Gazan Youth Breaks Out 213

I expect you need to be on Facebook to go to this link:!/pages/Gaza-Youth-Breaks-Out-GYBO/118914244840679

The Guardian published their manifesto yesterday. It may be superfluous but I nonetheless think it should be repeated as widely as possible:

GAZA YOUTH’S MANIFESTO FOR CHANGE: “We, the youth in Gaza, are so fed up with Israel, Hamas, the occupation, the violations of human rights and the indifference of the international community! We want to scream…” – read more below!

Contact us: [email protected]

Pls consider supporting us by taking one or more of the following actions:

1) Promoting our manifesto by sharing it on your profile on Facebook

2) Sending an email to your friends asking them to like our page FB

3) Translating the manifesto to your language and sending it to us (we have it in Arabic, Hebrew, French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Chinese, Russian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish)

4) Sending the manifesto to journalists in your country

5) Making organizations in your countries that are concerned with the Palestinian issue and/or youth rights know about our existence

6) Posting links about violation of youth’s rights in Gaza on our wall

7) Suggesting us ideas for reaching out to a greater number of people


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213 thoughts on “Gazan Youth Breaks Out

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  • Anonymous

    “Hundreds of Pakistan’s religious leaders have publicly applauded the murder of a prominent politician gunned down because of his campaign to reform the country’s blasphemy laws….”


  • technicolour

    Suhayl I think my point probably was yes, a confluence of destructive interests. Well put, on all counts. Tho now I come to think of it, criticism of GM crops seems to have a similar level of suppression in the States: reporters fired, men in black visiting farmers, scientists vilified, activists classed as eco-terrorists…

    Hmm. This Gazan Youth uprising really makes me hope.

    Btw how was big oil overruled re Iraq? French & Russian oil, yes.

  • Anonymous

    The Christian mother of five children has been sentenced to death under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Mrs Bibi has been held in prison since June last year. Some women working in the fields ?” all Muslims ?” refused to drink water brought by her which they claimed was therefore “unclean” because of her Chritian faith, sparking a row. The police were under pressure from this Muslim mob, including clerics, asking for her to be killed. So after the police saved her life they then registered a blasphemy case against her. She has been held in isolation for more than a year before being sentenced to death on Monday. Ali Hasan Dayan, of Human Rights Watch, said the blasphemy laws were out of step with rights guaranteed under Pakistan’s constitution and should be repealed. “It’s an obscene law,” he said. “Essentially the blasphemy law is used as a tool of persecution and to settle other scores that are nothing to do with religion. “The trial was clear,” he said. “She was innocent and did not say those words.” Earlier this year, Pakistan’s internet service providers were ordered to block Facebook to prevent access to supposedly blasphemous images.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Anonymous poster, yesterday, I posted details relating to the horrendous assassination of Salmaan Taseer, Governor of Punjab, Pakistan, over on the ‘Schipol’ thread. I didn’t post it here because it was a different subject (i.e. not Palestine-Israel), though I think there are thematic linkages, of course, i.e. Islamic fundamentalism, etc. I agree with you on this. It’s shameful.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    There’s more on this area.

    GM crops: yes, nuclear, oil, etc. they all intimidate (and worse). But if you were to write an article in the USA, in, say, the New York Times, criticisng GM crops, you would not necessarily be committing professional suicide. If you did the same with Israel, chances are, you would.

  • glenn

    Israel said it would keep Gaza near collapse, according to a wikileak document

    “As part of their overall embargo plan against Gaza, Israeli officials have confirmed to (U.S. embassy economic officers) on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge,” one of the cables read.

    Perhaps some cables not entirely flattering to Israel are in the bundle to be released after all.

  • Chris


    please be careful with the moderation, otherwise this will just become another echo chamber that is of no use whatsoever.

    Sometimes people like Tony Opmoc are a much needed antidote (I enjoy Tony’s posts!!) and even the trolls can be fun…. We just need to stop feeding them. It may be counter productive to force them back under bridges.

  • Anonymous

    “I enjoy Tony’s posts!!”

    In that case it’s hard to say whose judgment is worse, yours or his, and at least he has the “excuse” of being drunk. What’s yours? Frazer has had the sense to repent having encouraged his narcissistic double spaced spamming of this blog in the past. Tsopmoc does more to undermine Craig’s credibility than all the Foreign Office smears put together.

  • Steelback

    Harbinger has Alan Watt talking re- A.J.Hill here:

    Aside from the Hill material the piece is remarkable for its being a confessional like Coleridge’s Dejection :An Ode with the emotional storms of recent marriage breakdown replacing the natural ones in Coleridge’s poem.

    It’s a blogger at the end of his tether and on the point of jacking it in. Over Christmas he discovered his sister wanted him committed.

    After reading many of you will probably agree with his sister!

    Maybe we could put in the same padded cell as A.J.Hill?

  • technicolour

    (not much more off topic than discussion of tony-opmoc) suhayl, that NY times piece simply not true here:

    “And by most accounts, GM crops have been an economic benefit to farmers, simplifying field maintenance and reducing the number of hands needed for weeding.”

    Look at this if at all interested:

    Includes the facts that “in the USA two pest species (unnamed) have already become resistant to Bt crops; that nine weed species have become resistant to glyphosate, that use of glyphosate is increasing; and that “HR (herbicide resistant) crops have not substantially increased yields”.

    back on topic, have emailed Gazan Youth; their facebook page seems curiously – Western – however?

  • Anonymous

    “Sometimes people like Tony Opmoc are a much needed antidote”.

    Whatever Opmoc is the supposed antidote to, I’d rather have the disease, even if it was leprosy.

  • Anonymous

    One of the problems of shariah law is whether it can operate without state power. Outside shariah, I have control over myself but no-one else. Therefore my theoretical rights under shariah, are constantly being broken, by individuals, by groups and by governments, when I am not protected by shariah myself. If I had the protection of shariah, I do believe that I could submit totally to shariah law, but without it I find it virtually impossible.

    Given this situation it is understandable why Muslim leaders, like Hamas, would wish to resort to unfair pressure, modern techniques of spying communications and fierce rhetoric in order to convince Muslims of the need to keep to shariah. It is also understandable why the West would want to constantly disrupt the process of having a Muslim Khilafah or state. If Muslims cannot adhere to shariah under the pressure of their own rights being denied, perhaps they can be persuaded to regard themselves, or their leaders, or shariah , as the problem instead of the aggression of enemy powers.

    This Gazan epistle may not be genuine, but it echoes my own feelings of living in a barmy Western country that always makes the wrong decisions. For example, this society is under pressure here to mortgage their house, mortgage their education,, mortgage their car and even trivia like christmas presents. I am under pressure myself to mortgage my government imposed essential training fees, to meet the criteria just to do my not very technical job. Is it surprising therefore that I have a debt on my credit card and that the bankers are getting bonusses and the electricians can’t find any work.

    It’s asking a lot, for young Gazans to cope with apartheid and Islamic ideals at the same time. I don’t think South Africa is coping very well with the twin legacies of apartheid and African traditions of power. I hear stories of corruption and rape. When I went to Israel in 1976, the Jewish journalists who were my hosts were constantly gloating about the social problems of the Palestinians. You have to look at the extraordinary achievement of Muslim societies ability to survive enemy pressure, Afghanistan against the USSR, Kurds against Saddam or Gazans against Israel. I would forgive their youngsters a million expletives and their Hamas elected leaders a million excesses, in consideration of the extraordinary achievement of surviving Israeli, ( and European, and Russian and US ) apartheid.

    The reason I attack Zionism so frequently is primarily because it affects me when politicians buy into what is bad for the country and good for politicians’ pockets and banks. Solving the problem is easy. Say no to Zionism usury and apartheid, don’t take Faustian bribes or blackmail which forfeit your souls, like Blair. Listen to God’s helpful advice, one in a while. I’m sure the world would be a better place.

  • glenn

    Anonymous above… were you the person who interjected the kindly advice to opmoc on a regular basis (i.e. telling him to F.O.) just about every time he went on another drunken rambling session? Sorry to say, he didn’t heed the advice.

    Jon – you’re doing the right thing by deleting such worthless rubbish from this blog. As anon said above, it was even worse than the clowns and the teabaggers – it made this blog just look like a nut-house.

  • anno

    I predict that this coalition will not survive longer than two months without reaching the 50% melt-down point. It is just not humanly possible to be as stupid as the Conservatives are being, and it’s not sustainable for the Lib-Dems to prop up nonsense. The biggest obstacle to a return to New Labour is a Zionist Miliband being in charge. The people want common-sense. An end to being told of the benefits of destroying Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan. An end to borrowing from the banks. What do they get? No choice. It is not politically sustainable to go against the wishes of the electorate any more after what we have had to put up with these idiocies.

    The system cannot survive on its own lies, longer than two months.

  • glenn

    Anno: I wrote to Arsalan above at January 4, 2011 12:55 AM on this very subject. Nobody replied, perhaps because it was a very dull post, but I would appreciate your perspective, even if Arsalan never bothered to make one.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    My real points are:-

    1. There is a huge irony in the fact that the Jews have suffered much historical injustice.

    2. The very people who have a case to say that they have been treated cruelly and inhumanely – have themselves established a state and a pattern of conduct that assures that they act cruelly and inhumanely towards the Palestinian people.

    3. I posed my reference to the Pope and Stalin because the raw fact of power and its use and abuse permits the heavily armed Israel to continue with its land grabs.

    Pretty soon, if something does not turn, the idea of a Palestinian homeland will be destroyed by reason of the geographical circumstances on the ground.

    But – educate me Salim. Over to you.

  • glenn

    Anno: I wrote to Arsalan above at January 4, 2011 12:55 AM on this very subject. Nobody replied, perhaps because it was a very dull post, but I would appreciate your perspective, even if Arsalan never bothered to make one.

  • glenn

    Hey Jon – looks like there might be a slight problem with the board… delete the duplicate posts from myself and Courenay B, would you please? 🙂

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @ Craig, (in part off topic – in part not)

    This is a quotation from Putin:-

    Putin gave a pointed critique of US foreign policy and the dangers it poses to global security.

    Putin: “What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making.”

    Let’s hear on the point Criag.

  • Courtenay Barnett

    @Craig, ( this is in part off topic – in part it is not)

    Putin gave a pointed critique of US foreign policy and the dangers it poses to global security.

    Putin: “What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making.”

  • anno


    10.41 above was my reply to that post. The problem with shariah is the non-existance of its completeness because of constant bombardment by Islam’s enemies. What would be the point of putting human law over God’s law? Why not give your two year old the steering wheel of the car – to drive, not cut their teeth on?

  • Clark

    Usually when I post the site is slow to respond. Sometimes I get a “500 internal server error”. When the page is redisplayed, often my post isn’t shown, but clicking “Refresh” on the browser displays it. Posting almost always works with just one click, it just isn’t displayed immediately.

  • Clark

    Anno, I don’t believe that God’s law can be found in books. God’s laws simply can’t be broken. Men’s laws need police, courts, judges, prisons etc. You can tell whose law it is by the enforcement.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous above… were you the person who interjected the kindly advice to opmoc on a regular basis (i.e. telling him to F.O.)

    No, I don’t use language like “Eff off!” although I can understand why someone else did given the relentless stream of unconsciousness he dribbles everywhere. I just find it incredible that anyone is still encouraging his serial self-indulgences. I hadn’t realised it before, (seeing as there was no reason to suspect it), but based on another comment, it appears Tsopmoc is also under the delusion that the use of double spacing and capitalisation of every word magically transforms random drunken ramblings into poetry.

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