Diplomacia Suja 309


My last post did not signal a return to blogging but rather explained why I need a few days’ break. But I have to share with you my joy at the release of the Brazilian edition of Murder in Samarkand, translated from the US edition and entitled Diplomacia Suja.

This is the first foreign language edition and I am childishly excited to hold it in my hands. I was actually jumping up and down a few minutes ago. There seems something magical about seeing your work in a tongue which is mysterious to you. Many thanks to Companhia Das Letras and especially to the translator, Berilo Vargas, whom I am yet to meet.


Good progress is being made on a Turkish translation.

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309 thoughts on “Diplomacia Suja

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  • Suhayl Saadi

    Any posts that might appear on this blog from now overnight, tonight, which appear to be by me are not genuine. Frankly, these guys aren’t very good at what they do. Bargain basement.

    It seems that there may have been many My Lai massacres in Afghanistan (as there were in Vietnam). No surprise, then. It’s good, though, that Wikileaks has brought this to light.

    Good night, everyone.

  • Slaughterers R Us

    It’s interesting to note from the above posts just what disgusting, uncouth and atavistic types these Larry from St Louis and ilk Zionists truly are.

    That’s the point about these evil racists and Nazis. That’s what they’re like. That’s why it’s so easy for them to so routinely slaughter totally innocent Palestinian men, women and children.

    Read the comments on their Zionist blogs and you’ll see the same disgusting things, time and time again.

    But still, Afrikaaner Nazis were up to the same tricks until people power consigned them to their proper place in the dustbin of history.

    So too will go the Zionist Nazis and Israel, probably the worst idea in human history.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Inevitably with you paranoid nuts, it’s all about the Zionists, isn’t it?

  • dreoilin

    Hi Clark, Hi Suhayl,

    Thanks for the welcome. I miss the craic here. Despite the troll infestation.

    But I’m up to my non-existent tonsils just now so it’ll be a little while before I can engage. Take care meantime 🙂

  • Clark


    enjoy the craic, and I wish you well with whatever it is that you’re busy with.


    Bill and Ben always seemed alright to me, but I never trusted that Andy Pandy character.




    .| WEEEED!

  • Clark

    Excellent link to Blix’s missing inquiry, Somebody. Yes, Bill and Ben was originally monochrome. There seem to have been colour episodes later, but we only had a black and white telly. I liked Pogle’s Wood best, with that weird creature Tog.

  • Craig

    I’m a rich tosser but I’ve lived (albeit in ambassadorial residences) in the third world. I know how the poor live. I saw them when we drove past in the Range Rover. So button your lip, dissenters.

  • Abe Rene

    Dreoilin: good to hear from you again.

    Suhayl: what a disgusting verse. A gifted writer like you is worthy of better things. “The Bill and Ben, Flowerpot Men are at it again” – ah, now that’s better, real poetry.

  • somebody

    If you think you’re impressing us, you are not. Are you on your school holidays and going back to big school next September?

  • Abe Rene

    PS. Maybe I should take it back about Bill and Ben, unless of course what they are engaging in is fighting villains and putting the world to rights.

  • Abe Rene

    somebody at 5:07 PM – that’s OK, thanks for the clarification. I actually sent my PS. before noticing your message apparently as it was sent while I was writing.

  • Craig

    I have decided not to do the 4.45 pm link any longer. It was, I can now see, rather ambitious.

    There is a time in a man’s life when he has to reflect. That time for me is now. I will not be blogging very much for some time to come.

    Last night came another organised trolling attempt combined with simultaneous attempts by intruders to enter my new premises.

    I have taken appropriate counter measures.

    Zionists beware!

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Why doesn’t Obama blow the lid on 911? Why doesn’t Wikileaks blow the lid on 911? Why don’t you 911 nuts finally admit that you’re wrong?

  • Craig

    As I no longer have a job or any public role, I have decided to concentrate my efforts in other directions.

    I have decided to change my blog in some ways, though I remain committed to the oppressed.

    Henceforth, I have decided to focus mainly on my efforts to assist local tradesmen and restaurateurs, by giving them my custom as often as possible.

    I have decided to post, at 4.45 pm each day, a review of the restaurant where I ate the previous day.

    I have decided to post some reviews of plumbers and plasterers also, as I get down to the hard work of running my huse villa!

  • craig

    I have decided to adopt the habit of sometimes signing my posts with an upper case initial, and sometimes with lower case. We Murrays are an eccentric bunch!

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq

    Blair – BP – Black Gold – Straw – WPC Yvonne Fletcher

    America has screwed BP for billions of dollars in the oil spill disaster, so much in fact that this huge British oil company will barely survive, endangering the pension funds and ultimately the pensions of many British retirees.

    The ‘special relationship’ means of course America is fully aware of the web of deceit woven ironically over oil trade deals that made billions of dollars in another place at another way-point along the ragged time-line we call world history.

    The story begins in the 1980’s and Robin Cook was foreign secretary. The West and America were supplying Saddam Hussein with WMD which included all manner of biological and chemicals as pre-cursors to the most terrible disease causing and death inducing agents known to man including their delivery systems. Saddam was also sold uranium ore and the equipment needed to produce weapons quality uranium 235(K1000).


    The Scott report that detailed the methods and mechanisms of these supplies failed to mention that a plan was agreed to use a nuclear weapon on Iran after its army had been weakened by chemical nerve agents. This meant a progress report from Paul Henderson MD of Maxwell Churchill who supplied the precision components, to MI6 on a regular basis.

    America and Britain saw the war as an opportunity to prevent the spread of Islamism by divide & conquer, Sunni against Shia and the CIA provided Iraq with intelligence for bombing raids and nerve gas assaults; Saddam saw the opportunity to control the Shatt al-Arab waterway and land gains.

    The fiece distraction of this war gave Israel the opportunity to invade Lebanon in 1982 and that war made Hussein withdraw his forces from Iran. Iran refused a ceasefire and help to Lebanon, instead invading Iraq in a counter-offensive doomed by lack of experienced soldiers. It relied on supplies from Libya and China to fight a well equipped Iraq military.

    The shooting down of an Iranian passenger airliner by a US ship in Iranian waters killing all 290 civilians, including many children, lead Khomeini to end the conflict fearing an escalation from the United States and many more Iranian casualties.

    Iran accepted a UN resolution for peace while the CIA promoted the MEK/MKO attempts to destroy the Iranian government.

    With this back-drop in place certain events now can be seen clearly without a mist of deception. The attempts to annihilate Iran by proxy while disregarding UN resolutions had become sensitive and counter-productive to halting her scientific progress and indeed other American interests.

    Libya and the ‘mad-man’ Gaddafi had caused tensions which reached a peak under Reagan and already bans were in place against this terrorist. Europe needed to be bought into line, reluctant to forego lucrative deals, it needed an ‘event’ especially after Gaddafi’s support for Iran and Palestine. A young British policewoman would be murdered trying to control an anti-Gaddafi rally, while Gaddafi was pressured by the prospect of the US war machine crushing his assets and reducing him to the same fate as Saddam now regarded as a failure to American interest. He would be stripped of his WMD and ‘told’ to comply, renouncing terrorism and his support for Islamic progression.

    With Libya subdued and about to be framed, America would turn its eyes towards Saddam and Iraq.

    Strangely like the ‘dodgy dossier’ the revelations of the Scott report had embarassed America despite a laboured secrecy by the Conservative government (Sir Robin Butler [later Lord Butler] had done his best to keep details under wraps while Robin Cooks supreme intellect nearly won the day. Robin would now be commanded to negotiate with the weakened Gaddafi to hand over Megrahi and Fhimah for trial in the high court of Justiciary at Camp Zeist (pixunlimited.co.uk/guardian/pdf/0131lockerbieverdict.pdf) while Anthony Layden, Britain’s ambassador to Libya would ensure the dismantling of her nuclear weapons programme and clear a path for oil deals worth 13 billion, while Robin Cook was booted out to make way for the evil man of Straw.

    A crippled and wretched Iran would not be blamed for supporting Palestinian resistance groups, including Captain Ahmed Jabril’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine which they funded, according to MOSSAD. America knew that a passage of time was needed to consolidate the mist of the Iran/Iraq war and ensure the demise of Saddam Hussein, an Arab leader who stood up to the West.

    America knew Libya was a convenient scapegoat for Iran’s revenge and Jabril’s crime. Evidence was fabricated, exculpatory evidence suppressed, witnesses suborned. Megrahi spent years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit.

    Later Blair would become a consultant for Libyan oil contracts and Minmar, who insured the fuselage of flight 103 received $85million plus interest, while the remainder went to the trustee for Pan American Airlines that went into bankruptcy in 1991…

  • Larry from St. Louis

    “America has screwed BP for billions of dollars in the oil spill disaster, so much in fact that this huge British oil company will barely survive, endangering the pension funds and ultimately the pensions of many British retirees.”

    Mark Golding, you don’t think BP might have screwed themselves? Maybe just a little?

    BTW 911 was not an inside job, moron.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq


    A little,

    What causes most blow-outs? Halliburdon did the cementing. They screwed everyone in Iraq including your own soldiers dood.

    BTW I have never said anything about an inside job dood – just 4knowledge cretin

  • somebody

    Blair, Arnault, LVMH and Sephora

    Human Rights

    Blair’s undisclosed business dealings conflict with Quartet role

    Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 29 July 2010

    Tony Blair’s term as envoy of the Quartet (US, UK, Russia, UN) has been marked by many photo opportunities but few, if any, accomplishments. Indeed, research shows that Blair’s relationship with one of the world’s richest men poses a clear and significant conflict of interest with his duties as Quartet envoy.

    Blair is close friends with Bernard Arnault, the chairman of the luxury goods conglomerate Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Group (LVMH), and has refused to publicly disclose whether or not he accepted a paid post as adviser to Arnault, as reported in the media. LVMH has been implicated in benefiting from Israel’s occupation through its subsidiary, the cosmetics retail chain Sephora.

    At the end of May, the French-based Coordination des Appels pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient (CAPJPO) (Coordinated Appeals for a Just Peace in the Middle East) launched legal action against Sephora because of its retailing of products made with stolen Palestinian natural resources in illegal Israeli settlements.

    CAPJPO claims that Sephora has maintained an illegal contract with the Israeli cosmetics company Ahava whose products are made in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli settlements Mitzpe Shalem and Kaliya co-founded Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories and own 44 percent of the company. In addition, Ahava manufactures its cosmetics in a factory in the Mitzpe Shalem settlement and operates an information center for tourists there.

    The mud used in Ahava products is expropriated without Palestinian permission from a site near Kaliya, along the shores of the Dead Sea within the occupied West Bank. However, Ahava labels its skin care products as originating from “The Dead Sea, Israel.”

    In July 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlement construction in the occupied West Bank. Relying on the ICJ ruling, CAPJPO argues in its complaint that Sephora is supporting Israel’s violations of international law by retailing Ahava products.

    Blair’s friendship with Arnault, LVMH’s chairman, dates to his time as UK Prime Minister. Arnault is one of the richest men in France, with an estimated net worth of more than $27.5 billion. Blair’s three eldest children studied in France while he was prime minister, and often stayed at Arnault’s mansion in Paris. Indeed, the Daily Mail reported in February 2007 that Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament Norman Lamb warned Blair “It is very dangerous to take hospitality from very wealthy individuals who may be seeking to wield influence” (“Cheri’s pride graduate girl”). Blair’s friendship with Arnault continued after he stepped down as premier and accepted the position as Quartet envoy.

    In January, the Daily Telegraph revealed that Blair was to be appointed as Arnault’s personal advisor. Although the announcement was repeated by Agence France Press, neither Blair nor LVMH have officially confirmed or denied the appointment. When asked for clarification in a written request from The Electronic Intifada, the office of Tony Blair remained silent. The lack of transparency on Blair’s position stands in stark contrast to his portfolio as Quartet envoy which tasks him with teaching Palestinians how to build up transparent government institutions.

    Blair also serves as a consultant to companies and countries on the principles of good governance. In a 28 June address to the Institute for Government on the importance of governance in the modern world, Blair reflected on ten lessons he had learned during his time as prime minister. His first lesson was that “Governance is not a debate as sometimes people think of it, as a debate about transparency or accountability. It is a debate about effectiveness and efficiency” (Institute for Government).

    Blair’s lack of transparency on his dealings with LVMH appears to be typical of how he operates, with an almost indistinguishable line between his public duties as Quartet envoy and his private profit.

    Richard Murphy, an accountant from Tax Research UK, explained to the UK’s Guardian how Blair can keep his wealth a secret. By setting up a complicated structure of 12 different entities Blair has been able to take advantage of obscure loopholes in UK regulations to side-step rules that normally require the publication of accounts.

    The complicated legal structures that enable Blair to to keep his finances secret are “simply an administrative vehicle established in order to allow Mr. Blair’s office sensibly to administer his different projects,” Blair’s spokesman told the Guardian (“Mystery of Tony Blair’s money solved,” 17 December 2009).

    Transparency has also been a difficult goal for LVMH to achieve. In 2004, the company tried to avoid the bad publicity that its Louis Vuitton division collaborated with the Nazis during the German occupation of France. While writing about the history of Louis Vuitton in honor of its 150th anniversary, author Stephanie Bonvinci requested the company’s war-time documents. She was told that the company documents for the period 1930-1945 were destroyed in a fire.

    Undeterred, Bonvinci researched historical archives and talked to surviving family members. She eventually exposed the links of Louis Vuitton with the Vichy regime, led by Marshal Phillipe Petain, that ruled France during the Second World War and openly collaborated with the Nazi occupation. LVMH did not contest the contents of Bonvinci’s book.

    Given LVMH’s lack of openness about its wartime history, it is ironic that Blair would have no qualms about working for the company. As Prime Minister Blair’s government instituted the first annual Holocaust Memorial Day in the UK in 2000, something he justified by stating: “I am determined to ensure that the horrendous crimes against humanity committed during the Holocaust are never forgotten” (“Plan for Holocaust Memorial Day,” Press Association, 18 October 1999).

    Tony Blair’s political and business roles pose a serious conflict of interest. As the Quartet’s envoy to the Middle East he is no doubt familiar with the 2004 ICJ ruling and the plethora of UN security resolutions pertaining to the occupied Palestinian territories. He also knows that Ahava’s factory and tourist center are built in violation of international law. And yet he refuses to disclose whether or not he has a paid role as advisor to the chairman of a company in business with Israel’s occupation.

    Adri Nieuwhof is a consultant and human rights advocate based in Switzerland.



    The French police are investigating Eic Woerth, a Sarkozeeeeeee minister and his connection to donations to Sarkozeeeeee from the L’Oreal heiress.


    Look at Bettencourt’s Wikipedia page for further connections.

  • Hatari


    USA screwing BP may have come as shock to the British public as they though they were the favored child. Obviously that was the impression Blair the poodle gave for his subservience and sycophancy to the US.

    The treatment meted out to BP is the favored method used by US to strangle companies in the same way as they apply to sanctions on countries. There is an excellent post on the subject this week by Dr Mahatir on his blog


  • Larry from St. Louis

    “What causes most blow-outs? Halliburdon did the cementing.”


    It must have been Halliburton!


    It was a conspiracy to destroy BP!


  • Anonymous

    The Larry Shift is active again nothing to intelligent or coherent to say. They get all the respect of a skunk, just can get the staff these days.

  • Larry from St. Louis

    Do the “911 inside job” idiots at this site actually think that Halliburton sabotaged DWH?

  • Clark



    interesting posts.

    Was it Halliburton’s cementing that blew, and if so, how come all the fall-out is on BP?

  • Stuart

    Craig is not posting at the moment as he dosnt have broadband electricity or plumbing at the moment. Please ignore any comments made by idiots pretending to be Craig. I am sure you were not taken in by them. Craig will update shortly when the house gets electricity, plumbing, telephone again. In the meantime carry on without him.

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