  • Watergate on Steriods

    N_ points out correctly: ” The raids on Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen suggest that Trump is deliberately being kept on a knife edge so that he knows that if he baulks at a single order he is given he will be out of office (and probably into prison) faster than he can reach for his mobile phone to send a tweet saying how great he is.”

    It maybe worse than that. If Cohen has any other Trump dirt in his office, Trump is now totally compromised. That is why Cohen’s office was raided. Trump must arrest anyone suspected of treason. He likely will not.

    Some of the FBI is working against the elected US President.

  • Birgit Hviid Lajer

    Smart !? Then the West can be the one, who is starting something like more war – and Putin can be said not to! And be happy too.


  • Sally

    Is it just an unlikely co-incidence that, at some point preceding the events involving the Skripals in Salisbury on the 4th March, there was a significant RM ‘training exercise’ within a few miles of Salisbury town, possibly still underway. This is dated the 6th
    As we unlikely to ever see the Skripals again, if we do be sure they will be heavily censored on what they say, is it a stretch of the imagination too far to suggest they may have been bit parts in an orchestrated war game scenario? When I saw this it immediately took me back to events around 9/11.

  • Jones

    with a comment from Nikki Haley at the UNSC meeting and to quote ”either way the united states will respond” it seems the US thinks the UN is a meaningless body, a mere irritant, wars cannot be fought without many putting their lives at risk for the few that govern their country, who on earth would want to sacrifice their life for such politicians.

  • Birgit Hviid Lajer

    Further more:

    Rusland attacked Afghanistand before US – så what about these losses and refugees?

    For sure – I was against this war as well as in Iraq.

    And for sure: Assad doesn’t make attacks of this kind without the Russians knowledge.

    • Jo Dominich

      Birgit, I see what you are saying, but for sure, neither Assad nor Russia made this attack – they have no chemical weapons as verified by the OPCW – who does have them, neighbouring Israel

      • Birgit Hviid Lajer

        When Obama didn’t intervene in relation to such former attack,who was the owner of such poison at that time? Maybe you mean it wasn’t Assad ? Was it really necesssary for him to start in a military way to the people, who just in a peaceful manner just demonstrated ? Why – is he just paranoid ?

    • MarkSpencer

      Well, Britain attacked Afghanistan way before Russia – or have you forgotten the Anglo-Afghan wars of the 19th century, which ended in subjugation of the Afghan nation by the British Empire, reducing the Emirate to a client state and annexing a sizeable part of Afghan lands?

      The Soviet Union was in Afghanistan for less than 10 years. The U.S.-led “Coalition”, including the UK, has been rampaging in Afghanistan for over 16 years by now, and still counting, with no end in sight.

      • Merkin Scot

        ‘……….or have you forgotten the Anglo-Afghan wars of the 19th century,…….”
        I suggest you read one of Craig’s books to get the real story.
        England has been kicked out by the Afghans on more than one occasion.

  • Abulhaq

    For countries in decline war is viagra.
    Popular depoliticisation and indifference to the world beyond opiate, media entertainment has come at ‘the right time’.
    POTUS can declare nuclear destruction via twitter.
    Get your video updates on FB.

  • Ophelia Ball

    My wife is Chinese, and I just checked the wording of her “Family Visit” Visa, which – short of a full Residence Permit – is about the most comprehensive a non-EEA national can get; unlike a Business or Tourist Visa, hers is valid for 5 years during which period she can come and go as often as she likes – unaccompanied – and stay in the UK for up to 182 days on each occasion. It is unlikely that Yulia Skripal has a Visa which carries greater entitlement than this.

    On her Visa it clearly states “No work or recourse to public funds” and, as we have discovered in the past, this means that she is not entitled to free treatment under the NHS

    Whilst I don’t begrudge the poor woman treatment for what has happened to her, in the absence of her formal arrest or an application for political asylum, on what basis are public funds being used to support her during her period in hospital, and to accommodate and provide for her supposed security/privacy needs thereafter?

    In passing, my poor wife lives under a beastly beastly oppressive Communist dictatorship – please can she be resettled in Florida, with a lifetime stipend and all her material needs taken care of? I might even visit her once in a while if she can – if the Hmurkins grant me a visa to visit their truly beautimous country …….. 🙂

    • SA

      I think I just heard that she has applied for asylum, Yulia that is , not your wife, but I may be wrong.

      • Ophelia Ball

        I’m not buying it: she has wealth, assets, friends and family in Russia, and no apparent history of difficulty with the Russian authorities

        In contrast, she doesn’t speak English, has no overseas family other than her Father, and doesn’t appear to own property or have business interests outside Russia

        If you were ‘The Man on the Clapham Omnibus’, what would you conclude?

  • Village Idiot

    [Mod: Please do not use capital letters throughout: it is called “shouting” and is considered discourteous. Thank you.]


    • SA

      [Mod: So it is. Apologies. Not the best presentation on a website.]

      Except Mods this is a copy of how the website of John Helmer presents it and it is not the fault of Village Idiot.

  • Dave G

    Is WW3 really going to kick off over an obvious false flag? Looks that way, given the gung-ho attitude from western political leaders.
    I suppose the way for Russia to stop it would be to cause panic across the world by reading out a list of the cities that they will nuke in response to any attack. I don’t think they’ll do that, though.

    • Ophelia Ball

      it’s impossible to game-play how this might escalate, but my instinct is that Russia’s first response to an attack on Syria would be symettrical – i.e. like for like, with kinetic/conventional assets being countered with equivalent ordnance. You launch a cruise missile, I’ll sink your ship, you drop a bomb, I’ll shoot down your plane. I think they could probably achieve this, and I think both sides know that

      If the Americans reacted badly to such a response – whether by upping the ante with “other” weapons, or asymmetrically by opening other fronts in e,g. Ukraine – then all bets are off, and my assumption is that not only would Russia go all-in and sink everything it could locate (and bomb every base it could target), but that China would start to stand up and be counted too

      I very. very much doubt that the Russians (or the Chinese) would attack non-military targets, or use non-conventional weapons, unless and until the USA attempted a first strike. I don’t think “tactical nuclear” or “limited nuclear strike” are plausible scenarios – the minute it goes hot, it goes very hot very quickly

      As I said, I have no idea how this would play out; however, I feel far more comfortable being out in the sticks in the Home Counties than anywhere near, oooh, Mildenhall, Faslane, Speen in Buckinghamshire, RAF Northolt, Fylingdales or more pertinently RAF Akrotiri

      • Ophelia Ball

        oh, and a propos nothing in particular, if any of you are familiar with the “Works Access” red sign at the sliproad off of Eastbound carriageway of the M4 between the Hungerford and Newbury junctions, I would suggest keeping well clear of RAF Welford if things start getting fruity.

        Not a lot of people know what goes on there, but, to continue with the Michael Caine meme, it would do slightly more than “Blow the Bloddy Doors Off” across a large area from Swindon to Reading and from Andover to Oxford

    • Merkin Scot

      “I suppose the way for Russia to stop it would be to cause panic across the world by reading out a list of the cities that they will nuke in response to any attack. I don’t think they’ll do that, though.”
      Thatz one way to get people onto the streets.
      Last time round we had the StopTheWar coalition.
      Is it any coincidence that this organisation was effectively neutered by Corbyn’s election?

  • frankywiggles

    Deploy lies and smears to achieve selfish, cynical ends. The life advice being loudly transmitted to Britain’s young people from the very top, via Aunty and HM press.

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