Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

Latest News Forums Discussion Forum Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union Reply To: Eastern Europe struggling to adjust to loss of identity in the European Union

michael norton


I am not sure I was the first (on this conversation) to mention British Values.
I know it is a phrase dangled out by the likes of government ministers, when they try to give a miasma,
that we are all in it together.
I was trying to agree, that maybe, now, it would be very difficult, to write down a list of British Values.
Values are changed, everytime you get innundated/invaded.
Going back to the time of the last Storegga Slide, about 8,200 years ago, in essence, that was mostly the end of the Mesolithic.
The people who lived in and around the North Sea ( perhaps half of all people in Europe at that time), got innundated, drowned, their ways of life lost. Newcommers came from the Fertile Crescent bringing Agriculture.
The world Agriculture, includes culture. Implying a totally different way of life, no longer the free and easy life of marsh boating/fishing catching eels and goose eggs. Never ending hard graft, often under command.
Each invasion since, even if the locals were not killed, was a new, enforced culture change, a new subservience to the incommers.