BBC Vomit 640

I was trying to come up with a witty and apposite acronym for BBC to describe what I have just seen on TV, but all I could manage was Beyond Belief Cunts.

Watching BBC World News here in Accra, I have just seen forty minutes of intense and non-stop Israeli propaganda. A live press conference by Netanyahu and Ehud Barak followed by a long, long interview with Mark Regev in which the most searching BBC question could fairly be paraphrased as “How can you be certain that those dastardly Palestinians will not break the ceasefire and start firing rockets again?”

No attempt whatsoever to give a Palestinian a chance to put over their viewpoint. Now fifty minutes of solid coverage around the ceasefire without a single Palestinian view or pro-Palestinian or pro-peace view. And in that entire fifty minutes not one mention of Palestinian dead.

Beyond Belief Cunts. Actually, it’s not a bad effort.

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640 thoughts on “BBC Vomit

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  • Martin

    UN Security Council resolutions telling Israel off don’t make it to existence. They get vetoed by the Otakawd ambassador.

    Totcawd being the Occupied Territory Also Known As Washington.

    That’s been the main reason anyone’s used a veto on the Security Council for the last 20-25 years.

  • Komodo

    Israel Finkelstein points to the appearance of settlements in the central hill country around 1200 as the earliest of the known settlements of the Israelites.

    ….While the general narrative of the Exodus and the conquest of the Promised Land may be remotely rooted in historical events, the figure of Moses as a leader of the Israelites in these events cannot be substantiated.[83][84][85][86] William Dever agrees with the Canaanite origin of the Israelites but allows for the possibility of some immigrants from Egypt among the early hilltop settlers, leaving open the possibility of a Moses-like figure in Transjordan ca 1250-1200

    So it really comes down to a bunch of chancers with obscure origins being thrown out of Egypt, with no prior claim to Canaan, (and who essentially stole the language as well as the country) or to the Jews simply being a subset of the original Canaanites, the rest of whose descendants have as much right to the land as the Jews.

  • Mary

    Right. Shut down the PCC. Create a ‘new body’. Put it under the control of Ofcom. Brilliant stuff. Nothing changes.

    The Ofcom Board

    PS I did not hear any outright condemnation of Cameron and Bliar for their close connections to Rebekah and co. *unt was given a clean bill of health ref his sacked spad and the Murdoch’s Mr Michel on the BSky bid.

    My cynicism factor rises yet one more point.

  • Komodo

    Another boundary shot, Mary. Straight into the long grass. But looking at the batsmen, did you ever doubt that that was where it would go?

    I’m unclear as to how Ofcom will be able to investigate, let alone bring to book, the corrupt relationships existing between politicians and the upper levels of media management. So that’s ok. Job done, Scameron.

  • Mary

    Cameron about to reply on the Leveson report. He has tweeted that he will ‘give a clear sense of direction’. That’ll be a first then.

  • Komodo

    I think we need to distinguish between “sense of direction” and “direction”, Mary. And are we talking about direction in Euclidian space, or direction as in “board of directors?” So many questions. So many elected representatives incapable of answering them.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    It is nice to see clear evidence of a petition’s success.

    Komodo; Evidence of Israeli spies peppers the History of the US, but as you’ve said, the whirling dervish happened onto their joyful celebration, rather than engineered. Not that they don’t remain execrable assholes. Just a heuristic leap, based on what I’ve seen and surmised.

  • Anon


    Well certainly that’s the claim – that they just were in the right place at the right time and were able to film the destruction and celebrate the deaths of thousands just by “good luck”.

    Now I highly doubt they personally would have had any detailed advance knowledge but might they (or more likely whoever was responsible for their location on 9/11) have heard some “chatter” that it would be worth being prepared for some spectacular footage?

    Of course it it went above the level of maybe having heard a whisper and then doing doing nothing to prevent it…

  • Anon

    And the company the Israelis worked for? “Urban MOving SyStems IncorporAteD”. Wonder if whoever thought up the name finds it quite so amusing now?

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Regarding the historical record about Moses, outside the Scriptures; The surrounding Nations had little record, other than oral tradition. The Assyrians and Babylonians kept records, but had our current Media’s tendency toward self-serving memory. They often exaggerated their accomplishments, while ignoring failure. There seems to be controversy about the existence of Jesus, as well, but Tacitus and Pllny the Younger make reference when record keeping was more common, and historical accuracy became popular to Greek and Roman culture.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)


    My 11:32 on al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi inconsistency of putting on watchlist 20 months after identifying their activity, has me more concerned about CIA foreknowledge, than Israeli. I think Mossad was given license to operate with impunity (they even warned of plans earlier than CIA/FBI watchlist) but to no apparent avail) Incompetence, or strategic tactic? I’m afraid we’ll never know, just as we don’t have secular proof of Moses existence.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Nice acronym, Anon. It would seem rather foolish for covert ops to display themselves, so publicly, and overtaken with joy, while making reference to Palestinians as the problem, rather than Al Qaeda.

  • Anon


    Simply arrogance on their part?

    It should be said though that Churchill was overjoyed when he heard of the attack on Pearl Harbour as it would bring the US into the war.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    It’s as though we’re in an interactive Cosmic Video platform, all our moves made in conjunction with a players’ joystick.

  • Dreoilin

    “….While the general narrative of the Exodus and the conquest of the Promised Land may be remotely rooted in historical events”

    Shlomo Sand says there was no “Exodus”. He told us that he examined every book and every text in the Jewish History library in the University and he could find no reference to it, anywhere. He says it’s a myth. (From memory – I was at his lecture in Cork)

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    The Leaders of Hamas are not stupid. They know Israel is here to stay. If simply stating ‘Israel has a right to exist, just as we have a right to exist’ would move toward UN recognition, why not just say it? This seems to be a silly thing from both sides, which does not move the needle.

  • nevermind

    isn’t that something. feeling unable to disagree with Cameron on student fees, Trident, cuts to most services, NHS privatisation, Clogg has chosen this issue to distance himself from the flaky coalition, knowing full well that whatever might come from laws in future, will come after the next election.

    To be honest there is not much to be done, now but a full fledged tax boycott, and, sticking to the theme of the thread, a boycott of the once again bullish buggering cretins, by license fee payers, until they have opened they have been investigated by an Independent body and the truth has come out, its no good just picking at dead people and the obvious candidates, whilst pretending that that is enough.

    Those police officers who have acted above the law and have brought it into disrepute, the judges that have colluded, the CPS that did not see ‘grounds for [prosecutions’ and our Mi’s should all be investigated.

    But they won’t and therefore, the operatives of the state have clearly shown to be disreputable and lawless, why should anybody still believe in them. They need dragging to the schafott.

  • Duncan McFarlane

    Ben – there are a couple of reasons. First is that recognition of Israel is about the only card Palestinians have in negotiations. If they give it up before they even begin, they have no cards to play.

    Second, Israeli governments are trying to get recognition for whatever borders and resources they have now – which includes all the land they occupied after the 1967 war and most of the West Bank, plus 80% of its water supplies. So no Palestinian government will recognise Israel’s right to exist on whatever borders it wants to take, as that would mean no right to exist for any viable Palestinian state.

    As many Israelis, including former Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami, have pointed out, recognition comes at the end of peace negotiations, not the start of them.

    Israeli Professor Yossi Alpher says there was no Israeli demand for recognition before negotiations with Egypt or Jordan began – and if there had been, there’d never have been any peace deal with either.

    Shlomo Gazit, former head of Israel’s Shin Bet internal intelligence agency says the pre-condition is “ridiculous” or “an excuse not to negotiate”

    Efraim Halevy, former head of Mossad, also says the recognition of right to exist pre-condition should be dropped and Israel should negotiate with Hamas

    The IRA didn’t accept Northern Ireland’s right to remain part of the UK unless a majority of it’s population voted to become part of Ireland instead – but once negotiations began they accepted it and now only the tiny ‘Real IRA’ splinter group still refuses to

  • macky

    Taking of Israeli myths,I lifted this from the Net sometime back;

    “One of the most celebrated events in the modern Israeli national conscience, is widely regarded as little more than a myth itself by many historians, as there is only one single original source for this, namely the pro-Roman Jewish traitor Josephus, who actually wrote this account in order to show how barbarously fanatic his fellow Jews were. There is no other collaborating account in any historical or religious Jewish records, which is very suspect for such a supposedly important event. Further, pig bones have also been discovered by Archaeologists in the kitchen areas, the eating of which is prohibited by Judaism, as indeed is committing suicide itself.”

    I wonder how much is accurate, and if so, what how do Israelis reponds ?

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)


    I can see that. But they are doing an end-run around the principle players in their quest @ UN.

    They’ve already pressured some Nations (Austrailia, for one) to abstain. I think this is a different situation.

  • Mary

    This Palestinian lady is very fluent in English and is the PA representative to the EU. Listen to the haranguing she got from Justin Webb the ex US BBC type. She did not get a free run. Talk about disrupting her.

    Without any doubt, Webb was speaking for the Israel and the US position Dore Gold former Israeli ambassador to the UN did get pretty much of a free go and was fed the right questions. 1hr 49mins in

    I sincerely hope the Palestinians get what they are seeking tonight.

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