Eugene Terre Blanche 131

Turned out not to be so superior after all. It is sometimes hard to remember it is always wrong to be glad when someone dies. Must stop smiling about Terre Blanche (was that his real name? Too good to be true).

If I have to refrain from smiling about the death of Terre Blanche, I do hope nobody kills Tony Blair, or I shall have to refraiin from peals of laughter and dancing for joy.

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131 thoughts on “Eugene Terre Blanche

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  • Japie

    In the past few years my daughter where stabbed in the face, her neck sliced head basched in I where held at gun and knife point and everything taken from me – yet we have to live here, so please if you make any comments make sure you know the circumstances and don’t just talk a lot of crap.

  • JimmyGiro

    “What, Jimmy, you prefer White Power? White Male Power.”

    Don’t you, Suhyal? Or are your moral views based on higher principles?

  • jason

    The Guardian, in its first reports, lacked the balls to say that his murderers were black.


    The idea we should be upset when bad people die, I really don’t understand how this fits with a coherent moral system devoted to the maximising of the good. After all, what is the alternative, another X+ years of Mr TB spreading his virus…

    I’ll take the curtailing of him as a positive, seeing as it has already come to pass.

  • mark

    Lots of stark generalisations and second guessing.

    As a white English speaking South African – who fought apartheid with everything I had and sat in detention without trial for it – I have developed a tad more understanding of the white Afrikaner/Boer position over the years.

    The Boer/Afrikaner courageously stood up to British imperialism at the turn of the 19th century – Brits under the lead of Cecil John Rhodes – intent on getting their hands on the gold and diamond wealth of this country. Many Afrikaner women and children died in the world’s first ‘concentration camps’ (British devised).

    Britain has a lot to answer for in its attitude and perfidy towards both Zimbabwe and South Africa. Double standards, hypocrisy and faux moral high ground emanated from Whitehall.

    Yes, many Afrikaners were died-in-the-wool racist bastards; the English-speakers boasting British ancestry wielded their form of racism in a more genteel, guarded way – but it was just as ugly.

    But there were many white people – English and Afrikaans – who did what they could to bring apartheid to an end. All were victims of the apartheid regimes’s Christian National propaganda which permeated education, church and media of the day.

    The challenge for you British residents is to confront the propaganda which permeates your media – from the Daily Mail through to the BBC (especially the BBC) – and face up to the way your minds are ‘kept on track’. I recommend the Media Lens website and books for essential mind opening.

  • Jason

    “But there were many white people – English and Afrikaans – who did what they could to bring apartheid to an end.”

    Was Mr Terre Blance one of these men?

    If not, what’s your point?

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “NOW the funny part, Strong Americans what did you do in the history to slaves and indians, English how many countries did you try to take over and how did you put people in concentration camps and kill people here in south africa ?” Japie.

    You seem not have read any of the comments on this thread, Japie, many of which ascribe a large proportion of the current problems in Africa (and elsewhere, like the Middle East, South Asia, etc.) to systemic corporate European colonialism (and its extensions via the Americas).

    The mess in Afghanistan, the mess in Africa, the mess in Iraq… same source, same outcomes, which are the ones to which you allude: ordinary people, white, brown, black, whatever, being stabbed in the face, blown apart and shot. The elites – white, brown, black, whatever – don’t give a shit about you and I, wherever we live. We are dispensable detritus, less than an ingot of fool’s gold.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “The challenge for you British residents is to confront the propaganda which permeates your media – from the Daily Mail through to the BBC (especially the BBC) – and face up to the way your minds are ‘kept on track’. I recommend the Media Lens website and books for essential mind opening.” Mark

    I agree. But you’ve also just generalised and second-guessed! Check out this blog, Mark. I think you’ll find that most if the people who comment here don’t believe a word the MSM says and know what’s going on in the world.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “‘What, Jimmy, you prefer White Power? White Male Power.’

    Don’t you, Suhyal? Or are your moral views based on higher principles?”

    Cryptic. Please explain yourself, Mr Giro.

  • Anonymous

    Jason – Eugene Terreblanche was not one of those who fought for the end of apartheid.

    My point: many, many whites benefited from apartheid and did not want to see it end. Many were ‘propagandised’ into thinking that God had granted them prime African real estate – in much the same way as Israelis cling to ‘God-given’ real estate in the eastern Med.

    My point: do not smear all South African whites with one broad brush.

    Do not say that ‘all white South African farmers’ need to hand over their farms to ‘the blacks’. Some white farmers are seventh generation landowners – with title deeds. We may want them off the farm because of the colour of their skin – but where should the vilification end? The situation is complex.

  • gert

    You cant say a word about Eugene if you didnt know him.So rather keep your comments for your self,it could have been one of your family members what then.So if you dont know somebody how can you judge somebody?please if you can just give me that awnser.

  • MJ

    I personally knew Hitler, Atilla the Hun and Jack the Ripper. All lovely family men and frightfully misunderstood.

  • Kobus

    I am a white south African and proud of it

    Let’s see how many of your clever British

    Know it all about S.A. People wil get robbed and maybe also killed by blacks during this soccer world cup.May God be with you !

  • Richard Robinson

    “I personally knew Hitler, Atilla the Hun and Jack the Ripper. All lovely family men and frightfully misunderstood”

    I ‘ad that Genghis Khan in the back of me taxi once. Right bastard he was, let me tell you. Ever tried to get a horse through a car door ? Astonishing, what you can do when someone’s got a sword.

  • arsalan

    reply to:

    Posted by: gert at April 5, 2010 8:26 PM

    If Eugene didn’t want to be chopped up he should have paid his staff for the work they did. stingy bastard!

    Typical Zionist, always after something for nothing!

  • Anonymous

    A fat nick Griffin and a skinny eugene jump off a cliff. Who wins?


    An apartment of 3 floors lives 3 families, A White family, a Black family and a Racist family. At 2pm on a normal working day, a fire breaks out and burns the building to the ground, which family dies? The Racist family, Because with the others at 2pm the parents are out at work and the kids are at school

    Why don’t racists like blowjobs? They don’t like any jobs

    Why is a racist like a dog? Both mark their territory with shit

  • arsalan

    Englishman, Pakistani and a Racist on a plane. Pilot comes over the intercom, and asks each passenger to throw something out of the plane, as it is losing altitude.

    Pakistani throws out a nuclear bomb, and says “We have way too many bombs in my country and we don’t want them”

    The Racist throws out the Pakistani, and says “We have way too many pakis in my country and we don’t want them”

    The Englishman throws out the Racist and says ” We have way too many racists in my country and we don’t want them”

  • arsalan

    a Businessman, A south African and Eugene find a bottle. A genie appears and grants each one a wish, when they jump off the cliff their wish will be granted.

    Businessman wishes for loads of money, jumps off and lands in a truck full of Money. Everyone lives happily ever after.

    the south African wishes for peace in South Africa, jumps and lands in a field of roses with angels singing in the background. Everyone lives happily ever after.

    The Eugene didn’t understand the question, chopped himself up and died. Everyone lives happily ever after.

  • arsalan

    Why did Eugene compete on skin colour? If they competed on brains they would lose.

    Why didn’t the eugene cross the road when people came to chop him up? He was afraid of the other side.

    What was the difference between a eugenes’s house and a porcupine? With the porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.

    What is the difference between Eugene’s house and a porcupine, the porcupine has still got its pricks!!!

    What’s the difference between a eugene and Adolph Hitler? Opportunity

    What’s the difference did being chopped up make to Eugene’s life? Now he is a sheet-wearing spook who tries to scare people out of their homes, and before he did pretty much the same stuff?

  • arsalan

    What’s the difference between Eugene and a bucket of sludge? one is in a Bucket and the other is in a mess.

    What’s Red, White and peels? Eugene thinking South Africa is a white homeland!

    What do you call a racist with a high IQ score? A Cheat

    What do you call a racist with 2 brain cells? Pregnant

    What did you call Eugene when he wore a suit? The accused

  • Suhayl Saadi

    “I am a white south African and proud of it

    Let’s see how many of your clever British

    Know it all about S.A. People wil get robbed and maybe also killed by blacks during this soccer world cup.May God be with you !” Kobus

    God be with you too, Kobus, and with your whiteness and with your pride.

  • patriot

    Hope the blacks put the French supporters in the cooking pot at the world cup

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